Why Does Giraffe Have a Long Neck? | Theory Of Evolution | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz

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[Music] hey little kitty you seem sad what happened [Applause] well inheriting a parent's friends isn't possible little kitty that's the old theory of evolution given by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck yes even though it's sold it surely proposed a new way of looking at life so in today's episode let us devolve back in time and answer a groundbreaking question what is the barkism zoom in the olden days Scholars considered Evolution as a natural organic change of species but no one was able to explain the reasons behind it then in the early 1800s a French naturalist and biologist Jean Baptiste Lamarck took this Challenge and developed a plausible mechanism for this change and proposed the very first full-blown theory of evolution in his book philosophy zoologic Lamarck's theory was based on the principle that all the physical changes occurring in the organisms during its lifetime are inherited by its Offspring meaning if a parent is all muscular and bulky then their kids will be muscular too he further stated that the reasons for these changes include four main propositions let us look at them one by one first comes change through use and disuse in this method Lamarck stated that the more an organism uses a part of its body the larger and more developed that part will become for example the giraffe's ancestors were born with a small neck to eat the lower hanging leaves for food but the need to eat the top leaves Force the creature to stretch its neck which resulted in a slight elongation of this part over the years on the other hand the parts of the organisms that are not used as much will begin to degrade or Shrink for example the wings of birds like ostrich have become weak due to no use these changes also serve as a basis for our next principle of inheritance of acquired characters according to this whatever changes or characteristics an organism acquired during its lifetime will be inherited by its Offspring as well he explained this with an example of a blacksmith who has strong arms due to the nature of their work so according to Le Mans any children a blacksmith conceives will inherit the development of strong muscles the third reason for revolution is due to the direct environmental effect over living organisms it means the organs of an animal show modifications in a way that they respond directly to a changing environment for example dogs used to live on land but due to the lack of food on land they were forced to go to water so to survive there some web-like structures developed between their toes helping them to swim effectively and lastly Lamarque stated that as the organisms adapted to their surroundings they became increasingly complex from the simpler forms and believed that life had begun through its spontaneous generation for a while Lamarck's ideas were widely accepted by many but unfortunately it had many flaws yes today we know that any acquired characteristics like muscles or strong arms like in a blacksmith cannot be passed to the Next Generation and new organs are not formed in organisms as per their wish therefore this theory was replaced by a more concrete concept proposed by Charles Darwin in his book The Origin of Species by means of natural selection a topic we have already covered in detail so please check it out afterward trivia time did you know Lamarck's theory of evolution was published in 1802 in research on the organization of living bodies then after some acceptance he published it in his book philosophy zoologic in 1809 hope you have evolved today until next time it's me Dr binox zooming out what happened to you never mind
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 565,700
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Keywords: peekaboo kidz, dr binocs, dr binocs show, the dr binocs show, doctor binocs, binocs, theory of evolution, what is lamarckism, charles darwin, jean baptiste lamarck, biology for kids, evolution for kids, how animals evolved, human evolution, what is evolution, darwins theory, Charles Darwin theory of evolution, science for kids, kids videos, online learning, video for kids, science videos, interactive learning, kids videos for kids, kids videos on youtube
Id: djceb3pDsfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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