Why Don't We Have Nuclear Fusion Power Yet?

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this episode is sponsored by LastPass humanity hasn't exactly done a great job when it comes to energy production I mean don't get me wrong we're good at producing enough electricity to meet our needs but it's come at the cost of releasing billions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and wreaking some pretty serious havoc on the climate not to mention that the planet has a fairly limited supply of the main fuels we use like oil and gas one way of reducing our reliance on them is with nuclear fusion releasing energy by fusing atoms together the idea is so much potential that researchers have been working on it for at least half a century the problem is we're still a long way off there's a running joke among physicists that fusion power is always 30 years away but that doesn't mean we've given up there are experiments in the works right now that are way more advanced than anything we've ever done and if all goes well the future of energy production might involve much more power and way less pollution than we could ever hope for with the technology we have today we already have a few options when it comes to clean energy but they all have their drawbacks things like solar and wind power are great because they're renewable and don't cause climate change but they can hurt the ecosystems around them and usually aren't very efficient they're also inconsistent and we're still trying to find practical ways to store enough power to compensate for times when say it's super cloudy for a week and there's also nuclear fission which releases energy from splitting atoms usually uranium or other heavy elements like plutonium specifically fission involves splitting the center of the atom it's nucleus which is where the term nuclear energy comes from but supplies of the heavy elements we need for this could run out pretty easily too even worse fission generates tons of radioactive waste from the leftover fuel we don't want that hanging around on the planet for a couple thousand years polluting the environment and threatening lives nuclear fusion on the other hand avoids all of these problems it barely releases any co2 doesn't produce radioactive fuels as waste and unlike renewable sources such as solar and wind we could control how much power we generate to keep things in line with demand if we could figure out how to use it effectively that is to generate power all we have to do is get nuclei defuse and capture the energy from the particles that are released in the process unfortunately getting them to fuse involves an enormous amount of pressure and heat just temperature-wise we're talking close to a hundred and fifty million degrees Celsius least in the conditions here on earth sure we can get atoms to fuse in h-bombs thermonuclear weapons use a fission explosion to set off a fusion explosion but while that's a super effective way to blow something up it isn't really a safe useful or efficient way of generating energy the problem is it's hard to get fusion going without using the energy from a massive explosion to do it a few different chemical elements can undergo fusion on earth but scientists have pinned most of their hopes on combining deuterium and tritium those are just ordinary hydrogen nuclei with one or two extra neutrons tacked on respectively the two nuclei are able to fuse into helium releasing a neutron with a bunch of energy in the process even better that helium nucleus can give up some of its energy to nearby electrons which in turn can heat up more deuterium and tritium causing even more fusion to happen that process is called alpha heating and without it a fusion reactor isn't likely to produce enough energy it's sort of like trying to start a fire in a cold environment unless you supply enough heat in the first place your fuel will just lose energy to the surrounding cold air instead of igniting and starting a self-sustaining burn when the conditions are just right for fusion to deliver more energy than the heat energy required to get it going it's called ignition in thermonuclear weapons that's what the fission explosion is full in a fusion reactor it means you need to be able to hit some seriously high temperatures and there are two major approaches to this ICF and mcf ICF or inertial confinement fusion involves filling a tiny pellet with deuterium and tritium and getting them to fuse by imploding the pellets with high-powered laser beams the National Ignition facility in California has aimed to do exactly that firing the world's most powerful laser split into a hundred and ninety-two beams onto fuel pellets the size of a pinhead when the pellet implodes the fuel inside undergoes fusion and releases energetic neutrons but for full ignition the pellet would have to collapse perfectly inward to transfer all of the energy from the lasers into the fuel and start a self-sustaining reaction focusing the lasers onto a target that small is tricky enough but the real difficulty is making the pellet collapse in on itself in just the right way it has to be made as perfectly spherical as possible and pressure has to be applied equally in all directions so far the most successful strategy has been to put the pellet in a pencil eraser sized gold cannister with the lasers firing into that instead when the gold heats up it emits x-rays on the inside generating a more symmetric pressure on Pellatt so it collapses in on itself and if' has been able to generate small amounts of energy from this type of fusion in 2013 the lab actually achieved a gain in energy for the first time getting more energy from the neutrons exploding out of the pellet than the energy delivered to it from the x-rays in the canister unfortunately it wasn't more energy than the total amount going into the system from the lasers and ultimately that's the benchmark for turning fusion into a practical way of generating power getting more energy out than the total we put in to get it going one of the biggest problems is that when the outside of the pellet is heated to extreme temperatures it tends to burst off in an unstable way creating an uneven pressure on the target despite those setbacks between 2010 and 2012 NIF went from needing to produce thousands of times more energy to get to ignition to only needing tens of times more energy that a hundred fold difference came from more effective pellet designs but keeping up the pace of improvement has hit a wall recently the other approach is mcf or magnetic confinement fusion which works in a totally different way it's based on a type of reactor called a tokamak a doughnut shaped chamber that produces incredibly strong magnetic fields inside the reactor there's deuterium and tritium in the form of plasma or charged gas basically a bunch of nuclei and electrons just floating around then you blast the plasma with microwaves or a beam of neutrons heating it up and ultimately making it undergo fusion better still if you line the outside of the reactor with lithium neutrons released in the fusion process will generate tritium introducing more fuel into the reactor a lot of the excitement surrounding fusion has focused on the MCF approach but the problem is that containing a plasma with magnetic fields is like trying to herd trillions of uncooperative cats all at once they just keep trying to escape the magnetic fields and the way they interact with the plasma leads to what's called turbulent behavior flowing in a way that's twisted and complex on every scale you look at it turbulent fluids are tricky to make certain kinds of predictions about even with computers and I can get even harder as you heat up the plasma to the kinds of temperatures needed for ignition so designing and maintaining magnetic fields that can keep the fuel mixture contained it becomes more of a challenge like ICF mcf experiments have managed to achieve fusion but only a little the record for energy gained that is the amount of energy that came out compared to the energy used to heat up the plasma in the first place is still held by an experiment in 1997 using the jet reactor in England on that occasion it produced 67% of the energy that was initially put in the reason we haven't been able to improve on it much in the past couple decades is that jet can only do so many fusion experiments with deuterium and tritium the neutrons released in those kinds of experiments tend to make the surrounding material radioactive so to keep the total radioactivity levels low experiments tend to only happen every few years plus tritium isn't easy to come by and jet doesn't have a way of producing lots of it on-site so they have to be sparing with how much they use but the record could be broken in 2019 when jet is scheduled to run a new batch of fusion experiments with deuterium and tritium it's also managed to achieve some seriously high temperatures over 200 million degrees although not for very long as recently as 2018 though there were a couple promising results from some smaller mcf experiments for example a Chinese experiment called East managed to maintain a temperature of a hundred million degrees in its reactor and even sustained fusion for ten whole seconds one of the biggest developments in 2018 wasn't an experimental result it was a letter signed by experts from the US National Academies for Sciences engineering and medicine in it they declared their support for an experiment in southern France that isn't even done being built yet it's called ITER and when it's done it will be the world's largest tokamak reactor 35 countries have come together to build it it's a long road but by 2035 eiders should be ready to start deuterium-tritium fusion experiments and because it's so much larger than jet the world's current biggest mcf reactor it should be able to hold a lot more plasma in its magnetic field the larger volume means the plasma interacts with itself more than in a reactor like jet this keeps more of the heat trapped in the plasma and makes it likely or for ignition to happen the goal is to generate 10 times as much energy from fusion than the amount of energy supplied to it that would be the first viable demonstration of fusion as a power source but increasing the size of the experiment brings along a whole set of extra challenges large magnets require lots of energy and even more work to operate the magnetic fields they generate and contain such a large amount of plasma in it even if it works there are still some challenges to tackle like dealing with the radioactive material that gets generated in a reactor from all the parts being bombarded by neutrons it's not radioactive fuel waste like an efficient reactor so it's not as bad but it is still some radioactive stuff that will have to eventually disposal plus extracting energy from the neutrons generated by fusion wouldn't be quite as straightforward as it is in conventional power plant the walls of the reactor are what captured the neutrons and heat up in a power plant the walls would then heat water surrounding the reactor into steam to drive turbines but being bombarded by all those neutrons can make the walls brittle and radioactive over time to handle that damage for a long-term reactor scientists need to design walls that are more resilient but still able to efficiently transfer heat out of the reactor although ITER won't be able to deliver power researchers hope that if it's successful those issues could be worked out in an even bigger test reactor called demo in the meantime we'll keep working on all those other options for cleaner energy like solar power and nuclear fission a lot of work is being done to make those technologies safer and more environmentally friendly too as for fusion for now the old joke holds true fusion power is still at least 30 years away but maybe it won't be for long thanks again to LastPass for sponsoring this video unlike fusion power password security is a problem you don't need to wait to solve you can just use LastPass we all know what you're supposed to do to have strong safe passwords don't use real words use capitals and numbers and special characters and never use the same password twice but it's really hard to do that if you also need to remember those passwords with LastPass though you don't have to it can store an unlimited number of usernames and passwords for you and with apps for Android and iOS your info syncs across all of your devices you can even use it to automatically generate new random passwords which I do all the time then when you open an app or a website it just fills in your username and password for you it's so easy LastPass also keeps track of security breaches on other sites within your vault you can run a check to see if your accounts have been compromised so you don't need to keep track of a million different complicated passwords or risk using weak ones you can just remember one master password and let LastPass take care of the 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Channel: SciShow
Views: 678,577
Rating: 4.8492742 out of 5
Keywords: SciShow, science, Hank, Green, education, learn, password manager, recover, random password generator, generate password, lastpass, fusion, future, energy, power, nuclear, laser, alternative, fission, plasma, alpha heating, ignition, icf, mcf, tokamak, tritium, turbulent, iter, jet, east, magnetic, neutron, neucleus, explosion, implosion
Id: riOvBEEs9WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
Reddit Comments

Short answer: lack of funding.

That said, advances in computing certainly make it easier and cheaper to do that work now than when we could have done it with more aggressive research funding, so personally I consider it a wash.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/doctoreldritch πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s a real shame the general public isn’t aware of the tremendous advantages fusion holds. It would significantly reduce air pollution and global warming not to mention fusion would be incredibly safe in comparison to fission.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Powdered_Toast_Man3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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