Why did Britain give up Oregon? (Short Animated Documentary)

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Oregon Washington and Idaho as you'll probably know are not a part of Canada they were admitted as states to the USA in the latter half of the 19th century despite being claimed by the British the Russians and also the Spanish for centuries before this Russia and Spain didn't press their claims for very long which left only the British who in 1846 agreed to cede these lands to the United States in return for exactly nothing which raises the obvious question why why did Britain hand over this land to the United States so to begin after the Americans politely asked the British to stop running their country the two had to find a way to get along Westward Expansion by Beaufort to both claiming the same lands on the Pacific coast and after the war of 1812 was concluded both sides wanted to settle their territory or disputes to prevent a future War this led to the 1818 agreement in which Britain agreed to cede these lands to the United States in return for the U.S handing these to Britain along the 49th parallel The Hope in Washington was that this line would continue all the way to the Pacific Ocean however Britain refused because they didn't want to lose access to the Columbia river which it used for exports as search it was agreed that Britain and the United States would consolidate both of their claims and place them under joint rule the Americans called This Land the Oregon Country whereas the British called it the Columbia territory this created some problems the first was that both Russia and Spain claimed the land the Russians were soon brought off by both the British and the Americans and in 1819 the Spanish gave their claim to the United States as a part of a land transfer the second issue was that neither side were happy and thus wanted to undermine the other the British wanted to make the territory valueless to the United States by sending Trappers and paying natives there to overhunt so the Americans couldn't make a living which the government hoped would lead to the United States just handing the territory over in response the Americans sent people lots of people who would tip the balance of the population in the United States favor and forced Britain to settle the American approach worked and in the early 1840s the Americans living there demanded that the US government do something about the shared control of Oregon presidential candidate and later winner James K Polk campaigned and won on taking all of the territory and when he went off as he told the British government that join control of the territory no longer worked for the United States and he assumed that London would simply back down instead the Royal Navy was mustered and so soon after the American government asked that the British government should simply just make them an offer and the British basically gave in to all of America's demands and mostly gave them what they'd asked for in 1818. now this wasn't an easy decision for Britain to make and there were many there who believed that the United States was bluffing as negotiations were ongoing war broke out between the United States and its Southern neighbor and for some in Britain this presented an opportunity two front Wars are not very fun and so there were some that wanted to make greater demands of the United States in return for not aiding Mexico prime minister peel however didn't want war and he was simply interested in dealing with all of Britain's foreign policy squabbles this was so he could focus on repealing the Corn Laws at home and allowing the free importer food into the UK particularly Ireland peel and his colleagues knew that doing this would be the end of their political careers and so they used this as leverage to get Polk to accept Britain's offer since if the Americans pushed for too much land they just have to renegotiate with whoever followed peel as such Britain agreed to cede all of this to the United States barring Vancouver Island for the British government of the time handing over territory of little economic value in return for peace with a major trading partner so that more pressing concerns could be dealt with seemed obvious whereas for the United States the land that they gained was arable which was ultimately what they wanted and there was little to be gained from pushing All the Way North to the border of Russian America since it's not like they had any interests there I hope you enjoyed this episode with a special thanks to my patrons James bisonet Kelly moneymaker course show wolf Sky Chappelle kotoitska Alex Schwinn Jerry Lambton Jordan Longley Adams daughter rod D Martin Marcus arsner AF Firefly Y and hockey Captain psydog Spencer Lightfoot Miss izet boogly Wiggly Marvin Casa Winston caywood Daniel to be in commun Aaron the white Gustav Swann the mcwhopper words about books podcast she went in spinning three plates Maggie baskowski Anthony Beckett Coppertone and Charles the first
Channel: History Matters
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Id: YqEtdM0c4qc
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Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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