Why Everyone Should Be EXTREMELY Frugal

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ladies and gentlemen damasical Heroes you should be frugal everyone should be frugal everyone should do things like spend intentionally take control of their finances and have fewer wants because everyone should be free free from the bully that is the man constantly pushing you around in life saying where's my money frugality gives you Freedom it gives you options it gives you the ability to take control over your life instead of selling that ability to credit card companies debt collectors and Bad Bosses when you spend your money more intentionally you almost gain these superpowers these superhuman abilities that non-frugal people don't have and in this video I want to explain these superpowers that you get from being Frugal because I believe that everyone should be frugal so here are five superpowers you get from being frugal superpower one the ability to make work suck a little less all right let's just be real ladies and gentlemen no one really likes working and if someone tells you that they like working it is because of one of two reasons it's either they're trying to sell you something or the more common reason they're brainwashed brainwashed from childhood told to follow their passion leaving them on a wild goose chase for the rest of their lives we need to stop lying to children and tell the children the truth because work ain't that fun ladies and gentlemen I mean most people in this world dread work they think it sucks but we have to work in the number one reason is because we need money so many people hate their job to an extreme because they feel stuck they're living paycheck to paycheck and so their job controls every single aspect of their lives and they're so desperate for money that they're unable to say the most powerful word in the world no they're unable to say to their employer to their boss no I'm not coming in on Saturday no I'm not degrading myself no I'm not doing that because I'm not desperate people know when you're desperate and as much as it's not right people will not respect you as much when you're desperate people will make you do things because they know that you have no options but when you're Frugal you have the ability to make work suck a little less when you decide to be frugal and over time you've built an emergency fund live below your means and have no debt you can finally say to people no you can start standing up for yourself because you can afford to go without a paycheck if worse comes to worse and when you know that you can tell people no and you're not desperate even if you stay at your sucky job it will suck a little bit less because you know you have the power to tell people no super power to the ability to have peace of mind if you are new to my channel ladies and gentlemen this is my full-time gig this is the face of somebody who is living life on the edge my hair is getting greater and greater every single day and let me tell you something ladies and gentlemen if you like certainty and predictability this gig it ain't for you but so many days I think about how much I'm living on the edge and people with real jobs have so much more financial certainty than me but then I realize that how much the average American is living on the edge because 64 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck the average credit card holder has five thousand dollars in credit card debt and 54 of Americans couldn't cover a one thousand dollar emergency expense and then I realized that I'm not living on the edge as much as I think I am because I have no debt I have low living expenses I have a paid off car that I just got a new engine for and I have over two years of living expenses saved Believe It or Not ladies and gentlemen I have not spent one penny of saving since I started doing this six months ago but I have more piece of Peace of Mind than the average American with a guaranteed salary it doesn't necessarily matter how much money you make it matters how much money you keep I mean 51 of people making six figures are living paycheck to paycheck and sure they might have nicer things but do they have peace of mind nothing in this world is guaranteed I mean look at the tech of layoffs I'm sure so many people in that industry that were laid off or still have their jobs are looking at their glamorous lifestyle and have so much uncertainty and no peace of mind but when you're Frugal you have peace of mind when you've built an emergency fund you have no debt and you live below your means you might not have these superficial things that other people have like a nice house or a big car but you do have peace of mind you don't have to worry if anything happens in life and something will eventually happen in life and when you have peace of mind can any material possession beat that super power 3 the ability to see past the absurdity of trends when you step aside and just notice how other people are spending their money you realize how absurd it is because the majority of people spend their money based on Trends where everyone is following this never-ending cycle where Trends come then fade away and are quickly forgotten and are then replaced with nutrients with a never-ending cycle of Trends directing people on how they should spend their money the majority of people live this Hive mentality that makes them a slave to money they're following Trend after Trend after Trend thinking that their quality of life is going to improve because they have nicer things and they're unable to see these consumeristic tricks put on by these corporations to get people to buy things it's like the donkey that is trying to catch the carrot on the stick that he will never catch many people think that frugality is about not spending money but that is not true you can still buy things and get enjoyment out of things but when you're Frugal you have the ability to see past the absurdity of trends you're spending your money consciously and you're not a pawn in someone else's quest for money in power you're saying things like I'm going to decide what's important to me I don't need the majority to tell me how to spend money you don't Lose Yourself to this absurdity of trends that gets people to spend their money in extremely illogical ways you gain control over your life and you have the ability to see that frugality is not a life of deprivation but this Hive mentality where everyone is spending their money the exact same way on the exact same Trends is a life of deprivation super power for the ability to look yourself in the mirror money is what I would call a necessary evil we need to have it money is almost a natural thing and as much as we like to think about this world where we all help each other fight for the greater good in the sing Kumbaya that will never happen people need financial incentive in order to do things and that's where money comes in but people do some crazy things depending on how badly they need money or people do some crazy things based on Greed there's a quote that goes money doesn't make you a bad person it just makes you more of Who You Are the more people need money for things like funding their unsustainable lifestyle paying off predatory debt having a constant desire for more the more they're going to start doing unethical things to make money the more they're going to search for ways to make money that aren't in the interest of their own family or their own Community or even to complete strangers so many people lose themselves on the quest to make money losing their ability to look at their own self in the mirror but when you're Frugal you have the ability to look yourself in the mirror when you do things like create a sustainable lifestyle avoid the pressures of debt and be content with what you have the less desperate you are to make money you don't have to do dirty things in order to make money you can look yourself in the mirror and just know that you're not making the world a worse place by existing super power five the ability to not take from as many people in life and I'm sure you know this there are so many people that we have to take from I mean credit card companies Bad Bosses debt collectors and they will do things like threaten you degrade you emboss you around and you have to listen to them because of one of two reasons you owe them money or you need money from them as I said before being Frugal gives you the ability to say the most powerful word in the world no you will always have to take from people but the more debt you have and the more expensive your lifestyle is the more that you're gonna have to put up with in your life but when you're Frugal you have the ability to take from less people and so you only have a handful of people giving you in this world so I just say everyone Be Frugal because when you're Frugal the man has less control over your life you don't have to not spend money I just put that in the thumbnail to get you in but spin less live below your means Be Frugal life is better and with that muchas gracias
Channel: Austin Williams
Views: 90,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frugal, Frugality, Minimalism, Debt, Personal Finance, Money, Investing, Minimal
Id: QlE-A31D65E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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