Why Foreigners Move To Korea

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you mentioned that you actually like have no interest in staying in America why is that um America doesn't offer as much of the benefit that I experien like even just in those couple months being here I always like had an interesting career and I thought you know what one year of like just going to Korea would be great and here I am 3 and 1 half years later married with a dog America is a wonderful place and we're not here to escape we're just here to expand I would say career is my best assignment I do plan on being out here for a long time where you from I'm from Springfield Illinois in America how long have you been in Korea uh a little over 2 years I'm from tupo Mississippi I am from uh Armenia I've been in Korea for 6 years now I'm from Russia how long have you been in Korea uh now it's already 6 months I'm from United States Minnesota I've been to Korea for about a year or 3 months I'm from Russia but I'm Armenian my parents are Armenian but I lived in Russia I moved to Korea in August 2021 I think it's been almost 3 years uh I'm from United States Minnesota I've only been in Korea for two months now I'm from Nigeria I'm from El Paso Texas so my parents are from Turkey but I was born and bred in London I've been living in Korea for 3 and a half years now coming up to four in October why did you decide to come to Korea if I'm honest I was a bit like at a loss like I got because of Corona in the UK you get fured so the government gives you your government company gives you a little bit of money to basically fire you but yeah like made make you redundant like they have to let go of people so I think I got about 5,000 5,000 so that was quite a lot of money and um I always like had an interes in career and I thought you know what one year of like just going to Career would be great and literally one year and leave and here I am three and a half years later she has not left yeah married married married with a dog well I was really interested ever since I did a a semester abroad in college in visiting a country that was very different from the US but I already had some interest in the like pop mainstream culture so I visited and I really had a good experience um during my couple months here and I had no interest in staying in America so I said let's try to actually make a life here you mentioned that you actually like have no interest in staying in America why is that among all the countries in the world where we're experiencing a lot of the same issues like income inequality the cost of living going up um America doesn't offer as much of the benefit that I experienced like even just in those couple months being here main things being things like safety and uh I think a slightly healthier democracy and more Public Services being offered to um the populace which was something that really struck me and actually personally matters to me a lot so I wanted to see what it was like to live in a country that seem to offer more of those core things I prioritize oh wow we're in Korea to try to find a better life we live the burgeoning entertainment business here uh the media complex we know that Netflix is buying up a whole bunch of like Korean episodes Korean shows and we got super excited about that because we're both kind of in the entertainment uh field there was some rich opportunities down here that we kind of wanted to check out but going back to like your question um I would say honestly there's plenty of opportunities in California there's plenty of of opportunities in America America is a wonderful place and we're not here to escape we're just here to expand so I'm originally from Taiwan and I moved to America like California around when I was 11 or 12 so I have lived in California for about 20 years now like two decades trying not to reveal my age here but I have seen enough and I feel like I learned enough about being in America I wanted something new I want to a change I want to experience like learning a different culture and I have told him that too like I do want to raise my kid in a place where you can meet multiple like different cultural PE type people speaking different languages that's why we even thought about Europe to begin with I thought about Switzerland actually but that was a bit harder to get into compared to Sweden then when we got to Sweden it's like okay this is not for us and we started thinking like you know what maybe Korea I love skincare so personally I'm very excited to be here that mean like you have an amazing skin by the way thank you so much that's so sweet thank you I don't know I just like the language when I first saw like K drama I was really into learning Korean and then somehow I came here to study uh like for my Master's Degree and then I started working uh in K Beauty brand and now I work here like for four years out of six how were you able to like make that move from your country to Korea it was not so easy because I wasn't a student of linguistics I was studying arts and for Arts when you're studying Arts you don't have much uh you know scholarships for art students so I basically I participated in Korean speaking competition and the university just picked me and they offered me a scholarship so I came to Korea and I studied uh in city called chonu and then I moved to soul for work actually started back then in 2017 when I first saw BTS like that was the thing then I started working for Korean Embassy in Russia and yeah yeah it's been like I I worked for them for three years three years and a half and then I was like I I just got to move to Korea like I I can do it now so I I could speak like some Korean and yeah this is why yeah my journey started from BTS and then it was my work and then we're here in Korea how were you able to like work for the Korean Embassy back home I just got the opportunity to work there and but I didn't speak like any Korean not a single word my major was it was English and Chinese actually so this is why I was like okay I at least can speak English and I'm very interested in Korean culture I can do it just please hire me and then yes yes I I could do it and I think it was just all because my passion and I just love the culture and could understand them that was the thing I guess and do you see yourself like living in Korea long term now as I'm doing here in my business I have a language school so it's like basically my my work is it is a remote work and I can work here so and as I I mentioned I love living in Korea like the culture and the food and everything here and the weather so I think yes I think like at least for maybe like three or five years maybe I can see myself here in Korea I don't know what what's going to be next but now it's Korea military orders I've been to a lot of countries I've been to 30 countries I would say Korea is in my top three um and it's been the best place that I've live so far I love the fashion like for example like you meet people like like you like the man behind the camera that you're amazing yeah that I can bun with um you don't really get that and Germany and England and stuff like that people aren't the same they don't have the same Aesthetics that I like being around I would say career is my best assignment I do plan on being out here for a long time and just continue to grow I do Mission work I work for God and myself what brought you to Korea I heard about a beautiful Nation called Korea one of my friends asked me to come around and see how things happen here so I decided to come around and see how beautiful it is and when I saw how good it is and how warm the people are very hospitable so I decided to stay so like how long have you been in Korea oh I've been here for more than 4 years call it 4 years and 6 months now and how has your time been out here so far oh it's been good honestly it is true that you don't expect Perfection everywhere you know it's normal in every nation you have little things and you have big big things you know but honestly it's been much much better than it's been unaccept it's been more acceptable than unacceptable so I love it here already two years ago I just started watching Korean dramas and I fell in love with aesthetic like the beautiful cinematics and like Beautiful People stylish so yeah that's why I was like oh I really wondered to visit this country do you see yourself living in Korea long term yeah for sure because even of course being immigrant in any country I guess it's kind of really difficult but for nowadays I still see a lot of advantages of living here so yeah there's like my dream to stay in Korea as long as possible do you see yourself settling down in Korea um no no I do not I mean it's a be it's a beautiful country but uh no I'm I'm actually going to be going to Japan next year so I think I'm going to fall in love with Japan I I I haven't traveled much I'm only 23 so I need to experience a lot of the world still left so maybe one day might be like hey I miss Korea a lot more than what I thought I would well before I came here uh I actually didn't know much about Korea but and I wanted to leave America for a while so I did a lot of research on places to go and um Asia I wanted to definitely want to go to Asia and Korea was the best option for me just I heard it's very safe here and transportation is good so I landed on Korea and came here is there like a Korean culture type of thing going on back home I know my sister in her school she's part of this uh K-pop Club so just the music and the shows is very popular and trendy in America right now so it seem like a lot of people are trying to come here now I've decided to like fully move to Korea um the reason is because like when I came out here the economy was like a lot better um a lot less crime and very nice and kind genuine people and I love the scenery out here I love The Vibes out here and I really love like connecting with people out here so I decided I want to stay a lot longer than just a regular vacation what is life like you know just out here compared to you know like back home although like you've just been here for like 2 months well there's a lot more to do I feel like and there's a lot more opportunity because for me I'm a musician so I feel like there's a lot more people to like work with and connect with and I feel like my talent is more appreciated and I feel like that it's overall just a better experience you say like you're a musician like what type of music do you make I make like kind of like melodic hip-hop kind of music um yeah but it's been really interesting because I thought my kind of music uh people wouldn't like it out here but there's surprisingly like a lot of people out here that like like that genre of music how long did see yourself living in career I'd say at minimum at least a few years but I'll have to see how it goes you know I want to travel more as well so we'll see so what you say you know like just coming out here to Korea like has been the best decision like you've ever made Jun has been the best decision and my dog has been the best decision it has been the best decision of my life cuz if I didn't I wouldn't have met my husband I wouldn't have had my baby Spurs my dog and and I wouldn't have had the mindset I have now and like the way I FL I flourished and my my way of thinking has changed completely so I definitely think like I'm thankful that I made that step and there were loads of hardships but I learned a lot what is one advice you'd give to other foreigners that would like to come out of Korea I would definitely say don't expect things to go easy or don't expect things to go your way or like be responsible for yourself and don't put yourself in like victim mindset like take responsibility for everything stop pitying yourself if something's gone wrong just be like okay I made a mistake here we can change that for the next time and even if you haven't made a mistake then there's things that you can do differently so don't give up like at the first thing that goes wrong stay and fight for it and you know like things will go right eventually but you shouldn't give up if you want to stay yeah if you want want something to work don't give up thank you for ATT today thank you so much
Channel: K Explorer
Views: 96,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: street interview, south korea, living in korea
Id: 0SiYpa5mG4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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