Why Classroom of Elite Season 3 SUCKS right now

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classroom of the elite season 3 had an interesting initial premise but the execution and direction of the anime has gone arai at the beginning we got some development from the other students in ion and koi's class but to be honest all of the extras or background characters are extremely boring I simply know them as the glasses kid the redhead tun guy and the other people it also seems like aan aoji is more human this season and by that I mean he seems to act sweet toward K as well as have genuine conversations about morals human dignity and sacrifice that I thought he really just didn't care about in the beginning of the series it's strange since I thought he was much more callous I liked that but now he seems way more of a good guy than a sociopath focused only on controlling others I liked that the show was shocking and dangerous but now it is more focused on the class succeeding as a whole which is not necessarily bad it just means that it is way less exciting Hita has also taken a major step back in her role this time around as she is blatantly relying on a aoji to do most of the work as far as the plot goes everyone is just trying not to get expelled like normal and that's pretty much it I don't think the High School drama is enough to keep me intrigued anymore I pretty much know everyone in the school and the Mystique of the series has been shattered I thought aaoji would have to tear through multiple Targets on his Way to the Top but it's more or less a polite game of chess at this point in the first season these people were left alone on an island where Hita started kickboxing this other chick to death while suffering from a fever that was crazy then a aoji beat the living out of reuan and that was shockingly entertaining however this seemingly dramatic and physically chaotic anime turned into a simplistic show about a guy who wins at game let's not even get into the fact of how a aoji apparently isn't opposed to dating and somehow has a romantic interest in girls I thought he was a sociopath I thought he didn't like that that scene in episode 9 where manabu Hita says that his sister would be just right for dating AA COI if she were to start being her own person again yeah that was weird while I initially thought sakayanagi was an interesting and challenging villain she turned out to be extremely incompetent she didn't even win any of her self imposed games against aaoi she just lost every time and it was very anticlimactic I am hopeful that this season's ending will be much more exciting but I do not see how it will redeem itself I just feel like this show is less cool than it originally was people were getting these evil and violent strategic moves put on them but now it is essentially trying not to get expelled and just trying to move up in rank I don't know I think I've lost interest I'm simply watching out of obligation to finish the season it's nowhere near a bad show it is actually pretty darn good it's just not as hype as it originally was but we shall see what happens
Channel: Eagle Eyed Samurai
Views: 3,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rafe6mNIJy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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