Why Did You Cheat? One Couple Confronts Each Other On Infidelity | Iris

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I do remember you facetiming me and you're with her you introduced was it the same night yeah [Music] it's monster [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we both lived in San Francisco and we were both going to school there we started Road hanging out and then I told you that yeah I was crushing on you and you were kind of taken back by that yeah I was like whoa yeah we slowly fell in love and I think falling for you really helped me come out to my family I was really hard for you to do that I couldn't hide it from my family any longer if this was somebody that was going to be in my life they needed to know and then I had the opportunity to go to Spain I was scared I didn't know what was gonna happen if you left for that long I think I fell more in love with you even though you weren't there I [Music] I don't know I don't know if I want to get into the specifics or get into what happened but I did something really unfair and did you realize you cheated on me yeah and I died a little inside but I just don't get why you would facetiming how come you didn't think because in that we just hung up with because in that moment in time I had no idea anything was gonna happen everything seemed to be fine when I had realized what had been done I didn't know if we were gonna be able to get through that still hung out with her so what does that say it's excited to see you so I had you pick us up when I flew back I cried a lot and then I came clean and I told you I was expecting you to yell and you being silent with so much worse I told her that I was going to do whatever I could to fight for this relationship because but I wanted some space which I did some time which tonight did it her out my feelings which I didn't give you I felt like you were suffocating me I know and I was because in my mind fighting for you was gonna be reassuring you that I loved you I started pushing you away I just wanted to figure out everything else on my own I have started to hang out with one person in particular yeah so then I I hoped up with someone else and next morning when you called me and you said I have to talk to you I just cried because we knew what you're about to tell me I don't know how I knew that I knew I'm sorry when you cheated on me was there any intentions at all of wanting to do it because I had done it first not at all not you didn't run through my mind at all this was all for me to figure out my situation and how I felt for you it just made me question our entire relationship like if this is where we're going and if this is how things are being played out then maybe we really shouldn't be together and then you told me the table is totally turned you were telling me I want to fix I want to fight for us we're gonna do this and I said we have to go up from him it was not easy of course there were nights where you know we were screaming at each other we didn't know if we could do it anymore but the moment you became my best friend and we're just trying to help me through what was going on I was like this is why I am in love with you in that moment I realize that but it's rare to be so truthful and so raw with your partner I feel like when people hear they cheated on me it's immediately like why are you still with them like you're you look dumb and I think that it's important to show that either you choose to fight for what you have or you choose to walk away and in our situation we chose to fight for it there's definitely still some insecurities and some some wounds with all this and I think that it's still a work in progress yeah every day a lot of issues still come up a lot of insecurities still come up but I think that it's nice that we can talk about this is all worth it yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Iris
Views: 3,404,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: broken, infidelity, hurt bae, hurt bae 2, cheating, relationships, relationship, cheaters, hurtbae, why do people cheat, cheated on me, kourtney hurt bae, hurt bae video, hurtbae video, hurt bae twitter, hurt bae full video, hurt bae response, hurtbae videos, hurt bae youtube, hurt bae memes, bae, who is hurtbae, ana and ballesa, lesbian, lesbian cheating, lgbt, lgbt relationships, women who like women
Id: 8kYx3t4eKLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2017
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