Why Does Everyone HATE Morrissey from The Smiths?

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The Smiths are probably the single most influential band of 80s Britain and in my opinion the best band ever made in their short lifespan of 5 years they managed to create some of the most amazing albums and songs you'll ever hear in your life and bands today are still trying to replicate their sound even after 40 years there's one small problem though everyone seems to absolutely hate the front man if you've ever seen a video about the Smiths on Tik Tok you've probably noticed that the comments are saying something like I love the Smiths but I hate morsy or um I don't think that he knew how J arell even though that's the whole point of the song anyways this hate that everyone seems to have about morsey isn't a new trend even Robert Smith in the80s absolutely hated his guts but why if his music and his lyrics are so amazing why does everyone want this guy dead well there's a lot of answers to this question and today I'm going to go over all the reasons why people seem to Hate Steven Patrick morrisy so much huge disclaimer even though I also hate morsy and I think he's a horrible person I think it's important to separate the art from the artist and this video is not meant to make you feel bad for listening to his music in any way even if you don't want to support his solo stuff I don't think it's fair to put down the amazing work that Johnny Mah did with the Smiths just because this guy couldn't keep his mouth shut also this is just a oneoff video I'm going to make because I really wanted to talk about this topic but uh I'm planning to make some video essays on my favorite albums pretty soon so make sure to subscribe for that now back to the video well first of all Mory is really really arrogant every time he speaks in interviews or even with fans or other musicians he sounds like the most potenti doucheback in the world even if you ignore some of his horrible takes just the way he talks and the way he tries to make everything he says sound really intelligent and profound just makes you want to rip your hair off one interview that is particularly famous is him and George Michael talking about Joy Division and Ian Curtis I think most people's vision of Joy Division is entirely colored by the death of Ian Curtis but I look upon Ian Curtis and certainly new order as neither singers or or lyricists but as symbolists I think they were quite accurate and they um they they had the spirit of of the times and but I think it was totally false it was like people saying well yes this is how life is totally without emotion which of course they weren't and we are totally hard people which of course they weren't it was like this complete affectation of people wanting to be something that they weren't I find it quite sad but in a musical sense I hear nothing whatsoever in some aspects he's right about people focusing on Ian's death more than on music sometimes a similar thing happened with Kurt Cain and Nirvana but think that Joy Division has no musical appeal is just crazy I don't even have to mention this but Unknown Pleasures is one of the most important albums in music history and it completely defined the music of 80s Britain calling Ian Curt is anything but a genius Lyricist it's just nonsense the same ridiculous argument that he uses against Joy Division can also be used against its MTH Morris's lyrics talk about how empty and emotionless his life is and also it's Surly obvious that the Smiths willingly or not took a lot of inspiration from Joy Division both musically and lyrically doesn't help the fact that in the same interview George Michael gave a way smarter and more mature response to the same question about Joy Division um and I actually really liked Joy Division or particularly their second album Closer Closer I thought closer the second side of closer is uh one of my favorite albums it's just beautiful another example of Morris's arrogance is his beef with a cur frontman Robert Smith that started when he was asked if I put you in a room with Robert Smith Mark E Smith and Al loed Smith and Wesson who would buy the bullet first and Marcy answered with i' line them up so that one bullet would penetrate them simultaneously Robert Smith is a witch bag again this is pretty funny coming from Mory who literally built a career on being a winch bag but don't worry because Robert Smith responded really maturely with morc is so depressing if he doesn't off himself soon I probably will he also talked about Mars in an interview in 1986 when he said I I just don't like like him I think he's really arrogant mainly he's like a professional a professional intellectual it's like the worst type of person after that in 1997 Mor responded with his famous I do not like the Cure yes um I do not like the Cure I have never liked the Cure why have you never liked the I do not like the Cure I believe it's mutual later on when this integration came out he made some comments about how he disliked that album too but recently in 2019 he apologized to Robert Smith by saying I said some terrible things about him 35 years ago but I didn't mean them I was just being very grain Hill it's great when you can blame everything on Tourette Syndrome so at least that beefy squ but I'm pretty sure Robert Smith just kind of forgot that Marcy existed in the last 30 years anyways you might look at all of this and just say that's it he's arrogant every musician is arrogant who cares which I would agree with he isn't the first or the last arrogant person I would listen to the main thing that made me stop supporting him is his very right-wing political views when you listen to songs like The Queen Is Dead and Margaret on the ketin you think that his political views would be at least left leaning but that couldn't be farther from the truth in 2007 in an interview for the nem he said you'll hear every accent Under the Sun apart from the British accent in nightsbridge his hypocrisy has no end because not only his parents are immigrants but every member of The Smiths were second generation Irish which means all of their parents were immigrants but I guess being an immigrant is fine only when you're white when asked about his Irish parents he said yes but it's different now because the gates are flooded and anybody can have access to England and join in you have to be sensible about everything in life you can't say everybody come into my house sit on the bed have what you like do what you like it wouldn't work spoken like a true member of the edl but don't worry because he doesn't stop here in 2019 he caught some backlash for wearing a for Britain badge on Jimmy Fallon show to which he responded with everyone ultimately prefers their own race does this make everyone racist he just cannot stop digging his own grave Morris is also a big fan of braad and the one and only Nigel farage I hope you enjoy a few pints with the lads tonight night up the ra up the ra Nigel a lot of people look at this controverses and feel sad about how Marcy has changed from his earlier years but that's just not true if you actually look into his political views in the ' 80s and '90s you see that he'd always been a hateful prick all while he was thinking it's so easy to laugh it's so easy to hate it takes guts to be gentle and kind there's this great article by Mongol media that I'm going to link down below which inspired me to make this entire video the article is titled morsy isn't scile he's always been a racist and talks about Morris's horrible lyrics on some of his solo songs that people just kind of seem to ignore some of these songs are Balian platforms England for the English Asian rut and this is not her country and if you needed any more proof of what audience moris is attracting just have a look at the comments on the YouTube videos of these songs just an actual R I do recommend reading the whole article but some quotes I'm going to get from it are Morris is saying I don't hate pakistanis but I dislike them immensely they also talk about how in the '90s Morris's concerts became a place for the NF and c19 to organized after he famously went on stage wearing a huge Union Jack Flag which basically became a sign of him supporting the rising fism in 19s Britain to top it all off he also said that black people and white people will never really get on or like each other but how can he say all of this horrible stuff you might ask I thought he was vegan don't worry because he didn't forget to use that as a way to support his farri policies in 2011 in response to the farite attacks in Norway morsy said that is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald's and Kentucky fright every day and also he wor an animal lives matter Shar when the BLM protests were going on he uses veganism as a way for him to make an excuse for his hate towards minorities something that's called White veganism a clear example of this is him saying in 2010 did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal Warfare you can't help but feel that the Chinese are subspecies something that he refused to apologize for just in case you thought he felt bad for his words there's like a million more examples of morsy being a hateful and horrible person and I don't think anyone is that surprised it turned out like this the main reason why I wanted to make this video isn't so I could play Devil's Advocate with Mory he is and always has been a horrible person and I don't think that's Up For Debate I made this video so people who are confused about the hate he gets can get more informed and stop trying to make excuses for him if you still support him that's your choice but I just stick to listening to The Smiths and ignoring whatever is says next
Channel: Krysis
Views: 38,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morrissey, the smiths, the cure, robert smith, ian curtis, joy division, george michael, controversy, cancelled, morrissey lyrics, morrissey qoutes, morrissey chinese people, vegan, johnny marr, 80s music, 80s britain, the queen is dead, how soon is now, morrissey cancelled, morrissey controversy, hate, explained, there is a light that never goes out, i know its over, morrissey solo
Id: ciRYzQyb7AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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