What's up Greg It's me Danny back with another super challenging video. If you guys missed the last video or in case you forgot, We're Greg now. Our fan base name is just. Is Greg. I decided it in the last video, and it's too late to change it and go back on my decision since I already posted the video so we are Greg now and That - we're just gonna have to deal with that. So welcome back all you returning Gregs. If you're not Greg yet all you have to do is hit that subscribe button, and you can be Greg. You know, become - become part of Greg. Greg is the strongest family on the internet. We are savages, and we're not afraid to Be called Greg. And we're the fastest growing channel on YouTube... As far as you know. Don't look that up, but we're the strongest growing channel on YouTube. Challenge videos: they started off as this pretty fun thing we had like that ALS ice bucket challenge You challenge your friend to dump a bucket of ice on themselves, and it was for a good cause. You have the mannequin challenge You try to see how many of your friends you can get to stand still for a long period of time. The cinnamon challenge Where you just try to eat a spoonful of cinnamon. Challenges have been around on the internet for a while now But I feel like they've just recently started to just like I guess run out of ideas. Like, there's this section of YouTube now That's just like there are channels that are just devoted to doing challenges And they started off doing like normal ones like like eating spicy foods challenge or whatever and now it just feels like they've gotten so Weird because they've run out of ideas they're like the challenges just don't make any sense anymore and like some of them aren't even challenges because challenges are supposed to be... Challenging. Okay, like this one gummy food versus real food challenge. It's a video where there's two plates There's one plate that has a gummy food on it, and then another plate that has like the real food on it So like a gummy hot dog and a real hot dog and they just um randomly have to eat one of them. UUUUUUSPBLACH UHUHUAAAA IIGGGGAAAHHAA UGGHUHYAAAA AAAAAAHA aaAAAAHa I don't know if I want to... Watch whatever the rest of this video is because because I feel like it might be illegal to even watch Is this just kids getting tortured? Is this the kids torture challenge? Torture kids challenge? YEEEEHAHAHAHA Wait so okay, so this girl gets a gummy bear... Is the other kid gonna have to eat an actual bear? hehehe [deviously] oojshdj oOoOOO KEKJSKSSjdb See, I don't understand how this is a challenge. It's like "Oh! One girl has to eat gummy bears, and the other kid has to eat Teddy Grahams!" Like both of those are good... So... what? I don't understand how it's a challenge. It's like. There's no - It's not challenging [demonically] to eat... delicious food. I also just feel weird... Just like watching a video of kids eating. Is that weird? If you took away like the challenge aspect of it, And there's just like kids eating like candy. That's just like a weird video... It's just like kids eating candy. Who would watch that? Like if I saw this video And I wasn't making a video about it, I wouldn't be like "Oh! Kids eating candy I've got to see that. I've always wanted to see some kids eat some candy! I've never seen that before! I better watch this 14 minute long video of kids eating gummy bears!" gRRROOOWOHOOO VRO if you have earbuds take them out now im trying to help you yEEeEEEAH YYEEEeAHHH See if this was gonna be a challenge, the real food would have to be gross But she was more excited about the real coke than this kid was about the gummy coke This would actually be like a really good ad for Coca Cola. take your earbuds out again This video is like The clickbait-iest video I've ever seen. "Dirty touch my body challenge" and the thumbnail is just um... It's just porn Heart eyes emoji, uh your little squirty emoji, and then of course your peach and yo[voice crack]ur uh eggplant emoji. Which obviously mean... Eat your fruits and vegetables. Okay, so I haven't even watched this video yet And I already know that there's gonna be nothing dirty about this. Because channels like this are so obsessed with ad revenue that, like, they would never actually do anything dirty. So basically, the game is that one of them has to close their eyes and the other person will hold their little finger uh, hold the - wiggle Little finger guy to I use it to touch a part of their body And they have to guess what part of their body it is. I don't really actually want to watch the video because I don't think it'll be very interesting But just like fast-forward through it and see if it actually is like Uh, dirty at all. Wait wait wait wait wait wait. Aw, dude, he's touching her hip, but I guess I was wrong I guess I was wrong this really was... a [laughing] dirty touch my body challenge [satanic music playing] Man, that was dirty. I need to go take a shower. Okay, "white gloves challenge extremely messy" Today we're going to be doing the white gloves challenge! How it works is that you have white gloves on, and it's a competition to see who can keep their gloves the cleanest. At the end of the video, we're gonna see who has the cleanest gloves, and the person has the cleanest gloves wins! Uh... It's a classic testing of skills. You know, the coveted skill to be able to eat flamin hot cheetos and keep your gloves clean at the same time. I don't understand who watches these videos... cause like who watches the intro to this video, and they're like "You know, I love this girl uh Justjordan33, and I've always wondered if she was eating flaming hot cheetos, how clean could - would she be able to keep her gloves? And what about her friend? And I'd be fascinated to watch her eat Cheetos with gloves on. It's like channels like this, they just like are constantly making up new challenges. And a lot of times. It seems like it's like one person will do a challenge and then a bunch of people will follow suit. So like the gummy food vs real food challenge Like they did it and then a bunch of other channels did it too because they were like "Oh, that looks fun! I like gummy bears! I'll eat them on camera and get paid thousands of dollars to do it!" But now the challenges are just getting so like obscure. Like the "white gloves challenge." Like it didn't come from anything. It's not like a cool skill It's not really fun to watch somebody just eat Cheetos with gloves on. I think the best portrayal of this phenomenon is this video, which is called "the punch myself in the face challenge," which I think is pretty self-explanatory, but in case you don't know what it is, let's - I guess - let's watch it. Ok, let's do this. Ok MM Dear That's the end. That was the whole video. Yeah, that was kind of sad. You know, he looked really happy when he was doing it, though but I feel like that just sort of made it more sad. Why is he so happy? Why is he so happy to be punching himself in the face? Okay, so this video has 33,000 views. Let's see if this challenge caught on at all You know, it'd be really good for him if he didn't do this all for nothing and other people are doing it now, too So nobody... Nobody else did the challenge. So he just punched himself in the face for 17 seconds for nothing. Damn, that's kind of sad. Anyway, you know with all these weird, obscure challenges getting like 30 million views I figured, you know, we should do a couple challenges. Right? On my channel. I don't see any any reason why I can't do... this. I can come up with challenges. That's easy I mean what do - What do people want to see? That's - I just need to come up with the challenge that like people want to see somebody do. Alright, guys. This is the don't spill the salt challenge. I got my little uh I got my little bunny salt shaker here And... Let's - let's begin Alright guys, that was the don't spill the salt challenge. I didn't spill any salt. Alright. Okay guys, I'm going to be doing the put on a hat challenge Alright guys, thanks for watching Okay, guys. Now I'm gonna do the littlest smile challenge. Let's go Alright guys, thanks for watching. Alright, guys. This is the sleep for eight hours challenge. Alright guys, thanks for watching. Alright, guys. I hope you enjoyed that video. Guys, if you're not Greg yet, hit that subscribe button. Join the family. We are the fastest growing channel on YouTube. Don't look that up. It's true, and other youtubers talk about being a family That's not even true. They're not a family because nobody's related. Every Greg is blood-related. That's true Don't look that up either, but it's true. If you're - if you join Greg you'll - you're actually joining a family, so uh... Subscribe and turn on that notification button cos that's what a real Greg does. Shout-out to Sharky shark Thank you for turning out my notifications. You are truly Greg. Alright, thanks all my Gregs for watching I will see you guys next time. I'm gonna be posting a new video really soon, so stay tuned for that. Thank you for watching. Bye.