Why Destoroyah NEEDS to end the Monsterverse - THE DEVIL KAIJU Origins

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there is one monster that should bring an end to the monster verse films and be the final villain the Godzilla faces off against his greatest enemy from the h era destroya the epitome of death and the thing that originally killed Godzilla in 1954 is destroya one of Godzilla's greatest foes though and what exactly do we know about this monster what are his Origins and what makes him so incredibly powerful one of the few monsters in the Godzilla franchise that many debate May eclipse the power of the king over many years Godzilla has faced off with some of the most powerful forces of nature on our planet and others and overwhelmingly he manages to come out on top every single time for this reason the title of his single greatest adversary is largely a subjective one but there is one particular monster that has not only given Godzilla the fight of his life but claimed the life of Godzilla's own son and today Heralds of the Titans let's discuss the powers and history of destroya this particular monster is the culmination of Godzilla's hyay run and would serve as the final antagonist for this universe's depiction of Godzilla in the g man's history and his first appearance multiple Specialists within the Japanese government began working on a special project one that they hoped could kill Godzilla and the weapon that they eventually created was known as the oxygen Destroyer years later though it would come to be revealed that this weapon had undue side effects on the environment and had awakened a colony of Precambrian crustations as a product of the oxygen depletion the forceful Reawakening of Godzilla's latent radiation this environment born of death and power bore something horrific these crustacean life forms began to rapidly evolve and mutate together these organisms could swarm together and collect themselves into larger forms in order to fight as one the final form of this collection became known best as destroya the perfect life form as it collected more and more power this horde grew so powerful that it could even challenge Godzilla and it gave the king of the monsters a run for the crown what's interesting about destroya is his adaptability and throughout the original too Godzilla versus destroyer film The Monster takes on multiple forms he can quickly evolve far faster than any other monster or animal and this is because he doesn't just have one solid form but these crustacean organisms can move and change rapidly if need be they can form thicker armor plating on a whim create new appendages for destroya to use as needed and have created several additional spikes and horns as a display of power after evolving Beyond his juvenile form destroya has even created functional Wings which give him a brand new ability and it was believed that destroya could essentially evolve permanently adapting further as time progressed his flying form Sports a prominent orange horn on on the base of his forehead and much more reptilian features that are reminiscent of a dragon rather than a crustacean but this insane level of adaptability made him one of the most difficult challenges for Godzilla and without a doubt one of the most powerful monsters in all of the Godzilla franchise Godzilla is an incredibly durable force of Nature and can keep a fight going for hours without tiring and in most cases this means that he can wear down even the strongest of Titans he's also able to pick out weaknesses is the longer a fight goes on but destroya does something rare he can consistently pivot focus and always has an answer to Godzilla's best moves and adaptations after developing a flying form destroya then paired everything he had learned together in order to create what is known as the perfect form destroyer's perfect form displays the best of all of the states of development and this version stands upright on two legs he still Sports two massive wings as well as clawed arm and a pincer tail for ground compat it's also much more physically imposing than any of the other forms and is far larger than anything he had developed previously this makes Destroyer an absolute unit of death seemingly one that doesn't have an upper limit to his power as his power is only based on the number of crustations he has on his body at any given time and the mass that he can develop not only is his physical form severely dangerous though but he's also fiercely intelligent and so far as far as we can tell utterly remorseless most monsters cause inadvertent collateral damage in their battles and are only at their absolute worse when they are under mind control destroya though is nefarious and vile to his core he is not only aware of the Carnage that he is causing but actively Revels in the destruction before him leading many to call him the devil of the Godzilla franchise he is a sadistic remorseless Behemoth that enjoys slaughtering so much that many other monsters have never displayed this animalistic rage this idea that destroya is pure evil his first conflict with Godzilla Jr is completely unprompted and he only attacks Godzilla's son because he feels as if he can when Godzilla is in the midst of grieving for his son destroya attacks him at his weakest dragging Godzilla by the neck while in his flying form and it appears as though he is laughing or at least laughing as well as a monster can something becomes clear when watching Godzilla versus destroyer he takes complete joy in attacking Godzilla and on several occasions ambushes him without cause or justification this means that destroya isn't driven by any sort of agenda or goal he just wants Godzilla to suffer and this makes him completely unpredictable and among the most dangerous monsters to have ever lived this is essentially The Joker of the monsterverse and there is a legitimate debate among others such as gadora that destroy is Godzilla's greatest enemy destroya has no moral bounds no discernable goal or objective no purpose other than to torment after the death of Godzilla Jr Godzilla was able to punch a gaping hole into destroy his chest but this only separated the Crustaceans they all injected him though with doses of micro oxygen effectively replicating the effect of the oxygen Destroyer which had killed Godzilla's previous form and the first of the Gojira to appear she sh again a massive sign of destroy intelligence as he attacked Godzilla with an alternate tactic at the same time the military discovered that no conventional Weaponry had any effect on destroya but Godzilla in his burning form had finally begun to chip away at the Beast during their final fight Godzilla was able to scrape away at the crustacean's armor and one by one he was able to erode destroya to the point where he had to De evolve in order to survive several of his smaller forms were more manageable for Godzilla to eradicate with his Atomic breath but he too was eventually overrun near death Godzilla attempted to revive his son as destroya reconstructed himself into his perfect form even after breaking him down this far Godzilla's attacks amounted to not as destroya was still coming back instead of remaining though destroya attempted to escape in order to put distance between himself and Godzilla's uncontrollable nuclear pulses the military though had come up with a solution and believed that super cooling these crustations may slow down his ability to adapt and they were able to freeze his wings upon takeoff this caused destroya to plummet back to the Earth where Godzilla's nuclear pulses were able to finish the job paired with the freezing of the humans but the important thing to remember here is that Godzilla's Baseline form would be outmatched by destroya across Godzilla versus destroya Godzilla had been suffering from the uncontrollable side effects of so much radiation effectively he was having an inadvertent nuclear meltdown and in the monsterverse our Godzilla has sown no such indication so far and hopefully he will not suffer the same fate as the Jay era he also required the aid of a specialized military weapon to slow destroy his adaptability and stopping him from transforming and escaping but had Godzilla in his Baseline form been uned by the government and the freezing abilities of the military we are not entirely certain Godzilla would have won destroya is nigh unkillable extremely durable effects that have broken down meca Godzilla 2 and space Godzilla such as Godzilla's red spiral Ray destroya has tanked hits from whether or not destroya is the single most powerful threat that Godzilla has ever faced is still subjective but there is a strong case to be made that Godzilla himself has not faced a stronger threat than destroyer and as Godzilla is the god and protector destroya is the devil born from the very thing that killed the original Godzilla in 1954 an agent of Destruction and adaptability and that is why destroya should end the monsterverse Godzilla's final enemy the devil to his God but anyway my friends what do you think of destroya and do you agree with us should he be the end of the monsterverse as always my friends thank you so much for stopping by the channel subscribe for more Kaiju and Titan lore and have a great day
Channel: The Marvelous Wave
Views: 168,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Destoroyah, Godzilla, Godzilla vs Kong, Kong, Godzilla vs Destotroyah, Monsterverse, Jaiju, Shimo
Id: ct9DcFtSEQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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