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four times we do yes first time in Swedish first time in Sweden ever done how do you like here fine is gorgeous that view is gorgeous first morning here and woke up and walked across a bridge you over water and fell in nothing and then I had a really good blueberry muffin so your most played song trust fund baby was written by a chair and how did that came about yeah he knew we were at the VMAs he ran into us and was like I really like what you guys are doing and we were like thank you crazy I mean we we've sending all our own interviews that we love everything each year that's doing look up to him so for him to say that was really cool yeah and then um a little bit later we heard word from him that he had a song in mind for us and so we were like let's hear it and then we really liked it and put our spin on it and now it's just something that is out for you to get if you want to get it go stream it yaar when it's about yeah it's about independency and it's about independence of how that's about like I think that's the Declaration of Independence it's about it's about finding a girl that's independent and mature and and you know it was kind of like can kind of teach you lessons in life and you know not someone who's dependent on daddy you're dependent daddy's money you know materialistic things in life it was someone real that you can buy with onion yeah I mean especially as an artist and kind of in the position we're in it's really relatable you know trying to find a really real girl who likes you for you yeah yeah you know what's the best thing about being a toy best thing about being unto her so in America they don't have double-decker buses but here they have double-decker buses and Sanna double-decker oh my god it's seriously like every it's not like there's this big like window in the back lounge and you catch the front line what's the front lounge because the drivers right under us so we can like see what he sees yeah what's your driving so it's cool every time we're about to like go under a bridge it looks like we're going and I mean it's cool cuz we're going to places we thought we would never go like Sweden yeah we're just chillin and you just kind of go to sleep on the bus and wake up and you're in Sweden so that's that's any stray - fish here again yeah are they actually here I think it's pretty crazy that we're like we're on the other side of the world right now from where you know we live and when we made this band this could never like we never thought that we would be over here and that Mabel would show up to our shows and know every single word - it's craziness and like it's that's the best part about this tour for me is just seeing all the different cultures and the different types of fans coming out and getting to meet them that's crazy - I think there's there's like a sound light here so there you can't go her like a certain decibel level yeah at menus and it was funny on the last song Trust Fund they got so loud that the music was like muted because yeah it was pretty crazy but what about the worst part about being on time living out of a suitcase yeah yeah just bring that thing everywhere with you and it's not that's my main thing going from LA to traveling international like from LA to Europe we were so jet-lagged for the first like further covers days you still kind of getting over it oh okay but that was pretty pretty awful because it's like you're up at like 5:00 a.m. and you're just trying to go to sleep and you can't because in LA it's like 100 APM wait just just like missing family and friends it's hard to like really stay in touch more like yeah that way you think like whenever you whenever you text your friends it's like it's we have to be careful because well you have to look at a time before you yeah it's like be aware i facetimed my mom just so review the other morning when I was having that muffin and she's like it's boring what has been your most memorable it was crazy I did so there's a song we do called during and it's our song by the way it's just the same go stream is tons everything but uh and I actually go off for part of the song I go offstage and I usually go down the steps but I completely missed the steps I didn't even it was dark and I didn't see so I fell I fell off the stage and I landed on some like pole or something like hit my knee and then I I tried to stand up and I could walk so like I was like you know I actually can't go back on stage like there was a dude over there was a guy I'm like crawling over there to him why can't I just lay down and then the medics came and they just kept performing I guess right yeah our manager in our in our in years was talking cuz he had a mic so we can hear him but it doesn't go into the speakers in that in the House panel they were like yeah Zack just dislocated his kneecap it were gonna covers parts you know we were like oh cuz it was mid song way so maybe now you have right here by yeah my kneecap went no no my kneecap was like here it is it was like over here it fell down to his foot yeah no yeah he kept went down into his giant ankle no but the late the medics came really quickly they came like in 20 seconds and then I was like laying on there they to me any other like you oh it's dislocated she felt it in everything I was like are you serious I looked down it was like over here and then um and they were like we're gonna have to pop it into place everybody around me was like it's gonna hurt really bad I was like thanks for saying that like that helps but yeah and then they just I was like no you're not popping it like I'm not letting you and then Dave came I was like you're popping most of you have tattoos if you could write any song lyric what would you tattoo I already did it really yeah it's uh Miguel song he says free spirit with a wild heart and I wrote free spirit pranks tour um so we don't really prank each other we pranked every we prank the world so like we'll be in public so that's one of our favorite prank that will happen will be going like hope like in the middle of the thing actually the Mormon did that in the middle of max is that yeah and and this girl was just eating french fries right in front of like a B and C using she's like but like we don't play along to we're like oh my god are you okay everybody's like what is going on do you have any party tricks or secret talent party tricks on or any card tricks you better not hit me in the head bro oh he's actually really he can go like under the leg and he can really like crazy sorry uh and uh I didn't whistle inside I can whistle inside my mouth this is the first night [Music] hey well any didn't mary had a little lamb the first summer ever that's when I would get mary had a little lamb on my hand oh if you guys could describe each other I'm really grime um idiots Yeah right yeah yep awesomesauce one that is one where are you that our readers love to read about love so we thought why not let you guys they talk about love and relationships open you guys of you are single and taken I'm single I'm single I'm private couple dates could turn into what a few dates but like I'm sitting yeah Daniels obviously single okay no yeah but we're on a band we're all turning on a band or where we off to learn a career or focused on my career Corbin you're really cute we're single yeah but how do you impress someone I go get someone yo what's up baby yeah miss thing we're doing really well it's basically just like hey we have a spot on the guest list tonight if you want to come to our show ice cream hot chocolate ice cream I think oh yes calling calling your parents because they've ice cream anything before listening to more heaven dr. pouty or the fortnight there's no no ice cream dr. pepper and Ford just so yeah if you just like Google Morgan Freeman and played the first ten videos you see but on the rails like it soothes you yeah music find find like a really good album yeah like listen to it over and over again like find the saddest song ever such as wait so you try to make a more sad fig by Toby such as I got no time to deal with your negativity it's the most wonderful time of the year oh yeah that's Michael Buble it's wonderful to hide what's a deal breaker a what a deal breaker their trust for me [Music]
Channel: Tidningen Frida
Views: 288,045
Rating: 4.989675 out of 5
Id: D0E23tVHzN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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