Why Did God Command Lehi and His Family to Eat Raw Meat? - Part 3

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he learned that they would eat all of their meat raw and somehow with their diet of raw seal and fish they were able to stay alive however it wasn't until further scientific analysis were they able to discover actually the difference in nutrients between raw and cooked meat they found that it contained ascorbic acid or in other words a vitamin C however when you cook it it evaporates out of the meat thus leaving just the remaining nutrients crazy let's apply this to what we just read Lehigh and his family who are traveling in a Barren Wasteland who knows where the Lord was taking them but we do know one thing that the fruits and vegetables and the vitamin C containing food that they would have lived on in Jerusalem was going to be scarce foreign
Channel: The Stick of Joseph
Views: 6,998
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Id: BPL5IqaMemQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 51sec (51 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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