Why Does Pinarello Keep Doing This? - Dogma F 2024

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pinell why do you keep doing this they've released a brand new Dogma F racing bike and it looks exactly the same as the old one it's a bit like when apple drop a new iPhone every couple of years and it's only a tiny bit better than the old one but after 10 years of releasing a new one you end up with a product which is significantly different and the old one looks well old that being said the new Dogma has some subtle but decent improvements we asked to borrow one for a video and they said no the only we could get our hands on one was by going to Italy to the Press event so that's where we [Music] went the spec we got to ride was a size 515 Dogma F frame set allegedly 108 G lighter than the previous Dogma including seat post bar stem and Fork Princeton Peak 4550 wavy looking Carbon wheels Shimano dur a12 speeed GP 5000's 28 mm set up tubless so what has changed they have upgraded the carbon layup to m40x for more lateral stiffness changed the fork rake from 43 mm to 47 mm hidden the threads for the through axles inside the carbon of the fork and frame so they're all smooth and invisible slim down the head tube by 8 mm for Arrow Gaines slim down the down tube for more Arrow gains beefed up the bottom bracket area it's got a new oval steerage tube the seat post clamp is Now hidden inside the Talon bar is now 40 G lighter and there's loads of new sizing options right down to an effective 34 CM at the hoods Rejoice for smaller Riders and it has a slightly different angular shape at the inside of the head tube I'll be honest I don't think it looks as nice as the old model but it is what it is price good news is they priced it exactly the same as the old one bad news is it's still huge money at £5,500 for a frame set and the builds start at £1,600 they only build these bikes up super high spec that puts this bike firmly in our remortgage your house category whilst we're in the car park of this fantastically expensive hotel I'd like to give you an analogy about this bike come with me so I've come to realize there's actually a different class of bike I always thought it was high-end mid-range entry and there actually isn't there is a classification of bike above high end and it's like super luxury I'm Mega rich and into really fancy stuff category I always thought a Pinella was like a Rolex but it actually isn't it's actually more like a Supercar it's like a Ferrari or like an incredibly beautiful vintage quar of a million pound Porsche 911 it's not even high-end it's higher than high-end having a Ferrari or this like incred incredibly expensive vintage beautiful car it's yes they're lovely to have but they come with all of the problems and sophisticated challenges like ,000 tires and engine rebuilds would you want to drive one of those cars to work would you want to take your kids to school would you want to go to the shops in one of those cars you wouldn't you want one of those cars when you're driving in the dolomites with your partner having a lovely time the roof's down the sun's lovely it's not raining like it is right now you're going through the switchbacks it's lovely it's wonderful it's Perfection but you don't want one for everyday life Welcome to the Piner LF geometry and sizing this is a long and low racing bike designed for professional bike races it's going to be ridden by team inos going forwards now it's been released and it means the handlebars are very far away from you and very low down so if you're not flexible you might be best off with something else other more relaxed geometry bicycles in their range include the Dogma X and the X which is extremely short and a real favorite amongst bike Fitters the increments and the range of sizes for a race bike are pretty good but looking at the geometry table it can get confusing the sizing is confusing and I say that because all of the numbers that they use are not in line with what people are used to it very much feels like the kind of bike that you're buying because you've been to a bike fit and the bike fitter sells pinan bik like the handlebars are in 40 42 and 44 but they can be used for 36 34 38 so how do you know which ones to pay if you do have a bike fitter that is able to understand all of the geometry data the chances are it's going to fit small people really really well and of course big people but they always have easy bikes to fit they're not the issue they're not the challenge I had a chat with bike fit James and he loves these bikes not the race ones specific but pinell in general because the sizing there's so many different options so the gaps in between the sizes are much smaller so he actually fitted an inos Rider not that long ago and changed his frame size by two sizes which sounds insane but it's not as crazy when you realize that the gaps in between the sizes are much smaller they're still off the peg but you're more likely to find almost the right size just make sure you choose the right bike and it's probably the Piner X not the Dogma we asked bike fitter James Thomas his opinion and he said they're notoriously good especially in smaller sizes as racing bikes go they're one of the best fitting because of the variation oh yeah and the new Talon handlebar has more sizes which also gets my vote it goes as narrow as 34 CM at the hood now effectively making it suitable for women for once for some perspective I'm about 5' 10 the 515 was perfect for me I'm about 170 cm I used to be the same height as Francis but for some reason he's growing um all of the K media bikes we ride the same size cuz it just works we can kind of get away with it for my own personal bikes I like a really small bike I fully appreciate that's not for everyone but I do one of the bikes at the event was a 465 which is smaller again than the ones we had definitely my preference if I was going to ride that bike that's the one I should be on means I don't have to slam the saddle forward which is something I'm very used to doing being on the smaller end of the bike size Spectrum wait now I'm going to Cave at this by saying we weren't able to weigh the bikes on the day so this is pinero's information for a size 530 or 53 cm with no pedals and no bottles they claim 6.63 kg for the Shram red build with Princeton Peak 4550s 6.77 kg for the dura ace 12-speed version with the same Princeton 4550s and 6.88 kg for the super record Wireless version with Bora WTO 45s so you should probably ride it with pedals if you're going to enter a C race athetics pinell are known for their striking bendy tubing Wiggly lines and bold paint jobs and this bike is no exception the new paint options are this Bluey purple paint which changes when the light hits it a black and orange with a chromy looking logo a crisp white which you wouldn't want to ride in England and a neon yellow and a cool gray to be honest the pinell tubin has grown on me but maybe I've just been coerced by the fact that they fed us loads of lovely Italian food and put us in a fancy Hotel it won't be for everyone but particularly in the solid colors like the blue it's quite a nice looking bike the Finish was excellent no bobbly pain or rough edges as you'd expect from a product at this price bear in mind if you're watching this video early that some of the paint jobs won't be released as of today some of them are going to come later in the year livability welcome to the section of the video where we take the bike apart as if we're going to put it in a box and see how much of a pain in the ass it is there livability a madeup word Jimmy I definitely don't want us to do this but we'll going to [Music] anyway that is actually that is incredibly designed seat post like really really good the seat post clamp is fully built into the carbon frame and it works really well so it doesn't fall in doesn't fall out it doesn't stick out it just slots in and out actually it's not it's just sits within the frame there's almost like a little bit of carbon that it sits on top of so it is pretty snug but it still does fall out bear that in mind if you're going to pack your bike for a flight or buy some spares of these when you inevitably lose it it's cool how integ how like hidden it is this is definitely falling apart what is going on I don't I don't want to force it too hard cuz obviously there are oh no you would you would have to take it a lot for a B for a box they've just like oh the stem's Fallen the stem's Fallen apart it's definitely complicated this is this is what you hate about seat posts you now have this problem with the stem the steerer is oval shaped which apparently they've done so that they can make sure that the cable routing goes up the front of the head tube to make the whole nose comb narrower so ultimately it now functions like all other bikes no that pretty easy yeah moist the seat clamp is fantastic the overal steer tube means that the bars are always straight which is definitely a plus the clamp within the stem though not a massive fan of so I think it's fair to say we're going to give this N9 out of 10 well done Pinella so how does it ride well it's hard to tell when you're in absolute Hollywood tarmac switchbacks in Paradise this is why we wanted one so we could ride it in the North Fe and do the pothole test this bike is rapid it's just like I don't want to say it but I've never felt so much power transfer into a bike and come out the other side as I have in the last 2 and 1 half minutes might be spectacular handling was great typical of Italian bikes it's extremely stiff it feels great accelerating it Corners beautifully I'd be surprised urised if you really noticed the difference in Fork C it's only 5 mm and perhaps if you were going from the old model and jumping straight on the new one really you end up adapting quite quickly to that kind of change anyway this bike is phenomenal it is a very very good bike we really wanted to put our own set of wheels on the bike we did ask before we came out and they said no I can see why cuz they're very particular about what's done and what's not done I would have preferred to be able to ride this bike with a set of our wheels so that we can tell more specifically whether it's these really expensive Wheels which are £3 to 4,000 or the frame or a combination of both which it presumably is on the surface it's an exceptional bike as you would hope from what is presumably a very expensive bike they haven't even told us the price yet one problem they've now made the top tube so narrow it's really uncomfortable to sit on if you're going to ask me before we left what I was expecting of this bike I would say it's going to be ugly as hell but it rides fantastically and I was right only joking uh well partly joking it obviously rides fantastically it should it's had decades worth of development with really clever people and Engineers it's going to be a fantastic bike it is a fantastic bike the surprise for me is that it actually isn't as ugly as I was expecting it to be it's a great bike probably the best bike I've ever ridden handlebars film mint this is a new version of the Talon and now it goes down the smallest they've ever made them which is amazing because small bike riders have been badly serviced for many years so this goes all the way down to a 34 in between the shifters that's not Center to Center but because they're like flared the tops of them flare in so you stick the shifters on and the resultant place where your hands is is about 34 CM which is great obviously they have other sizes so if you're bigger you can run bigger sizes too the only bit I'm not quite sure about is how skinny the drops feel so this bit here when you hold it it's almost like sharp feeling it's so narrow compared to any other handle bar that I've ridden that is Slender Slender Man I actually quite like the shape and It ultimately means that the shifter without any adjustments to the lever position is actually really close to the bars so normally for me to get a good grip on the levers I have to wind them in a long way whereas on these they're not winding at all I probably still would wind them in a little bit but like just a tiny touch so it just brings the shifter closer to the bar which is a good thing again for small hands small people just did a little Sprint to be fair to it that does absolutely fly it's really comfortable as well however we're testing it on this there's pothole there's no potholes take to the Sor Hills and we'll actually find out if it's comfortable or not this is an issue with going to a press Camp because they take you on the most beautiful roads in the middle of the mountains in perfect conditions except for the fact it's about to rain and you don't really get a feel for it for what it's like riding through an industrial estate outside London to conclude this video now over to our brand new cool War always wanted one of these where's the cool got some bad news Francis only one sixth of the cool wall arrived so currently we don't have one it's the uncool wall maybe so essentially we are going to have a wall right here with sections and we're going to put all of the stuff that we get into cool sections such a bad exp if you ever watch Top Gear they had a cool wall where they put cars that they review on a cool wall from cool to uncool well we're going to have one as well and it's not just going to be bikes it'll be group sets it'll be loads of stuff that we get here we're going to get it up on the cool wall the sections within the cool wall are going to be in the bin me pretty good proper good want and stolen from a very well-known watch YouTuber god tier so in terms of the pinell and where it will go on our wall if you asked me this question 10 years ago I would have said in the bin what I have noticed with all these little increment Chang changes over the years is that actually the big wavy woess of it is less wavy woo and in for me it is more attractive than it ever has been before obviously performance-wise it's unbelievable but it comes with an astronomical price tag do I want one yes am I going to buy one no but does that mean it's uncool kind of but it's still pretty cool so for me it's going in the want section of the wall which might be by there we are annoyed that we couldn't have it ourselves in the Northeast partly because we wanted to put our own wheels on it to find out if the goodness of it was actually down to a very expensive set of wheels we just don't know it may be the case it may not be the case um next time pinello send it to us in the Northeast please and we promise we won't destroy it much [Music]
Channel: Cade Media
Views: 122,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cycling, bike, cyclist, race, bicycle, road, francis, cade, pinarello, dogma, ineos, procycling, van rysel, specialized, carbon, princeton, trek
Id: Z6Ukof0ws1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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