Why Do We Fall - With Enhanced Chant (Deshi Basara)
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Channel: Professor Zoom
Views: 800,320
Rating: 4.8918571 out of 5
Keywords: Hans Zimmer, Batman, Dark Knight, The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight Rises, Deshi, Basara, Basarah, deshi basara, Why Do We Fall, Why Do We Fall Chant, Chant, Chanting, Bane's chant, Bane's chanting, Bruce Wayne, climbs, climbs out, Bane's prison, prison, pit, Why do we fall?, climbing scene, with chant, Why Do We Fall with chant, Deshi Basara Chant, Dark Knight Rises Chant, Inspirational, Motivational, Why Do We Fall Soundtrack, Deshi Basara Soundtrack
Id: sjRo-c-8cL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 25sec (145 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2013
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