Why did the Islamic World Reject the Printing Press | Al Muqaddimah

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Around the 1440s, Johannes Gutenberg invented the movable type printing press for the Latin Alphabet. A few years later, he printed the Bible in Latin which led to a dramatic explosion in the usage of printing press around Europe. According to one estimate, by the year 1500, around 1,000 printing presses were already functioning in Europe. It revolutionized the storage and transmission of knowledge since making copies of books was much easier, faster and cheaper. By the year 1800, more than a billion copies of books and manuscripts had been printed in Europe. However, it was around the end of that century that we saw printing really take off in the Islamic world, more than four hundred years after being invented. So, why did it take so long for the Printing Press to be used by the Islamic World? This video is brought to you by, well, you guys. Thanks to my patrons for supporting the channel and making these videos possible. Al Muqaddimah is funded only by Patreon and as you can see, the videos take a long time to research, edit and produce and it’s only because of my patrons that I am able to put this kinda time into these videos and keep them free from any kind of paywall. So, if you want to pledge a dollar or more to support the channel, you can head over to my Patreon. Link is in the description. You can also become a member right here on YouTube. There’s some cool stuff that comes with it. Back to the video. The reason the Islamic world adopted printing so late wasn’t, contrary to popular belief, because of an Islamic hatred for technology, as Islamophobes often like to say. Muslims had worked on scientific breakthroughs pretty much since the start of Islam, in an era commonly known as the Golden Age of Islam. It was also not because of Muslim aversion to European Products. Muslims had been quick to embrace other things coming out of the western world such as Tobacco which was so common, in the Ottoman Empire, by the year 1600 that it was banned in 1633 and then made legal and taxed a decade later. Another example of this is that paper making had declined in the Middle East because of the Mongol sack of Baghdad in 1258. Before this, Baghdad had been the world’s leading producer of paper. Although, now, Islamic World’s paper production was pretty low and so, the Muslims started using European paper. The earliest known copy of the Quran written on European paper is dated to around 1340. By then Baghdad and Damascus were starting to return as major hubs of paper making but Tamerlane sacked them both and effectively ended the industry of paper making in these two cities. So, what was the reason then? Not that long after Gutenberg’s invention of the printing-press, Sultan Bayezid II of the Ottoman Empire issued an edict, in 1485, regarding printing in his realm. Non-Muslim communities would have complete freedom to print whatever they wanted in their languages. However, Arabic and other languages that used the Arabic script would not be printed by either a Muslim or a non-Muslim. Although, importation of printed Arabic books from outside the Ottoman Empire was allowed. The first printing-press in the Islamic World was set up in Constantinople by Jewish refugees from Spain in 1493. Armenian and Syrian Christians were printing in large numbers as well. So, why did the Sultan keep Muslims out of printing? It wasn’t because he was stupid or intolerant. Rather, I think it might have been the contrary. Bayezid and his advisers were probably smart enough to understand the disruptive power this new technology possessed. After all, only a few decades after Bayezid’s edict, Europe and specifically, the Catholic Church, were shaken by the Protestant Reformation, in which the printing press played a vital role. We’ll return to Bayezid’s reasons behind banning it but first, let’s take a look at some other problems with printing in the Islamic world. Okay, so, the first problem that comes to mind is just the difficulty of printing the Arabic script. For example, let’s take the character “Meem”. Depending on its place in a word, it can have one of four different shapes. So, you’d have a much higher count of typefaces. Although, in reality, that wasn’t much of a problem. This photo right here is from the first ever printed Quran. It was printed in the Arabic language, around 1537 in Venice by Alessandro Paganini, to be sold in Ottoman Constantinople but it was full of errors so, not only was it a commercial failure, Muslims who saw it got very angry. His print shop was burnt either by the Pope or by angry Muslims, or the more likely answer, it just ran out of business. Another cool fact, the first printed translation of the Quran was printed in Latin by Theodor Bibliander. It was published in 1543 and the introduction was written by Martin Luther himself. Luther believed that a Latin translation would reinforce European Christian belief of Islam being false. If the Muslims were to accept printing, obviously, it would have to start with religious books starting with the Quran, after all there was a reason that the first widely printed book, in Europe, was the Bible. However, the Quran is not the same as the Bible. It’s often said that the counterpart to Jesus in Islam isn’t Muhammad, it’s the Quran, as a representation of God. Muslims believe the Quran to be the literal word of God as dictated to Muhammad. It isn’t meant to be read but rather, it is meant to be heard and recited out loud. The lack of importance given to writing can be estimated by the fact that the Arabic script has vowel markers that are mostly not used so, someone unfamiliar with a word would have trouble reading it even if they can read the Arabic script. All written copies were meant to store it and keep it safe from corruption but to understand it, you had to listen to an expert reciting it. Even today, there’s a huge emphasis on the recitation of the Quran. People recite it out loud from memory or from a printed copy. If it was to be written, it had to be carefully copied by a skilled calligrapher. When you think of Islamic art, you always think about calligraphy. Muslims took a lot of pride in their regional styles of calligraphy and illustrations. A rich tradition of book writing had appeared in the Islamic world since the transmission of paper making technology from China in the middle of the eighth century. Even today when you enter a mosque or other religious buildings, you see a ton of calligraphy there. People did, and still do, copy the Quran by hand as a sign of piety and prestige. Even kings did that. So, a soulless machine making copies of the Quran was seen as taking a step back from this rich tradition, a sentiment that we can relate to in modern times as well. This had been cemented in the minds of the Ottoman Empire by the terribly printed first Quran in 1537. Another reason for why printing was not adopted by Muslims is that it was simply not seen as solving any problems in the Islamic World. By this time, the Muslims had an established tradition of education. The Islamic education system was also not reliant on books. A scholar, not a book, was the resource that those seeking knowledge had to go to. The written word was merely a tool for experts to help them remember rather than for novices to learn from. This is why famous scholars such as Ibn Arabi and al-Bukhari traveled so much. Books were usually copied by rich patron who had libraries that could be accessed by scholars they gave patronage to. Hence, the demand of books was not very high. Other than scholars, administrator kept records but to accommodate them, the 20,000 to 90,000 scribes in Constantinople (in the eighteenth century) were more than enough. Also, the overall output of the Islamic World, in terms of research was much lower now than it had been during the Golden Age. It was also much lower than Europe which was going through its renaissance. Also, calligraphy was a huge industry and at one point, calligraphers even marched to the royal palace in Constantinople, carrying a coffin with their pens and ink inside, to protest against printing. So, their economic well being and lobbying was also a factor. So, overall, there was no demand for large number of books. Like we know, without demand, even the best products might fail. Looking at you, Prince of Persia video game franchise. We had seen something like this earlier as well. When paper was becoming popular in the Islamic world, its popularity was primarily because of its usage in the caliphate’s administrative structure and because the Quran was written on it. However, the Jews living in the caliphate did not adopt paper as quickly as the Muslims had because Jewish law required the Torah scroll and other traditional items to be made of parchment. Paper was only used for rabbinic publications, commentaries, and private copies of the Bible and also, secular books. So, when printing was on the rise in Europe in the second half of the fifteenth century, there was concern that with the widespread usage of printing, publishing books would be easier and hence, heretical ideas could spread more easily. This debate existed in both Islamic and Christian parts of the world. So, the religious establishment wanted to preserve their version of legitimate Islam. Another thing they wanted to preserve was their own status. Of course, books being printed and make affordable for the common folk would have broken the monopoly of the religious elites on interpretation of religion for the public as the public would have direct access to religious book. Similarly, it could also threaten political establishment as any anti-state propaganda could spread more easily. So, the printed word had the potential to shake everything up, from religion to government. This was probably the reason why Sultan Bayezid II banned printing in 1485. The first printing press in the Islamic World operated by a Muslim was by a Hungarian convert named Ibrahim Müteferrika in Constantinople. He had previously been a diplomat and had traveled across Europe. In 1726, he wrote a treatise called The Usefulness of Printing and presented it to Ottoman government. He writes… Books are also a tool for perfecting the nation and the state, a method of increasing the majesty of the empire, and of becoming the protector and preserver, until the last day, of arts and sciences and recorded events from the miscalculations of man… If there are numerous books on history, astronomy, logic, the affairs of the state and nation, and geography, this altogether will create tremendous educational benefit… [Books are a good] way of creating safety from sudden catastrophes and the changes arising in the poor memory of men. [In the days of] the Abbasids, the books and compositions of the scholars and writers were dumped into the Tigris [by the Mongols] and their writings washed away. By this time, the Islamic World did have a problem that printing could help in solving. That problem was European dominance. The Ottoman Empire was starting to decline and was looking to Europe to understand how they were rising up above them. So, the Sultan, in 1727, issued an edict allowing Muslims to operate the printing press as long as they don’t print religious texts. It was probably because of calligraphers and the clergy that religious texts were excluded from the edict. It would be another century before a religious text is published in Constantinople in 1818. In 1803, the first complete and widely accepted Quran was printed by the Tsarist Russian city of Kazan for Russia’s Muslim population. The next chapter in the story of Arabic printing came when Napoleon invaded Egypt in 1798. He was, as he claimed, on a mission to civilize the Egyptians so, he brought with him a French printing press and an Arabic printing press. The French one was obviously to communicate with his troops while the Arabic ones was to communicate with the locals. While his Arabic declarations had glaring grammatical mistakes, the Egyptians saw how the printing press had helped the French communicate and coordinate. So, after they left in 1801, Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Ottoman Governor (and de facto ruler) of Egypt started using it for his own purposes. The people in his government who operated the printing press were actually sent to Italy to be trained. That’s how serious Muhammad Ali Pasha was. The invention of lithographic printing by Alois Senefelder in 1796 really simplified the process of printing Arabic. Not only did it not need typefaces but it was also able to preserve calligraphy and illustrations the way the author had intended. The first lithograph press in the Islamic World, as far as I can tell, was in Morocco where a private citizen had bought it but religious scholars saw its usage and argued in the royal court in the favor of using it. On the opposite side of the Islamic World, India had seen the printing press pretty much since it established direct contact with Europe. Jesuits had operated a press there since 1556. The British East India Company had its own presses. However, the first press owned by a Muslim came around in 1819 when Nawab Ghazi-ud-Din Haidar Shah of Awadh sponsored one. Unlike the Ottoman Empire, the Nawab immediately started printing religious books. Five years later, the British East India Company gifted a few lithographic presses to the Bombay School Book and School Society which started printing books in local languages. Lithographic Printing boomed in the Indian Subcontinent. The print capital of India, Lucknow had over a dozen presses by 1848, all operated by Muslims. The most printed language in India, after English, was Urdu, the language primarily spoken by Muslims. Now, the reason that the Muslims became pioneers of printing in India has something of a similar theme to the rise of printing in Europe that happened almost 400 years earlier. It happened in the context of religious reformation. By the 19th century some 70 to 90 per cent of the Islamic World was living under European rule. The religious elite saw the need for reformation to bring the Muslims together and fight the colonizers. We saw many Revivalist and Reformist movements being born in the Islamic World during the 19th century. All of them used printing to spread their message. Also, the Quran was being translated into local languages throughout the Islamic World. In the 19th century, there were 12 attempts to translate the Quran into Urdu alone. None of them were widely accepted. Along with books, pamphlets and newspapers were being published in large quantities to spread propaganda against the colonizers. So to answer the question, the Islamic World didn’t reject printing, it simply didn’t think it could be useful. There was simply no problem that the Muslims thought could be solved by the Printing Press. Then colonization happened and there was now a problem. In many ways, we’re still in the middle of solving that problem. The so-called “decolonization” is still underway and Islam is still being reformed. That’s why, while Muslims were slow to adopt the Printing Press, we were pretty quick to adopt the Internet. For better or worse, you can find all kinds of religious scholars using the internet to spread their message. What happens next remains to be seen. See you next time. Don’t forget to subscribe and press the bell icon. On the screen right now, you can see the names and tiers of the Patrons. You can join them by pledging a dollar or more to support the channel. Thank you for watching!
Channel: Al Muqaddimah
Views: 148,094
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Keywords: History of Islam, Animated History, Islamic History, History of Muslims, Printing press, history of printing press, history of gutenberg, history of paper, history of media, history of printing
Id: 5PwdYmT5U9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 23 2021
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