Why Do Video Game Sounds Make Us Wax Nostalgia?

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to everyone pushing up roses here and today we're talking about sound in video games specifically some of my favorite sounds but I don't think it talked about as much as say Sonic's ring grab or Mario's jump there are so many iconic stings fanfares and sound bites that bring video games to life and sound is one of the most powerful mediums that trigger nostalgia for example how does this make you feel we're this one now mythology is kind of hard to explain quite frankly there aren't many studies on why we feel that wistful kind of ways when we hear or see something but there are some physiological explanations as to why we react to music the way we do and I think that can also explain how we connect to other forms of sound how about this sound how does this one make you feel probably panicked the sound is brooding continually gets faster and it's connected with the threat of your character dying you know it will eventually end as it gets more frantic and even though this is just a character in a video game it can cause a mild fight-or-flight response where in the stress of the situation can cause the release of a stress hormone which elevates your reflexes and heart rate there is also this well-known sound effect from Metal Gear Solid this alert sound informs you that there is danger nearby but we don't just recognize sound effects we get attached to them this one is from Gabriel Knight sins of the fathers I call these be you did the thing sound well I can't exactly take credit for that as it is just a variation of the you've got the thing sound effect from the Zelda series I used this sound effect for my text message alert a few years ago I loved it so much because it reminds me of one of my favorite adventure games it's such a pleasant little soundbite and reminds me of my teenage years but it's just one sound how could it possibly have such a profound effect on me well it's probably because I played this game in my formative years probably when I was around 16 or 17 between the ages of 12 and 22 is when the most significant neurological development happens so stimulus from music and sound seemed to go straight into your memory bank and make a cozy little home there that is why so many well-known sound effects we heard over and over again growing up spark a strong neural response like this one or this one now this isn't a sound designed to be listened to or enjoyed like the other ones I played throughout this video it's really not even all that easy on the ears but it's still a sound that had sentimental meaning to me I was around 14 when I started role playing and the mysterious red dragon in on AOL and I had dial-up at the time so this sound makes me feel warm and fuzzy like mold now if you're a cranky old fart like myself this physiological explanation may also contribute to why you just can't seem to get into modern music even music you did not like as a kid when it was popular has lobbed itself right at your hippocampus and it becomes connected to an event or situation here's a song my way too cool for school goth self hated as a preteen but now what did whatever comes on the radio oh my god I love this song instinct is just the best you may hate me but it ain't know that baby bad bad bad and here's my reaction to a new artist I had no connection to previously there is just no good music out there today God why is everything so auto-tuned don't people know how to play instruments anymore geez in my day we were jamming to real music so the connection does sound in particular is very strong whether it be to a song as a whole or just a couple measures like we're discussing in this video now let's get to some more of my favorite iconic sound effects from video game we can be here talking about the subject forever so I have consolidated my list quite heavily I'll be focusing on the sounds that have truly stayed with me more than others I already mentioned Gabriel Knight but while we're on the topic of classic point-and-click adventure games I must add to you did the things down from King's Quest six [Music] much like Gabriel Knight this sound goes off when you have done something correct it is my personal opinion that King's Quest 6 is one of if not the best in its series I played it a lot right before my dad passed away so even though it's not necessarily connected to a good memory it still makes me wistful for days past and I know a lot of people in the adventure game community would probably agree that this sound really does hold a place in people's heart while not as well known as King's Quest or Gabriel Knight both Laura bow games have sound effects that I just adore that wavering staying when Laura encounters a dead body embodies a no pun intended the feeling of queasiness or even a heavy breathing like like she's about to have a panic attack these discovery sounds differ throughout the game sometimes they use the clip you just heard and sometimes they use a variation of the psycho sound effect [Music] when Laura sees these gruesome murders it really does make me think she's in shock and I the player was also in shock when I first came upon them oh poor porcupine why will no one think of the porcupines I also love the clock chime [Music] [Applause] [Music] the clock serves a very important purpose in both the Colonel's request and a dagger of Amon rah it indicates a crucial event is about to take place and acts as a sign that the game is progressing this sound always excited me because it meant I was doing something right and it equally stressed me out because hearing that almost haunting chimes just added to the rather tense atmosphere of these murder mystery games my aunt has had a grandfather clock in her house since I was a baby so it also reminds me of a familiar place I also have a fondness for this door sound yes I like the sound of a door opening and that is because this door sound is used in every single Sierra adventure game from the early to mid 90s it's the exact same sound you come to enjoy it even very minor sound effects can stimulate a nostalgic feeling I love this extremely short fight from the Final Fantasy game I'll be using Final Fantasy 8 footage for this example this is such a simple sound used for scrolling through menu options on various screens but because I hear it so often throughout gameplay I've come to equate my memories of Final Fantasy to this more than the game's well-known fanfares it's actually one of the first sounds you hear in a few of these titles I also get a little teary-eyed over the sounds of old PC speaker music and that makes my ears bleed it's so wrong but it's so right attention to detail especially what sound design can add so much by adding just a little even the simplest editions of sound can change the mood and a lack thereof is oddly noticeable to people check out this clip of me with no music or sound effects added hello everyone and welcome to my show I'm roses the dead magician and today I shall call upon the dark forces of magic to perform a mildly dangerous trick for you that has never been attempted before watch and now here it is with music and sound effects hello everyone and welcome to my show I'm roses the dead magician and today I shall call upon the dark sources of magic to perform a mildly dangerous trick for you that has never been attempted before but even though these tweaks are minor they change the clip completely another thing sound can do with tell a story we've been using instruments to represent characters for a long time one famous example is Peter in the wolf a children's story and musical composition written by Sergei Prokofiev in 1936 in the musical school of Peter in the wolf each character is represented by a corresponding instrument in the orchestra Peter I the string quartet following that example I will be showcasing a track from commander Keynes for that also tells a story using different sounds the story is that there is a family sitting down for dinner and the parents are telling their son Billy to eat his vegetables here Bobby prints acts out the lyrics to the melody there's many tell us about that that just makes me smile every time I see it or hear the song while playing the game I think it's brilliant and fun and it really makes me visualize Billy his parents and his sister perfectly [Music] commander keen is a series of games with a lot of personality and heart and a lot of that can be credited to an amazing score and quirky sound effects we can go on and on and on discussing how important sound is in any form of entertainment but these are some of my favorite and most astonished on defects from video games my question for you guys is what sounds things or melodies make you feel sentimental let me know in the comments this has been pushing up roses and I'm out baby bad bad guys hey everyone thanks for watching my video on assault expounds from video games I hope you enjoyed it this video is brought to you by people like you so if you want to be a part of it check out my patreon campaign and if you crave mundane social media updates check me out on Twitter Facebook and wherever else I'm signed up and as always a few guys in the next one
Channel: undefined
Views: 44,461
Rating: 4.9533529 out of 5
Keywords: pushinguproses, pushinguproses review, pushinguproses let's play, DOS, gameplay, walkthrough, game footage, video game review, review commentary, female game reviewer, female game reviews, female, gamer, female reviewer, PUR, video game sound effects, Sound effects, Best sound effects, Best, final fantasy sounds, soundtracks, commander keen, PushingUpRoses Sound Effects, Iconic, Adventure game sounds, King's Quest VI, Gabriel Knight, Laura Bow, 90s sound effects
Id: TmU0XBLdVwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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