It's AumSum Time. Why do bees die when they sting us? I don't know. But it sounds super sad. Yes. Honeybees are the only bees that die after
stinging. But if they die, why do they sting? Bees only sting when they feel we are a threat
to their queen or their hive. Now, the stinger of a honeybee is barbed. After stinging, it can easily come out, if
the skin is thin. But since human skin is thick, the barbed
stinger gets stuck. Hence, when the bee tries to pull herself,
she ends up tearing the abdomen. Leaving behind her venom sac, parts of the
digestive tract, etc. and thus, killing herself. Now, although the bee is dead, we should make
sure that we remove the sting. Why? Because in spite of being detached from the
bee. The venom sac continues to pump venom, thus
increasing the pain. How do scars form? It is a secret process. I cannot reveal it. No. It's not a secret process. A scar is formed when our skin tissue heals
itself after an injury. Our skin tissue has collagen. Collagen is a structural protein produced
by fibroblasts. Collagen keeps our skin firm and it is usually
arranged in a basket weave pattern. Can I use this basket to keep my bags of chips? Please listen. When we get injured, our skin tissue gets
damaged. So, in order to heal and close the wound,
fibroblasts produce more collagen. But, instead of arranging in a basket weave
pattern. The collagen cross links and aligns in a single
direction. As a result. The injured area of the skin appears different
from normal skin, thus causing a scar. Why do our muscles get sore? Because they want to go to a spa. No. When we begin to go to gym or perform a new
intense physical workout. Our muscles begin to feel sore the next morning. This soreness is called Delayed Onset Muscle
Soreness or DOMS. DOMS occurs usually after eccentric contractions. What does that even mean? When a muscle is lengthening and contracting
at the same time. It is known as an eccentric contraction. For example, when we lower a dumbbell. Our biceps muscle is slowly relaxing and lengthening. But at the same time, it is still contracting
to hold the heavy weight of the dumbbell. Similarly, in a squat, as we lower ourselves,
our quadriceps muscle is lengthening. But at the same time, it is still contracting
to hold our upper body weight. Such eccentric contractions generate tension
in the muscles. Creating minute tears in them, thus, causing
the soreness or pain. Can animals get a sunburn? Yes. Due to ultraviolet radiation of the sun, animals
can also get sunburns. However, to protect themselves from the harmful
radiation. Different animals have different biological
defenses. For example, reptiles have scales, birds have
feathers. Animals like sheep, dogs and cats have fur
or hair. Sperm whales have a special protein, fin whales
have more melanin, etc. Does anybody have Captain America's shield? Please listen. Some animals even produce certain substances
to protect themselves from the harmful radiation. For example, hippopotamuses secrete a fluid
made up of red and orange pigments. Some fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds
produce a chemical called gadusol. In addition to this, animals like rhinoceroses,
elephants and pigs take mud baths. It is said that mud acts like a physical barrier
between their skin and ultraviolet radiation. Thus preventing them from getting sunburns.