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Hey DLM family What does the Bible mean when   it says that the dead knows nothing? What does that mean exactly?  Because won't we go to Christ if we die? Well, let me go to the Bible directly. [Ecclesiastes 9:5] So here you get those words  But I'm going to continue to read a  little bit because you need to read   this in its context to understand it and I'm going to explain it later. [Ecclesiastes 9:5-6] So here you have this verse that  says the dead knows nothing.  So this verse - is it not in  contrast with other verses like  Ecclesiastes 12 Verse 7? [Ecclesiastes 12:7] So here it clearly says that your  physical body returns to the ground.  To the dust where it came from in the first place. But your soul - your spirit - goes to God.  And then Jesus says: [John 5:24] So this verse says the moment you  accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior  you already receive eternal  life, meaning when you die  you won't cease to exist. [2 Corinthians 5:8] So, away from the body means  that you are with Christ, right?  Immediately  Your body goes to the ground returns to dust  where it came from, right? But you are directly going to Christ.  That's what the Bible says. It's very clear.  It's not like what some Catholics  say that you go to Purgatory first.  Or like the Jehovah's Witnesses that  say you enter a soul sleep state.  No. The Bible is very clear on this.  And then you get this part where Jesus says  something very interesting to the person next   to him on the cross as well. Listen to this: [Luke 23:42-43] Today you will be with Me in paradise. Not today it will be in Purgatory  Not today you will go into soul sleep. Today you will be with Me in paradise.  Now let's go back to Ecclesiastes 9 Verse 5. [Ecclesiastes 9:5] So what does this mean exactly? Because we've already established that   when you die you will either go directly  to Christ or into eternal punishment.  That's clear. You won't go to Purgatory or   soul sleep or any other weird place. Jesus says in the Bible [Matthew 25:46] Now, if you have a problem with this  truth, then don't quarrel with me.  Take it to Jesus. He's the one that said this.  So you have only these two types of persons:  one who will go to Christ, who chose the light,  and one who will go to eternal  punishment, those who chose the darkness.  Evil. And wherever you go, you'll still be you.  You'll have emotions. You'll be able to think for yourself.  For all eternity. So there's only these two types of people.  And the story of Lazarus and the  rich man shows us this as an example. [Luke 16:22-23] Then it continues, and it shows us  that they are still who they are.  They have emotions. They can think for themselves   and they have a conversation. For example, Verse 24 says: [Luke 16:24-25] Solomon was the guy who wrote Ecclesiastes, right? I've only read to you Chapter 9 Verse 5.  But to understand this - this saying  of the dead knows nothing - you need   to read the whole book and the whole chapter. Because it wasn't written in chapters and in   verses, it was written as a letter. As one.  So just before this in Chapter  4 Verse 2 he writes this: [Ecclesiastes 4:2] So, how can they be happy if they are dead? Because dead people cannot be   happy because they're dead. So this means they must be happy somewhere else.  They're not on earth anymore so  they can't be happy on earth.  They can't experience those things. So they must be happy somewhere else.  With God. Do you understand what I'm saying?  The whole book of Ecclesiastes  was written in a book form.  From a perspective of people on the earth. So an earthly perspective of things.  That's why it always says "under the sun  under the sun" throughout the whole book.  It has an earthly temporary perspective. Look at how it starts. [Ecclesiastes 1:1-9] And then it just goes on and on like this. Solomon wrote this to show us this perspective.  The earthly perspective that everything  under the sun stays the same.  There's nothing new. The dead know nothing.  But we - we are still alive,  trying to make a living.  So you have this one view  of everybody who's alive.  And then everybody who is already dead. These people who are dead - they don't   contribute anymore to everything  that's going on in the earthly world.  They're not helping society working and  building relationships with other people.  They're not taking care of  the natural environment.  They do nothing because they are not here anymore. They are dead.  Now, let's read Chapter 9 Verse 5 in its context. [Ecclesiastes 9:1-6] In other words, they are not here anymore. All of it - their earthly life is gone.  Who they fought against, Who they loved.  Who they didn't love. Every single thing is gone.  He's basically saying that  death comes for everyone.  And everyone has the same experience. Generation after generation after generation.  But then, he turns. And it starts to be beautiful.  Because he says you have to  make the most of your life. [Ecclesiastes 9:7-12] And then it continues on and on, like that. He's basically reminding us   that death comes for all of us. And that you should make the most of your   time while you still are in this temporary world. Because it is going to pass away like (snap) that.  It's basically saying you should use your time  to focus on the things that actually matter.  Let me bring this home. When you lay on your deathbed,   knowing you are about to die and you look back on your life.  What will go through your mind? I can guarantee you it probably won't   be I should have worked more. I wish I made more money.  Or I should have watched more TV series and played more games.  What you probably will think  about is this: Am I really saved?  Will I go to Heaven? Did I spend enough time with my family?  What will people say about me when I die? Did I teach my kids well enough to have   a relationship with God and  will they be okay without me?  You see, the fact is a lot of  people don't even get that chance   to know that they are dying. A lot of people just die instantly.  Both of my brothers died in their early 20s.  I thought my dad would probably  live to be 80 years old.  He died in his early 60s. The fact is that you will die and that you can die   anytime now. Even today.  A new study reveals on world population  review.com that in 2023, there are 332,000   people who die every day. That's 13,860 per hour.  That is three to four people every second. Just in the time that you watch this video   a few thousand people already died. One of these days you'll be one of them.  Time goes fast (snap). Don't waste your time.  Please listen to me today. Sit down, stop your rat race, and think.  Am I saved? Am I truly a reborn Christian?  Don't just think about it  in your head theologically.  Think about it real. Let it sink in.  Ask yourself truly - and be brutally  honest - are you a real reborn Christian?  Or do you just say it with your words but your  actions - your heart - share something different?  What will God say to you one day? I'm saying this to you because I love you.  Because God gave me a chance. He took two of my brothers.  The second one - when he died  - I knew I was not ready.  But He took my brother. If He took me I would have gone to hell.  For all eternity, the Bible says  clearly - eternal punishment.  Jesus himself talks about hell more than heaven. It is a reality.  And I'm saying this not to sound  all brimstone hell preacher.  No. Because I love you.  I care about you. And that's why Jesus said it as well.  Because He cares. Because He loves.  So if you want to make sure that you are saved, then please watch this video here.  And I'll see you there. And remember, God loves you.  And I love you too. Bye.
Channel: DLM Christian Lifestyle
Views: 403,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why does the bible say the dead know nothing, the dead know nothing, the dead knoweth nothing, will we receive eternal life, is soul sleep biblical, what is soul sleep, will we go to purgatory, who goes to purgatory, soul sleep vs present with the lord, soul sleep or heaven, will we still have our memories in heaven, ecclesiastes explained, ecclesiastes 9 explained, who wrote ecclesiastes, vanity of vanities all is vanity
Id: 1bbWbbnM1ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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