The Madness of Prince Charles (British Royal Family Documentary) | Timeline

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[Music] the wedding of Charles and Camilla finally took place on April the 9th 2005 it had been delayed for 34 years because they've been married to other people and then for a day because the Pope died the wedding was meant to boost Charles's image and the Royals hoped it would bring an end to the negative publicity he's been getting over the last 30 years Prince Charles has been attacked and mocked sometimes because of his behavior and sometimes because of his often odd ideas to some Charles is ahead of his time even a genius to others he's if not mad maddening brilliant or bonkers or both tonight we probe the mind of the man who has waited longer to be King than any other heir to the throne [Laughter] [Music] this amusing 30 year old film shows the prince as you've never seen him the Clown Prince not the Crown Prince once people thought Charles was funny and they thought he was a bit of a hero he even had the press eating out of his hand I rather feel that being here today present to award the prizes to the best shot yes brought down but then the public mood changed and people started to laugh with him less and at him more yes what is in your nut said that putting it mildly last year for the first time a poll found more people wanted William rather than Charles to step up to the top job when the Queen dies so after over a thousand years of monarchy people are asking what once it would have been treason to our site should Charles become king at all why did Charles become a figure of fun partly because he's given us his opinions on pretty much everything three subjects in particular make Charles mad and maddening religion medicine and architecture in 1984 the Prince denounced plans for a modern extension to the National Gallery as a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a well-loved an elegant friend I think when he talks about monstrous carbuncles and and you know puts architectural practices out of business which has happened and that is is questionable it becomes dodgy when when he starts you know when people's livelihoods start when he starts interfering and then there's God Charles's ideas on religion defy a long significant tradition for the last 500 years the British monarch has been supreme head of the Church of England and defender of the faith the Christian faith but Charles's said he wants to be defender of all faiths he's praised Islam Sikhism Buddhism Judaism the Greek Orthodox Church and many far more unorthodox beliefs if he can't in all honesty be Supreme Governor of the Church of England then then perhaps abdication Prince Charles's views on medicine are very controversial since 1982 he's been arguing British doctors need to treat not just the human body but also the human soul such an approach may be given any number of descriptions it may be described as psychotherapy or religion or the power of prayer or whatever I just think he is so wrong about medicine but he's surrounded by people who just reinforce his prejudice in 2004 the prince even suggested coffee enemas can prevent and cure cancer as part of the controversial Gershon diet how will your highness take your coffee today sir down the hatch the blue enema bag has been specially designed to take not instant coffee but a special organic brand there's not a shred of evidence that it does any good that is ineffective and toxic where do these bizarre therapies come from the answers turn out to be quite surprising Laurens van de post was famous for his mystical beliefs and his influence over the rich and powerful some people would say he's responsible for their wackiest side of the prince I mean if I ever hear a speech by rich Prince Charles says that he believes in flying saucers I know where it comes from and oppose and influence was probably less on the medicine medical side I think it was much more what's it all about Elfie it was philosophical and and and spiritual the princes daily life is bizarre too Charles for all his attempts to find out how the other half lives to show an interest in the less fortunate in society for all that he has two men paid by the state to help him get dressed in the morning in his youth he even needed help with girls I fix him up with so many girls he used to go to my attic and they bring all his girls there I wish to play jokes practical jokes on him and unlock the door after sowing his Wild Oats Charles had to do his royal duty and marry a virgin who could produce an heir they seemed happy when they got engaged but the marriage was soon in trouble and the public have always blamed Charles for its failure when the problem started Charles turned to his mentor laurens van der post for help a decision that would affect the rest of his life Sullivan's called in one of his closest friends who was a psychotherapist called dr. McClaren and referred Charles to the classroom and in turn Princess Diana was reflected national and indeed Charles continued to see imitation for many years as an analytic experience yes but I'm not gonna tell you how did the most famous baby in the world end up on an analyst couch after the break we reveal some of the key moments that led Prince Charles into therapy Royal Highness the princess Elisabeth Duchess of Edinburgh was safely delivered of a prince at 9:14 p.m. Charles was born to sit on the throne not lie on the analyst couch but his early upbringing was not likely to make him feel very secure the best parents praise and love and acknowledge and support and care for their child which gives their child the ability to reach their potential heavier programme of official engagements prevents the princess and the Duke from seeing their son as often as they wish psychologists claim the first five years of a child's life can make or break but Charles's parents were very young and very busy there's no doubt the Queen adores Charles and he adores her but the Queen is of strange woman she is not an almost a tactile when he was baby she would bath him and she would sit him on her knee and she'd stories but I think there's really little sort of evidence that that as he grew older she kept up that that the tap to the holding and the and the touching she's really a woman who I think is much more comfortable with with animals here's wishing a very important young gentleman many happy returns of the day on his birthday on Prince Charles's second birthday and its third birthday neither mom nor dad were their children understand love by the amount of time that you spend with them that's their way of knowing how important they are to you so to neglect your children on what is considered the most important day and there in the year their birthday is disastrous it has been nearly five months since the Queen was with her children though she has kept close contact with them throughout her tour by radio telephone even when Charles was travelling with his parents they often left him to the staff like in Gibraltar when Charles and Anne went to see the famous Barbary Apes it was with the nannies but there were perks when he was four Charles was voted one of the 10 best-dressed men in the world Charles was always a very sensitive child what Philip wanted was a man's man he wanted a tough little boy he wanted Princess Anne at the age of 13 Prince Charles were sent off to his father's old school Gordon stone where the education stressed physical activities at school Charles discovered he liked acting when he played in Macbeth he made headlines all over the world he was miserable for about three years there nobody would make friends with him because they know they didn't want to suck up so he was very lonely he just managed to sort of come to terms with and settle in when they sent him off to Australia and so he spent another year sort of trying to to make friends and settle in and then he was shipped back to Gordon Stern to take his a-levels and it's a miracle that he got as many as he did and and then of course people said oh you know he didn't get into Cambridge on merit it was only because he was Prince of Wales look at those miserable results most students with a B and a DA level would never have got to Cambridge in the first place the occasion was both informal and formal with Lord Butler introducing Prince Charles to mr. Denis Marion the senior tutor initially he was I think quite nervous the first suggestion coming from probably government circles was that we should he should come up for two years and we would set up special courses for him and so on and so forth give him a general education well as soon as I interviewed him I could see that quite obviously if he wanted to an honours degree he could and obviously there would be more pressure on him than or me undergraduates until a new boy joined the ranks of the freshman at Cambridge here you let his hair down a bit he discovered that he liked playing the fool and had a talent for it hilarious because one of the things he's always been incredibly good at doing imitating you'll probably notice this on and he he could not only imitate people be you never take noises terribly well my lungs imitating and mimicking and I enjoyed enormous at school and university the actual business of acting in a strange way and too much of what one does requires I find acting ability in one way or another oh he's having a whale of a time could you have totally relaxed and doing subjects that he thoroughly enjoyed doing he's always obviously always been interested in history and or anyone one of his supervisor said to me that he obviously enjoys the socket after all it's mostly about his own family but there was no playing for laughs when ten months before his finals Charles was invested as Prince of Wales soared about his waist the Coronet upon his head the gold rod in his hand in giving to the prints these insignias of office the Queen could not conceal the gentle touch of a mother perhaps some people would think that it is rather anachronistic and out of place in in this world which is perhaps somewhat cynical but I think it can mean quite a lot if one gaze about it in the right way not sort of thing that an ordering undergraduate had put up with with a knowledge examination just around the corner and that's really why the is his grades slip to a lower second than his second examination he said to me said it was the last probably the last time he would ever be able to do exactly what he done he wanted to do without any interference from outside after Cambridge Charles went into the Navy it was his first job a chance to prove himself and the Navy was in his blood because his great uncle Louis Mountbatten had been Admiral of the fleet Mountbatten revered very much and I'm sure love very much as his uncle he looked up to him and I think he wanted to do well in the Navy for his uncle Satan technically Charles is a Rear Admiral but the only ship he's ever commanded is a small minesweeper great job he was he self-deprecating humor he's intelligent hard-working focused I know it's contrite to say but he has that elusive thing called off select qualities I think it gives one a very useful experience for his expense of responsibility and discipline I think responsibilities between those two for me is the actual trustees putting you to deal with other people then even break through the pressure understand then avoid the danger of being sucked in alive we were on exercise off Anglesey and unfortunately when we came to weigh anchor in the morning to move as a squadron Prince Charles pulled his anchor up to find the trusk channel telephone cable was hooked on his the flukes of his anchor and they spent a long time trying to get rid of that cable and it never they didn't so event of so finally they had to ditch one and a half shackles I think it was of phosphoryl bronze chain which is probably the most valuable thing that that naval mind Enders carry a Navy criticized Charles three months later he stood down from active service send off by his shipmates who draped him with a toilet seat chile production present hey as he left the Navy Charles reverted to being a clown and made three psychologically revealing comedy films revealing because he's quite endearing and vulnerable I will tell you one thing and one thing only before we finish I'm in charge Oh your fault you don't remember I'm going to make a Potter out of you if it kills me he was telling me a story about I think who's fundraising or something on a walkabout in Salisbury I think it's for the cathedral roof and lots and lots of people there and he was going up and chatting to people and he met a big fat Welsh woman and this Welsh was also delighted you know it look here Ian you've about our Prince of Wales and out of the blue she said I'm just recovering from a mastectomy and straightaway he said oh you must be feeling pounds lighter to which she fell apart laughing and you know took it all in good good stead I meant to come back quickly like that he saw lots of examples of that sort of thing all the time with him after the Navy Charles never had a full-time job again other than being the Prince of Wales and no one really knows what that job means in his public appearances Charles would show off his self deflating humor but often the clown is only a mask behind the mask there's a hunger to be serious in 1973 Charles met the man who'd influenced that side of his personality don't see this in one's life that one doesn't talk about there's no harm in debt there are certain relationships which is wrong to let the world in on it because it doesn't belong to the world it's not part of the world and the world spoils it when Lawrence first met the Prince the Prince expressed an interest in young and Lawrence sent him to his wife which is itself slightly dubious yes van post hero Carl young was one of the most famous psychoanalysts ever Jung believed we're driven by spiritual needs as much as by sex images of gods demons and Devils fill our dreams Prince Charles became a believer who had known you fairly well and it was obsessed with young in fact volunteered of course that he would be happy to explain your and introduced him the Prince to Young's work and that led to a relationship of more than twenty years during which I have no doubt whatsoever that Lawrence was the single most important influence on Charles's personal development so much so that in 1977 he and Van der post went to Kenya they were repeating a trip Jung made 52 years earlier which became an important voyage of self-discovery Lawrence was an immense flatterer it Dell used him with letters and memoranda which were constantly praising this young man he compared him with the finest thinkers of our time he is short him at what he had said was full of great wisdom and how he to an impressionable young ish man it would I think have been very impressive Vanda Poston young would have an enormous influence on Charles's ideas about medicine architecture and religion Charles seems to have needed the wisdom of the elders one other older man who influenced him was his great uncle Lord Louis Mountbatten he was much tougher on the young prince than van der post once when Charles changed his holiday plans and made much more work for others mal batten went ballistic I'm batten wrote a very stern letter to him saying but your papers totally indefensible becoming just like your great-uncle David I see all the same sort of frivolity and irresponsibility coming out you must take a poll you must not become like your great uncle David think what happened to him Prince Charles is uncle David known as King Edward the eighth had to abdicate because he wanted to marry a divorcee it was traumatic for the royal family [Music] throughout the 1970s Charles was the most eligible bachelor in the world he partied a lot and there were girls girls and more girls not in every port but they were a couple they were a few that I met and like giving a Sheffield when that always springs to mind that she was a delightful young lady we thought there was something serious there but it didn't happen because she had a past which is so frowned upon by certain person ages one of Charles's girlfriends even posed for penthouse which did not totally surprised his friend lewis who had fixed him up with so many girls for some reason he took a liking to me and and I helped him out and advised him don't ever have to behave with girls how to treat them not to be too nice to be tough strong manly you know at the play you know kind of tough and hard to get and because they all knew who he was the most extraordinary allegation Lewis makes is that at one time in the 70s Charles shared a mistress with two other well-known polo players one was Sarah Ferguson's father Jane Jane yeah Jane would yeah so what was she like well she was she played the game she was selling affair with the manager of the club who was that major Ferguson she was an affair with John Horsell who was the number-one play for England and she was sent affair with Prince Charles as Charles neared 30 he was under more and more pressure to marry from his father and Lord Mountbatten he had prescribed for Prince Charles after a period of so his Wild Oats he should find a beautiful sympathetic suitable English girl who had got their previous Integra pants my baton was extremely keen that Prince Charles should marry his granddaughter Amanda natural who was a particular charming intelligent and attractive girl and would have made efforts fashion queen man Patton almost bought it off I think but if he pushed too hard without certainty on both sides they wanted to be left themselves to make it out in the end Prince of Wales has a little remonstrate quite firmly with this great I cannot say look will you please leave us alone and let us make up our own minds in our own time and get on with it in our own way [Music] and then for the first time the 31 year old prince had to face the death of someone he loved dearly they would go down to the sea in ships and occupy their business in great waters these men see the works of the Lord and His wonders in the deep the murder of his great-uncle came as a poor in shock and blow to Ritz wails almost if an arm but been cut off he was in some way at sea and rather loved a lost and had missed enormously important valuable sure sheet anchor in his life in 1981 Prince Charles did what Mountbatten had recommended and got engaged to the perfect English Rose Lady Diana Spencer the engaged couple faced the press the simple truth is that he wasn't in love with her I think he knew and he certainly knows now exactly what love is and I think that he was put on the spot and in an unguarded moment he found it impossible to lie and the princes guru laurens van der post was with him in spirit on the honeymoon Charles wrote Diana - is about chatting up the sailors and cooks while I remain hermit-like on the veranda deck sunk with pure joy in one of Laurens van der posts books [Music] [Applause] then Charles made a very personal choice he made van der post his son's Godfather it is obviously absurd to appoint a man of 75 to be the Godfather to your baby I am convinced Charles was saying whether he rationalized it or not is that this man is my godfather I put in his hands my own spiritual and more and moral life van deposed and young would influence Charles's ideas on medicine religion and even architecture just as unorthodox were van der posts ideas on being faithful to one's wife the Prince must have picked up another aspect of Lawrence's life which was that he was Indian as the simple word a womanizer van der post had a wife and a long-term mistress his and Charles's intellectual hero Carl Jung also had two women in his life van der post saw nothing wrong in the prince having a wife and a mistress it would all lead to trouble the marriage of Charles and Diana was meant to be the happy ending but it was soon clear the couple were not happy at all she loved them very much she told me she loved me and she must have believed initially that he loved her yes so she was very disappointed with this sad if you were an impaired brutally bright graduate and you marry somebody with 100 level really that comes at a very shortly when there's not a lot to talk about over the breakfast table I think the one thing that really destroyed his confidence was his disastrous marriage to Diana he just didn't understand what it was that was making Diana so unhappy he couldn't cope he's a very very needy man he needed a wife who would who would support him who would help him who would be there for him who would bolster his ego and talk to him about all the things that troubled him and worried him and and and he wanted to do with his life because she was sir Upton her up in herself she couldn't give him anything so the two of them were just poles and poles apart Charles was also beginning to have problems with his public life the press started to mock his passions passions for oldy style architecture eccentric spiritual ideas and alternative medicine the prince didn't make it easy for people to take him seriously because he also admitted to talking to his fruit and veg look one only wants to eat one what is it just nothing darling just talking to the vegetables he says things that I agree with he says things that make sense to me he tries not to be politically correct which is great we need people not to be politically correct we need people to be honest Prince Charles has made himself a social issue probably undesirable that he's has done so the most worrying and dangerous of Charles's ideas are about medicine in 1982 influenced by Van de post and young Charles started to stake out his controversial positions he argued doctors needed to use the techniques of alternative medicine much more than they did such an approach may be described as psychotherapy or religion or the power of prayer or whatever but it represents that invisible aspect of this universe which although unprovable in terms of Orthodox sense as man has devised it nevertheless cries out for us to keep our minds as open as possible and not to dismiss it as mere hocus pocus in the last twenty years Charles has been sparring with one of Britain's most eminent doctors I think he's very funny and extremely likable but I will not patronize him and I just think he is so wrong about medicine Obama's been one of the scourge ha's of complementary medicine for over 20 years and he made a tremendous outburst when the prince talked about Gerson Therapy at the end of June last year the Gershon diet consists of eating liquidized fruit and vegetables and having regular coffee enemas which clean out the system and fight cancer the Gerson Therapy is far from benign effectively the patient spends most of his or her life producing this diet which to me looks extremely unappetizing it involves buying special liquid ices buying special vegetables spending all day mixing up these potions and then in addition to that often associated with coffee enemas it is toxic many people think alternative therapies don't do any harm but that's not BOMs view they can passively allow patients to die by denying them proven therapies which we know will cure entirely coincidentally two days ago I saw a very handsome woman in her early forties who has allowed her breast cancer to progress to the point which is oscillating through the skin and very difficult to control while she's been on some kind of cocktail of herbs and vitamins very sad when he opens his mouth and says what would appear to be very stupid things coming from other people that because he is the future King therefore you know we must listen to what he says I'm sure he wouldn't have achieved the influence that he has you know had he been ordinary Charlie Windsor from Basingstoke I said well will your world highness I can't begin to agree with you about medicine but you're absolutely right about the architects throughout the 1980s Charles attacked modern architecture but then he wanted to do something positive and in 1989 he announced he had a dream Charles set about building the model village of pound debris on his land in Dorset Poundbury would answer his critics and realize his vision of the perfect English village as a piece of architecture contemporary architecture of course it's rather poor or rather embarrassing as a piece of charming Toytown chocolate box architecture it's actually rather good it depends what you want and what Prince Charles wants here is to create a fantasy land this is a temple of power really is in fact it's an electricity substation dressed up as a little Roman temple and that's rather comic rather grand use and just a little bit pretentious now you can see here danger of death and this big yellow sign here and the doors not really serve Roman qualities and stuff you find in a DIY warehouse really very cheap stuff and she looked round the corner well you see again it's um it's part of a car park game Poundbury is a car park when he founded Poundbury Charles promised ordinary people could afford to live there whether associations or whatever and that seems to me is how to ensure that those houses go on being available but house prices in Poundbury now start at 300 thousand pounds you imagine the imprints houses dreams of people that live here will be perfect model citizens have touched the followkim and ever do a thing wrong I think is very nice yes I think it's very well built yes I like it very much I shop to go to very near nice walks very quickly available to us I can't think of a nice place actually he he's here today but he just doesn't come to fleur-de-lis he doesn't visit this part charles's big idea is in danger of turning sour more big business and more big developments are coming to Poundbury as the princes back plans for thirty-one flats some as high as five floors if you're a developer you we bought up a piece of land particularly a small piece of land and you can build on it very density lots of flats lots of shops squeezed up of course you make a huge profit if you manage to sell them well we upset about that and I'm very upset about that everyone one talks to you know once you show them the plans they seem amazed and disappointed like like I am I think it's quite sad to see local residents worried about Poundbury in terms of it being a big business corporation as it were in action and people think as a bit bullied and harassed by the Dutchman by their developers [Music] Charles has always been full of contradictions and one is while he always has to be totally proper in public a lot of evidence suggests he's a very passionate man in private look at the communicate tape for instance the whole world sniggering and laughing over him saying how he you know he was she was at Tampax I'll just live inside your trousers or something it would be much easier what are you going to turn into a pair of knickers you're going to come back as a pair of knickers god forbid a Tampax Just My Luck how on earth do you hold your head up after that I mean you're what most people would just not they would just want to dig a hole and climb into it but he didn't he carried on and every time he is attacked and and ridiculed he just carries on because he believes in what he's doing what the prince feels about medicine and building may provoke rouse but it doesn't matter constitutionally religion is different since 1534 there's never been a king or queen who did not swear to be a defender of the faith and that faith is the Church of England [Music] in 1994 Charles said he didn't want to be a defender of the faith but a defender of faiths whether he would like to be in some way a person that feels that all faiths leads to the same God it's unsustainable from the Christian perspective I wish it wasn't but that's that's not what Christianity teaches but Charles has become interested in many other religions apart from the Church of England perhaps most controversial is the princes attitude to Islam he's often praised it because it's not spiritually empty like the West it is part of our inheritance not a thing apart more than this Islam can teach us today a way of understanding and living in the world which Christianity itself is poorer for having lost I think what he admires about Islam is it's it's mystical core it's architecture and the way in which it has maintained an integrity about it and and he's always he's always talking about the the more moderate and elements of Islam many of whom have been drowned out by the noise of fundamentalism Charles's opinions and attitudes may be progressive but if he can't take the oath to be the defender of the Church of England against other faiths the constitutional consequences are huge the church would no longer be linked to the state it's 26 bishops who sit in the House of Lords would have to leave the Pope could even reimpose his authority over Anglicans if he can't in all honesty be Supreme Governor of the Church of England then then perhaps abdication the most peculiar aspect of Charles's spirituality his interest in the occult and in Ystad Taric Christianity both Charles's gurus van deposed and young were fascinated by such strange and disturbing ideas van der post even believed he was a knight of the round table and a reincarnation of the Templars who guard the Holy Grail he also in some of his daftar letters actually claimed that he had met people on his travels who were reincarnation of various various medieval figures this was one of the ploys used to use with millionaires from potential suppliers of cash he would assure them that they liked him in the tradition or even even reincarnation of the knights of the round table they could join his glorious crusade to say if they ever the same but modern society such beliefs are part of an obscure Christian tradition and Charles also backs the tenemos Academy a small organisation which studied everything from ghosts to where the Holy Grail really is in Greek 10 amaz means the sacred grove in front of the temple ten basic principles that inspire the work of ten ammas acknowledgement of divinity love of wisdom as the essential basis of civilization spiritual vision as the life breath of civilization maintenance of the revered traditions of mankind reminding ourselves and those we teach to look up and not down in his garden at his home in Highgrove Charles has built a temple to his ideas about architecture and spirituality he's built a sanctuary this is somewhere where he goes on a regular basis it's a small building in in a wood it's very simple inside and it's got some lovely stained glass and one or two small ornaments and and I think it's a place where you could find some peace but any chance of peace for Charles was to be shattered in 1996 Charles and Diana finally divorced and then came the crash in Paris which killed her [Music] when Charles went to bring Diana's body back from Paris he appeared to maintain his composure his face carries a deep sadness he looks down cast it's almost etched into his face you do see the years of turmoil and sadness the only thing you could say at that stage that was tasteful was a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders in a sense that she was not around anymore to snipe from the wings to wipe him off the front pages by changing her hairstyle or wearing a new hat and to generally discombobulate his life which she would certainly have continued to do with some relish I think now it was up to him to cope with the problems of bringing up teenage sons but Charles is much more relaxed even in public than his parents were with him after all this was where he came from I suppose one should have sympathy for somebody who's grown up in what appears to be a deeply dysfunctional family and I think his upbringing and the remoteness of his parents from most of his life and the kind of life that goes on behind the walls of Buckingham Palace and elsewhere yes I suppose I ought to feel some sorry for him as Graham's child I just can't bring myself to do that despite all his troubles Charles still sometimes makes fun of himself like when he asked the owner Harold just what her job as a life coach entails she was curious about what life coaching was and he joked when I explained what it was is for people who want to get clear what they wanted out of life and to forge ahead and make that happen and he joked and said my goodness me I could do with that so actually he's got a tremendous sense of humor you know he was poking fun at himself [Applause] the palace hopes that Charles's second marriage will be happy and help restore his reputation and his popularity I could see why he has always said that his relationship with her is non-negotiable I could absolutely see the tower of strength that she is to him yeah because she's like a mother I imagine III can explain it yes and Charles hopes he'll get a more sympathetic hearing for his deeply held but sometimes rather hard to understand beliefs about the universe perhaps we just have to accept that it is God's will that the unorthodox individual is doomed to years of frustration ridicule and failure in order to act out his role in the scheme of things until his day arrives and mankind is ready to receive his message we do not use the word lunatics in relation to his majesty char's can even take comfort from the past and has frequently defended George the third the Mad King when felons were induced to talk they were shown trust the instruments of their torture became assured the instrument of his this brilliant film vividly showed how George the third was treated it was so unfair Charles argues perhaps because he can identify very easily with the sufferings of George [Music] [Applause] [Music] the fact that people question whether Charles will ever become King shows how controversial he has made himself so now many people are asking should Charles get the top job when the Queen dies I think that will be the point when there will be a increased consensus that the monarchy in this country has outlived any positive function that it might once have been perceived as having and I think at that stage you know the sort of Republicans within us will start to think well you know the Queen's okay but we're not having charlie I Charles Prince of Wales to become your leisure man of life and limb and of earthly worship so is this the only crown Charles will ever wear I think it's very very very difficult that he has to be the king in waiting for such a long time but on the other hand we're all living longer the Queen's gonna live a lot longer he come hopefully Prince Charles comes to the throne and he's gonna live a long time the worst thing that could happen was his beef for his son to come to the throne too young I think Charles does think he will become king I certainly don't think he's preparing to to hand over to William or to abdicate himself no I think he will become king and I think he's I think he I think he'll be a very very good king [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,429,824
Rating: 4.1786265 out of 5
Keywords: documentary history, TV Shows - Topic, Queen, wedding, controversial, king, Madness, camilla, stories, Full Documentary, Documentary, public, history documentary, 2017 documentary, Documentary Movies - Topic, Channel 4 documentary, Documentaries, Prince Charles, family, BBC documentary, History, Royal Family, Full length Documentaries, real
Id: R-gUy3X29vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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