Why did Fire Emblem Engage disappear so fast? Three Houses VS Engage

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Hello friends Adam here with fpt so it comes as no surprise to many of you that Fire Emblem engage just kind of isn't in the public eye anymore other YouTubers have talked about a lot a lot of YouTubers have moved on to playing different firearm games found hacks Advanced Wars whatever it is and uh engage has just kind of been forgotten it's kind of weird really and you look at three houses and that game had mad staying power in the community and I think there's plenty of reasons why and I think we compare them both we can come to a conclusion as to why engage just like kind of doesn't stick around you know it's not relevant anymore in the the Fire Emblem discussion Community stuff so let's talk about that today so what did three houses do well to keep players engaged that's not fun um number one I think you could talk about the multiple story paths I don't really want to talk about that today but that's obviously something to get full experience you had to play the game four different times which I don't necessarily want to count that as like replayability but I mean it's there and you kind of have to right or really it's just like a really long game so to play the game four different times that's all that's the thing but that also has some drawbacks as well because like doing part one over and over again is annoying the Samuel it can be that's on me I'm sorry Garrick Monastery can be a bit of a pain to go through and that's a thing right but what it does do incredibly well what it does do incredibly well is has a fun cast of characters that all feel unique for the most part despite having so many of the same tools available to everybody [Music] what I mean by that is that like every character can become every class aside from you know personal classes for the Lords and then also there's the some of the gender exclusives which are silly we all know that but there's some of the gender exclusive classes that exist in three houses but beyond that you know anyone can be an Archer anyone could be a fighter anyone can be a wife at night you know anyone can be a paladin and you would think that would take away from the individuality of units but ultimately because of other things that they included in the game it doesn't because there are still like different paths for characters that make sense based on other parts of their kit that only they have whether it's their personal skill or combat art maybe in a very rare case like a Crest they have and that's a very cool way to make the game replayable is by having characters still be unique enough that they have paths through classes that work for them better than others and then also make some fun challenge rounds of being like Oh well I don't want to put this character in a class that's obviously the best one or maybe you could do a run where everyone's in like a sub-optimal class people have done that and then there's a lot of replayability that way so what how does that work what do I mean so in uh three houses you have common arts and I think that's the first first one that comes to mind for me every character has I think every character might there might be a couple that don't but I'm pretty sure every character has some at least one unique combat art to them and by unique to them I mean one that not everyone has access to so for instance sylvain Ferdinand and setath all have Swift strikes but they're the only thing that happened right so it's Unique to those three and although that's actually let's use sylvain as an example Sylvan with swift strikes you really could just put him into any physical class and he's gonna be fine but if you want to take uh take advantage of one of the best combat arts in the game being a brave you know a lance attack with a brave effect right with a with like I think it has a lecture hit on like one extra minor two extra might or something and use that with like a really powerful Lance or something right you probably want to have something like Lance Fair which not every class in the game has Lance fair so there's an argument to say oh maybe I should just keep them on you know in Paladin rather than go into a Master Class that might have less strength or something right that also has land sphere and you could argue that wyvern's still better for flight and stuff and still has better stats and I'd probably agree with you more often than not but at least the the the questions there right of should I put sylvain somewhere with Lancer because of Swift strikes whereas uh it engage that doesn't really exist right every character has the same tools and the only thing that really differentiates them is uh their stats and a minor personal skill which I'll talk about in that another example of this in three houses I look at uh like Leoni Leone and Cyril for for for that matter because they both get a skill called uh point-blank volley which is a one-range bow attack that has a brave effect again a very very powerful skill and cereal in particular gets it really early and the thing the thing with that is that pretty much every bow unit every Archer except for like Claude maybe wants to be in Sniper because of Hunter's volley being one of the best probably the best skill in the game right Hunters volley is insane but Leone has the uh and serial have the unique combat art Point Blank volley that allows them to have a brave attack anyways so you can make an argument that maybe they get more use out of the extra move of bow night rather than staying in Sniper so just the little things the little parts of a character's kit makes it a more interesting decision as to which class they go into I think another part of this is uh personal skills yes every character in both three houses and engage have personal skills the problem being the problem being in engage the personal skills don't really do much there's very few that feel actually impactful in contrast with three houses where almost all of them feel very good and very important to to take advantage of to have a successful time on the hardest difficulty there are tons I can think of tons of personal skills that matter a lot you have Bernadette who has a really potent one called persecution complex if she's under full HP she just deals extra damage like a lot of extra damage which is crazy if you have lysithia who she doesn't uh it doesn't help her in combat necessarily but it gives her double weapon experience and double class experience so she's mastering classes and stuff and getting new skills and stuff faster than anyone else in the game sylvain's another interesting one where he doesn't necessarily get stronger with his personal skill but he affects those around him giving them plus two uh attack and plus two defense uh and in conjunction with other characters personal skills like Hilda's who does the same so you can have them run around to be buffed together or Leones who gets uh she gets extra attack when she's near and a male Ally like that's just really cool really awesome Buffs that you can really work with right then you look at engage and it's like well I mean I guess I could uh you know get plus three hit in a void for every female nearby that's kind of cool for Marin that's like one of the more impactful ones in my mind or uh I don't know I guess my if my Ally uses a healing item next to me they get plus 50 healing that's cool you know that's just spiffy or we have beautiful ones like ETA where she uses an Archer a player phase unit if she uses an item a healing item she gets plus two strength the rest of the turn why isn't that on something like like a why is it on like Louie or Jade or something that's so silly to me because most of them don't matter there of course are good ones you know you have a leader who has a good personal skill s is great I think diamants is probably one of the coolest ones in the game being that it turns his battles into uh he turned him to like this like Bruiser archetype character where he deals a lot of damage but takes a lot in return and I think that works really well for his uh for like personal skills that he gets and stuff and and soul for his personal classic successor that's a really cool idea but that's like the extent of it right there's just not a whole lot to do with personal skills and then combine combining them with other class skills and things so ultimately three houses has extra tools for characters to use that play in to the like Limitless customization of of classes and other skills in the game whereas engage doesn't have that engage has the emblem rings but equipping an emblem ring on a character oftentimes makes them play similar to any other character that would use said emblem so the way I've started to look at engage is that there aren't really a lot of there's not a lot of uniqueness with character but emblem rings are where the uniqueness comes in and you really can like affect how emblem Rings act just like a little bit by which character you have them with as opposed to the great effect that Emma Rings had about a character being the more interesting thing and the reason that doesn't work as well is because there just aren't as many emblem ranks if there were a lot more emblem rings then I think there would be a better discussion for this and I think there'd be a lot more replayability but without DLC then they're being you know 12 basically and with GLC being 20 that's just not enough to make up for the lack of character customers the character uniqueness that you get in a game like three houses so yeah that's it that's it that's why I think engage fell off um and it is uh it's too bad it's too bad I think engage has really tight solid gameplay I love the maps um I I ultimately love the embleming system but it just uh it leads to each playthrough feeling relatively samey you know that's just too bad just too bad uh that being said thanks for watching guys please subscribe to the Channel I want to get to 20 000 like 500 away which is a big ask but if you're not subscribed please subscribe to the channel help us get to 20 000 subscribers we're very close I would love to do that please like the video so other people can find it and share it if you're feeling crazy you know share it on your social medias or with a friend whatever that would be sick anyways thanks for watching guys I'll catch you next time
Channel: Adam With FED
Views: 12,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire emblem, engage, tier list, tier, ranked, characters, review, overview, ost, nintendo, switch, thoughts, discussion, emblem rings, emblem, three houses
Id: qHGt2zmrssE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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