Why Cats Keep Checking on Their Owners?

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does your cat frequently check on you like casually looking around to make sure you are nearby do they walk in your room give you a look and then continue on their way if you notice your cat keeps an eye on you it likely indicates that your pet considers you a significant figure in this video we'll explore the common reasons why cats check on their owners and what it signifies for you as a caring pet owner the first Reason cats check on you has to do with their territorial nature being territorial and social animals cats regularly check their territory for anything out of place and they keep an eye on their family members when there's a strange noise or something loud they look at their owners to gauge their reactions if you appear unconcerned they take it as a signal that everything's normal but if you're on high alert they kick into alert mode too they may even survey the environment for potential threats now your cats frequent check-ins might also be a way of making sure you are still in fact you they are making sure that everything is fine and that the routine is still the same your pet knows you're the source of all good things food shelter and safety so when they're checking on you they are ensuring that you are present to play your role is the great protector this little check is their way of seeking reassurance that their environment remains stable and secure another reason your cat checks on you is because they want to seek your attention they check on you in the hope of receiving positive acknowledgement whether they desire playtime a good petting session a cozy cuddle or just a moment of eye contact your cat wants you to notice them or spend time with them some cats even follow you around the house simply because they want to be seen and heard another reasons for these check-ins is to ensure your well-being while your pet may not understand that you have the flu they can sense when things are different especially if you've been in bed or on the couch all day when your cat notices something is a Miss they are highly likely to pay you a visit many cats come in closer proximity when their humans are sick or sad some even purr and rub themselves more once they sense that their owner is feeling blue believe it or not cats have even saved lives over the years one cat in the US warned her human when he was about to have an epileptic seizure while another cat in the UK saved his owner's Life by pounding his paws on her chest to wake her up after she suffered a heart attack finally cats also check on you because they love you if you have a strong bond with your cat built over time through love and trust your pet May check in simply because they care it's a heartwarming sign of affection your pet is not looking for food they are not looking for attention they are just checking in because of the deep connection and affection they have for you when your cat chooses to be near you with no obvious strings attached it means you are succeeding in the art of pet parenting this indicates that you've established a secure and loving environment for your feline friend it's important to note that some cats check in more frequently than others and their subtle ways of doing so may go unnoticed why do cats check on you when you were asleep if your cat checks on you while you are asleep it is often because they feel safe being around you and they regard you as a close partner whom they worry about on occasion cats also check on you while you are asleep to ensure your safety many cats are well aware that they and their humans are vulnerable when sleeping by keeping a watchful eye on you while you sleep you're a little tiger is trying to protect you from any potential nighttime threats this is akin to how they would protect their fellow feline family members in the wild now that we covered why cats check on you let's explore other interesting cat behaviors why cats stare at us cats stare at us for a lot of reasons more often than not they are trying to communicate with us us if your cat meows while looking at you in the eye they may just be letting you know they're hungry especially if they are sitting next to their bowl cats also stare to show affection when a cat looks at you with half closed eyelids and slowly blinking it means they love you and remember your cat knows that their well-being depends on you if they feel scared stressed out anxious cold depressed or in pain they may stare at you to seek your support on the other hand a cat's stare accompanied with rigid body posture or warning sounds like hissing indicates the cat feels threatened why cats eat your house plants many cats enjoy eating grass and there are several theories as to why they like eating it your cat make Grays on grass to help with an upset stomach or boost its vitamin levels grass contains a nutrient called folic acid which promotes proper growth and development another theory is that grass acts as a natural laxative counteracting any cases of indigestion it helps break down hair balls and pass hair out the other end to supplement your cat's diet with grass consider getting a small tray of grass to put in your home eating nonf food items does your cat regularly try to chew on non-edible items such as plastic cloth sweaters bags or electrical cords this could be a sign of a rare condition in cats called Pika often the cause of this is unknown however some proposed reasons include mineral deficiencies hyperthyroidism genetics boredom and stress if your cat is showing symptoms of Pika it's time to have a full examination by a veterinarian in order to rule out any underlying problems why do cats guard you although they are independent animals cats form strong bonds with their human Companions and consider them part of their social group just as they would protect their fellow feline family members they extend the same protective instincts towards their Human family cats show their protective nature in different ways for instance if you have a cat that restlessly patrols the house at night it is because they want to keep an eye on their territory and ensure that no Intruders enter your domain while it may seem as if the cat is wandering aimlessly in actuality they check every corner to ensure everything is in order some cats may even draw an invisible boundary to deter potential Intruders by by rubbing their body against the furniture through these scent markings your cat is trying to send warning signals to other animals in the area furthermore it is common for cats to follow their owners to the bathroom or around the house while this Behavior may stem from Curiosity and a desire to be involved in their humans daily routines it is also a way for cats to ensure their owner safety and prevent any potential harm from occurring why cats make bird noises cats are are known for their fast and intense teeth chattering or as some will call it bird noises this chattering is often observed when a cat spots a bird or rodent outside of a window cat behaviorists believe that cats chatter in a response to the excitement of seeing their hunt and the frustration of not being able to catch it this chattering could be your cat's way of communicating their excitement frustration or aggression towards their prey regardless of the reason this chattering is completely normal and just one of the many unique behaviors that make feline such fascinating pets now that you know more about your cat and their behaviors let us know your thoughts in the comments section below does your cat check on you frequently do they become more attentive when you are sick or sad share your own experience and make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos
Channel: Jaw-Dropping Facts
Views: 362,087
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Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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