Why Did You Cheat? One Couple Confronts Each Other On Infidelity | Iris
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Channel: Iris
Views: 3,404,360
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Keywords: broken, infidelity, hurt bae, hurt bae 2, cheating, relationships, relationship, cheaters, hurtbae, why do people cheat, cheated on me, kourtney hurt bae, hurt bae video, hurtbae video, hurt bae twitter, hurt bae full video, hurt bae response, hurtbae videos, hurt bae youtube, hurt bae memes, bae, who is hurtbae, ana and ballesa, lesbian, lesbian cheating, lgbt, lgbt relationships, women who like women
Id: 8kYx3t4eKLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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