Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 41, Ken Ham, Bill Nye debate)

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so early in 2014 Ken Ham had a debate with Bill Nye the Science Guy and in that Ken Ham made some remarkable claims as a creationist I maintain that observational science actually confirms this model based on the Bible really so observational Saint is gonna confirm the biblical worldview oh dear you must know by now this is gonna be fact checked and the results are gonna be hilarious so let's summarize the creationist model based on the Bible by creation we mean here at Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum we mean the account based on the Bible yes I take Genesis as literal history as Jesus did when we look at that what I call the seven C's of history that we walk people through here at the museum that the universe was created about 6,000 years ago and then about 4000 years ago there was Noah's Flood which caused this genetic bottleneck of the two to ten canids that got on the arm someone depending on whether you think the dogs are clean or unclean animals as a creationist I maintain that observational science actually confirms this model based on the Bible scientists working at the University of California stated this we provide several lines of evidence supporting a single origin for dogs and they put this diagram in the paper by the way that diagram is very very similar to this diagram that creationist proposed based upon the creation account in Genesis really can you sure about that you really really sure about that right so firstly what the hell's that on the left of the diagram the golden jackal apparently Noah's Flood had no effect whatsoever on their population that is they were utterly impervious to God's attempts to destroy everything by a flood hmm maybe they have iron chariots you know like the ones the people from the plains used to defeat God in judges chapter 1 the Lord was with the men of Judah they took possession of the hill country but they were unable to drive the people from the plains because they had chariots fitted with iron seriously my interiors can stop God in the Bible so some might say that that alone would be enough to show that the Bible is wrong about Noah's Flood that is the Bible is not inerrant you see it's quite simple to show that something's not in arrant because you only have to show one error in it but that would be too easy there's a more you see you might be wondering why all those lines are so broad in this scientific paper well in genetics you can sort of get an estimate of the population size set your sights on laughter because it turns out that from the genetics they say that this genetic bottleneck wasn't to canids as it says in the Bible but somewhere between 2 and [Music] 25,000 again again I'm really not sure that that's compatible with the Bible and then you start to realize Noah didn't need anywhere near the number of animals on the ark that people think he did he'd need all the species of dogs only 2 as I'm as a creationist I maintain that observational science actually confirms this model based on the Bible well okay maybe Noah wasn't that good at counting and maybe mistakenly took about 10,000 dogs on the ark instead of a couple or perhaps the pre-flood walls were much cleverer and they decided to spend their times making really clever disguises so that they could get on the ark you know all the golden jackals were making their own flood evasion plans then of course there's the time scale ken thinks that all this happened some four thousand years ago while the genetics say it happened some 15,000 years ago with the divergence these canids happening some four hundred thousand years ago in fact if you're wondering whether the diagram looks like this doll it's actually fairly common so let's say that I've got a favorable set of genes in a very large population of iron I would say ten thousand or something and depending on the Selective pressure and how quickly the animal reproduces it will take many generations for those genes to propagate throughout the population meanwhile if your population is very small those favourable genes can spread throughout the whole population more quickly so for this irony that large populations tend to change and genetically only very slowly and it's when the species is its smallest that is when it's closest to extinction that you have the most potential for rapid changes in the gene pool and this property of animal populations is one of the basic ideas behind punctuated equilibrium anyways so getting back to Ken in summary just with the dogs your biblical account is off by a factor of a thousand on the population site of the genetic bottleneck the Bible got it right about biology you're off by a factor of a hundred on the timescale the Bible got it right about biology Wow and then of course there's the minor point that the golden jackals were apparently impervious to Noah's Flood the Bible got it right about biology Wow because it really is the Word of God now you're getting more excited about being a Christian but if you ignore all the parts that were holding inconsistent with the Bible then the poultry scraps that you're left with you're right don't contradict the Bible certainly however I'm not too sure that I or anyone else with a brain would find that terribly convincing it would be kinda like staying London recently experienced some flooding now sure we've had a gloss over the fact that it was in the wrong location that it was the wrong time and that it was the wrong size but the Bible speaks of a flood there are cultures all over the world that have flood legend special many of us have heard of that flood legend to the American Indians of Fiji and some Hawaiians Eskimos the Australian Aborigines for London's flooding proves that the Bible is correct about Noah's Flood but the amazing thing is in reality Ken hams position is almost that crazy if there really was a global flood they covered the highest hills under the whole of heaven as the Bible describes you'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth and actually what we find are billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth I'm talking about the fossil record and if there was a global flood you'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth and you know what you find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the yeah in all of a Ken to make reality fit with the Bible he's gonna reduce the arguments to the level of fossils exist therefore that confirmed that the Bible was right about the global flood you know throwing out was really quite important details like we know all of these fossils weren't laid down in one flood for the simple reason that you never find any of the modern animals fossilized with ancient one see anything exciting dinosaurs that is you never find a bunny with a brontosaurus you never find a swan with a Stegosaurus you never find a tiger with a Tyrannosaur and you never find an elephant with an ankylosaurus and for that matter you never find a dolphin with an ichthyosaur never not once and the reason that Ken's got to ignore this is because it shows that the Bible is utterly inconsistent with reality so he does what creationists always do one of these circumstances he simply ignores everything that disagrees and reduces his argument to this love if there was a global flood you'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth and to say that because a lot of our supporters would want me to and what do you find billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth a point there's just so callow it's like saying the Bible says that Juna lived inside a fish for a few days and science has shown that whales exist and they have stomachs so science proves the accuracy of the bible the bible got it right about biology Wow because it really is the Word of God now you're getting more excited about being a Christian but seriously the reason that throughout all of these critical details that we know about is for the simple reason that if you inspect those details what you find is the Bible is simply inconsistent with reality you know like it does with this example of the Canada by the way that diagram is very very similar to this diagram that creationist proposed based upon the creation account in Genesis [Music] you
Channel: Thunderf00t
Views: 1,232,032
Rating: 4.6835179 out of 5
Keywords: Creationism (Religion), Ken Ham (Author), richard dawkins, Funny, fun, bill nye, debate, creationism, why, do, people, laugh, at, part, 41, dogs, evolution, genetics, science, bible, genesis, answers in genesis, ray comfort, pwned, win, fail, christan, christanity, religion, education, interesting, amazing, dumb, stupid, idiot, billions, of, dead, things, burried, in, rock, layers, laid, down, by, water, all, over, the, earth, wolves, wolf, noahs, arc, noah, Stupidity (Quotation Subject)
Id: aK7i-dtMaWk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2014
Reddit Comments

Golden Jackal appears!

God uses World Flood.

It's not very effective.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/LogicDog 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

Nice, this is why I used to love thunderfoot.... Thunderfoot more videos like this please and less BS drama.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/rhtufts 📅︎︎ Feb 23 2014 🗫︎ replies

"wow! now are you getting more excited about being a christian?"


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bleedingheartsurgery 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2014 🗫︎ replies

holy fukin beard

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bleedingheartsurgery 📅︎︎ Feb 26 2014 🗫︎ replies
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