Why Does Pope Francis Favor Cardinal Cupich?

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well since the McCarrick scandal and then also the fall of Cardinal Donald Wuerl in his involvement with the Pennsylvania grand jury report and then all the backlash and outrage in Washington DC leading to his resignation and acceptance by Pope Francis the new leader in the Catholic Church in America is blaze sue pitch I'm here today with my Coast Timothy Gordon and we're gonna take the baseball card ablaze suit turn over look at the back and look at the stats look at the history of who is blaze sue pitch and why is this important primarily because he's on the Congregation for bishops and he's an opponent of archbishop vegan oh and Pope Francis has chosen him to head up the Vatican summit on abuse on this scandal which is supposed to be happening in February so Timothy Gordon what do we know about this guy blaze sue pitch currently the Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago for starters bear in mind that he is the replacement de facto for Francis Cardinal George of Chicago and this is a coup for the you know the left in the church the the American Catholic left insofar as it's like taking justice and Antonin Scalia on the bench and replacing him with a super leftist a super right super right-wing super Orthodox mover and shaker among Catholic orthodoxy right Francis Cardinal George very very quotable whether it's your Fulton sheen like grabby day-to-day spoken quotation or your theology grad school paper very very good figure in the church for for the Orthodox and the Conservatives so that what all that goes to say is that he you know super far leftist with a career basically committed to the the politics of Pope Francis and of team Francis moreover and before Francis was was Pope and it's it's a it's a painful thing to watch he's stupid as his career develops more and more proves to be in one of the shrewder subtler advocates of the Francis agenda cos Lou what we were talking about before we started rolling is he's he's kept his nose clean unlike the the Tobin's out there the mckarrick sout there and this has enabled him to direct a policy agenda from within the Cardinal at the American [Music] College of Archbishop's and Cardinals that that is more effective more potent it was just something to bear in mind as we go through all this and I like how you bring back his the legacy of Francis George but it's probably also worth mentioning that going back into the 80s and into the 90s we had a Joseph Bernardin who you know I've discussed before he's really the godfather of the seamless garment a false theology he was I mean the dawn he was the og of the leftist anti John Paul the second Liberal Party in America and he was really the kingmaker and getting crazy appointments of Bishops all over the US and he was from 1982 to 1996 so he had a long reign and so Francis George being placed into Chicago was sort of seen as a pause a tapping of the brakes getting things under control now we see with blaze Subic that everything's wrong right right yeah I guess I made reference to a kind of vacuum of power shift from right to left we go from George to super day I guess it was it was equal and opposite when we went from when they when they staffed the end of the Chicago position with with Cardinal Jorge from Bernardin the point yeah this seems more like a fit when you go from Bernardin to su pitch eventually so yeah that is worth pointing out George had a relatively short tenure did me I I guess I followed his chores closely no he was from 97 to 14 he died cancer so he's right to 97 to 2014 so a decent a decent rain I guess that's not a blip what's what's notable is is Durning Bernardin so many of the priests and the vocations and the seminary formation was formed under Bernardin which had a lot of homosexuality and a lot of liberation theology a lot of just you know moral laxity in that regime and I don't think Cardinal George was able to overcome that or overstaffed that in his presbytery so in reality blaze su pitch has inherited a pres bitter it of older priests that are Bernardin priests right we're gonna tell you yeah you know you shouldn't you know abortion is just one of the life issues you know we were ready to get on board with immigration and inner-city housing and things like that which of course you and I aren't against they're just not the primary pro-life position sure yeah yeah and also noteworthy before we get rolling here again pointing it out for what it's worth is that supertruss made a bishop by by jump all the second and we've made reference to this before that jp2 has quite quite the track record that one would not brag about within the ranks of Orthodoxy in terms of the Episcopal see and those that he brought into it so whatever this is worth you know III don't know exactly how intelligible a given you know priests record is prior to being brought into the into Bishop but um it doesn't work out well for jp2 and we've talked about this before no I like to talk about a lot more Timothy because I honestly don't know your mind on this we never talked directly about it the way I was always taught to understand john paul ii it's undeniable that he chose horrific bishops in America and all over the world Tony's you know we could go on and on and here we have the Sioux pitch were all these guys so I was always taught you know I got this somewhere yeah yeah we might want to yeah we should at some point but I was always kind of taught in our conservative Catholic circles john paul ii is a good guy he's a saint he has the best intentions for the church he was gonna reform it but he is Fayed and King right you know talking about yeah yeah exactly he's an old man he's on the throne and there's this sickness that has set in with Fayed and King apply my lord of the rings' yep right John Paul the second and there's this this dastardly evil guy named worm tongue and worm tongue is always just feeding lies into his ear and so theity phaeton king is making all these horrible decisions about the kingdom and he's really just degrading the entire kingdom until Gandalf comes in with his staff basically kind of does this exorcism thing on him all right right and then Phaeton king wakes up but in the case of john paul ii he just kept on the story goes he just kept on getting worse and worse and worse and all these people around him Secretary of State Cardinals prefix all of them just kept poisoning his mind and saying appoint that guy at a point that guy and do this and so down the slope went John Paul the second that's that has been up until well even now the majority position on john paul ii yeah i mean is that what you subscribe to that what you've been told all these years that's definitely the story i like you're king said in analogy i think it's i don't and in the book isn't always theoden king yes well it's always it's always stated in king the same sense that the medieval is always right always used the the name for kind of like you know k'tano rates at cardinal Frank George rain ever disappearances cardinal Dori yeah no so that's right I just yeah so so they didn't if you look at his history in the book if you go and reread the book he has this more troubling history than what you get in the movies and I watch you know the movies five times more often when I go back and reread the book but the last time I was going through he has a history of self service and his heroic actions which eventuate in the Lord of the Rings specifically two towers and returned to the king are redemptive you know they're really a way for him to kind of prove himself that so in in my my mention of this is to further your analogy and to say jp2 as much as we love him and as much as his intense ur are often received as nothing but positive I'm not I'm not challenging this but I do look at the young you know life the the young career of of jp2 and I'm gonna I'm not gonna refer to him by his last name because I always struggle with how to say it so free pontificate jp2 and [Music] it doesn't I mean the young fully healthy minded jp2 is do you hear things like he was he was a wild enthusiast for the council right he was not the champion of reform of the reform that his lieutenant you know Byung rat singer who would become the champion of the reform of the out-of-control reforms the kissing of the Quran what happened in Assisi and 84 85 86 and then even this this this habit that he had by published word to call Vatican to the the second Pentecost right now with the second birthday of the church you know even though it's council 22 or 23 that doesn't doesn't make it a lot of sense and similar similar to what we distinguished between Ratzinger and jp2 on the Latin Mass and his countenance there thereof he never lost his childish you know young man's enthusiasm for the theology and philosophy of Karl Rahner whereas right Ratzinger did so I yeah I mean so that's kind of the way I view jp2 there's a lot of there's a lot of at best naivete there that that never that is not just a function of a worm tunnel well Wormtongue they can't be explained away that way maybe at some point we should talk about it more because we're getting people to ask us it red pill on jp2 I just don't know how to do it well you know it's we've been talking about taking the red pill on Pope Francis in these moments in which you realize there's something not right about this pontificate I can't keep going along with it there's something wrong here and you and I mentioned before that when you take that red pill and you become a Catholic where you're no longer a cheerleader for whatever the Pope says this week or on an airplane or whatever right right that red pill has a retroactive effect on me as well I then start thinking of well you know I really didn't like it when when ben xvi talked about UN and that encyclical and how we need the United Nations you know and then you start thinking well I really don't like how John Paul basically loaded up the the Cardinals and the matrices with questionable men and I wrote on my cup jump I was in kiss the Quran and like all of a sudden you start having all these there's these things in the past that I kind of suppressed and don't think about but when you started thinking about problems in the current pontificate then you start thinking about other problems in the pontificate and so this is like the reverse red pill right but anyway I mean that was all a tangent on John Paul the second appointed place food pajetta bishop right yeah which there's plenty of to go around right yeah sure so that was 1998 in which blaze sue pitch became a bishop in the Catholic Church and isn't um what ethnicity is blaze DuPage is any Croatian yeah that's got it that's something that's something Eastern European yeah thank you scroll action Lord see dad I think that's right because we Croatia was in the World Cup he was wearing a Croatian Jersey I remember thinking okay that's because that suit I never could plant that as a what you know where that comes from by Croatian I believe this place to pitch so he's he's made a bishop in 98 and one of the things that got him well known in America was in 2002 he barred the doors of the church full in one of his parishes that were celebrating the Latin Mass during the Easter Triduum right I mean what's up with that locking people walking your own people out of their church during Easter yeah that's that's strange for Tippett to identify and mass from celebrating the past gold tritium on on Easter you story if just because it's the 1962 right why would I mean even if you don't like the the old right mass which obviously no this guy doesn't not of his four friends do not have even the moderates in the church really do which is something to remember it's not just a leftist thing it's sort of the received mainstream position is antipathy toward the Latin Mass which is staggering why why borrow trouble why take a fight right particularly you know within five years of coming in to to your seat as Bishop it seems like a strange for a careful measured for a careful and measured leftist bishop in in Chicago there but I can't think of what would motivate this aside from sort of rallying the troops around the cause you know why do you think you would do that well here's the quote one that when the local newspaper interviewed him he supid said Bishop Stephen says I'm looking for one time each year to do that and it seems the day that the Lord died for us all would be a good day to do it and that's all there is about it and then just before that he talks about an opportunity for unity in the diocese so I think what he's saying here is since Jesus died on Good Friday for all of our sins we should all be united liturgically so we shouldn't be having a Latin Mass Good Friday service right the yeah when you compare that the interesting thing is when you hear this kind of argument at work against the Trinity in mass you know the the it's it's a total false flag the liturgical unity it's the opposite of what these leftist guys mean when they say Synod ality right Synod ality is basically subsidiarity in the context of items within the life of the church where there probably shouldn't be diversity right diversity subsidiarity local choice where there ought to be you for there ought to be unity and where there ought to be unity the opposite so the interesting thing with the rhetoric of Synod ality and and liturgical unity is that unless you really press on you know the appropriateness of when you want to when you want to have everyone doing the same thing they can get away with the kind of Brett wreck it's successful yeah I mean he basically barred people outside of there from the going into their church and said oh this is just an act of unity this is for Easter yeah this is a nice thing to do can I really one of the details here Timothy kind of think I'm crazy members of the Latin Mass community which had met in Rapid City for the past twelve years at Immaculate Conception Church on 55th Street say Bishop blaze who pitch has barred them from celebrating Good Friday and Easter Vigil services at the church in an attempt to mainstream them into the english-language mess we've been prohibited by the bishop from celebrating the Easter Triduum liturgies and locked out of our church from noon on Holy Thursday until 8:00 a.m. on Easter morning well that's crazy yeah that's that's really extreme do you think if they if they were gonna have a Kwanzaa liturgy during Christmas they would have been locked out of their church but I doubt I doubt it out well coming from a guy like this no way no yeah I don't know of any other situation other than just banning Latin masses in the American church where a bishop just locks people out from yeah from Thursday to Sunday right but this kind of abuse this is 2002 before some more important if it comes before even the the pontificate of Benedict the 16th this is under jp2 again not to not to revisit that the tangent we were on before but this was kind of regular that yeah that sort of thing that now they're they're intermittent we're sprinkled around you know the the history of the 90s Church in the eighties church but it happened a lot in the 80s and 90s there was a lot of abuse when you when you look at the fact of some more impulsive come wherein is a know six or oh seven Benedict quote gave the Latin Mass back to pastors so they didn't have to seek the the permission for from their bishop to do the Latin Mass you you know it's a paraphrase um it's something that shouldn't have had to have been sought in the first place so everyone looks at some more Pontifical is that historical oddity right if if we never were without this permi so to celebrate it without the permission specifically of bishops then why release a document and somewhat celebrated document from people like us to say this is awesome yeah and the answer to the question is it's is a de facto one it's because in the 80's and 90's church under the watch of again jp2 you had all kinds of crap like this happening like what what supa CH did in 2002 that's the short answer without getting into all of them yeah and into the defense of people who like the Latin Mass you you don't hear it as much but you still here at some and that is oh why don't that match people so like disgruntled or mean or whatever right now I don't think that that's necessarily true I think it's a it's a parody and I think it's a polemic most people that I know a lot amass are pretty happy and having a good time and shaking hands and me too you know it's it's a it's a pretty normal environment but there are some there are some cookies but there's cookies everywhere there's cookies in the Byzantine rites and there's cookies in the novus ordo as well but play yeah I think 10 years ago there people were a little bit more disgruntled especially pre-2007 was too more implanted become but think about it for the traditional people who like the Latin Mass since for the 60s and the 70s and the 80s and the 90s in in the 2000 or basically the little brother and the diocese who'd been slapped around what a bishop right think yeah think if you're a family of of 10 kids and one of the kids when he comes home for for Easter Christmas is locked out of the house over the weekend what is that kid's attitude towards the family and to the dad not sucked or he's locked in outside I mean right yeah like like I'm thinking home alone every time I why it's not indeed anyway like watch home alone which we watched over they excuse like yeah this kids bratty but man he's really mistreated by the same like I am right and why he's disgruntled yeah yeah then this is the Latin Mass Church go I didn't mean to cut you off but it he's the these Kevin Kevin McHale is yeah your family sides yeah he really is uncle calls him a jerk and everybody has watches and no one's like whoa you can't call it hate your own a Kevin's a yeah so this is this was the and I I went to Latin Mass before slightly before some more implanted him is when I began going it was actually I think earlier that year and it just happened to be released that summer it was the summer before I went to Rome I I mean yeah I don't I don't and you look I've seen a timeline of this in the pontificate of JP to again that's not the subject of the video but it yeah what do you what do you what do you want I mean even the likes of great thinkers in the church who are newer to the Latin Mass than you or I I'm thinking like like our good friend Pat coffin you know who we just talked about even the sort of measured response of Pat Compton which is always I love the Latin Mass he's totally it has nothing bad to say about it as you pointed out sometimes it's always peppered with and and with the cautionary caveat of but you know some of those people are whatever and I'm like I don't know I I get the bitterness I I guess I just get the bitterness a little bit more first off I think since su moorim the bitterness has gone away a lot but when we say were the people so bitter well think about if you were locked out of your church for the highest feast day of the year because the bishop says I want to promote unity give me a break right so well it makes it also makes me bitter when I met a local parish and they say you're not allowed to receive Communion on the mouth because it's cold and flu season yeah you know it's it's clearly it's clearly a false flag precisely you're being given a line so yeah that makes you a little bit bitter bitter I mean a lot of the great Saints were bitter so I you know that's that's that but yes which was when you're on board for this when you're locked home alone over the Latin Mass you get here you get mad and you're trying to keep these two two villains out of here exactly the wet band is the Wet Bandits yeah all right so stupid so another another thing so he locks Latin masters out of their church on Easter in 2004 he basically comes out and says look we should not deny communion for politicians who openly support about abortion rights here's his quote Timothy blazevich quote we cannot cherry-pick particular issues we have to be willing to talk about all issues our position begins with protecting the unborn but it doesn't end there end quote this was really him going to town for Barack Obama in Chicago right right I mean I'm sorry he's not Chicago yet my bad Barack is from Chicago but he's still in Rapid City's at this point right but it's it's 2004 this clearly stupid campaigning for a bigger and better see right yeah right that's right I mean and again it does it serves well to look at the the rhetoric some nothing he said here is theoretically wrong to not be able to you know we're not supposed to cherry-pick particular issues we're not what do we call that we call that cafeteria Catholicism so this has the ring of truth we have to be willing to talk about all issues great yeah we should just talk about abortion let's also talk about the the mortal sinfulness of homosexuality right blaze you know I'm down for that let's also talk about you know euthanasia let's talk about all the serious grave uh moral issues but that's not what he means what he means it's it's by language there's a wink and a nod here it means we don't want it because when you make this claim let's not talk let's not cherry-pick you could either be saying let's talk about more issues universally or let's talk about less issues universally that's the buy play yeah that's what you good points good point our position begins with protecting the unborn but it doesn't end there it's like again we could talk let's not just talk about the unborn the way Francis said you know three weeks into his pontificate let's talk about other issues if we're going to insist on talking about the end board so he's like let's just talk about none of the uncomfortable issues yeah it's it's a truck it's it's serious trouble yeah and then also when also to the help of Barack Obama 2008 he has that quote you wanna read that one Timothy where it kind of goes up too bad for Barack Obama yeah yeah I do as we draw near an election day on which one of the major party candidates for president hmm is for the first time a person of African American and ancestry we should be able to do so with a sense that whatever the outcome America has crossed another threshold and healing the wounds that racism is inflicted on our nation's body politic for an entire history however in view of recent media reports regarding race-based voting the potentially healing moment could turn into the infliction of one more wound if racism appears to determine the outcome because of that menacing possibility is worth we're calling for Catholics and Americans and all Americans racism is the sin now the brief this is basically a political statement you we need to vote for Barack Obama or what being racist it's basically a stump speech the irony is if you apply the rigor of what of his logic in a more accurate way than how it he faithfully intends it it you would say okay yeah well I forget what portion portion share of black Americans voted for Obama was ninety seven percent I believe 96 and 97 percent that's that that is you know aphasia evidence of at least what a court would call disparate impact I mean that that's basically the first step toward racism and you'd have to show that you know race is the motive that it ostensibly seems to be which which i think is a pretty for any much a slam-dunk so I agree what do you say I mean racism is it just something that only white people are capable of so if you apply the rigor of what he's saying is that again it's actually correct just in the opposite way they win regard to how he intended it right and even and even you know I don't want to get onto brocco bomb in America but you know even if you want to say white people voting for Barack Obama to have to prove that they are not racist yeah is ridiculous we should be voting on candidates based on their morality their history their voting record and their positions the content of their character as as exactly against the left at one time believed not the responsibly and precisely so you know we had probably the most pro-abortion presidency for eight years thanks to Obama and thanks to supid she was doing stump speeches for him well Obama real quick because there's something that happened in 2006 regarding abortion as well same year I believe there was something called the born alive act put up to the United States Senate I think it was one of the first major policies that Obama voted for against ninety nine of the hundred US senators most of whom are what we would consider Leo center left by bhaiyya by an Orthodox Catholic standard even most of the Republicans voted down I'm forgetting what whether or not the born alive act to us what we voted for it the one vote against was young Barack Obama and what the born alive Act said is that if an abortion fails you can't throw away the body and essentially let the young baby die as medical refuse the one so this just private insist what you just claimed about the most pro-abortion mainstream politician the United States has ever produced murderous murderous policy in this this thug from Chicago IL full of this Saul Alinsky you know Chicago IL politics and and all the rest openly voted as one of his first acts against the idea that it's illegal to to kill a baby who has been born after an attempted abortion and this made major news right this made major news so it may be it hadn't yet happen though I it was 2006 as well people should look at uh but but anyway in 2006 South Dakota voters are considering a referendum that would ban abortion except in the case of saving the mother's life seed had that principle of double effect right yeah this is wall stupidness in South Dakota by the way yes yeah yes he calls for public dialogue marked by civility and clarity and again facially doesn't sound bad but he's really proposing are three conditions for the conduct of the political debate the conditions are one it must be recognized at both the issue of abortion and legal restrictions on abortion are inevitably moral questions in for by moral values fine number two there should be agreement that any discussion of abortion and the law must recognize both the suffering of the unborn children in in abortion and the suffering of pregnant woman in dire circumstances that everything is great yeah until the last probably nine words and that's where you get all of the loaded strong pro-abortion rhetoric and number three there must be a commitment to dialogue again there's then the Hori language right at a civil interactive and substantial this statute ended up being defeated 55 to 45 now again people might look at that and say what's wrong with that what's wrong with that dr. Marshall well I mean if you bring in the the condition of the suffering of the pregnant woman right with the suffering of the unborn child you now have to escape causes in small situation right so you can say and it opens the crack for Satan to put his toe in there and then his foot and then his leg and then his body and in his head and he's in the room this is how the the abortion agenda has been driven since the early 1900s right and yeah I mean that's it no I don't know what else to say about it and it what's that is we have a Catholic bishop basically opening the toe the door just enough for a toe the devil to get in right right yeah yeah so that's it's it's bad stuff that yes again there aren't that many um we should point this out about su pitch there aren't that many American bishops you know it's different when you talk about Cardinal gottfried to neil's and some of the northern European Archbishop's and Cardinals that more openly would would would say things like this that are basically pro-abortion yeah sound like the rhetoric of a Hillary Clinton or in a Barack Obama sue pitch is one of the only American ones a lot of them I think are privately pro-abortion and are against the censoring of pro-abortion politicians because they're scratching their backs people like Pelosi or Joe Biden you know who are also in named Catholic but that's the most you'll ever hear for most of the leftist American Catholic prelate soup it's in a couple instances here was was more out there on the pro-abortion limb than almost any other American Catholic bishop I've ever heard of precisely Bernie maybe Bernardin yeah we're all world not so much by his words but world by his behavior in DC during this era and it's not odd at all to see su pitch out in Rapid City out in the sticks but he is saying the things that world is doing and it's not at all odd that here we are ten years later and we see that whirl and Sue pitch have emerged together as consuls in the Catholic Church in America and both of them are the only Cardinals currently on the Congregation for bishops they are the kingmakers I also want to stay here it is obvious to me as we look through the things we're reading here and discussing the young blaze sue pitch is campaigning for bigger and better things in the church in America right he has put his flag up early on he has licked his finger put it up and he saw which way the wind is blowing and the Catholic Church and he went out big he went big band in the Latin Mass stump speeches for Obama you know and then we see it was in when he goes to Spokane he gets transferred in 2010 by pope benedict xvi thank you benedict xvi for that he bans priests from participating in rosary campaigns outside Planned Parenthood and he bans 40 Days for Life in his diocese so he's going he is definitely letting the world know look I am soft on abortion I am pro democrat party I'm anti Latin Mass I want all my people to know that I don't want my brother to bishops to know I'm that guy and it paid off well because guess who's his best his BFF right now Pope Francis right everything Pope Francis is doing as anything do with America soup is the point man he's the Donald world 2.0 right cleaner cleaner record da nerd world and and I taste a Donnell whirl or Donald Wuerl Donald War okay I thought you said Donna my bad you keep my bad Oh call him Donna um if you want that's not that's not his name but you know people like that maybe you like that I I but the point is yeah young stupid is careful well I mean to some extent he's careful the thing about inter Catholicism leftism is it's simultaneously bold right I'm always correcting people when they say all these people are cowards you know that they're not cowards there's a boldness here because if you just just just follow me through this thought experiment for a second let's say that that Roman Catholicism is not the one true faith it's not the one true worldview one true ideology but say something else let's call it X if you are a high-ranking leader of X worldview and you are a committed opponent of all of the essential properties of X then you're either going to be a secret sort of double agent you know in the way that these infiltrators were in the Catholic Church for 450 years or you would think okay I'm gonna be true to what I believe but you know I'm I guess I'm gonna be kicked out of worldview X because I started espousing you know you know the ex-prime point of view the opposite of X somehow guys like su pitch and I I mean oh we've covered this a lot have committed themselves to being cautiously cautiously open about articulating their unacceptable point of view their anti-catholic point of view and at the same time you know guys like world have have done so in a sufficiently articulate way such as - they're kind of hiding in plain sight and you know got a when I think of someone like su pitch he's been a lot more effective just doing this you know moderate amount of research for today's show then guys like Tobin which we talked about some then guys like whirl or mckarrick and and you know these are the other throny no mo moany he was he was he was incautious Bry I mean he he made mistakes got caught even your average sort of know nothing Catholic in the pew at least out here where I'm at in California is known to make fun of Mahoney we have all kinds of rhyming names for him out here and and that this goes back to you know 10-15 years ago people knew Mahoney was bad it it's not the same way with with a supe j'en till recently threw his clothes pairing with Francis but the point is he's been he's been a really effective sort of double agent or whatever what do you call someone that operates within the Catholic Church for global leftism right well now we call team Frances team phrases yeah but Lord this we didn't really have it wasn't it was it was covert it was st. gallen mafia it was you know little groups here and groups of bishops here but now it's out in the open and everybody's waking up right so what's so yeah so how does all this how does all this shake out when we consider what's what's to happen in February of 2019 I mean why why sue pitch why now it seems like a little bit too much too too quick there's there's three more episodes in soup it's his career I want to cover and then we'll hit that question because everybody wants to know why is super to the point guy in the global solution to McCarrick and the scandals so let's just say that we're gonna get to it sue pitch is the number one guy under Pope Francis to solve the global problem which was sparked by the revelations of ex Cardinal McCarrick who by the way helped gets to pinch appointed great but a few more things one stupid wrote a book in 2011 called the new roman missal a time of renewal yeah and he says hey we gotta get he explicitly says no more ad orientem as the church has always done it that is the priest facing the crucifix the tabernacle in favor of versus Pullum he lamented those who did not accept the Novus Ordo and he wrote favorably on the vernacular non-western enculturation of the liturgy and more lay participation which doesn't mean prayer like it did historically it means getting up and doing stuff around the sanctuary dancing dancing yeah moving about yeah administering Holy Communion etc now the other one is his pastoral letter in which he speaks of same-sex marriage in Washington State as a matter of equality right this happened in the 2012 referendum in Washington State right and I'll read the quote he says proponents of the redefinition of marriage are often motivated by compassion for those who those shown courage and refusing to live in the fear being rejected for their sexual orientation there's a compassion that is very personal for those who have suffered and continued to suffer are closed and will are closed and beloved beloved friends and family members it is also a compassion Forge and reaction to tragic national stories of violence against homosexuals of verbal attacks that demean their human dignity and of suicides by teens who have struggled with their sexual identity or have been bullied because of it as a result supporters of the referendum often speak passionately of the need to rebalance the scales of justice system speech it is it's a development of there's there's this organic continuity between the kind of crypto pro-abortion that that we were hearing circa 2006 2008 and the crypto pro-homosexual List rhetoric right there there's always that connection and now it's like you see he's kind of moved on he's fly my flag early with very careful language that that even as its carefully it just shouldn't be there about abortion six to ten years later than the rhetoric all shifts to what what guys like I suspect is the real end game which is similar kind of careful but inappropriate language about why why are you saying this about right what's your what's your what's your skin in the game here oh you know hopefully that's just an expression but but you know what do what your skin in the game here white why is this sure it's a secular voting matter in a liberal state but why do you need to be why do you need to weigh on in on this and weigh in with the language of the scales of justice rebalance rebalance the scales of justice that's saying that the scale of justice are not balanced he's basically saying we have an injustice if the scales that's why in a bear and an American in Western tradition the scales rep present justice give each their due as we've talked about so many of our video podcasts super just saying they're not so we had to rebalance it he's basically saying we do that by allowing same-sex marriage ridiculous it's reduce the explicit endorsement of same-sex marriage when you do the NASS that a lot of people read that quote and don't do yeah if they're if they're imbalanced it means the only way to get him back to balance this to let gay people pretend they're married exactly yeah so then he goes to Chicago I mean the big news and he becomes a cardinal under Pope Francis the big news for him as he said you know people don't like Pope Francis because he's a Latino that was one of his big quotes another one of his quotes was when he stated that there's bigger there's a bigger agenda in the church right now like climate change and immigration then the sexual abuse crisis that was another famous soup of zinger and then the other big one is when he basically locked the priests burn the the gay-pride rainbow flag that was hanging in the center of the church and he was locked out of his home and basically went into exile under supid so it seems like almost everything controversial about stupid has to do with abortion same-sex issues and liturgy and I want people to just take a moment because not everybody's read pilled yet on the the constellation of those issues together he the liturgy is a very important piece of propaganda in these issues not that the Novus Ordo per se is bad invalid whatever but it allows the priests to modify the liturgy to choose the Eucharistic Canon and to insert things as he desires as he wants and that ability for the priests to modify and change the liturgy Sunday after Sunday allows him to introduce all kinds of novelties and his own thoughts and ideas I mean you go to the Latin Mass that there's no opportunity besides the sermon for the priests to interject anything that's true a couple a couple other things one the the ad orientem posture during the consecration of the priest is I maintain the most important aspect of reforming the reform I think it's is even more important than the the Latin language itself more important than other other dimensions that we can bandy about it is the the key posture I think and and he he mentioned it specifically I was gonna react to that three or four minutes ago when you read it so that that's one thing not only is he an opponent of restoring the Latin Mass obviously but he's an a specific line item opponent of what I take to be the most important dimension of the Latin mess which is that oriental Earth ad orientem versus notably the Second Vatican Council did not underline did not ban ad orientem well it makes it makes the kind of Velata Tory reference to it in sacrosanct M Concilium the the sacred Constitution on the liturgy from which allegedly the new Mass was written right as a template it basically makes a passing reference to ad orientem posture as what ought to continue and then the 1911 in the 1970 missile the Latin rubrics presume ad orientem for example say the priest turns around and says to the people right why is he turning around if he's already facing everyone yeah exactly so we've been lies - we've been ripped off we have these people like sue pitch who are telling us oh the council fathers taught verses populum we all need to do it we need to wreck our cathedrals we need to put in these akia altars out into the outside the sanctuary in the transept and the priest has to face two people it's a lie it's wrong it's of the devil right you don't go and like we said it I don't know what video is but it's like my wife sets everything up for Thanksgiving beautiful does all this work or for Christmas and I come in the front door with a folding table from Ikea a modern table I think we're gonna we're gonna do it over here with the plastic cups and a neon Saint Pauli girl sign yeah want to put this up yeah and a legend yeah yeah exactly oh hey clay she's like this isn't quite the aesthetic I was going for you I think it was the Catholics you know they spent you know five hundred years building this baroque Cathedral with an incredible baroque altar that's all integrated and some and with symmetry and then they bring in these 1979 akia tables yeah ah it's offensive and now that formal esthetic is nothing but baroque its baroque it's broken oh Ken yeah so I think that's that those are all the points I wanted hit on sue pitch you know yeah a second second thing say well done quick one quick response to that last sue pitch point about Francis is unpopular because he's the Latino this is like when your critics out there you're dr. Taylor Marshall critics say I don't like him because he's black I know what I'm offended by that right he's people are our Holy Father is is not Latino right he was relationship of he's Italian both his mother and his father are immigrated Italians so yeah that's that's fine to want to defend your homey your boy but get get it right you know I'm like no no I if I were to defend dr. Taylor Marshall it's one of his critics I would I would say well race race has nothing to do with it of course right he'd be a good guy whether he's black white yellow yeah whatever but but I wouldn't say oh you just dislike him because he's he's black you hate him on account of his madness people so we see with Obama and in the elections and then this comment by George George realizes the power of race baiting and he will do it he member to lie sooo I said blaze deny George oh I'm sorry as a George blaze what thinking direction did Cardinal yeah blaze su pitch knows the power of race baiting and he will do it and I'll say well Pope Francis as a Latino know he speaks Spanish but he's Nikoli Italian it'd be like saying well you know Marcel Lefebvre an archbishop in Africa so it'd be like people don't like him in his society no because he's African yeah well he was a lunch bishop in Africa but he's not anyway yeah people get the point okay so let's talk about his role sir okay we're gonna say something sorry sue pitch of course he knows the power of race-baiting because he's an American leftist right right american leftist no no this wield it implement it and have really leveraged it effectually better than any other of the global worldwide leftist American leftist know it and use it it is their mark almost there their indelible watermark they use a lot of the same other tricks that worldwide leftist do but Americans because we had slavery segregation all the rest of it it's it's the mark of the American leftist it's a special owed to global leftism so just wanted to point that out yeah good point all right so that brings us to the topic we we looked at the back of the baseball card of sue pitch looked at his stats lecour he's been look when he's accomplished and now we see that the general manager Pope Francis has drafted him to be the point man of the February meeting organized in Rome on clerical sexual abuse yeah super just said that vegan Oh can't be trusted that the McCarrick abuse cover-up is a rabbit hole that we don't need to go down so we know already that Pope Francis has chosen to pitch and the agenda in February will be that articulated already by supac Francis has said not one word kind of you know he's talked about the great accuser but sue pitch back here in America has been very wordy and verbose about how everything stands and it's big you know is wrong can't be trusted it's a rabbit hole it's not that big of a deal we need to move on in the church for the sake of unity and I guarantee you Timothy that's what it's gonna be all about in February we got to protect God's children and move on for the sake of unity course mercy and they're all gonna Pat each other on the back and come home and expect all of us to believe that right right super super also led the charge at the recent meeting against the vote boy that we can't we can't let that go III think he was the head cheerleader of the they strike down of letting lay investigate their their crooked bishops there there you know that's right petter esta bishop woman Cardinal DiNardo read the statement saying Pope Francis has asked us not to move forward and not to vote supid stood up and issued a clarification and it looks from an outsider's point of view that soup was briefed beforehand by Pope Francis hey here's the letter it's gonna be read when it's read before any uproar breaks out on the floor of the bishops I want you to stand up and explain it as my appointment he's the altar boy of Pope Francis sooo pitch right right this yeah yeah that's wild that's what I mean already there's we talk about everyday the constant barrage of outrageous outrageous you know one-liners and facts that we're less callous than the average Catholic in the pew of course but even guys like us think about it I'm already forgetting the outrage that was just perpetrated on the American Catholic not not two weeks ago no I did the voting down of further investigation into Cardinal McCarrick and the voting down of lay involvement in this it is I mean these people are up there representing their own interest and it's naked no pun intended it's nearly self-serving it is naked self service and as is having you know Francis cheerleader blaze super chin and homosexual list a homosexual agenda pusher blaze soup it's running the meeting in February this is the last person that should be doing it and they just they pass it in front of us and it's not even much of a Trojan horse it makes me sick and it's me ashamed why I'm thinking from like a meta-narrative point of view why is it that Catholics just don't care that much they know it I mean they these these bishops Archbishop Carnales have been in the business long enough to know that you can pull things off like locking the people out of church over the tritium I'm it takes people off but you know three or four years later no one knows about it there's just a couple guys on YouTube talking about it but for the most part they get away with it time after time after time after time what is it in the catholic mentality that just lets it go this is an important question and it's maybe worth doing a whole separate video on there seems to be a strange I think the answer lies in refining the parameters a bit I think the question is what is it about the Catholic American mentality that enables such diminution of all things truly Catholic and all things truly good and here I'm not even talking about the supe jizz of the Nancy Pelosi so the leftist Catholics I'm talking about Center and center-right American Catholics yes were the ones standing for standing for the these kinds of abuses which is what we've been talking about the last couple minutes I argue but there's a weird overlap when when you come to because I actually they've been one of the few politically conservative areas in California right there's a weird overlap between in America which is a Puritan place originally between political right wing ideology you know political conservatism and theological conservatism and there seems to be some waspish backlash and I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but but teaching in this area I'm teaching to mostly you know the offspring of concert' politically conservative parents right and so I never ever ever get in trouble for around elections you know I don't I don't dumb things down too much but I I do occasionally get in not not in trouble but I do occasionally get furrowed brows and concerned questions about things like the Latin Mass even from political conservatives yes that's political and theological conservatism share some overlap of now to go overlap but it's it's misleading for your our viewers out there to assume that it's it's more overlap than it is there's a certain American conservatism seems to carry forward with it a wasp ish nests that has for whatever reasons I kind of deal with this in my book but it has for whatever reasons a kind of waspy Puritan form of right-wing is nice which is some of which is bonafide true right-wing ISM but a lot of conservatives that do go to get up roll out of a roll ahead and go to Mass on Sunday mornings are the ones that are like hey man I mean I'm fine with them I'm fine with you're in this mass in my own language maybe hearing it in Latin - a lot of kind of blue-collar conservatives or even just brass tacks white-collar conservatives they're like this is kind of euro you know which they distrust this is in a different language Americans of all the first world nations know no offense guys the worst at language you know the Americans make it like it's really hard to learn other languages it's really not so there's some there's some aspect of this that you know maybe just the Latin they don't like a lot of conservatives take a really a facially lame approach to things like anything new you know and to them if you've been you know baptized or and or confirmed after 1970 the new thing is the old thing new you know new Koch is really old coat from your perspective and if they're if they're kind of either brass tacks white collar guys or just you're kind of you know you know Bob sworsky Ditka loving super fan you know blue collar guy from Pittsburgh they're they're not interested in enough you know whether it's a dentist or a plumber or whatever and they're good conservative boys that I like otherwise they're not interested in the truth of the Latin Mass the liturgy enough to be like oh we do need to be learning little bit of lot and we do need to be saying the mass in line the priest does need to be why doesn't he face me right I like that you'll hear a lot of like even conservative political people say I don't I don't want to change that why would I can't hear him when he faces weight it's not about hearing him it's yeah well I always say he's not talking to you I get is talking to God yeah you kind of put your finger on the lost business of it and it might be that the conservative GOP mentality is very much rooted like we see it in Texas of you know think I'm a country boy country music pickup trucks or all equal when we stand before the American flag that kind of idea and and so it is there is unusual kind of egalitarianism in hardcore southern patriotism everybody's at the NASCAR race everybody's praying right we're all together you know if you for the prayer at the NASCAR race if you brought out a guy and I fiddled that chasuble and a Beretta they wouldn't be up they wouldn't be about that so I think there's something there because the Latin Mass screams hierarchy it's crazy this guy is in Persona Christi and so in that sense it is sort of old-world euro hierarchical etc so that's probably the resistance to it yes and there's a way and if you're really if you're really into the the traditional interestingly enough most of the hardcore traditional type people I know are hardcore GOP Republican they actually tend a little bit more towards the libertarian they're kind of like coming full circle like touching some liberal issues right right just an observation not necessarily true all the way yeah don't mention like Austrian economics they'll go off about that but they do have a totalitarian streak as do i you know kind of conservatory and the street guy i don't criticize it yeah what what the term is and again the the work kind of dancing around is American Whiggish miss right the American was formed at the founders called themselves neo wigs yeah wig ISM is bound up in in 17th century English politics with the it's the hardcore Protestant resistors of hierarchy and the Pretender Stuart King so you and I talked about it yes I'm I ever spoke to you your camera about my book his Whiggish 'no siz that american puritanical all conservatives that are decently but maybe not superlatively educated a political discourse will have it you whether they're Catholic or Protestant they'll have a leaning towards Whiggish nough switch makes them have some of these Protestants favoring presuppositions unless they specifically disabuse themselves of them yeah and we saw that in an American Catholicism kind of like at the height of John Paul the second and I'm thinking in my mind like George Michael yes George Lyle is that that neocon Theo con the first things it's the Whiggish conservative Catholicism yes Rick Santorum that that whole that whole orbit there that was happening 2000's and I think Pope Francis has pushed pushed people to sort of regather and reconnect and you're starting to see people who are moving back in time and saying hey I don't know what the answers are but you know the way they did seminary before the way they did a liturgy before the way they did Cardinals before or the way they canonized saints before seen better than what we got now so we need to reinvestigate that you know the dust has definitely not settled but you do see and I think you and I are critical of this in some of our very first videos that the people who are most attracted to say the Latin Mass are also into these fairy tales of we've got to restore the monarchy realism yep yes you know honestly I've been thinking more about that we should do a video on it I think when it comes to integral ISM you and I are that way we just don't necessarily see it as being monarchy per se whereas they are all in on monarchy and we've talked what about that in previous videos check the YouTube you know yeah but we're just kind of looking at a bird's-eye view here because there is the idea of hierarchy in structure and sacred persons all that lends itself to Kings monarchy aristocracy Nobles so could you have both I think you could I think you and I both believe that you could have a republic that is Catholic that is Christian you could even have an aristocracy in that Republic of course but you don't necessarily have to have 13th century France right what you couldn't have is a Catholic democracy right but but it would be very easy in in you know Montesquieu in terms to get a republic then that fully is you know honors Christianity in a way that would be on par with right you know the way you could because I mean you're just like like let's make a Catholic Republic right the public's are built on not pluralism right so there's these ideas of pluralism largeness of of country a larger public is a contradiction in terms according to pretty much all the classical Republican theorists you get that again waspy Whiggish nests in in the early states and it's it's a bunch of sort of Protestant founders and framers that wanted to try something new a large Republic that allows in pluralism mainly for at least a plural point of view of Protestant sex and that doesn't work well or a republic for with the implications that you pretty much articulated before you could have a Catholic Republic it's just supposed to be a bunch of like-minded dudes guys that are they don't necessarily have to agree as much as you and I but something close to that where you're just like yeah hell yeah I would I would live in a small Republic with this guy like almost like a neighborhood of like-minded individuals yeah polis yeah a polis that's what a republic is supposed to be so yeah that's I agree with all that so anyway that's we should do a show on that we should do some kind of talk on the relationship between liturgy political outlook organization the past the future but I think we should we should clean up here with su pitch before we know how how do you do that well I it raises the question for all of us who are following this for all of us all of those people out there that are Marshall and Gordon fans who are following this very closely and they know the players you know they know mckarrick they know vegan oh they know world they know su pitch they know big Tobin in Newark that's another you know something said well it looked like Tobin when when worl was heading towards retirement age which is 75 it looked like big Tobin there's two Tobin's there's one in Rhode Island there's one in New Newark the Cardinal is big Tobin I call him big Tobin could the big son of thunder yeah big Tobin he was in Newark which was McCarrick see it's a natural trait sort of a a junior version of New York City Archbishop he was made a cardinal it seemed very natural for him to slide down into Washington DC and be the Cardinal of DC he has all the same theological and political beliefs asked Donald Wuerl but he had that unfortunate event where he sent out he's meant to send a text and he sent out the tweet night-night baby I love you and everyone said who are you tweeting night and a baby I love you aren't you a celibate clerical and he said it was his little sister everyone talks that way to their sister I don't you're being paranoid I help you just scratching their head night-night baby there you go baby and and the other one that came out just a week or so ago is there's all these rumors that he had this Italian male model living in the rectory with him right and then he was asked who was it that asked him it wasn't Michael Voris it was a new Meyer no new Mike yeah George new Meyer at the USCCB put a mic in his face and said hey do you have this male model with all the extras up on the internet and on Instagram live director and he said yes or not he did but not right now he was living there so everyone's thinking why does a cardinal who tweets out night night baby have a male model living in his rectory and he said because he was taking language classes at the at the Catholic University duh you're so paranoid yeah and he brought in the male model to take language classes and to date his little sister no longer or have to be the one to say night her night baby yeah it all checks out it's sketchy it's sketchy so because of that Tobin has sort of been downgraded a notch there's too much liability with Tobin male models and he's not a careful Frances saying hey I was gonna put you in DC but I just found out you had a male model in the rectory salute you on that but that looks sketchy even we can't handle that and you're saying nighty-night baby i love you getting on planes to this male model likely and you're really bad at tweeting yeah me wizzy try yeah yeah yeah I'm not one of those things wrinkles when the wrong app you know you think you're opening your your messaging app your tweet I mean you're you're texting and then but you accent you're tired so you opened up Twitter and you sent it to 20,000 people in media he's deleted it we've already screen captured it so it was out there yeah so always doing that yeah so he he has been notched down a bit Tobin and they need a replacement for whirl either in DC or just a figurehead yeah I've heard that su pitch could take DC or more likely that Pope Francis is going to cherry pick su pitch out of America and place them in a in a role in Rome we saw Pope Benedict Arnold Burke things were hitting the fan in America if you have a favorite Cardinal in America and you don't want scandal to tar him you bring him to Rome so he has no priests no lay people he has nobody making any accusations or problems just in an office in Rome so he's safe so if sue pitch is going to play that role he could be moved to Rome or if Francis can't get someone solid in DC he leaves super chin Chicago didn't put him in DC and he continues to rely on supe SH in saqqaq in Chicago to be his eyes and his ears his policemen in America and then he just flies super jover every month or every two months and has a meeting with the Pope and says here's what's going on in America or these diocese are open you should put these guys in these places yep Sambas sounds sounds like a working game plan yeah I mean like look it's it's it's not we're talking about Republican politics small art we don't have a voice I mean he can move Pope Francis is moving the chess pieces at will he's playing chess against himself here we can't do anything I mean like like I said there's an impotence on this know our side and I mean that one that's faultless we really even when were yelling about it and are getting on the sticks you say it your audience you know Church militants audience Jorge Neumeier's audience is like yeah we're mad in that this is what I'm always saying you do people should be mad and speak in a loud voice and dump over a trash can or two proverbially but but what what else can you do I mean Francis now remember the the the agenda has come out into the daylight ever really ever since amoris Laetitia and in an increasingly emergent way and now it's like he's no longer trying to pretend and he's like again this is best instantiated by what happened with the mckarrick thing where he's like I'm not gonna defend myself I'm not gonna say one word you know I want you know worldwide press to go out there and do what you can to defend me and there's an impotence on our side that that it should be articulated here you know like now we all know sue pitch is just a cheerleader for globalism and leftism and he can now Francis can more freely move about I'd imagine it's a liberating thing to come out the way he has over the last two and a half years and just say yeah these are my boys I'm gonna move them about you know when they when they get openly out of line in a way that I'm not yet comfortable with like a Tobin big-big Tobin as you call him then then they'll they'll they won't be promoted too openly but as long as they're semi cautious like like a stupid she's perfect you're gonna see him continue to advance you know through the ranks yeah we don't have one whiff of of compromise of sewage like we did with world or we did with mckarrick or we did with now we do with Tobin personal moral compromise precisely at life precisely yeah yeah there's no rumor that there's a male model at super cheese residence so in that sense he's played his cards right before we sign off there's one more interesting element that you and I didn't discuss previously but at the summit not only a supe Chapman but also we've seen this Archbishop ski it's each Cunha she clearly should calluna yeah he Maltese from Malta he has become more and more prominent in Rome yes hope Francis have been tapping him and he's also going to be a lead guy at the February summit and Luna is the number one guy came out saying hey amoris Laetitia teaches communion for a divorce remarriage rah-rah-rah it's been one of the leaders on interpreting amoris Laetitia in the leftist i don't know what he call what's the interpretation what do we call it that basically says yes what everybody thinks it says it's what it says in trouble with other conservatives like this isn't he didn't say which sacrament it is well he said the five sacraments it's not indicating is now open to the civilly divorced or married and it's not one of the five besides there he's not talking about confirmation right yeah yeah basically know also was wasn't he the lean back and smile guy like he was the lean backing smile guy yeah creepy we talked about it where they where the young reporter says at this youth center will they discuss the abuse crisis in America and then Greg Brooks says well we're not going to talk about that and then shakuni's said what do you say oh they give the whole time yeah yeah yeah that's right drop the mic lean back smile like a like an Italian dawn yeah he did like like Skeletor yeah I guess it wasn't laughing he was just smiling so no Skeletor gave it and shook Luna was also sent by Francis to Chile to investigate the enormous debacle of Bishop Baros Morris and the abuse cover-up scandal in Chile so sheikh Luna is becoming a key man in Rome and I suspect that sheikh Luna will be elevated to the c9 the Cardinal 9 group of Pope Francis because one guys recently gone off because of scandal there's other people I actually I could cease to pitch being placed on the c9 as well maybe next year there are no Americans on the c9 as well that's correct wait yeah I think that's right Newton American I don't see super stupid would be stupid stupid would be the guy so you see cleaners new blood right so III would guess if I had to if we were taking wagers I would say sooo pitch would come up next year you know someone's in it which would which would be the argument that su pitch gets cherry-picked out of america and brought to Rome safely so that he's like he can no longer be wrapped up at any American scandals and he has freedom and power in America I mean sorry in in Rome you know yeah so I'm the world at large yep yep so there it is we'll wait and see we'll come back in February and we'll talk I mean we'll have many videos before then but we'll come back in February when this meetings going down and I can pretty much promise all the listeners that what we've predicted is going to happen it's gonna be all about let's protect the kids there'll be no talk about homosexuality and the seminaries and the hood or any of the things we've seen in America which is rector's and professors and priests among seniors harassing and having intercourse with young priests seminarians and teenage boys that will not be discussed to be all about protecting young children which we all can agree about rah rah rah it's non-threatening and then there will be no measures taken nothing canonical no new policies and it will be let's move forward for the sake of unity yes super choose the one also on the note you just mentioned he said we do explicitly he openly owned it we have to distinguish between the kinds of abuse happening with adults and kids I forgot about that one I forgot about the two but at USCCB meeting he says hey we have to make a distinction that some of the our priests are having sexual relationships with adult adult men and that's different and we need to make he's trying to make room for that not being in my eyes a punishable offense yes so that's also on the agenda folks all right if you enjoy these videos please hit the like button and subscribe and hit the little bell you hit the bell that notifies you when we have new videos coming out I also include people to check out Timothy's book catholic republic which discusses some of the things we talked about about integral ism republic and just the way Americans understand Catholicism Christianity and conservativism on a political level and until next time god bless Godspeed keep praying that rosary also a good I would follow me on twitter I just opened up my Twitter yeah Timothy is on Twitter it's at timothy ology it's TI mo th te o l OG y yeah i just opened that back up for the first time in three years so it will add that to the show notes down below you can follow me I'm Taylor r Marshall on Twitter and you are say it again Timothy ology Timothy ology Olo gy yeah excellent excellent also oh I'd like to mention as well like Catholic life prep which is the new st. Thomas Institute program for young adults ages 14 to 24 that's where we're losing most of our Catholic young adults we have Catholic life prep comm it's a curriculum for Catholic young people how to answer their professors their peers on the most common objections to Catholicism it's a training course it's going to be huge and important so check that out Catholic life prep comm or new st. Thomas com all right now we can sign off Tim ready adios Godspeed
Channel: Dr Taylor Marshall
Views: 74,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr Taylor Marshall, Cardinal Blase Cupich, Pope Francis, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Cardinal Joe Tobin, Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI
Id: uZiSkDBPrpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 47sec (4847 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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