Why Donald Trump is Winning: Evolution Has The Answer

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evolutionary leadership theory suggests that in deciding who to follow people use evolved cognitive leader prototypes when people listen and watch presidential candidates they are subconsciously deciding who should be their leader based on higher status type communications in caveman times people follow the person that demonstrated most dominance leadership decisiveness confidence fearlessness and resourcefulness today our internal wiring hasn't changed when looking for our next leader or president we are subconsciously driven to choose the person with the higher status and if you watch till the end of this video you will be able to better understand why Donald Trump is so popular and why he could become the next president the first guy is that a SAP communication Donald Trump is very good at is congruence congruence means that your thoughts words and actions are aligned just watch the next clip of Donald Trump and look how congruent he is in the way he expresses himself without any filters somebody criticized me the other day because they asked me what I do and I said I'm gonna bomb the out of them I don't I don't care that gotta be stopped Donald Trump has said many shocking almost absurd things in his campaign and people wonder how could he still be going up in the polls the reason why is because he is congruent with what he is saying the way he stresses himself communicates that he is 100% real he has nothing to hide you can appreciate that he's totally comfortable expressing himself he is not holding anything back he knows he is going to offend some people with his comments but he doesn't care because that's the way he feels and he is being congruent with his ideas watch this next clip and even if you don't like the answer notice his congruence level do you perceive he is thinking about how to make his answer sound more appealing and politically correct or is he just expressing himself 100% with no filters do you think Islam is at war with the West I think Islam hates us there's something there's something there that there's a tremendous hatred there there's a tremendous hatred we have to get to the bottom of it there is an unbelievable hatred of us in Islam itself you're gonna have to figure that out okay you'll get another Pulitzer people can feel the radical honesty coming out of Donald Trump and they like it because this is so rare among not only politics but among everybody almost no one speaks what he thinks freely they always have some kind of agenda even if what Donald says is crazy they appreciate the honesty they sells the congruence the alignment in his words thoughts and actions and of course only people that are really high status can be so confident to speak their minds with no filters on the other hand when you hear other candidates speaking or answering questions you never feel 100% congruence there is always something holding them back trying not to offend anybody trying to be politically correct this is stifles them and you can feel it in their Communications Trump keeps winning no matter what he says he gains strength and you know the elites they're almost in tears the second highest status of communication is nonreactive nasai activeness means that you have total control of your reactions no matter what happens on the outside when a normal person is confronted with a lot of turmoil in his life somebody may be yelling at him criticism social pressure they will become nervous angry anxious irritated stressed normal people will react to the content on the outside this indicates that they are not strong enough to handle pressure watch the next clip and consider how much social pressure Donald Trump is facing in that moment and notice how he is completely under control nonreactive women you don't like fat pigs dogs slobs and disgusting animals your Twitter account only Rosie O'Donnell in the next clip you will notice an example comparing Jeff Bush and Donald Trump on the left side you have Donald Trump totally confident smiling relaxed having a good time in the right side is Jeb Bush and you can almost feel all your stress and tension this man is feeling so let's watch this creep we need toughness honestly I think Jeb is a very nice person he's a very nice person but we need tough people we need toughness we need intelligence and we need tough Jeb said when they come across the southern border they come as an act of love you said in September 30th that Isis was not you can see Jeb is reacting to Donald Trump he has no control over his internal state he's at the effect and not the cause and of course this communicates that Donald Trump is a much better leader than Jeff and even if Jeff had better ideas it doesn't matter what matters is the sub communications because this is what you are wired to respond to finally let's talk about frame control a frame is the filter through which you view reality when two people are interacting the person with the strongest reality will control the frame a lot of people have tried to make Donald Trump look like a fool for some of his believes ideas or things he has said or done but Donald Trump always manages to keep the frame instead of arguing or apologizing as that would be buying into their frames Donald Trump manages to keep the frame in every situation by owning 100% the things he kept said and done and making them look cool and smart watch the next clip and see how Donald Trump owns everything he has said he holds the frame and this makes him look very confident mr. Trump yes you've done very well in this campaign so far by promising to build a wall and make another country pay for it right send 11 million people out of the country cut taxes ten trillion dollars without increasing the deficit right and make Americans better off because your greatness would replace the stupidity and incompetence of others that's right let's be honest is this a comic book version of a presidential campaign and it's not a very nicely as most people confronted with some kind of socially accepted behavior would try to defend themselves or get nervous and lie but a high status man always stands too strong behind his ideas and actions and he never apologizes for his beliefs in the next clip you will notice that the frame of the reporter is the Donald Trump said some wrong things and he should be sorry for it a Donald Trump keeps the frame he says that he has no regrets and explains why his way of perceiving reality is correct you've insulted all cues you've insulted all kinds of people according to to what people believe by saying that Mexico is sending over rapists that Muslims shouldn't be allowed in this country that should be a moratorium for a while do you regret saying any of those things especially the things that you have said about punching protesters sending them out on stretchers you know I don't regret it at all some of these protesters were violent they were swinging they were hitting people one of the sub communications I have mentioned in this video all right what scientists call honest signals an honest signal cannot be faked so it takes a real high status man to be able to do what Donald Trump is doing people will always follow the person with better sab Communications it is nature so if you want to know four things that you can do early in an interaction thinks that Donald Trump is doing here to make everybody perceive your higher status you can go ahead and click the link now it will take you to another page where you will pop in an email and I will send your free report with four simple strategies that will give you a huge advantage in relationships business social life so go ahead and click the link it will take you to the free report you can get now if you like the video go ahead and subscribe thumbs up if you like it if you have any other videos that you want me to make go ahead and leave it in a comment section though because that really helped me a lot I'm gay from sup communication mastery thanks for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Subcommunication Mastery
Views: 4,298
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Keywords: why donald trump will win, donald trump, donald, trump, will, win, donald trump winning, why donald trump, donald trump is winning, why donald trump is winning
Id: IN0Fqi5kk0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 12 2016
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