Why Don't We Shoot Nuclear Waste Into Space?

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here in the kotart labs we test very important ideas to see what happens when you blow things up or play with black holes many of you suggested that we look into an idea that sounds reasonable shooting nuclear waste into space it's one of those Concepts that seems like an easy fix for one of the main problems with the nuclear energy but it turns out this idea is not just bad but horribly bad and it gets worse the longer you think about it why is that [Music] what is nuclear waste nuclear waste is a fuzzy term and comes in categories which vary from country to country but in general there are three broad levels 90% is lowlevel nuclear waste tools gloves or trash used at a nuclear facility that could be weakly contaminated with some short-lived radioactivity this stuff is generally safe for normal disposal 7% is intermediate level nuclear waste mostly materials that have been in close proximity to a reactor core long enough to become dangerously Radioactive with proper handling it's either safely buried or melted down and mixed into glass or concrete and stored deep underground so 97% of nuclear waste is similar to toxic byproducts from other Industries not great not terrible we can handle it the remaining 3% is where our problems begin highlevel nuclear waste is very concentrated spent fuel taken out of a reactor core formerly uranium it's now made of various dangerous and often highly radioactive elements as a bonus it's also incredibly hot and not easy to handle at all this is what we want to shoot into space All In All Around 440 active nuclear reactors create about 11,000 tons of high level nuclear waste each year since 195 54 we've accumulated 400,000 tons of dangerous radioactive waste most countries are dealing with it by not dealing with it and kicking the can towards the future great so let's launch it into space according to scientists space is big and nobody lives there so it seems perfect for yeting away this mess there are a few tiny problems though problem one stuff ain't cheap even though space light is getting more affordable it's still extremely expensive just to get something into low earth orbit costs on average about $4,000 per kog putting that into perspective it costs about $1,600 to mine separate and fabricate 1 kg of nuclear fuel so launching waste into space has suddenly made nuclear fuel for reactors way more expensive and greatly increased the cost of the electricity they produce to launch one reactor worth of nuclear waste would cost at least $100 million per year to deal with all the 440 operational nuclear power plants high level nuclear waste would cost some $44 billion per year for space launch before packaging transport and security costs are added okay let's pretend we don't care currently we couldn't shoot all the nuclear waste into space even if we wanted to there just aren't enough rockets in 2021 we saw a record 35 launches into space if we repurposed each of those rockets and filled them all with nuclear waste the total amount that could be lifted into a low earth orbit which is the closest orbit above the atmosphere is nearly 800 tons we'd need at least 14 times more Rockets to handle just today's nuclear waste let alone get rid of the hundreds of thousands of tons in temporary storage we would need to create entire new Space Industries to keep up with the demand for giant toxic Space trash trucks and it gets worse problem two space is hard we only made the calculation for low earth orbit where we send most of our rockets and satellites littering the space around Earth with thousands of cks of spent nuclear fuel would be a nightmare for space junk management and satellite collision avoidance worse still at this altitude there's still a little bit of atmosphere causing a tiny bit of drag so we might have nuclear waste raining down from space within just a few years experts would call this a huge problem clearly we have to launch our waste further if we wanted to send it to perhaps the moon we either need way more Rockets or we need to build much bigger ones making it even more expensive a single Saturn 5 the rocket used by the Apollo program which cost around 1.5 billion adjusted for inflation per launch could get about 43.5 tons from the earth to the moon so we'd need about 260 Saturn f rocket launches every year and of course using the Luna's target practice for nuclear waste tipped Rockets kind of makes a huge mess so maybe don't aim for anything space is empty do we really need a target shooting waste in any random direction is you guessed it also a bad idea orbits are Loops which means they have a tendency to come back to where they started put enough in the sky in random directions and you'll get one back eventually so we'd want to launch our nuclear waste deep into space which means we need even bigger rockets that would be even more expensive not that we would be completely safe then Earth might run into these interplanetary caskets at some time in the far future and experience a pretty meteor shower made from radioactive dust okay how about we shoot it into the sun ironically the sun is pretty hard to hit while the sun has very strong gravity everything on Earth is moving with respect to the Sun including the rockets that we launch meaning a rocket would have to cancel out all the orbital motion it has around the Sun so it can stop orbiting and fall in because of this it's actually easier to launch a rocket entirely out of the solar system than it is to launch it into the Sun but to do either of these things we need even bigger Rockets probably the biggest we've ever built H nothing works the thing is it gets even worse problem three rockets go rocket engineering has taken huge steps since the Apollo era we've made them relatively safe we've mostly replaced the toxic explosive cancer fuels of the past decades with much sailor mixes of liquid oxygen and hydrogen or kerosene the newest designs even land themselves so that they can be reused and yet out of the 146 launches in 2021 there were 11 failures which means that a sizable number of our Rockets carrying high level radioactive waste would be exploding on the Launchpad or in the worst case disassembling at high altitude or crashing from Hypersonic speeds each failure would be at least equivalent to a miniature Noble but instead of being contained under a slab of concrete spread throughout the atmosphere radioactive particles could make their way to far away places by riding on the winds most would fall into the ocean but some would land on the inhabited parts of the world they could cover farmlands and get concentrated into our food or enter our water supply which is well bad imagine regular large- scale nuclear disasters happening people wouldn't be happy conclusion and opinion part nuclear waste is scary but the fear of it and horrible ideas like shooting it into space reveals how bad we are at understanding risk because the largest amounts of radioactive elements Like Ur ium and radon are actually released by coal burning millions of tons of coal each year leaves Ash as a waste product that includes about 36,000 tons of radioactive materials less radioactive than high level nuclear waste but there's also a lot more of it and it's handled way less carefully some of this ash is caught by filters but most is simply pushed back into leaky mines shoved into piles exposed to the wind or poured into ponds that regularly spill into rivers and Lakes living within 1.6 km of an ash pile increases your cancer risk up to 2,000 times over the acceptable limit and this is on top of other toxic chemicals like heavy metals and of course their massive CO2 emissions and yet while nuclear energy is flawed and its current form may only be a transitory technology nuclear power plants are a harder cell than coal nuclear waste and the lack of willingness to deal with it are a real issue it's not not insurmountable though there are good methods to handle it like burying it deep underground or reprocessing some of it into new fuel but however we ultimately deal with this issue we hope one thing is clear shooting nuclear waste into space is one of the worst ideas ever researching this crazy thing conducting all of these important tests and of course creating this video took us around 2,000 hours which is insane for a YouTube video and we couldn't do it without you if you like what you just saw you can continue your science Journey with one of our products they're true pieces of quot kugs you can take home and touch and they're the best way to support this channel like our limited edition human era calendar that will bring you a whole year of Joy learn more about the world with our carefully researched infographic posters get our habit and gratitude journals to improve your life with science or update your wardrobe with our new hoodie editions if your room is in need of a literal glow up get one of these posters we've also got notebooks 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Channel: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Views: 11,055,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Us2Z-WC9rao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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