Why Do We Get Nosebleeds?

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[Music] squeaks and i got a chance to learn about something new yesterday we were out in the fort's yard when all of a sudden i got a nosebleed squeaks was very worried at first weren't you buddy but even though it might have looked a little scary when there was blood coming out of my nose really everything was okay nosebleeds are pretty normal and they usually don't hurt once the nosebleed went away squeaks and i wanted to learn more about how and why they happen it did turn into a pretty fun research project but a lot of what we learned about had to do with blood so if that type of thing bothers you you can watch a different video instead of this one now squeaks do you remember the first question we started with you asked it and it was a great place to start right the first question we had was how a nose can bleed in the first place it turns out our noses are filled with blood vessels tubes like veins that bring blood from our hearts all around our bodies and then back to our hearts again there are blood vessels pretty much everywhere in our bodies but the ones in our nostrils are usually close to the surface oh nostrils are these small holes in our nose since the blood vessels aren't very deep down when something causes a scratch or a crack in our nostrils it can open up one of those blood vessels it does sound a little scary at first but really it's like getting a tiny cut inside your nose just like when someone gets a cut or scrape anywhere else it bleeds do you remember what our second question was squeaks we were wondering what can crack or scratch the inside of a nostril good memory squeaks the most common cause is actually just air nostrils need to stay a bit wet inside to be healthy most air has a little bit of water in it so as it goes in and out of our noses it doesn't dry out our nostrils very much but when the air around us is very dry it can actually dry out our noses a little bit as we breathe this happens more when it's very cold windy or dry outside exactly it was cold and windy yesterday and we were outside when the nosebleed happened so that makes sense for some people when they breathe in dry air for a while it can dry out the inside of their nose and make a tiny crack in one of those blood vessels causing a nosebleed other things can scratch the inside of someone's nose too if something scratchy accidentally gets into your nostril it can scratch open a blood vessel too or maybe not so accidentally because it can also happen if you pick your nose that's one reason why it's a good idea to make sure nothing goes inside your nostrils by the time we started learning about all of this my nosebleed had already stopped but squeaks was wondering how i made it stop i've had nosebleeds before so i knew what to do the first thing i made sure to do was stay calm and i reminded myself that nosebleeds are pretty normal then i found a box of tissues and a quiet spot to sit i leaned forward so that the blood could run out of my nose and pinch my nose really hard right under the bony part like this this might look a little funny but it helps the nosebleed stop quickly as you pinch your nose the blood vessels are working hard to cover themselves back up so the bleeding stops while i sat there i breathed through my mouth and relaxed while i waited for those blood vessels to do their job i also held some tissues right under my nostrils to soak up any blood that came out i made sure not to blow my nose into the tissues though that could make the blood vessels start bleeding again after about 10 minutes the blood vessels covered themselves back up and the nosebleeds stopped then i threw away the tissues and washed my hands and face with soap and water and after that i was all better so squeaks once we learned how they worked and how to stop them were they still scary oh i'm glad so if you ever get a nosebleed now you'll know what's happening just tell a grown-up about it so they can help you stop the bleeding and remember that lots of people get them do you have any questions about nosebleeds or other things about your body or anything at all have a grown-up help you leave a comment below or send us your questions through our website at patreon.com scishow kids thanks and we'll see you next time here at the fort [Music] you
Channel: SciShow Kids
Views: 364,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scishow, scishowkids, Jessi Knudsen, Jessi Knudsen Castaneda, Squeaks, science, kids, children, learning, education, school, sci, show, hank, green, home, curriculum, kindergarten, activities
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2018
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