Why Eating Dirt Can Heal a Leaky Gut | Dr. Axe

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paleo hackers welcome back to this week's call very excited with me on the other end my guest is dr. Josh axe he is a certified doctor of natural medicine radio show host and worked at the 2012 Olympic Games in London with the USA team athletes dr. axe travels the world speaking on superfoods nutrition and fitness with his new book coming out called eat dirt why leaky gut may be the root cause of your health problems and 5 surprising steps to cure it so dr. dr. axe welcome to the show hey thanks for having me excited to be here I was on your YouTube channel and you do a great job man of of breaking down really complex topics into simple kind of layman's terms for everyone at home I mean that's a that's a skill because that's not you still keep the integrity of the information it's not oversimplified so really cool stuff over there hey thanks a lot yeah but I love YouTube love doing videos and you know I think a lot of that comes from having a clinical practice and talking with patients one-on-one for four years is that your favorite medium do you think doing the videos yeah you know I'm not really do love video I know I obviously if you've been to my website I write pretty often as well and do do a lot of other things but yeah I mean I love video I love being able to connect with viewers and people kind of one-on-one so yeah it's a blast yeah you're a busy guy you got all three you got the video podcast and YouTube and a new book coming out which will we're going to get to but I'm really curious kind of your story and how you got into health and wellness and and why you're so passionate about natural health specifically well sure well you know for myself growing up and and I find this in a lot of the interviews I do a lot of people get into the health field because a crisis in their own family and it was no different no different with me growing up you know our family was always into sort of health and fitness we were in a lot of sports and and in different activities like that and uh but but at forty years old my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer which was crazy for our family because my mom was she was actually my gym teacher in elementary school she was um instructor you know she was she was really fit and active but forty years old diagnosed with cancer and at the time my family lived in what I call today that the medical model so when I was sick as a kid we immediately got put on antibiotics she was always taking medications and now and we never did anything with nutrition I mean that we didn't realize that was a thing and so when she got her diagnosis she went through all the traditional medical treatment she wasn't had a mastectomy she went through rounds around the rounds of chemotherapy and I can still remember to this day seeing her hair fall out I remember looking at her after her chemo treatments and thinking she had aged 20 years in two weeks and just saying to myself you know I never want to see anyone have to go through that again and that's really one of the things that drove me into becoming a physician but you know when she was diagnosed as cancer-free after her treatments we thought okay we're home free now she's good but really for the next ten years after chemo she was sicker than ever she spent probably half her days in bed she struggled with chronic fatigue Hashimoto's thyroiditis got put on three medications including an antidepressant struggled with major digestive issues like constipation and she was just sick and tired all the time for ten years and after ten years I got a call from her and at this point I was actually living in Orlando Florida was in school to become a doctor and working as a nutritionist during that time and she calls me in tears and says hey Josh I've just been diagnosed with cancer again they want to go in and start doing radiation and surgery what do I do and I said mom won't be home I got on a plane flew home and we just we prayed together we talked together and she was just really feeling lead and so was I to take care of her all naturally because of what I was learning at the time and so we decided before we went and did anything else to just create create a radically different diet and lifestyle for her and so she started juicing vegetables every day we started doing bone broth soup we started doing blueberries and wild-caught salmon and just just perfect out she started supplementing with something called SPO soil based probiotics and in certain types of medicinal mushrooms and using frankincense oil and just many different things she did on the supplement side and and also she reduced stress that was the other thing I mean we really she she was working full-time as a teacher teaching special ed very stressful and she dropped down to part-time and and we just made radical changes and we filed she followed this program that I laid out for her and after two weeks she really started noticing a difference in her energy levels but we went back to the in colleges after four months and we got a call from him and he said he said this is a he said something like this is I've never seen this before he said this is this is not common is what he said that this is not common he said but the tumors from the CT scanner showing that that they've shrunk in half and he said I don't know what you're doing he said but go ahead and keep doing it and come back in about nine to 12 months and she went back later at that point almost complete remission and today my mom is in the best shape of her life she's in her mid 60's she says she feels better now in her 60s and she did in her 30s and she's cancer-free she got off all of her medications or thyroids functioning normally normally perfect digestion and I think I mentioned she heard my dad retired from Ohio down to Florida she's ran to five kids with me in the past couple years in a second third and rage group and just has incredible health and so you know really one of the things that I tell my patients Clark every single time I see them is that you know what I'm going to take care of you like my own mom and my own family member and so I you know I think that that's one of the things that I really try and do as well as I I think when my mom went through that she was almost paralyzed uh in decision-making I mean it's overwhelming when somebody gets it gets a diagnosis like that so I realized with my mom like I made my mom her own you know little cookbook with recipes to follow and I brought my mom actually I went into her house and threw away you know half of what was in our pantry and refrigerator at the time and I went shopping with her to Whole Foods and showed her what to buy and you know into it and I found that that's how really how patients want to respond live in the world today that is so busy so overwhelming and so stressful that I try and give my patients today or online readers every step of what they need to do so not just tell them hey you know bone broth is healthy but show them how to make it show them the recipes to use it give them a meal plan and really walk them through every step of the process and so really that was kind of what drove me into the health field and what has really caused me to sort of teach the way I do today that's really cool man that's a powerful story of real food and I also like what you said about showing them how and kind of what and why altogether because it seems like there's a bit of bits and pieces from every every health person out there and you kind of left thinking what would I do with all this stuff and in the execution of like okay here's the meal plan here's what you need to be eating here's how you make it is powerful as well and so you started doing that in is it Exodus health is your right yeah yeah I started a clinic you know right after right outside of school is about nine years ago and the clinic was called Exodus health center the idea just I wanted to help set people free and it you know grew to be one of the largest natural health clinics in the country and then really started focusing a lot of my time online you know I had a I started writing newsletters for patients I posted them on a website and then started reading them you know and more and more people started reading them from all over and so today I operate dr. axe comm and and have a lot of things there from healthy recipes to articles and and and that type of thing yeah really cool stuff up so I'm curious I know you have your new book eat dirt coming out in March that's right yep okay March 29th okay so next month of this month depending on when this is posted but what's been kind of your biggest lesson the past year either putting that book together or something that sparked aha moment in you I know health can be a journey and you're always learning thing there's always new stuff to learn so that's a I'm curious for what your lesson was sure well you know one of the things I learned a couple a few years ago as you know I had practiced a lot of holistic and natural health but hadn't studied a lot of Eastern medicine and that's something I've really done today is study a lot of Chinese medicine and the principles of Chinese medicine go back over 4,000 years I mean it's incredible what they've done and so I and so I've really started incorporating those principles into the book in fact one of the things I have in the book eat dirt is we have something called the gut type diet I teach people how to eat right for their gut type and I really believe not every single person is the same I believe that there are you know different people respond differently to different foods and so there's a quiz in my book that people can take where they can go and find their gut type and there are five gut types there's a toxic gut type a stressed gut type a candida gut type a gastric a type in an immune gut type so for instance like an immune gut type is for those with autoimmune disease and food sensitivities where their body is having a major immune reaction and I really walk them through how to overcome those problems but sort of jumping back I think a lot of times a lot of doctors today over complicate things for the patients or patients of leçon over complicate things for themselves you know I found that if I put a patient on a you know on a diet with mostly healthy crock-pot recipes just eating real food I mean their body will heal really fast and so I think for me realizing that you know people's bodies respond differently a lot of people do need a more customized personalized approach as I lay out in my book and also it's just important to listen to you know for people to listen to their body I think is important as well but you know I'm a huge fan of what I lay out it's very very similar to paleo you know it's um you know my only difference in philosophy would be I think some sprouted slow-cooked grains on it on occasion or actually just fine if you look at you know phytic acid is sort of the debate there then you know nuts and seeds are out and so are a lot of other foods so but but it's pretty darn close completely what I teach it's an ancient diet essentially is uh is really what I'm I'm training people to do okay what else in like Chinese medicine then have you been researching that has really gotten you excited anything else yeah sure what you know today when we look at disease what we've it's all based on I would even say Greek medicine it's very very westernized whereas if you look at China medicine that they're looking at certain things in the body like what causes Candida and in American medicine we would say okay well or if you look at some of the candida diet sout there say okay we're going to treat Candida by doing maybe green juices and fermented vegetables and things like that well in Chinese medicine they say well Candida is caused by being too damp and too cold okay so your body and your system are especially too damp and typically a little bit too cold so in Chinese medicine they'll say well we need to start consuming foods that are drying that dry up the dampness and that are warming to the body so for instance certain meats like bison and lamb those are the most warming meats to the body certain herbs such as cinnamon a tea like Pao d'arco tea ginger is very warming to the body I'm staying away from ice cold drinks and cold smoothies for breakfast those are some of the worst things for Candida and and veggie juice is actually aren't good for Candida either I'm doing foods that are very warming and also foods that nourish your pancreas and spleen in Chinese medicine and those foods are actually include things like squashes so a lot of times on a candida diet people are taught no sugar whatsoever no carbs no grains no sweet potatoes no yams well foods that nourish the spleen in Chinese medicine are fall foods such as pumpkin butternut squash and you don't want to go overboard with those but have some of those in small amounts as well because those are nourishing those organs so Chinese medicine really looks at things in terms of too dry too damp too cold too hot too much movement that's called wind or not enough movement that's called stagnation and so really there's just sort of these six key concepts and then actually it goes a little beyond that but that's really what they're treating is is those things with food or acupuncture or lifestyle and it's it's fascinating and I think it's in and from my clinical experience it's actually the most effective way of treating people super fascinating I haven't heard a lot of that and I kind of mind yeah I was going to say there's a great book that I think everybody should have it's called healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford and it really breaks down and simplifies all of the Chinese medicine recommendations for food and herbs it's great it's a great yeah because there's a lot out there I know trying Alison's pretty dense but I love I love different mindsets around health because we can get kind of burnt out here and you know eat whole organic foods over and over and over again but when you get someone talking about like Chinese medicine it gets the gears turning in your head or even raw food is to a certain extent like I learn a lot from other people who are outside the small real food kind of paleo ish community and so the Chinese medicine is fascinating off to look into that yeah so um okay so eat dirt it's about uh well actually I'll let you kind of explain what it's about yeah so you know eating dirt it's not necessarily about you know what what the name would initially imply like going out in your backyard and scooping up dirt and eating it but they're actually uh dirt is lacking in our diet and I really kind of go through a few through few things in the book before I get into this gut type diet for people this customized approach but it's we've waived we've waged a war on germs and dirt and it's backfired you know it's not that we don't want to practice proper sanitation because we do but we have swung the pendulum too far in the other direction and we live in this age of antibiotics today and if you look at the number one cause of what I teach people to heal in my book which is leaky gut leaky gut the number one cause of that today is the overuse of prescription antibiotics I know that I was bombarded as a kid and created a health issues for me you know later on that I you know eventually recovered from but you know antibiotics are the work you know hand sanitizers are full of antibiotics a fluoride and chlorine in our drinking water those are anti bacterial they kill off the good bacteria our gut the pesticides in the GMOs today have antibacterial properties artificial sweeteners such as sucralose Splenda NutraSweet and aspartame you know those kill off good bacteria to get our personal care products and shampoos I could go on and on and on these are chemicals that destroy and decimate the good bacteria and our gut and so we need to start repopulating and replenishing our microbiome which is made up of trillions and trillions of different types of microorganisms and we want more diversity there was a really a really fantastic study that was done here recently where they went and actually studied a tribe called the Yanomami tribe and this is a tribe that they went and they looked at their daily life they also did fecal us stool samples on them and they found that they had the highest diversity of microbes and probiotics of any anyone that's ever been studied and this was it was a community that's been completely isolated and they had fantastic health you know you know which beautiful teeth and gums and very active and fit and they looked at what their diet was and you know their diet consisted of eating wild venison eating wild fish eating insects like crickets they consumed banana they consumed a fermented cassava drinks like a you know not kombucha but again a fermented cassava drink they did of course a wild you know wild plants but they lived as true you know hunter-gatherers a very very similar to what we'd call you know a paleo diet but the other thing they noticed when they were studying this tribe is when they were eating a lot of times there was dirt on their food you know they were getting dirt on their food and the researcher said they have the height they actually have almost 50 percent more bacteria in their guts and diversity than we do I mean that's a whole lot more and they found that that's what was protecting their bodies that was why they had such incredible health but they said that a big reason was is because they literally ate dirt and there is our types of microorganisms our soils such as bacillus subtilis bacillus coagulants bacillus class i these are known as spore type probiotics or soil based probiotics and these types of probiotics are I call them the king of probiotics you know a lot of us get these food based probiotics today yeah such as lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium but we're missing out on the species such a you know a sino bacterium and the bacillus species and some of the others that are found in our soil today and there are so many studies proving that we should be eating dirt if you look at there's a study done in in the Journal of environmental and allergens and they actually found that if you have a pet you have a stronger immune system actually those with cats at a forty eight percent stronger immune system those with dogs a fifty two percent less incidence of allergies and asthma and the reason is is you're getting those constant exposure to the pollen that they bring in and different microbes and all of these different things and so in the book eat dirt eater doesn't mean you go out and scoop up a you know dirt need it but one example this would be you go to your local farmers market today and if you buy carrots even if you wash them off lightly you'll notice that the carrots aren't like this glistening hot orange they've got these little brown specks embedded in the carrot well there's a study showing that those brown specks those soil based probiotics actually help your body breaking down polysaccharides in carbohydrates and actually help you digest that food versus you know you go to your local supermarket today buy those baby carrots they're like shining glistening they've been sprayed with a chemical solution those will kill off probiotics versus the real stuff is getting you those good micro exposures and this is this is true immunization today you know a lot of people turn to vaccines well Nature has natural immunizations honey for instance raw local honey and again the local thing is actually important here but raw local honey contains over 200 microbes that actually take place some of them will take residence in your system so an allergy season rolls around your body's protected so so eating dirt is shopping your local farmers market eating dirt is eating raw local honey it's walking barefoot on the ground or grounding or earthing it's swimming in the ocean in fact the ocean doesn't contain just good bacteria contains good viruses called bacteriophages or phages which you know you wonder why when you get in the water your skin looks so amazing them and assault is beat some of it but these bacteria phages are incredible for your health and you know and there are many other things too that really help boost the microbes in your system from medicinal mushroom spray lena chlorella aren't really algae they're actually called cyanobacteria and we don't just need bacteria we need good funguses viruses yeasts we need it all so again and eat sir I really go through a practical way to repopulate them gut microbiome heal leaky gut which is the root cause of all disease and then really help people determine their exact gut type and one of five plans just for them awesome information I mean though there's a lot in there but one thing that I kind of had an aha moment when you're talking is a lot of times with the gut we hear it in a terms of quantity you know you got to repopulate the gut and I think okay numbers my numbers are low and I got to get the good bacteria numbers up but you said you know there's different kinds and strains of bacteria and that even if you're eating probiotics you might only be getting two or three of those if that's your dominant source of it so sometimes it's not a and you can correct me if I'm off here but not a numbers game and sometimes it's it's it's a diversity game as well yeah absolutely and if you look at certain tests out there today whether it's 23andme or you biome is another good example I mean that you know sometimes they're testing the total amount but really really the diversity is is probably more important okay and how do you how do you get that diversity is that what you're going over in the book and focusing on yeah absolutely you know it's a combination of things but it's it's these micro exposures it's it's you know it's a combination of food but then things you can't get from food you know there's these other exposures that we have and that I think are important but you know the biggest reasons that we have this lack of diversity number one is the overuse of antibiotics number two is being inside all the time mm-hmm you know I mean we used to sleep out on the ground and and people were working I mean you look at the percent of people that were farmers what is it a hundred years ago like sixty percent today it's less than two percent I mean it's just we've really lost touch with the earth and it's an important part of uh you know of who we are and if you look at different you know religious texts and and and I believe that we we you know actually the three largest world religions all say we came from dust and mud you know we're meant to be connected to this earth we live in if we're not connected to the microbes and the things in our in our area it actually weak weakens our immunity absolutely um so I guess with the weakening your immunity what happens when our gut is kind of out of balance for the person listening what might they be feeling or what's the I guess end game if their gut is just not working properly yeah great question well typically you know what what doctors and scientists today you'll see the term or hear the term it's called dysbiosis which essentially means it's an imbalance of good species of microbes or good bacteria versus an overgrowth of bad bacteria or pathogenic yeast and parasites and things like that so really the good keeps the bad in imbalance and when we say bad the truth is its it may not be bad it might be just overgrowth like for instance it's pretty incredible that Candida isn't necessarily Candida in the right amounts is good for you ecoli in the right amounts in your body you need it but but it's this imbalance that happens so if somebody's consuming a dud well yeah I'll tell them I'll tell everybody what gets it off but let me then explain what your question is sure what happens essentially well when you have too much Candida in your system or too much types of a bacteria you know bacteria are always producing things some of these bacteria will actually produce certain toxins that will eat away at the gut lining causing leaky gun what leaky gut is it's it's when the holes of your intestines open up what are called gates or tight junctions and things can enter into your bloodstream that should never ever enter into the bloodstream gluten let's use that as an example you're consuming a lot of gluten over time you don't have enough good probiotics that are producing enzymes that can help break down and digest that food you're eating what happens is that's going to cause inflammation of the gut lining overtime imagine you have a fishing net you get a big hole in it now though you know large undigested food particles are getting into your bloodstream once they're in the bloodstream your body says hey this should not be happening it starts an inflammatory in an immune reaction and if that immune react and so that that may cause a symptom of inflammation such as joint pain or fatigue or you know skin issues it a number of those things can happen food sensitivities are big you have food sensitivities that's that's dysbiosis that's leaky gut that's happening your system so it sounds like when those food particles then are getting through that fish net as you described I know your body starts attacking them and that can be problematic in and of itself yeah absolutely you know and this is really where food sensitivities come into play we as we talked about it can cause lack of energy you know adrenal fatigue a number of issues but if it's not corrected over time it'll really lead to autoimmune disease to where your body then not not only starts attacking you know the toxins and bacteria and in undigested food particles it'll actually start attacking even healthy things and can lead to Hashimoto's thyroiditis rheumatoid arthritis and a number of other health problems okay so it's important then obviously to heal the gut and you outline that in your book I'm assuming what kind of what kind of some of the first steps you do in healing the gut that's kind of a buzzword these days but I guess I'll let you walk through it how do you heal the gut right well I would say there are several steps involved number one is you know you want to start he leading gut healing foods and some of those top foods would include fermented foods such as Kieffer you know goat's milk kefir you buy it or your local farmers market I know some people aren't a fan of dairy I'm not a fan of most dairy but I think again raw uh fermented goat's milk I can tend to be really good in fact my mom when she was sick she when she struggled with her constipation so bad we we drove an hour out in the country picked up this raw fermented goat's milk she started consuming it really did some amazing things for her digestive system so I'd say I'm cultured foods a sauerkraut kimchi miso soup coconut kefir those are all some great things to add in along with that I would say bone broth is up there you know bone broth I know people talk about it all the time they contain the amino acids proline glycine you know glutamine arginine all of these amino acids are important for repairing the gut lining especially prolene and especially glutamine and um and in chicken broth is is probably one of the best beef broth is is the next best after that actually this is pretty interesting I know that there you know there are going to be some new products coming out here in the future such as bone broth powder or collet different types of college and a lot of times when people are buying a collagen supplement today and actually only had it it's primarily made of just beef collagen which has type one in three collagen but chicken collagen has type 2 College and probably the best for your joints and one of the best for your gut and then there's also fish collagen and and actually collagen inside of the eggshell and all of those together have type 1 2 3 5 and 10 collagen so I recommend people look for a collagen supplement that has all five types of those collagen in it that way they're supporting all of those different tissues so again beef broth is great if you're going to do broth but again beef and butt and chicken you're going to want to do both and then actually fish collagen is one of the best and probably the best overall know most people don't love the taste but fish collagen more than any other College and causes your body to start produce its own collagen which is pretty incredible how do they make that the fish collagen fish bones and head you know they don't they take the meat off and and what's not left of the meat is they boil just like you would or you know or slow cook over several days and in Crete fish fish you know I've bought it off vital choice calm but again I know that I have a collagen supplement coming out here that actually has all five types which a lot of them don't but uh but yeah I mean you know I've done sit you know salmon and halibut broth is what you can look up online okay yeah so I know with healing the gut a lot of it comes down to what you're doing kind of what we went over but a lot of it also comes down to what you're not doing and what you're avoiding and you mentioned antibiotics and kind of the war on germs anything else you want to say on that just how that messes up the the gut microbiome and dive in a little more yeah let me talk about a couple more foods to eat and then I'll touch on the foods again to stay away from by the other thing I would say is make make the crock pot your best friend if you really want to heal leaky gut and overcome any any health issue in fact in Chinese medicine they've been doing the crockpot for years they call it one pot and they believe in the principles of food combining where a lot of times eating a lot of different foods or let's say a protein and a starch together is sometimes a little bit harder to digest and so what they do is force it for for for thousands of years they've put all food together in a pot let it cook over you know two to four days and they believe that those enzymes and those foods essentially become one and it becomes easier for your body to digest and I've really experimented with that myself and I really believe putting things in a crock pot does make them easier to digest I mean one they are cooked over a long period of time but again your body's sort of getting all of this substance that's been sort of you know wired together as one but you know doing crock pot pretty much following a diet that's a lot of organic meat and veggies in the crock pot I think you know in bone broth that's the ideal meal to follow I mean if you're going to heal and and that's how I would start so in terms of foods and things to stay away from gluten is an issue you know conventional cow's milk is definitely an issue with the casein and lactose very hard to digest any type of refined grain you know again I people can actually heal from leaky gut and do some grains but but it's not but grains would be a very small amount of the diet and if they cook it it should be made into what's called a kanji so in Chinese medicine you might do rice or a sprouted rice but you put sprouted rice in the crock pot to where it is literally it's mushy goop so everything has sort of been broken down and and digested so you know sometimes those are included but for the most part grains you'd want to stay away from as I mentioned personal care products fluoride and chlorine in your drinking water you definitely want to get a filter for the for your drinking water water without a dowel and when I have my patients do I have them replace their cleaning products and personal care products with essential oils in fact I've got a free essential oils guide on my website if people go to dr. axe com it's dr ax e comm you can look up my eivin essential oils guide and i have a free book i give away a free essential oils book going over you know the benefits of lavender oil for your skin and healing cuts and burns and you know frankincense oil for reducing inflammation and for chamomile and ginger oil for healing the gut and that type of thing but I think you know essential oils are a great thing to replace those things with but again in general it's sugar hydrogenated oils packaged foods I mean we obviously want to be eating whole roof it's the basic stuff that everybody knows but the other thing I do in the book is really lay out based on the gut type so for instance you know somebody with a toxic gut types should be doing a lot more green and sprouted foods and sour foods different foods flavors have different properties in Chinese medicine sour foods nourish the liver and gallbladder so think like a green sour apple that's nourishing to the to to to delivering gobbler so if you have toxicity you'd want to do more sour foods if you have an issue let's say an immune related issue immunity in Chinese medicine is related to the lungs and the colon you want to consume a lot of white foods or foods that have what's called a a pungent flavor so foods that are white so cauliflower is fantastic for the lungs and colon garlic and onions and that pungent flavor are great for cleansing the colon and in healing the lungs and different things like that actually based on the gut types or all of these different foods that people should be focusing on for that very reason so again I think part of it just determines on on the person's you know specific gut type or in in Chinese medicine they call it your element type like what five element are you yeah yeah fascinating so with you know the personal care products and what about hand sanitizers everyone's got that in their office and they're lathering it on hospitals got it what's your take on hand sanitizers well you know hand sanitizers are terrible you know the antibiotics especially triclosan triclosan has been shown to damage the liver the kidneys kill probiotics in your gut so staying away from hand sanitizer is an absolute must I have my patients make their own at-home sanitizer just using aloe vera and essential oils typically aloe vera mixed with tea tree oil is a perfect one you could probably even go online and do a Google search for tea tree oil hand sanitizer and that's what I personally use and so you mix the aloe vera water or gel it be gel you don't do the gel and then you put some tea tree in there and that has kind of a ie yeah that's it and I've got a recipe for to my website you could go to dr. axe calm and and click on my I've natural remedies tab DIY recipes and I've got over 50 DIY recipes teaching people how to make their own homemade deodorant and shampoos and all this type of stuff with essential oils so uh soaps a big one because I think we were talking to John Durant on here and he has a skin care of soap thing and I was I was concerned because I mean I mean when you you know need to wash your hands and you're not using the antibiotic soap what do you use and how does that work and is it as good well the truth is you know 99.9% of bacteria we come in contact with really isn't dangerous or harmful in fact there's a everyone should check out this article there was a there was a study done in New York and they did a study on the New York subway to see how many of those germs were dangerous to someone's health and pretty much none of them in fact the one guy said you should roll around your kids in the New York subway if you want to boost their immunity which I think was going a little overboard but that that to be said I mean warm water I mean warm water does the trick with most things if you want something that's antibacterial you use things that are plant-based again a tea tree oil myrrh oil cinnamon oil lavender actually is lavenders anti bacteria as well so just you know a little bit of what I do is I actually have essential oils and and I have a hand soap recipe using lemon oil and tea tree oil and you just you know you replace your you can make it home at home yourself but even when I'm traveling my wife and I we just bring straight lavender oil or tea tree oil and we use a public restroom we just do that on our hands wash it off with water and that's that's that's what we use huh okay that's not simple uh you'd think it would more complex because soap recipes are nuts yeah yeah yeah this is this is it it's not going to foam up which may be the foam makes people feel good it's it's really not but but you know it's really not necessary I heard that's the case of the shampoo they put chemicals in there to make it foam so yes that's what people think it's working right yeah okay so the personal care is important then what supplementation's a big one with I know with leaky guts not everything but it definitely can help what are your thoughts on on supplementing to kind of heal the gut yeah I would say the most important things to consume number one look for a bone broth protein powder or a collagen protein powder as I mentioned earlier and of course you want to do the real thing you won't be getting bone broth in your diet every day but doing a collagen protein supplement three tablespoons and a morning smoothie is a great thing to do number two get some l-glutamine you know I think l-glutamine is great I would say probiotics are really important and I would look for a soil based probiotic or a certified organic probiotic so but you want to be getting probiotics that is an absolute if you really are having major digestive issues gas and bloating IBS and you know any of the basic gas bloating and indigestion anything like that digestive enzymes can really help so I would look for a good organic digestive enzyme supplement and you know uh you know the other thing would be some essential oils can help frankincense essential oil is really good for the body diffusing that in your home it contains a lot of anti inflammatory compounds which are good but overall I think those are the best if people want more details I've got an article on my website titled four steps to heal leaky gut and so if you or if you just do a google search online for dr. axe leaky guy you'll find my article and it goes through the exact steps to best foods the best supplements and everything there on what people need to need to follow okay I was listening to Paul check once talked about soil health and he said that in a spoonful of soil healthy organic soil there's more microorganisms and there are people in the planet in just a tablespoon of soil oh yeah absolutely it's it's incredible that's amazing oh yeah yes yes a soil base life probiotics are important and look for species like bacillus subtilis in the in the formula or bacillus kloss i okay I know we're coming up on time but one thing I had to ask you about and I went to your website checked it out great stuff and the number one article on there was kalapa worse than bacon can you get is is uh you can't give us an overview on tilapia and why it's worse than bacon yeah it's one of the most toxic farm-raised fish there today you know farm-raised fish essentially are swimming in their own feces all day and there's a study done showing that these farm-raised fish the dioxin levels and the PCBs and parabens in the chemicals in them it's really high and there are mega three levels pretty much almost you know it drops down by like 90 percent if it's farm raised vs. wild cow so there's really no good tilapia today and and by the way when I put that out there I was quoting a medical doctor and researcher from Wake Forest University and he actually said in the art and in his research he said tilapia could be worse for you than hamburger bacon is what he said it was bait and and so in general now if we're talking about you know you know pork today which I'm not really a fan of actually eating I don't eat any pork because I believe they're carriers of parasites yeah even even the healthier ones but in general I think that they're both terrible but you know farm-raised fish they are they are toxic I grew up in Ohio and they had fish farms not far for I'm at and you want to talk about a dirty toxic horrible environment so when I'm when I'm buying fish today its wild caught salmon all the way yeah and so is tilapia always farmed or is it why does it exist um yeah I mean it's of course there there is wild somewhere but with what with our supply today in the u.s. I don't know of a non farm raised supply it's all farm raised okay for the most part so I think staying away from tilapia and you know tilapia is not that great tasting of fish anyways I mean do salmon or cod or halibut or mahi-mahi or so or sea bass or something else again I buy my my wild caught seafood from vital choice and get it shipped right to my home and they're there sockeye and king salmon is amazing they're Cod is great so I buy fish from there instead okay last question before we kind of wrap it up but this went by fast a ton of information really good stuff but I like to ask my guests you know anything that's going to be underrated so five years ago we were kind of just starting to talk about gluten and now it's kind of mainstream and you could argue that with organic ten years ago or whenever is there anything now that's kind of up and coming you see that we're going to be talking about in the mainstream in five years two years even yeah well I'll mention several things and a lot of them I already mentioned here on the show I think that bone broth essential oils I think are going to continue to grow and then I think wild foods I mean you know these are kind of they're bigger in the paleo community but things like consuming liver you know like chicken and beef liver in supplement form I think I mean that these things are around but I think they're really going to continue to grow so I think bone broth I'm in powder form is a great supplement using essential oils for everything I mean you know it's it's it's plant-based medicine it's amazing it's essential oils are referenced more than three hundred times in the Bible they're used in Chinese medicine Egyptian medicine Greek medicine Hippocrates used them and they're just now really becoming popular again so I think that that's a you know that's another huge thing so yeah and then eat you know eating wild foods I think manuka honey is going to become more popular in terms of a food that's out there and I want to let everybody know about something else too I mentioned leaky gut quite a bit if somebody wants to take my leaky gut quiz right now until the book launches I have a free quiz online it's called is your gut leaking dot-com so you can go to the website is your gut leaking dot-com and I have a quiz there and you can find out basically House of if you have leaky gut how severe it is and that type of thing if you go to that website there as well but um but yeah I'd say those are some of the bigger things that I think we're going to be seeing seeing more of and then of course soil based probiotics I think that those types of probiotics are going to be popular so if you want to be doing it before it was cool take dr. Josh's advice and get on the soil based probiotics and essential oils well great stuff so eat dirts coming out in March what's the actual date yeah well it's the end of March here March 29th but the book is already available for pre-sales and we're only doing this till March 29th but we actually if people get the book before it's released and go to amazon.com and buy eat dirt we're actually sending a load of boat we have got a ton of bonuses from free cookbook and a number of things that people can get if they actually if they get the book now cool so they can go over to Amazon and pre-order that's the place to go exactly I go to Amazon or go to is your gut leaking dot-com take the quiz and then there's an opportunity then to get the book and they have we have all the free bonuses with there and you might just look up eat dirt book on Google and some stuff might come up there too okay and then you have your own podcast right on iTunes yeah people can check out my podcast searching the you know dr. axe on on on iTunes and where should they start you got a lot of episodes there one that they should start on uh-oh let's see here um you know if people want to sort of stick in the you know paleo Valley I did a great interview with a Diane Sanfilippo who wrote practical paleo I think you know that's uh that was a great one Sara Gottfried really going through hormones which I think was a fantastic interview so those are a couple okay well great stuff dr. Josh thanks for coming on man hey thanks for having me Clark I'm a big fan of your show and paleohacks and yeah thanks for having me awesome till next time all right thanks guys mission accomplished that is this week's show really good stuff I'm excited to dive into eat dirt when that comes out fascinating about the gut microbiome that always trips me out I always I always learn things and we're talking about the gut I feel like that's a buzzword in this day and age especially in the health community people are talking about healing or gut and I really like what dr. ash said about the crock-pot because the the two biggest excuses in health are what do you think what do you think they are it's one I don't have the time right and the second is I don't have the money I can't afford it and both those might actually be really valid you know you might be working 50 hours a week or have kids you have to take care of to and from school or life gets in the way I get it and the money thing obviously I mean health is health can be expensive it's an investment but the crockpot comes in because it kind of takes both those and throws them out the window because you can set it and forget it with the crock-pot and I'm not selling anything here I just I'm a huge fan of it and I just want to kind of emphasize it at the end here that like crock-pot meals I mean you can really turn it on and come back eight hours later and it's ready for you to eat it's kind of a eight hour version of a microwave except way healthier paleo hacks calm is the place to go for recipes articles and more I think we do have some crock pot recipes over there and if you want to get a hold of me let me know what you thought about this show you can go over to Clarks danger comm or just shoot me an email Clark at Clark danger dot-com weekly Wednesday health acts coming to you on the YouTube channel be sure you're on that and until next time guys thanks so much for tuning in I'll see you next Thursday
Channel: PaleoHacks
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Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2016
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