Why Brokeness is Necessary

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[Music] hebrews chapter 12 and i will go back to the old testament but there's a lot of subjects that need to be addressed sometimes and you just got to do it you know hebrews chapter 12 is one that's been coming to me all week long okay now he says in Hebrews chapter 12 well I will just start in 1 wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God for consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lets you be wearied and faint in your minds you have not yet resisted on the blood in your striving against sin that's a reference to Jesus in the garden he did not want to sin how bad did he not want to sin well he actually sweat drops of blood under the stress of resistance to sin and then he goes on the same and you have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not valve the chastening of the Lord nor faint when you're rebuked of him for whom the Lord loves he chastens and scourges every son whom he receives I mean always Christians were children of God and we believe in God the Father what father doesn't discipline his children what child is without discipline the only kind of child without discipline he's a bastard because he doesn't really have a father he does have a father but he doesn't know who he is that a shame right that's a real thing in fact he says the view be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are you bastards and not sons is a regular part of Christian life to have seasons with God where of chastening of discipline God chastens okay we talked about it comes into the Christian jargon and it's real we even have songs about it we broken this brokenness this is what I long for I mean I don't really like that song too much but uh you know everyone else might so it doesn't matter what I think okay but brokenness is what he's talking about there we as children spiritual children will have times in our life where God will ordain chastisement and break us and we need that that's what the Lord's been speaking to me we need that why do we need that okay because we have a tendency in this fallen world even though we're Christians there's a hardening tendency in the world the world itself in our contact with it not to mention things were exposed to not to mention things we go through could have a tendency to harden our hearts how many times the Bible is there warnings about this today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart why is he warned it because it's a possibility sin will harden our hearts he says in Hebrews chapter 3 don't be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin sin is powerful it's a serious subject a lot of Christians are developed this kind of immunity go to it to it they say well look we have forgiveness all I have to do is confess my sin and that's true thank you God for forgiveness of sin right but he says then you could be deceived by the deceitfulness of sin and it can harden your heart the deceitfulness of sin is that even if you do have forgiveness if you keep practicing it you're gonna change you're not going to stay the same either you get harder or softer you're gonna get more tender or you gonna get more firm and thick and of course the things the world prizes about people is an abomination to God the world wants it promotes the hardness of heart you look at them you know even models on fashion I mean they have the hard faces okay the world thinks it's beautiful to be hard it's tough but you know what you can't worship God truly with a hard heart you cannot really worship God's with a hard heart you can't hear God's voice with a hard heart you can't be close to God with a hard heart this is a very very important issue what is salvation itself but the softening of the heart what did God do when he saved me he broke me of my unbelief he broke me of self-righteousness he broke me of my Catholicism which Catholicism itself is a very hardening thing I mean it will make you hard because it's an alternative system what happens when you're really safe see this is the difference I think the big problem with a lot of people is there's a lot of people think they're saving their not because they've never been broken salvation comes with brokenness with repentance God breaks you and shows you how miserable and lost you are now there's a lot of people found their way into the church and in the evangelical church of the kingdom without any experience of that whatsoever I lay that on the pastors and the evangelists but look what he says look every single son whom God receives every single daughter every single true child and God receives he chase them from time to time if we need it what does it mean to be broken or what does it mean to be chasing let me give a simple definition it means to be subdued or humbled before the Lord so that you could yield to him it doesn't come naturally naturally what we do is what Isaiah said we do all we like sheep have gone astray we've turned every one to his own way we do our own thing now there's a word for that in the Bible it's called iniquity but really when it comes down to it people just do what they want to do when it comes down to it people say what they want to say when it comes down to it people do their own thing and less in God's mercy he works on your heart worldliness itself is hardness so it's not even necessarily specific sin that someone does it's just it's a state of mind worldliness itself will harden you make your harsh what's the Bible say in Proverbs 6 look at a few scriptures tonight we got it cherish and recognize when God is the special times in our life when God is doing something in our life we got to work with it that where he's breaking us where he is actually working through circumstances there's a lot of ways God can break a person he could just you know one way is just the conviction of the Word of God can come and you could be broken that way if you pretend they're enough let it let it into your heart if you're gonna resist and he's got other ways and means in a marital problems you can have financial problems you can even have health problems I'm not saying every single time that's what's happening but God does deal with his children and chastises us God will bend us God will well he will attend to bend us he could crush us he preferred from the will so he will set up situations and circumstances some people are so hard they'll just push right through anyway they won't change their circumstance I make them harder you know the Sun can bake on wax and the Sun can bake on clay tell me no there's a difference clay just gets harder and harder and harder what's wax do it gets softer and softer and softer you want to have a heart of wax or a heart of clay I'm telling you the difference between wax and Clay's a difference between heaven and hell I mean it's God working and what an old proverb six yes for sixteen this really struck me these six things does the Lord hate yay seven are an abomination unto Him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked imaginations feet swift and running to mischief a false witness that speaks lies and he that sews discord among the brethren God says he hates that modern day we people have such a warped idea of God they can't even comprehend that God would hate anything or anybody but if you take the Bible seriously you can see I mean God hates certain things and he hates certain people I do not want to be the object of God's hate just a proud look just a proud look see we need God to break us because we got a tendency toward hardness we got a tendency to become insensitive to God dull to the Holy Spirit how does the Holy Spirit usually speak to us there's still small voice well what does the Bible say in the book of Ephesians grieve not the Holy Spirit you can actually grieve the spirit you can silence the spirit you can quench the spirit you can stifle the spirit and go on your very merry way and that's when God knows he's got to take it up a few notches see it's pride if you really want to describe the essence of all sin it just comes down to pride it just is pride that's all it is and when you come to God that's a humbling in that you humble yourself and you find salvation it's the best thing that ever happened to you though think you ever wanted to do is admit you're wrong the last thing you ever wanted to do is to go to church the last thing you ever want to do is to get religious the last thing you ever want to do is going to worship God but man when you finally do what the Holy Spirit is pushing you to do it's the best thing that ever happened to you right and you find salvation forgiveness of sin joy life comes from death see the spirit reminded me of the story of the woman that came in while Jesus was sitting there with the Pharisees now they didn't kiss him which was the custom of the day then you go to a house for dinner and the host kisses you on the cheek and they didn't give even have a servant to wash his feet and they didn't give him the formal greeting I mean seriously in their own day they seriously disrespected Jesus Christ they saw him as a rival they had brought him in there to show him in front of everybody how wrong he was to beat him in an argument or to rebuke him or whatever it was they brought him in they didn't even give him the common courtesy and while they're sitting at dinner a woman breaks through and she has a jet a clay jar full of a perfume so precious it would take a year's wages of a working man to buy it how much would that be forty thousand fifty thousand dollars she is so grateful because she was a harlot she was so lost no no you got to get the contrast they are so self-satisfied so proud that they don't even give Jesus the common courtesy this woman's the opposite she was so lost she was drowning spiritually she breaks through the door she takes the box she doesn't take the lid off she breaks the box on him goes all the way down his his body in the Bible says in the Gospel of John chapter well the whole room smell of the ointment and she worshiped in that way but do you see the message you can't worship Him without brokenness you can't you can't take the lid off it go Boop she was broken and what out of that broken is something good happened see this is the teaching of Jesus himself you can't have life without brokenness you know that unless a grain of wheat falls in the ground and dies well I don't want to die so the weed says I don't want to die I don't want to break my nice outer shell I don't want to preserve myself I want to preserve myself I want to be a shining seed a kernel don't want to go down there and break open yes but there's no life unless there's brokenness how did you get saved God broke you and you accepted Jesus Christ you let him do something in your life you were so sensitive and tender you let Jesus Christ actually do something in your life you were not so proud that you wouldn't allow that you opened up but then stuff happens afterwards a lot of stuff happens how do you know you don't get saved and then just get zapped to heaven he leaves this right here what happens here you could get hurt you can get you to the world still there there's persecution coming even your best brothers and sisters can let you down whoever knew that Christians can let you down but they can't because all we are as a bunch of sinners so we do not do it right all right we do not do it perfectly so even with a group of people you can be let down even if they're the best people that got godly people okay I laughed when I figured Moses when he finally came to realize who he was and who God was and he goes out there he sees to the Israelites fighting he says brothers brothers we don't fight around here do we listen who made you a judge over you're gonna kill us like you killed that Egyptian well he got hurt in church he got let down and there's a lot of people dead never allowed with the healing of that brokenness to see the whole point of brokenness I mean yes the devil has his point and people have their points and everybody has their point of view but the real question is what is God doing in it why did you bring me to this point God why did you bring us to this point why have you exposed me to this difficulty everything was going just great and now why this why this financial problem recently I had a problem with physical pain and infirmity I don't usually go around in pain but the pain I couldn't believe it and I thought man there's people have pain every day all their life for their whole life it just it just did i I'm not gonna say that it may be perfect but it didn't melt my heart of it God thank you for every single day that you've given me without this pain never look at a hurting person again the same way I hope now I know what it's like amen God could do a lot of things to break is he can take if someone that's prized himself for looking good and make him look real bad it might not even be that they are bad they just look bad I think it would King David was being chased by his own son and someone was walking after him a personal enemy a relative of Saul and was castigating him and crying out in public against him and humiliating him at his lowest time in his life and one of David's generals said hey you want me to take that dog's head off him and you and David said back maybe God told him to do that I don't know if God told him to do that or not but I do know one thing that that said David was a broken man you talk about the tough guy you talk about a warrior you talk about a hard shell but he was broken because he was broken that God could use them right you got to be broken we're wild and without cultivation without trained like a horse you got a horse and a stable you got a horse out in the field and the horse out in the wild running with a pack to different horse lives what's the difference someone cornered that one horse and even with all his strength and power someone that knew how to break him broke him and cultivated him so they could be useful I'm just beautiful useful so people could use it I can't find I couldn't try to find the scripture in worship there's a beautiful passage a joke and this movie about Secretariat has anyone ever seen the film Hollywood me no opening the quote job and it talks about the warhorse and how he paused the ground that he snorts and he's so eager to get into battle any but he doesn't do it until the command that's power under control now look the flesh is powerful but the difference between the flesh of the Spirit is the flesh is not under control then you just say whatever you want you just send it out there you spit it out there yes make them pay that's the flesh what's the Bible say about the flesh the flesh profits nothing now the Spirit is way more powerful right what's under control like Jesus said I won't do anything unless I see the father do it and I won't say anything unless I hear the father say it be even the Son of the Living God submitted himself to the discipline of the Father he put himself under this is what brokenness is for to subdue us and humble us before the Lord why - so that will yield to the Lord why do we want to yield to the Lord because I want to be useful I don't want to be that wild horse out there running all over the place just doing whatever my whims tell me to do run around on the storms and living a short life but man running free I want to be useful to God and we as a church want to be useful to God don't we we all want to be useful to God God has something for everyone in here to do God has something for you to say even tomorrow God has some path for you to walk on as it says in the book of Ephesians that we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that God has ordained that we should walk in them well you'll never walk in them without allowing God to deal with you and unlike I said an unbroken heart can't even worship an unbroken heart can't even pray well I can pray if you can't just vain babblings prayer or just religious repetition or just the same phrase you use 5,000 other times that you weren't even thinking about it because you had just say your prayers that's not prayer though prayers communion prayer is connection most of prayers listening sometimes prayers breathing sometimes prayers weeping and yes God speaks to us and God would have us to speak to him but you've got to let your heart be softened I think the King David though you know he was he was out of control when he stayed home from war and send everyone else out and while he stayed home he just woke up in the afternoon one day though he's sleeping in living a undisciplined life and he's standing on the roof and you know his story saw a woman taking a bath this is crazy we you could do that now but with TV you can watch all kinds of garbage and so can your children everything she's gotta be vigilant okay be careful little eyes what you see you know what you cannot be unaffected by sin it's going to harden you it's going to make you further from God and from everyone else you do not want a heart heart so he should have turned a channel you might say but he didn't he actually sent for the woman you know the story she came up they slept together he sent her home he thought wow that was a sin that I can hide she says I'm pregnant he sends her husband back from battle tries to lure him into sleeping with his wife so he could think the child's hit I mean the whole thing is such a a snowball mess that didn't just affect David Uriah Bathsheba infected all of Israel and then he has the man killed right he literally murdered a man who stole his wife what a well there's this good there's a description says sin will take you farther than you ever thought you'd go and it'll cost you more than you ever thought you'd pay notice Psalm 51 and this is his prayer that he prays after two years of hypocrisy this is now this is hardness hard-hearted people didn't ever want to admit the wrong they never want to confess their sins they don't care I can do all kinds of things say all kinds of things hurt people it's really just with your tongue you can destroy a person you couldn't cut them down to size you could destroy by the hard-hearted person doesn't care never them kid never went two years as a hypocrite he was destroying the faith of Israel and you believe the king of Israel is living as a hypocrite in front of the whole nation this man who they knew wrote so many songs and was so in love with God and I he didn't miss the services or anything he went to this tabernacle and he did these public services but everyone there knew he was a hypocrite and finally God said look see here's the thing about the Lord that he's been telling me and maybe I'm just preaching to me if you got a secret sin that he will deal with you secretly at first but if you won't respond to him then he'll bring it out in the public whatever you cover he'll uncover but whatever you uncovering he'll cover finally get King David two years ago enough he destroyed the faith of Israel they played the hypocrite and a prophet was sent to him to get him to condemn himself it's a beautiful story prophet told him a parable about a man that had a lot of sheep that he could have had and his neighbor just had one dear sheep one you that the neighbor loved is like Mary's little lamb or something and when someone came he wanted to show him hospitality he stole his neighbor's sheep and cooked it and fed it to his friend and King David went into a rage when he heard that then he's got to die and the Nathan Nathan says you are the one I'm talking about that right there boom he broke he broke now one of the best things that can happen to any of one of us I don't care if you've been saving one day or even saved a hundred years periodic breakings that you could recognize he broken it Psalm 51 here's a prayer have mercy on me O God according to your loving-kindness according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot my transgressions wash me thoroughly from my iniquity cleanse me from my sin look at the verbs there blot out you know it's the same word that's using the book of Genesis when it talks about how the flood came and just wiped everything out please God he asked God wipe it out man I brought something on myself that's so bad just wipe it out dear Lord wipe it out and then the word therefore wash me is like a woman scrubbing clothes on a washer bored to God scrub me then the word cleanse as a ritual worked he says ceremony unclean and not fit for worship or prayer or anything so he's asking to be cleansed in fact he goes on to say wash me with hyssop verse 7 purge me with hyssop and I should be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow hyssop is the bush that God commanded the children of Israel to dip into the bowl of blood on the Passover and make the sign of the Cross on their door he's saying cleanse me in the blood of the Lamb cleanse me in the blood of the lamb wash me and I'll be whiter than snow verse 3 I acknowledge my transgression my sin is ever before me against you you only have I sinned now this is something that if you really think about it it will break you I mean all your sins are direct affront to God himself against you and you only every sins against God we didn't think it's it's in and men's entered terms and of course he's not denying that he's sinned against the shiba he's not denying he sinned against Israel you're not denying he's sinned against Uriah what is he actually saying when he said against you you only have I sinned well when he killed Uriah whose image did he destroy the image of God when he destroyed a marriage who ordained marriage assist with the broken heart against you and you only I sinned and done this evil in thy sight that you might be justified when you speak and be clear when you judge what that means is your see saying you are right not me you are right not few other verses in this make me to hear joy and gladness see what happens if you're not broken is you lose your joy if you're still hard you know it's too bitter if you like children get angry at their parents of course the whole world and tries to get people separated and again again parents against children mother against father wife against husband women against children like Jesus said one of the perils of the last days it'll be so bad the division that Satan will sow will be so bad that a man's enemies will be those of his own household in many cases which that to me is the biggest tragedy of all but I think you can get we could get through anything if we love each other but I don't think you can get through anything if your house is divided against yourself and it doesn't have to be I'm not saying that when Jesus said a man's enemies would be those of his own household he did say that and it is and it already is but I don't believe it has to be not in an individual situation people don't have to turn on each other children don't have to rebel against their parents husbands don't have to turn on their wives or wives on their husbands churches don't have to have big squabbles and it doesn't have to be then if it doesn't have to be why is it well like Jesus said about divorce is the hardness people's hearts though that in that way it does have to be hardness of heart makes it inevitable that's why a big prayer ought to be Oh God meet me as close to you and give me a tender heart please God give me a tender heart don't let me get hard-hearted which is easy to do it's very easy to do go to Jeremiah chapter five nothing describes the human condition like the Bible Jeremiah chapter five beautiful passage but sober verse three Oh verse one let's start at verse one rania to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem and see now now and seek in the broad places thereof if you could find a man if there be anything that executes judgment that seeks the truth and I'll pardon it and though they say the Lord liveth surely they swear falsely a lot of people swear falsely praise the Lord is our modern way of saying the Lord liveth praise the Lord just cuz you praise the Lord that doesn't mean you're close to God God knows the heart just because people go around praising the Lord that doesn't mean they're close to God I believe you should praise the Lord personally I praise the Lord and we all should praise the Lord the mark of a true Christian is they praise the Lord but just because a person praises the Lord that doesn't mean they're close to God you could go on on habit praising the Lord long after you have any reverence for the Lord people can do a lot of things that they never thought they could do before people changed everybody changes because everybody's on a trajectory no one can stay the same you're gonna go deeper into the darkness like we said last week well come out of the darkness into deeper light you're gonna get more tender than the day you were saved the day I was saved man he tenderized my heart he showed me I was a sinner he broke my heart I don't think I'm any less of a sinner now actually the closer I get to God the more of a sinner I think I am doesn't crush me though it just takes me to him Jeremiah 5 verse 3 Oh Lord aren't your eyes on the truth you struck them but they haven't grieved you consume them they have refused to receive correction they have made their faces harder than a rock they have refused to return therefore I said surely decent poor their foolish for they don't know the way of the Lord nor the judgment of their God oh what a tragedy they didn't even know they were being chastised by God Isaiah put it this way in knives in chapter 1 read it on your own when you go home Isaiah 1 the father says a father chastises the children but your whole body from head to toe is full of bruise and sores I don't even know where to lay the rod now it hasn't touched you hasn't even touched you this is why I have many children are rebellious they've never been broken I think that one of the strangest verses of the Bible I went through this one we're doing numbers and it's where God tells Moses his sister Miriam because she had the gall to judge Moses and criticize him he married a black Ethiopian woman and she and Aaron were sitting there talking about him behind his back and God said you come out to the tabernacle how'd you like to hear that remember of my father's day now I come out here and what he said to Miriam is if your father had but spin in your face but is that not one of the strangest things in the Bible but what is he saying Miriam you got a lot of gall you got a lot of pride you're gonna talk about someone like Moses who talks to God face to face and you're gonna pick him apart your father should have put you in your place and that's why you're so rebellious our rebellious she looked at her hand and it was leprous she turned totally totally leprous thank you God he said Moses pray for her she had to stay about a week in quarantine he he'll break his people I think God didn't love Miriam of course he loved her she's his daughter that's why he was so harsh on her it's the bastards that get no correction or the bastards that just won't receive correction so they put themselves out of the dealings of God which is one of the most precious things about being a Christian is that God will deal with us well there's a lot of examples of that I gave the example of King David and I gave the example of a woman with the alabaster Barr jar I think one of the best prime examples in the New Testament is a Peter see here's how the flesh works and we all have to deal with the flesh by flesh I mean the unregenerate nature I mean we are being transformed thank God we are being changed from glory to glory but until Jesus comes back we still have to deal with an unregenerate part of ourself there's a part of me that could defect at any time there's a very hard-hearted part of me there's a very lustful part of me there's a very very ungodly part of me that I must keep subdued to God himself and God will help me he will do it he will do it my King David said in Psalm 51 wash me cleanse me scrub me wipe it out he's all he's looking to God not himself there's a part of me that's self-sufficient I've often brought up the beautiful proverb a lot of people love it proverbs 30 where he says don't give me so much dear Lord that I forget you and don't give me so little I'll be tempted to steal and one day I'm reading that as I got them some light from the Lord what is he saying he's saying I don't trust myself anymore I don't trust myself Lord I don't even trust myself this is the sign of the heart heart with a proud people so sure of themselves its own demanding but he says oh god no the way we say it is mean it's not into temptation right but deliver us from evil let me think about that the last request and the lord's prayer is a desperate cry for help which presupposes that all around evil and also presupposes hey man I'm not above it I'm not beyond defection so we pray desperately with Jesus who taught us to pray this way leave me not into temptation don't let me be put to this test Lord deliver us from evil anyway Peter on the night Jesus was betrayed Jesus told everyone what was gonna happen and if you remember Peter said look I don't care if everyone else in this room denies you not me I'm not gonna know that sounds good but that's bride Jesus warm dimly that's people think well everyone else is bad not me I wouldn't do that if I were in their position who do you think you are this is see this is why God has to break us I don't like like I said I don't like that song I don't want to sing please you know brokenness is what I long for it's not honest I don't really want to be broken I'd rather just praise God because I can't really say I want to be broken but I do want to be a son under discipline and I also want to be able to recognize the dealings of God see if we got a God that deals with us on a personal basis we got a God as an individual God God knows you God knows what you're going through God knows you're different than me and you're different than from him and you're different from her and you're different from her and so God will deal with every single person on an individual basis there are ways that he's chastised me that he's never chastise anyone else I know he knows what I'm all about he's under no illusion okay and what I praise Oh God let me know so I won't fight it I'm not I don't wanna fight God I want see what happens okay let me go back to before I get to Peter spanking your kids now I know there's forgetting people to watch us on YouTube in other countries there well you can't do that that's a shame how the Antichrist is getting people away from disciplining their children okay because the Bible actually teaches it now it doesn't teach abuse and then keep beating kids you know there's a lot of people they have no I mean they're so messed up anyway they have no business you know you got Bibles assuming wisdom God in your life an intact family but the Bible says children born twisted does everyone still believe that it's exact opposite what the world says children are born perfect don't ruin them I have a great book that I'd like to recommend to you it's only about five pages it's called bad Bob and it's a chick tract that really is a powerful teaching about that but anyway and what happens okay so a child disobeys you a little child I'm not talking throwing up I mean after a while it won't work I mean you got to do it while they're young but Bible says it's a matter of having her health if you spare the rod it says no if you use the rod you'll delivery soul from hell you think he's joking it is a matter of heaven and hell every single spanking that a little child gets in the right context in the right setting with self controlled parents is actually a sermon what is it teaching that there's a Judgment Day I mean even I myself was the Catholic but I believed in judgment readily I knew I was under judgment how do I know that he's all my life your father's coming home and I'm gonna tell him what you did and I just begin to look forward to Judgment Day and it was you must give an account of your life isn't that true well then blessed are the parents that reinforce that for children and that there's another lesson in that sermon is that sin is associated with pain that's a good that's a good Association Wow when I stole my brothers model and broke it you really hurt hey that's good you're a lot better off than most people these days and that my suffering fellowship is reestablished so we used to we used to give our boys and my daughters two spankings and then when we were done then we would hug each other is now we can now we can relate right fellowship is reestablished good feeling and even the idea of a substitute see the crucifixion doesn't make any sense unless you believe in punishment this is a moral world it's not all deterrent and it's not all Reformation in this universe there's actually punishment just for the sake of punishment because God is a holy God see what does the opening scripture every child this really got parents goes through chastisement what do you call a child without a parent you can look now how can so many thousands of people whose football team just won the Super Bowl celebrate by going out and burning I bet you if you pulled those people out there nine out of ten of them don't even have two parents I'm not joking it's not limited to one particular group of people either fatherlessness the breakdown of the family is rampant so they have never ever ever been truly chastised restrained humbled tamed I can remember you know one of my kids anyway you wouldn't think of it they'd stiffen up well then they're not you're not done right cuz that stiffness is resistance it's rebellion they have to they have to submit if you stop while they're still cussing you out or stiffening up or whatever then you just sealed them in their anger and rebellion all you did is make them mad all the idea is to break them now you can't do this at 13 14 15 you got you're gonna lose them then God will have to give him back to us I got now by the way before I go and finish my sermon talking about Peter God did get me a verse about that in the book of Isaiah 49 says shovel off lawful captive be delivered what's he saying lawful captive in other words they got enslaved and they deserved it but then he went on to say but I'll fight those that fight with you and that will save your children how many believe that so Peter says I'll never deny you Lord you know the story go to John 21 it's in the flesh this is the part that of us that calls for breaking and discipline the flesh that's why the Bible says put no confidence in the flesh Peter's very confident in himself his confidence was not based on the Holy Spirit though if it was based on the Holy Spirit he would have believed Jesus he didn't believe Jesus he told Jesus Jesus told him what's gonna happen he's no not with me he's sending himself up broke I'll fall but sometimes the best thing that can happen to people believe it or not it's like it's a real big fall people get stressed out about oh well my kids do this or my kids do that or what's gonna happen if I kids do this or that yeah look you can't hurt your parents kids any greater than by falling and denying Christ but parents is gonna happen the point is not looking good the point is how it ends it's go to a lot of sins I've I didn't think they do I've seen kids do stuff I never even dream I see my own kids do things I'd never even fathom they could do this is a totally different powerful sinful horrid world that we're living in that makes the world that I live in lived in when I was a kid look like Andy Griffith and Opie okay it's terrible that doesn't justify sin I don't think we should ever justify sin but my thing anymore isn't whether or not someone's gonna fall my thing is how they're gonna finish really when it comes down to will they go to heaven can we and we can a person be restored yes can a person be forgiven yes can a person get their dignity back after they totally flop on their face yes yes yes thank you Jesus yes amen I mean a lot of these kids problem is they're not even saved they've been around Christianity so much that it's to tell you know it be hard left I never seen this before when I was 17 or 18 it hit me like a hammer okay because I've never seen the kingdom of God but what about our kids are raising the kingdom of God you know how to act you know what say they go out in the world and the world is I mean it's a sledgehammer but you know what I don't care if someone Falls or not I care if they're gonna get up like to book a proverb sis again righteous man falls seven times but he'll get up every time God could get a person up out of the muck anyone here been brought out of the muck his works done then God can do it anyway jr. denied Christ he collapse he fell serious sin man he stood up in front of everyone compared himself to everyone because he is so sure but in John 21 Jesus is Peter goes back to fishing it's like it's over and she's a man on the shore cooking fish let me go there and I love this and verse 12 jesus said to them come and dine and none of the disciples dared to ask him who are you knowing that it was the Lord Jesus Lee comes and takes bread and gives them and fish likewise this is now the third time that Jesus showed himself to his disciples after he was risen from the dead he said earlier he's cooking fish on the charcoal fire fire if you go to the account of Peter denying the Lord it was by a charcoal fire people were warming themselves by the fire he went and sat there a little girl said you Christian not on the way swore he blasphemes to show that he wasn't a Christian and he just collapsed verse 6:15 so when they're dying jesus said to Simon Peter Simon son of Jonah you love me more than these see that's what he said that night if all the rest of these deny you I love you so much I'll never deny you flesh do you still love me more than these see that's the point he's bringing out Peter not so sure anymore because when he answered you use a different word for love Lord you know that I love you well Jesus used agave Peter he's phileo I like you I liked you he's never again gonna be so confident in the flesh he'd never and then jesus said him feed my lambs this is beautiful the the undergirding of all ministry love for Jesus that's all salted all the cars he said to him the second time Simon son of Jonah do you love me he said Lord you know that I love you I like you I like you you know it Dan say he loves him he said feed my sheep there's lambs and then they're sheep he said to him the third time Simon son of Jonah do you love me if you like me of this grieved him Peter was grieved because he said unto the third time lovest thou me and he said in him Lord you know all things you know everything what's he saying there I'm gonna say this in closing see Peter thought did in himself he had what it took to go down to the last and in himself but jesus knew what was in Peter what was the meaning of that trial well there's stuff in Peter that Peter need to see he had himself all wrong well what changed see this is what I think Peters realizing what changed Jesus knew what I do and he still called me stock conditional Jesus knew beforehand I deny him and he still called me Lord you know all things there's a beautiful scripture that says at first John loved it if your heart condemns you God is greater than your heart and knows all things that didn't show God anything it shows Peter something about himself let's just put it this way I mean Peters still ministering to us to this day peter haslund zillions of people to the Lord Peter's a defied the church Peter's been his words pick up the persecuted church Peter his ministry goes on and on and on and on and on God uses him and look how weak he is he's a man that walks with a limp he's a man that's been broken it's not your weaknesses that hinder you as a Christian that your strength those are the places where we don't trust God he put her self-confidence in flesh father in the name of Jesus I do thank you that you are a father and but as a father you love and it's father love it's a love that just Isis a love that deals with us as an individual a love that knows everything help us to understand what you're doing and to work with you and to humbly submit to what you're doing and to put away confidence in the flesh and to put away the flesh and wrath and anger evil speaking and lust and envy put away all that Lord and will give you the glory and praise in Jesus name Amen i bless you all you
Channel: Believers in Grace Fellowship
Views: 8,922
Rating: 4.8578682 out of 5
Keywords: brokeness, jesus, bill randles
Id: cRYqU3BUfcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 10sec (3430 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2018
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