Why Fighters Date Hot Girls

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it is an indisputable fact that women dislike weak men so I want to make the slightly controversial recommendation that as a man you should learn how to fight so you probably know me as a dating coach and that's completely accurate but I also have done a bit of fighting over the years and I can tell you that of all the things you can do outside of game that will make you attractive to women fighting is one of the absolute best and I'm going to show you why in this video now I'm not about to start this video off by telling you I fought in the oon extensively and these hands are registered as lethal weapons or some [ __ ] like that okay but I have done some fighting in my life specifically I've done about a year and a half of kaga about 6 months of boxing and cumulatively about a year of Brazilian jiu-jitsu so I've done a bit I'm not an expert by any means but I can tell you even at the amount that I've done it's had a dramatically positive impact on my life and also my abilities and my attractiveness to women and I want the same for you so I'm going to outline for you exactly why fighting is attractive to women and also good for your life by the end of this hopefully I have you suiting up ready to go get sparring so let's get into it you may have noticed that Fighters seem to have hot girlfriends well that's not a coincidence if you think of Attraction as a reflection of the ability to survive and replicate while fighting historically throughout the entire animal kingdom is a part of that as an animal if you can't fight you either die to a predator or you die a virgin it's not that different with human beings yes we live in a pretty safe environment and you can make you know your money sitting a computer and you can live a comfortable life however the human brain did not evolve in the 21st century it evolved in a dangerous ass environment where you had to worry about your day-to-day survival and that is why women gravitate towards strong men who can win a fight and that is why women lined up to Roman gladiators this is a lengthy historical precedent of the biggest baddest mother being attractive to women and the human brain still lives in that world to a certain extent the first very obvious reason why learning to fight will help you with women is simply fitness women like guys who are in shape right having some muscles having a lower body fat having better posture all of that will make you more attractive to women and yes you can get that by just going to the gym however you will get it just as well or better by adding fighting or even just doing fighting and cross trainining in order to be better at fighting and for me personally I actually find that I get fitter and I get fit faster when I'm working for something right it's hard for me personally to motivate myself to lift just to lift however when I'm lifting cuz I don't want to get my ass kicked next week and I'm lifting cuz I want to beat the [ __ ] out of the guy who beat the [ __ ] out of me last week it's a much better motivation to actually do it and I can say from personal experience since I restarted training BJJ I started out a little bit pudgy and I've lost 15 PBS gained muscle and lifting more Etc so it's been very useful to me in that category and it will be that for you as well the next major reason why you should learn to fight has to do with assertiveness most normal people are terrified of getting in a fight and will do almost anything to avoid getting in into one in fact they'll do a lot to avoid getting into situations that they imagine they might be able to imagine in their wildest fantasy might lead to a fight and there are a lot of men who are intimidated to talk to a girl because they're worried about a fight they're worried that some guy will come in and whight them and clock them over the head or they're worried that she'll have a boyfriend somewhere and the confrontation whatever okay now first of all I'll tell you that if that ever did happen it's very easy to say sorry I didn't know she was a girlfriend have a nice night you look great together I'm leaving so first of all you don't have to be that worried about that fight but secondly if you knew that even in the case of that fight you could hold your own and not get your ass kicked for 30 seconds while we waited for a balancer to get there you'd be a lot more confident never mind if you had the confidence that you knew if the guy stepped to you could completely handle him okay that ability to be assertive and that ability to know that you don't need to back down at the slightest hint of a confrontation is absolutely powerful and actually ironically that assertiveness may keep you out of fights usually the type of guys that are going to want to fight you they're not looking for someone strong and confident to fight they're looking for weakness to fight there's a reason why bullies don't pick on people who look like they can fight and want to fight they pick on people who look weak and look like they'll back down quickly so ironically looking like you can fight and having that assertiveness about you may actually prevent you from needing to fight and aside from the assertiveness to put yourself into situations there's also the Swagger you have just walking around knowing you can handle yourself which of course is attractive to women as well the next reason you should learn to fight not just for success with women but honestly for success sucess in life as well is that there's a certain mentality that comes with being in tough situations like fighting there's a certain strength that comes from knowing you've been in a tough uncomfortable situation and you've come out the other side okay it makes a lot of the other things that may happen to in your life not as big of a deal it helps you handling stress it helps you handling difficult situations it will make you a better leader and a stronger human being on top of which when you're fighting especially sparring you have to be in the moment if you start thinking about what happened 5 seconds ago or what's going to happen 10 seconds from now while sparring you're going to get thrown on your ass and these two things combin to create an attitude that I think is very powerful for your success in life it gives you the confidence to know that you can handle and get through tough things and the confidence to take them step by step because you've handled other tough things in the past it also allows you to truly focus and it really turns down the volume on whatever other stressful things may have been going on in your life you see psychologically when you get in a fight even if it's a sparring match and even if you know it's safe your Primal Instinct thinks that if I lose this I'm dead and that makes that a peak experience for you that makes that a critical moment in your day and a focus of your day and then compared to that some guy cutting you off in traffic or your boss yelling at you or your girlfriend having a little bit of attitude that's muted in comparison you can really take a breath handle it calmly clearly and much better than you could handle it when that was the biggest stress in your day the next major reason you should learn to fight which I alluded to at the top of this video is women dig it if they know that you are strong can handle yourself can take care of them and keep them and possibly their offspring safe and or if you could have done it on the savanas of Africa or in the coliseums of Rome if they know that if they feel that off of you they are going to feel safer around you they're going to feel more attracted to you it is a primal thing it does come from our Evolution and it is undeniable final reason you absolutely should learn how to fight is if you ever are forced into a fighting situation and honest to God real world dangerous situation you're going to look back on this video and thank me for saving your Life by getting you into learning to fight I know that sounds like hyperbole but the fact of the matter is fights are dangerous things people die people are disfigured people are permanently injured you don't want that to happen to you and that's actually why you should avoid a fight if you possibly can but if you are forced to fight you better damn well win it and I do want to emphasize that point it is called self-defense not go and attack someone for a reason you don't want to become an [ __ ] and go get into fights it's not a smart life strategy for a lot of reasons not someone you want to become come but you do want to know how to defend yourself and your loved ones to highlight the importance of all these let's just look at it in the negative if you didn't have all these traits what would that make you that would make you weak unassertive lacky and sagger Scatter brains and unable to protect yourself obviously a girl is not attracted to that now if you are the type of guy who needs this video the most and needs to implement some sort of fighting into their life more than any other you're probably also the type of guy who's a little bit scared to take that first step and a little bit scared to do anything fight related and for that I would give you this advice number one just go check out the options do a Google search find out the different self-defense options in your area and go visit them any good fighting gym will be more than happy to have you come watch a class often times they'll even give you a class or two for free so you can check it out most of the time they will have a progression where if you don't know what you're doing you can start out you can learn the skills and you're not forced to spar right away you're able to get your feet under you you're able to learn a little bit you're able to get comfortable and then once you're ready for it you'll step up to the next level people who know fighting understand that fighting is dangerous and fighting can be scary and they will help you along to a certain extent and then there will come a time when you can't wait to get in the ring or test your skills and that is a beautiful moment and speaking of scary things one of the biggest hurdles to getting started in game is approach anxiety which is what essentially fear fear of rejection fear of the unknown whatever well I will tell you when it comes to this particular fear approaching anxiety if you've done other scary things in your life like go try and fight that your achievements in those scary areas will make it so much easier to have an achievement in this other potentially scary area there's a reason why for thousands of years fighting and knowing how to fight has been considered not only a manly trait but even an essential part of being a man now we do live in a much safer world nowadays but that doesn't mean that women are not still attracted to strong men and it doesn't mean that you can't derive tremendous benefits from learning how to fight yes you could get through your life without learning this but you'd be leaving on the table so many amazing things that could make your life so much better so please go out there learn how to fight it's a tremendous part of being a man that will make you a stronger better human being I promise you
Channel: Todd V Dating
Views: 25,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bxPnlC1rEqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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