Why Everyone is BROKE

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hi my name is austin welcome to my channel and i want to start off this video by talking about one of my favorite series on netflix which is ozark and the thing that i find so interesting about this series is the link that people go in life to make money in some of the messed up decisions that follow but in the first episode in the first scene marty says a quote and it's this the hard reality is that how much money we accumulate in life is not a function of who is president or the economy or bubbles bursting or bad breaks or bosses patience frugality and sacrifice when you boil it down what do those three things have in common those are choices money is at its essence that measure of a man's choices in the united states 64 percent of people are living paycheck to paycheck and 56 of people couldn't cover a 1 000 emergency expense and what does that mean well i think it can mean two things one people aren't making enough money or two people aren't managing their money correctly in this video i want to focus on the second reason because i think that many people are broke just because they aren't managing their money correctly and that's something that can easily be fixed so in this video i'm going to talk about 15 reasons why people are broke but before i begin i want to say the harsh reality is that i will be making zero dollars in zero cents for all my efforts in this video but that's okay because i'm not in it for the money i'm in it for one reason in one reason only and that's to stick it to the man so if you want to help me on my efforts to stick it to the man click the like button subscribe to my channel and if that's not enough here's a picture of me holding an anaconda so reason number one is the world is becoming dystopian ladies and gentlemen our society is becoming more and more dystopian every single year we are becoming too advanced for our own good and what i mean by that is people are seeking too much pleasure and convenience in their lives because right now there is an app that will take away any effort or any pain involved in the process say this out loud i don't want to get up get in my car and pick up my hamburger i'll pay someone to do it ladies and gentlemen that is what our species has come to it is now a difficult task to pick up a hamburger that someone else made for you people are broke because they are seeking too much pleasure inconvenience in their lives but the reality is some inconvenience in some pain is good for you and it's very important for your health so i ask you do you really want to live in a world where picking up a hamburger that someone else made for you is a difficult task and reason number two is the man and his tricks the world is run by the man and the man is the establishment put in place to bring us down and i spoke about this in my last video but the goal of the man is to keep you in debt so he can control you now the man has a lot of tricks up his sleeve usually involving expensive shiny material possessions with the promise of happiness thinking that you'll be happier if you get a bigger house or a fancy car or a new pair of shoes but the reality is these are just tricks and traps by the man to keep you in debt because when you're in debt the man can control you people are broke because they fall for the man's tricks they fall for thinking that getting a bigger house or a new car or a new pair of shoes will make them happy but it doesn't it just makes you more in debt so the man can control you and reason number three is people don't take the time to understand money majority of people spend their entire lives trying to make money but they don't take a second to understand what money actually is but if you spend some time understanding what money is you will spend less time trying to make it so this is what money is if you are living off a wage or salary money represents your time you sell your time to make it if you want to spend less time working and have more options in your life the answer is simple live below your means spend less and save more people complicate money so much but if you just live below your means you won't have to work as hard because you won't need as much money people are broke because they don't take the time to understand what money actually is but money represents your time so take the time to understand it and you'll spend less time trying to make it and reason number four is to justify hard work in the united states we have an extremely unhealthy relationship with work some people spend majority of their waking hours monday through friday and sometimes over the weekend working and then what happens well you need to justify all your hard work with spending money and then you're left in a cycle of working hard making money justifying your hard work by spending money and then you have the need to make more money it's the work hard play hard life and to be honest i think the majority of people don't even like working people are broke because they lack a work-life balance in their life so they work so much and they need to justify the work by spending a lot of money but if they just spent less money they wouldn't need to work as hard in and reason number five is they don't care about money i often hear people say i don't care about money i don't want to spend my whole life thinking about it but the reality is the less you care about money the more you're going to have to worry about it i don't want my life and my decisions to revolve around money but i understand that money plays a big role in my life so i need to learn about it and i need to care about it people are broke because they don't care about money but the less you care about money the more you're going to have to worry about and reason number six is is expensive to be broke it's much cheaper to have money than not to have money because when you don't have money money becomes a lot more complex you have monthly payments interest fees and you have to deal with banks if i bought a car for five thousand dollars cash all i would have to do is hand over the money and i would own it and i would be done but if i didn't have that money it would be a lot more expensive because i would have interest i would have fees and i would have monthly payments it's much more expensive to buy something when you don't have the money compared to when you have the money people are broke because it's much more expensive to not have money than to have money so before you make any big purchase create an emergency fund so you can cover the purchase and you don't have to pay extra money on interest in fees and monthly payments and reason number seven is the rich mentality i think there's a difference between being rich and being wealthy being rich is the state of mind where you use your money to seek happiness externally being wealthy is a state of mind to use your money to protect you the rich mentality is using all your money on material possessions to seek happiness externally but the reality is the average millionaire does not live in a big house and have a fancy car the average millionaire lives below their means and saves money people are broke because they think that having money means spending a lot of money they have this rich mentality of seeking happiness externally but don't be rich be wealthy and respect money and use it to enhance your life experience and reason number eight is they celebrate christmas every day think about when you were a child on christmas morning you would have all these presents and the exciting part wasn't really what was inside the present but the action of opening the present now society is set up where we can celebrate christmas 365 days a year and what i mean by this is amazon people have amazon packages come to their house every single day and it's like having a little christmas present to open every single day and just like christmas most of the time you just have the excitement of opening the box and then you just put it in the closet and you're left with more clutter in less money people are broke because they want to celebrate christmas 365 days a year but just drop the amazon habit and celebrate christmas in the present opening once a year and reason number nine is they lack contentment one thing that society fails to teach us is how to be content and content means being satisfied with present conditions and the problem with this is that when you lack contentment in your life you generally spend a lot more money you might not be happy with your current car so you go out and get a new one you might not be happy with your two-bedroom house so you go out and get a bigger one and when you do this you end up spending a lot more money people are broke because our society has failed to teach us how to be content but if you practice contentment in your life you will be much more mentally happier and you will spend less money and reason number 10 is they throw money away ladies and gentlemen i went to the store ross the other day to buy some clothes and when i got in the store i was shocked to see what people were putting in their card it was like people were just walking down the aisles blindly and putting things in their cart they didn't need people were putting statues of elves in their cart in pine cones with glitter on them in their cart it was like people were just throwing their money away selling their soul for a pinecone with glitter on it you have to respect money and not just throw your money away for the excitement involved in the purchase people are broke because of the excitement involved of the purchase but when you do this you are just throwing your money away please do not sell your soul for a pinecone with glitter on it in reason number 11 is they don't have a balance the artist pitbull has a song called time of our lives and there's a lyric in the song that goes i got just enough to get up in this club have me a good time until my time's up and in many ways pitbull is right we can't just live our lives like we're never gonna die but if pitbull savor his future a little bit more and spend a little less time at the club he might have a little bit more money to have a better time life is about having a balance you can't just save all your money thinking that things will be better in the future but you can't just spend all your money and live paycheck to paycheck and not be able to pay your rent like pitbull people are broke because they live too much in the moment and don't plan for the future but if you plan for the future and not live paycheck to paycheck you will have a better time in the present and reason number 12 is lifestyle adjustments life generally gets more expensive as you get older and the reason for this is as you start to make more money your standards start to get higher when you're 21 years old you're content with a pbr beer but as you get older pbr don't cut it anymore as you start to make more money you generally start to spend more money but people go overboard with this and start to base their spending off their salary but people are broke because they base their spending off their salary but in reality these two things should have nothing to do with each other and reason number 14 is they don't budget you can't live your life by chance you have to create a budget because if you do not you will not see where your money is going and you will not see how much money you could possibly save but if you sit down and write down every single expense and see where your money is going you'll be able to cut some things out and save money and when you do that your account balance should always be increasing people are broke because they live by chance but if you just sit down create a budget see where your money is going then you will no longer be broke in number 14 is bigger is better if we are good at one thing in the united states it's having the biggest of everything we have the biggest houses the biggest chicken breasts the biggest people the biggest highways our society teaches us that bigger is better but bigger usually just means more responsibilities and more money if you're always seeking bigger you're going to be spending a lot more money people are broke because they think bigger is better they want bigger houses bigger cars bigger food but the reality is the best things come in small packages so do not always be sinking bigger in your life and reason number 15 is they constantly treat themselves a treat stops becoming a treat once you have it all the time if you eat out every single day it is no longer a treat it's just the norm like i said in reason number one we are seeking too much pleasure and convenience in our lives people are broke because they treat themselves too much please do not seek pleasure and convenience constantly it's not good for you and with that thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video you know what to do muchas gracias chico
Channel: Austin Williams
Views: 146,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frugal, Cheap, Save Money, Investing, Crash, Market
Id: x45Uyv5ZaRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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