Why Did God Choose Israel to Be His Chosen People?

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across the ocean in the Middle East sits the nation of Israel the nation itself is approximately the size of New Jersey yet this nation has played and will continue to play an important role in the history of the world throughout the Bible the Israelites are referred to as God's chosen people if you are new to the faith or even if you aren't you might wonder why did God choose Israel to be his chosen people I mean what is so special about Israel that makes them different from any other Nation the term itself might make it seem as if God surveyed all the nations of the earth and said that is the one I will choose that is not exactly how it happened but the fact that they are referred to as God's chosen people forces you to ask the question why did God choose Israel to be his chosen people I pray these reasons I share with you will help you understand this a little better one God did not choose a nation he chose a man so often when you think of Israel you think in terms of a nation of people which is what they are now but that is not what they always were when you read the book of Genesis one thing you will notice is that there is no nation of Israel that is because it did not exist for a moment I want you to consider not a nation but a man the beginning of God's promise to this nation did not start when they became a nation it started from one man Abraham the Lord had said to Abram go from your country your people and your father's household to the land I will show you I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you I will make your name great and you will be a blessing I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on Earth will be blessed through you Genesis 12: 1:3 from this promise you see that God did not choose a nation he chose a man and built a nation from this man the reason I point this out is because it is not as if God just randomly chose Israel he made Israel into a great nation and God doing this was a fulfillment of a promise he made to Abraham this doesn't make Israel more special it makes God more special because he keeps his promises the Lord said to Abram after lot had parted from him look around from where you are to the North and South to the east and west all the land that you see I will give to you and your Offspring forever Genesis 13: 14-1 15 two God needed a group that would represent his character in the earth one of the reasons why God chose Israel to be his chosen people is because he needed someone to uphold his standards in the earth one of God's purposes for Israel was that they would be a people who would obey him and keep his covenants by doing this they would be God's representatives in the earth Israel would be a model of God's way of living to the Nations around them if you look at the Covenant that was made it was a conditional Covenant if they decided to forsake God's laws and walk in Disobedience which they often did they would forfeit many of the blessings and privileges that God offered them however the objective remained that God's desire would be for this nation to be a holy nation set apart for his purpose three God needed Christ to come through a lineage and fulfill the prophecy of Genesis the final point to answer the question of why did God choose Israel and without a doubt the most important purpose for the nation of Israel is that God was setting up the lineage for which Jesus would come through this really is the Crux of why God chose Israel to be his chosen people the coming of Jesus fulfilled the major promise that God made to Abraham that everyone on this planet who is living who will live or who has ever lived can benefit from and all peoples on Earth will be blessed through you Genesis 12:3 how is this even possible that a little Nation not much bigger than New Jersey could bless all the peoples on Earth that reason is because from Abraham's lineage we get to the Messiah Jesus it is in Jesus that this promise is fulfilled it is because of Jesus that the offer of Salvation flows to every person and all peoples on the face of the Earth if you fast forward to the Book of Revelation there is a scene where John sees people gathered around the throne notice what John says after this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count from every nation tribe people and language standing before the the throne and before the lamb they were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands Revelation 12:9 when God called Abraham in Genesis 12 he had Revelation 12 in mind he didn't just have one nation in mind he had all the nations of the world in mind he chose Abraham built a nation out of him which Bridges the Gap to Jesus in Jesus we see the fulfillment of This Promise in Genesis and we understand the result of This Promise in Revelation notice that people from every nation every tribe every language every people will one day gather around the throne and worship the lamb I think it is safe to say this is an example of all the people on Earth being blessed through the Seed of Abraham thankfully God's promise did not stop with the nation of Israel his faithfulness to keep his word is not just true for Israel it is true for you if you have put your trust in Christ as Savior then you are now God's special possession you have been called out of darkness and God has saved you so that you could be a light to point people to Jesus like Israel we were once not a people but now we are the people of God thank you for joining us today on crosswalk.com your trusted source for the freshest and most compelling biblically based content we're dedicated to supporting and inspiring Christians who are committed to deepening their relationship with Christ if you found this video meaningful don't forget to hit the like button share it with your friends and family and subscribe to our channel for more uplifting and insightful content to stay connected and receive updates on 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Channel: Crosswalk Videos
Views: 380,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: God's Chosen People, Israel, Biblical History, Religious Inquiry, Faith, Divine Selection, Bible Study, Covenant, Spiritual Inquiry, Religious Beliefs, Theology, Israelite History, Biblical Insights
Id: 6q4jI95Y8TM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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