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and the guy over here my left is the guy that played guitar for me and when I first started out in nineteen twelve nineteen nineteen [Music] everybody guitar pilgrim here and today is a good day because we're gonna take a look at one of the most influential guitarists who's ever lived Scotty Moore the first and original guitarist for Elvis Presley and man this man inspired countless of people generations to pick up the electric guitar and play some of those iconic licks and he makes it look so easy and so effortless but it is anything but easy and some of the things he's doing is actually quite sophisticated [Music] [Music] so the first thing to notice are his use of cords now on the early records Elvis Presley himself is playing the acoustic guitar and he's just playing simple course nothing too fancy and mostly just one strumming pattern but Scotty Moore is doing stuff like that sounds quite Jesse doesn't it and that's the good thing about those early Elvis records there's lots of different styles of music in there there's a bit of gospel blues rock'n'roll but also country and also a bit of jazz it really is a mixture of lots of different styles and that's why it sounded so unique now a court like this that Scotty is playing which is a beautiful chord he probably didn't invent himself but rather he took it from this guy [Music] the moment Scottie heard she had Atkins he traded his regular pic for you guessed it a thumb pick and used a thumb pick on many many Elvis records now for instance a song like Mystery Train [Music] sounds very simple when you look at the court it's just an E chord but only two fingers that's easy and if you want to try this at home you start by playing the E and the D string like this well that's not so difficult but then you want to mute those two strings with the palm of your hands so now we have and that's basically what your thumb is doing in the intro of the Mystery Train the fingers have the melody also very easy yeah but here comes a trick now you have to do both things at the same time and that's not so easy but there's also one thing some ingredient missing [Music] well he plays it a bit faster of course but it's also this unique effect and that's because of the MP is using the echo sonic and that one has a built-in tape echo effects now those things are priceless I think I saw one on Amazon for over ten thousand dollars but what we can do is use a plug-in that we creates the same effect and now we have that's how we get the sound for Mystery Train [Music] Elvis's first single was a song called debts alright mama and that's another great example of the brilliant guitar work by Scotty Moore now Elvis is playing the acoustic guitar and he's just basically playing three chords a d e and a and he's going about you know singing the vocals that's alright mama but if you were an electric guitar player and you have to play along with Elvis play something along with his vocals now what would most people do well the song is in the key of a and it's a country hillbilly type of song so best to stick with the a major pentatonic scale and probably most people would play something like this [Music] too bad trying to fill in the gaps with a nice lick or something but it didn't really blow anybody's socks off did it well what else can you do besides that well you could play along with the quartz yeah but Elvis Presley is already doing that so that's not very creative either well this is what Scotty Moore came up with [Music] [Music] it almost sounds like he's playing a solo but it's not he's just playing along with Elvis's vocals and it's so instantly recognizable and you just can't help having a smile on your face when you play something like this now how about through the actual solo what would you do there and again this is what Scotty Moore did [Music] that's an amazing solo imagine if you would have done something like this then we wouldn't be sitting here talking about it sixty or so years later and the greatest thing is he didn't spend hours and hours thinking about this solo no it was just something he probably improvised on the spot the good thing about those early Elvis Presley records I think is it was all very spontaneous and like unrehearsed it's like oh there was just having fun with it they didn't know we're gonna spend time analyzing this solo sixty or so years later amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's such a great way to start your solo in fact it kind of reminds me of something [Music] pride and joy Steve rave on now we know where that came from and then the second part we've got this boogie and that's such a great thing to play we have to take a closer look at that one now if you want to play something like this the first thing you need to do is to be able to play the rhythm this is how you start and notice I also again mute with the palm of my hand now if you have this it doesn't sound quite right it means your hand is too far away from the bridge so move it a bit closer do you find that sweet spot and you're ready to go hear the note let's see real quick [Music] [Music] now Scottie didn't invent this riff but he took it from Arthur Smith who wrote a song called guitar boogie in 1945 that our boogie [Music] now I said before those early Elvis records really is a mixture of all different styles and the most dominant probably is country music so in this next song Scottie Morris playing a solo which almost sounds like he's playing a pedal steel guitar [Music] you [Music] so this really is a typical country song as you can tell of course I forgot to remember to forget about that but the thing is again many people if you were to play a solo on that would probably do something like something like that but Scotty Moore he has a melody which is so simple a four-year-old can understand beautiful that sounds quite empty with just single notes so again what does he do all the time he does this he uses chords little triads here sending chromatic very country feel especially here and then he repeats the whole thing again repetition embellishing the melody with these chords take a different turn [Music] such a simple melody he could have gone all over the place but instead he plays a melody that you can actually remember and sing along to and that's the trademark of a great solo great guitarist okay guys that's it for today I hope you enjoyed this video as always a huge thanks to all patrons for supporting the channel don't forget to Like comment and subscribe and I will see you
Channel: Guitar Pilgrim
Views: 300,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7 reasons why scotty moore kicks as!!, guitar pilgrim, guitar pilgrim scotty moore, guitar pilgrim elvis presley, guitar pilgrim lessons
Id: 7tN47oXx11E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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