Why Expats Are So Happy in Prague & Buddhism and Hinduism Teachings | The Movement Hub

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what positively impacted on it is also I think what I like about hair compared to the UK I find it more beneficial for my mental health because doing here actually impacted me in a positive way because third factor that you could have for your mental health here is uh you have any ways to cope with it any methods uh since I'm from India I have a guru so I he has taught me to understand and also one thing that's a recommendation that my therapist gave me this uh yeah my my channel how I can also recharge my batteries this will definitely help your emotional health in the long run and do you yourself have a personal definition of Happiness what does it mean to be happy for you yeah absolutely for me happiness is ah for me happy it's perhaps also you as a psychotherapist can also um say some stuff that you learn with your clients [Music] how would you say living in Prague impacts your mental health and what factors would you say contribute to that well um living here actually impacted me in a positive way because I'm uh really I wouldn't say like rebellious but I'm someone who likes to do basically things that I want you know I don't want people to come and just judge me or just interrupt me what I'm doing I want to do whatever I want and in certain countries you cannot do that and for example in Prague I think you can do that if you're gay for example you can just like hold your husband or your boyfriend's hand you can just like walk on the street nobody will say anything to you I don't know if you're a couple you can kiss like your girlfriend and I know there are some countries or societies that would just you know react to that but here it's fine for me it's been a positive Improvement on my mental health after I mood here because there are few reasons because uh one thing I like I mentioned it's uh it's a caling presence for me where I am from uh from my culture it's a chaotic culture more now it's more of a easygoing culture so I like the cultural change here what it had calming presence of my mind on my mind the other thing is that uh I was able to establish a better career here and the work life balance here is very good compared to where I'm coming from so this also helped me to get a lot of me time so I was able to do a lot of things for my mental health and my well-being uh but in general it's not easy to find a English speaking counselor or you know psychologist here and uh even psychologist is not covered much by only half the price is covered by your insurance so you'll have to pay from your own pocket uh so these are the I would say challenges if you think and compared with arent living in Argentina would you say that living here had a more positive or rather negative a lot positive because the the the the upsides are a lot more than the downsides um again not only because this place like an absolute Beauty but um the stuff that I mentioned before security having stability uh just being able to you know just walk on the street and feeling safe um knowing that you're not going to have major economical issues so have being able to have that stable life gives you a peace of mind that's so big that yeah it just makes again and and this is my own experience I know that people it's all a matter of every decision has its own cost we all have to assess on whether we are willing to pay for it or not uh I know people that moved from Argentina to prag Belgium Germany Spain um and yes they they had all these gains as far as economic you don't have the political issue as big as in Argentina you don't have the strikes you don't have security issues but for them um missing their families was overcoming all that like peace of mind that they were getting by feeling safe on the street and they ended up going back home I think what I like about here compared to the UK I find it more beneficial for my mental health because there's so many parks like in the summer people like you go out drinking in the park or and it's all different ages everything and you can take your dogs and everything so and also it doesn't cost a lot of money to do things so um it means that you can have like an active life taking interest in stuff and being outside of your own head oh good goodness me it's more beneficial way more beneficial than the UK like I don't know how anyone's still alive in the UK why you think that is in the UK um oh I can only comment on my own experience so I don't I think the prices are way too high for or if in the jobs that I would have been in the prices are just way too high to be able to afford a life to be able to go out um if you know here I don't have that much money but I can go to restaurants with my friends I can go see lots of different gigs and also like I don't have to pay for Trans oh it's like1 pound for One Transport card for the whole year so it's like compared to get a train in the UK to do things it's just way more expensive I think yeah so here I find more beneficial like that I would say that since I moved here I felt a lot more relaxed and whatsoever I think that uh what positively impacted on it is also the work life balance because I I would say it's at least better than the work life balance that you can find in Italy uh um but I would say that here in Prague is kind of easy to adjust of course there are struggles but there are struggles to move everywhere else in my opinion like you know finding an apartment can give you anxiety of course or cost of living it's also another big topic but I would say uh as I said before there are so many experts so it's kind of easy to get connected with other people it's a struggle to get to know checks but still you don't necessarily need it like to survive and also you don't necessarily need to speak the language straight away to like just do your you know do your thing and just live your daily life so I would say that overall um Prague has had a positive impact of on my mental health I would say how would you say living in Prague impacts your mental health and what factors would you say contribute to that oh PR is a very good place for that for me personally it was a good choice coming here because I lived in Berlin before I was not surrounded by Nature that much I spent most of the time in buildings and on streets but prag is luckily surrounded by a brilliant and beautiful nature and even within the city you can find a loot of hills and parks and you don't need to go hours by car or by train you can just stay in a city and you easily reach great areas you can even go hiking so easily you don't even need to have a car so I think this definitely contributes to that so for me personally I enjoy going hiking with friends and spending a lot of time there mental health is a topic here but uh I think they don't even need to discuss it it's just into their mindset this is something what is very special and what I love very much about the Czech society and the people here because for them it's completely normal to go into the woods and collecting mushrooms this is another national sport here it's it sounds funny but it's so helpful in healing I would say and otherwise they go hiking they go for a walk they go for walks for longer walks six seven hours is nothing for them seriously I'm not kidding and they also like very much um going on a boat you can take a canu or the kayak and it's it's brilliant for them so I also know lots of groups organizing these kind of events and than 20 30 people together they're going on boats I mean this is still something what I love to do what I just know from from Germany but uh I I think they do a lot for that but I think it's not that much supported by the health insurance for instance so you can find a person a therapist if you need some professional support but for my knowledge it's not supported um that easily by the insurance so you have to to pay for that privately and who can afford that I mean the the salary is is usually a bit less than the European average uh and so you think basically twice if you pay a therapist for that or not mainly for me it's to be uh isolated uh by the fact that I don't speak the language and on my mental H for example there's plenty of time where I was really missing to be in my place you know just after walk stop and just say hi to a friend have a beer with him and here again if you don't speak check it's it's quite impossible and I true that there were some moment where it was really really hard uh I really get not depressed in a bad way but really feeling bad because of so fact that I was isolated uh with the language so compared to living in France you would say a little bit of a negative impact on yeah compare to living in France but after I'm talking like a foreigner in France I will speak French so it's easy when you don't speak language and is way if you want to move somewhere you have to some somehow to speak the language of the country where you are you want to start your life otherwise it will be always a pain for you depends on the individual if you are receiving already therapy or not even if you're doing theater let's say or some form of art so you can express yourself prag would be helpful for you because you can find literally many Arts that that you can be involved in we have some uh some centers that they are doing that they are offering I believe even free mental health so if you have some issues or maybe you came inside Co and you needed some help uh they would help you out one of them is Prague integration I believe Amanda is running it amazing people if you need sun don't come it's a problem one of the factors could be that you can uh only rely to the expert communities because it's going to be because you're going to need time to form a deeper relationship sh with with the checks another Factor could be money if you don't have let's say h a high skill level that you can earn money fast that could be an issue for your mental health if you don't care and you want to live with 22 people in a flat sure you can do that but uh let's close this parenthesis that that's one other Factor third factor that you could have for your mental health here [Music] is addiction yes uh because of the culture and because of all this uh beer thingy that the checks have we have a lot of trouble with alcoholism and uh so if you have an issue with that you should be careful unless you want to face it so probably Prague is a very good destination for you you're going to find very good beer for only € two man beware I believe that this is a destination for exploration let let's say as a pit stop not necessarily something for a long term yeah unless you don't have anywhere else to go so sure if you want to become a tech citizen five years yeah the first thing to consider is when you move here you might not know anybody and you might not speak the language which was the case for me although I knew one person uh she wasn't exactly you know the person that I could go to and nor she should be you should always take responsibility for yourself especially when coming to a new country and a new culture so the first day you he right away you should start trying to speak the language start learning the language start talking to people and start socializing as soon as possible this will improve your mental health because humans we're we're pack animals we need to we need to be with other people to be happy and so if you start doing this right away you're going to find happiness in the long run how would you say living in Prague impacts your mental health and what factors would you say contribute to that perhaps also you as a psychotherapist can also um say some stuff that you learned with your clients actually after after talking with almost 4 nationalities as a clients that they came to the office and they had session therapy sessions and they were from different cultures Nations religions I could see and even also it is my view that one of the most important factor going to be homesickness so what is the meaning of being at home so you're going to deal with that when you enter a new country but this is home can I call it home and how can I deal with that in a long term yeah I also face that and based on my experience different other other people also another Factor can be how your self confident how the society uh and your position can impact your self-confidence it is another Factor how they can impact your identity as a person that you bring your culture and background into other countries so these different variables can contribute to your mental health here and the system also in my view it is not that much progress that I mean in the meaning of support mental health is not that much supportive for example I always faced clients who want to book the time with the psychiatrist but it it can take long time there's a a long time booking time to visit a psychiatrist and also it is not that much easy that people uh go to Psycho psychologist or psychotherapist and um insurance cover it it is not that much progressed um mental health system for supporting maybe specifically expat also there are something and it is really growing up also and you personally how would you say living here has impacted you more in a positive or rather negative way compared to living any actually I can say there's a balance in my case it could not impact me that much because So based on my job experience and it is a long time that I'm uh working as a therapist so I I I could make myself ready to face some some more challenges I can say in my case it could not impact me negatively but a lot of positive impacts I can say specifically when I could start talking with people in another language and even dealing with their problems as a Easter person if so to say dealing with Western problem so it could impact me much more positive than negative and maybe once when you have a not so good day not so good week maybe feel a bit more down do you have any ways to cope with it any methods uh since I'm from India and uh we are taught about uban shirs uh adua or Buddhism so we kind of try to understand or at least I try to understand I have a guru so I he has taught me to understand when when any kind of emotion comes try to understand why why it is try to understand the cause and start asking questions why you are feeling that way even even simple things like what you're doing this need to be introspected to really understand yourself so this is the question of open like who am I so I have my own technique that I developed from India to understand why I am feeling if I feeling bad why I'm feeling it if I'm feeling angry why I'm feeling it so trying to understand and it's the first steps of uh understanding you and understanding your well-being and this actually helps a lot these techniques so after understanding and you ask yourself these questions do you also take a step two to do action or only step one enough uh Step One is the first process second process is it's is it coming from your body because sometime it's your body's need reflected on your mind sometimes uh it's your mind trying to trick you so either way you need to understand that this is your mind ultimately it's your mind and it's uh mind is not not your friend so try to understand it's with your intelligence try to understand the mind then make it not not so serious okay the thought not so serious so let the thoughts be there but not make it too serious don't treat it as a big thing of course we all have like some bad days and bad weeks uh for example if I want to clear my head I would go for like a walk um it's a really like long river and you can just be near the river almost every spot in Prague you can pretty much just enjoy the courses because they're like courses and for like different things if you want to do some like acting if you're feeling sad you can just go and take like an improvising course for like acting on stage I don't know you can sing dance those kind of stuff I think like Hobbies of people I say yeah so these are things that I would probably do to cope I really believe in have some specific routine for yourself for example I regular regularly go to gym I really like that I go to Sona most of the time I really like that I I never like a quit it and I I love cooking also most of the time I I cook for myself I I like reading and writing is also another habit for me when the weather is not that much good I just can go to a cafe and just read write maybe meeting some friends for me I can deal with that in this way and I can can suggest to you also that makes some routine for yourself so the weather cannot impact you that much if you are struggling with your mental health or you are simply looking to become a happier person we a team of experienced psychologists created the comprehensive guideline to improve your mental health you can choose from a list of evidence-based techniques based on cognitive behavior therapy and tailored to your current level uh if I don't feel at my best either I stay in watch a movie cook myself something nice or I just go out and meet friends and talk about my problems but I mean I don't know it's not a very specific answer I would say but that's what works for me but talking about the problems is always a thing that can help it's m it's a good method instead of keeping it just for yourself okay yeah that makes sense I'm in therapy so I've had therapy now for over two years embarrassing and yeah not at all um so I have that which I definitely has helped uh what would I do go out go out to the park just go to the park and like um if you have if I'm having a bad day luckily I have a dog so it means that even if I'm having a bad day I have to walk outside so that helps the parks help well yeah I sing a lot yeah so I think I found my channel hard to deal with that so being creative is a really good thing so in the past I was painting a lot I do photographies I'm uh very much into that I sing either alone or with a group of people in a choir uh I play the guitar so I also get on different ideas and thoughts but yeah the the biggest part is obviously spending time in the nature so now I did also an extra training nature pedagogics so I can also teach other people now how to deal with that and how to find contact to the nature and the natural surrounding this is uh yeah my my channel how I can also recharge my batteries and it's also scientifically proven that um being in nature and following a creative hobby are both very good anti-depressants always always always think about how you can become more healthy versus less healthy so if something sounds like a good time in the short run it might may give you happiness right now it's probably a bad decision for example going to nightclub and getting drunk is fun in the moment but it's not going to be in the long run especially tomorrow so what I recommend for mental health especially is get into a gym and start working out resistance training is one of the healthiest things you could do not just for your body and the way you look but also for the brain definitely eat healthy always stay nutritionally balanced you always need to eat healthy foods go organic try to avoid restaurant and fast food unless the restaurant is healthy drink healthy things avoid alcohol this will definitely help your emotional health in the long run therapy is going to be always my first question um because again there is only there is something called like the I think it's called like the immigration grief first tip um understand that that happens happens to everyone there is no standard duration of that grief it can be a week it can be a month it can be 6 months um but if eventually you find yourself in like that place where you cannot really see the light of course like try to seek for help um find um therapy uh great source and also one thing that's a recommendation that my therapist gave me it's very important um how often you go back home like especially in cases like me where it's like a you know 14,000 kilometer flight um I think that the recommendation is no not to go back home after like at least wait one year before you go back because again if not you're kind of like triggering uh that thing of like missing home so wait a year and when you go back try not to go there for like you know 3 months uh find like your best trip duration and do you have a personal definition of Happiness what it means to be happy for you oh be yourself uh happiness in contemporary sense I don't believe it's just excitation of mind yeah but it's Love Actually you can call Love Freedom all these are the same thing yeah to be happy well I would say like being free being able to do and knowing that you're not really judged or nobody's going to come and say to you for me happiness is never found through somebody else or even where you live you can live anywhere you want as beautiful as as Prague is that's not going to make you happy other people will not make you happy you have to make yourself happy so everything you do you have to take responsibility for and just keep making yourself happy every single day wow for me Happ it's if sun is rising every day that's already make my life happy yeah okay so in Winter then it's a little bit of a to because not always Sun here now the weather is good it's still but I will still say that life is wonderful because I know that there will be another day so to be happy Means uh in my view when you can think freely it is happiness it can make me happy when I can think the way I like I can write the way I like and I can read something that I like and I I make decision for that in my view it is happiness just follow your own strength follow your your own uh intuition and yeah your inner voice what makes you uh yeah um having a good time I think if you focus on those positive aspects if you have a lot of fun in any activity why not following it and why not uh trying to be professional in that making that your job so I try not to eternalize a concept like happiness um I try to focus on the moment on being right here right now connecting with with my feelings um because of course yeah if you ask me the question um are you happy yeah sure in that happiness I am a knowledge that there is people that's no longer with me that I would love for them to be with me or situations that I wish they wouldn't have gone a certain way so for me happiness it's just about the right here right now that's an interesting question I would say that being happy doesn't necessarily being super successful for example in career or in dating life I think that being happy me equals to being resilient and able to face with daily struggles you know not relaxed way but in a realistic way like let's say if you want to summarize it when life gives you lemons you make lemonade like or just to make an example I don't necessarily enjoy sharing the apartment with five people because it's it can be a lot but at the same time I want to try to look at the positive side of it because I know that there are people that that are nice and I they kind of care about me and I care about them and that's okay I probably I would say that being realistic about your daily life and not putting yourself very high expectation helps a lot in my opinion so what you experience is also with mindfulness is getting also more popular in the Western World so what what was your take on this uh yes the spiritual uh industry I I said industry purposefully because spirituality is not industry and what I find in V is spiritual industry for example yoga here it's mainly a industry people treat as an exercise there is like different kind of yoga like hot yogas hot yoga uh I don't know what kind of yogas are here all are like made to mean money and uh does not others to its principles I would say yog yoga means yog it's the joining of Mind and Body together it's a spiritual Pursuit it's never exercise it's never for the body yes there is an exercise component in it in it because uh if you need to be spiritual you need to have a healthy body so that's the half the part is exercises but there's a lot more to yoga and it's mental come your mind and trying to actually pursue try to understand yourself is the goal of yoga so in in that aspect I would say spirituality here is still very much uh very much commercialized it's not the actual uh spirituality that that should experience but that it's not just the uh unique to the Western world even the places where this originated in India spirituality is now a lot commercialized and you if you go to find a guru 9 out of 10 times you will find the guy who will try to take money from out of you not the one who will help you to find yourself
Channel: The Movement Hub
Views: 213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why Expats Are So Happy in Prague, Teachings from Buddhism and Hinduism, The Movement Hub, Prague, Depression, Happy, Buddhism, Hinduism, Solution, Happiness, How To Beat Depression In Prague, Mental Health Tips For Prague Residents, Best Therapy In Prague, Where To Find Mental Health Support In Prague, Managing Stress & Anxiety, How To Stay Happy In Prague, Expat Mental Health In Prague, Prague Lifestyle & Mental Health, Social Life & Depression In Prague, TmH&x%
Id: BfXBeouMXbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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