Why Batman VS Daredevil Isn't Even Close!

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[Music] Batman versus Daredevil two gritty dark Heroes who dish out brutal Justice and love perching on gargoyles it's an iconic fight between DC Comics and Marvel but really even though these characters are very similar is the fight even that close and who ultimately wins out let's get into it now starting out Batman and I want to give him his flowers the guy has trained himself until he's reached he human physical levels then basically shattered all records and became above Peak human he's strong enough to bench press over 1,000 lb rip through metal or even knock around things that easily weigh multiple tons and Bruce has no problem using all that strength with his punches or kicks he's regularly knocking down walls or kicking through metal regularly knocking out metahumans and sending people flying dozens of feet with just one strike Batman might not necessarily look it and he is supposed to be just a normal human but you can kind of say that essentially whatever Captain America can do Batman can pull off something similar sure Steve might be ultimately a bit stronger but Bruce is well within that super soldier range of strength same with durability Batman is much more durable than you would think especially with his incredible armor now out of armor Batman has taken some pretty nasty beatings even an attack or two from Wonder Woman so he's definitely tough spatu only add that even more he's regly taking attacks from all sorts of opponents some of whom are seriously strong talking your Venom amped bins your death Strokes even some much heavier hitters like Professor Zoom Aquaman or even Superman those last two were either mind controlled or just royally pissed off so they weren't necessarily holding back all that much Batman still managed to survive all those attacks even if he came out the other side a little bloodied and beaten up lastly feel like I should mention speed Batman is incredibly fast and agile far superior to even Olympic level athletes like at this point normal people simply move in slow motion to him he can move so fast that he's just simply a blur and Batman has routinely routinely routinely been able to dodge bullets and gunfire even if it's automatic machine gun fire or bullets fired at literally Point Blank Range Batman can still Dodge all of it he might still call himself just a normal human but I think it's pretty clear that he's moved a little past that by now but here's the thing you can say pretty much all the same things about Daredevil here they're both technically still humans just normal men who decided to fight crime but we all know that in comics normal people aren't really real and Daredevil definitely is superhumanly strong mean right off the bat Matt is regularly shattering metal breaking it apart with his bare hands this is light work for Matt Murdoch he also regular breaking apart bricks and concrete with his attacks and he's really no stranger to just lifting heavy things either Daredevil's been able to flip over a stretch limo with just brute strength or what about the time when he picked up a 400lb barbell and just started swinging around like a bow staff that's seriously impressive and I really think Daredevil's strength is best summarized with just the fact he's going to beat down kingpen kingpen is the same guy who's been able to overpower the likes of Spider-Man and Captain America and Daredevil can beat him Matt is stupid strong also crazy tough I mean Daredevil is the son of battlin Jack Murdoch he's known how to take a punch since he was just a kid and get back up swinging I mean forget just taking beatings from regular criminals or some semi- powerful characters Daredevil has straight up taking hits from the Hulk before that's like the upper limits of his toughness right there he's regularly been able to survive explo explosions being burned alive being hit with serious bolets of electricity most of the time Daredevil doesn't just take the attack still keep on standing but he keeps on fighting often times still wins the fight the man is just insistent on never going down and never stopping and while he is weak to Sonic attacks and a powerful enough Soundwave can knock him out it's not an in KO in fact often times Daredevil has proven that he can fight through it and take out the bad guy even if he's in extreme pain or if his radar sense is knocked out where Daredevil really thrives is with Speed and Agility in fact if it wasn't for Spider-Man well I would argue that Daredevil is the most agile character in Marvel he's also easily one of the fastest street level heroes his agility is just absolutely off the charts he's even had better reactions than Spider-Man and Captain America from time to time and bullet dodging just absolutely easy for him he can dodge Point Blank bullets he can do this regularly too and just make it look simple and he's not just able to dodge bullets after they've already been fired but the man is regularly deflecting bullets too just swad in back of his baton he's done it so many times you can say he's kind of the best at it basically both of these heroes are not human they're seriously some of the best street level heroes out there and are regularly pulling off superhuman Feats I think that would give the edge to Batman when it comes to strength and durability he's simply shown off better strength Feats and his armor is is definitely better than Daredevils however I think Daredevil takes the edge when it comes to Speed and Agility regly deflecting bullets is no joke however the gap between Batman's Speed and Agility and Daredevils really isn't that much especially when you're comparing it to their strength and durability Batman is taking that physical Edge now what about skill and fighting ability and weapons and everything that that entails well with Batman he's arguably the world's best fighter and if you don't want to put him at the tippy top well you can count on one hand the people who are better than him he's trained to Perfection become a master in every form of combat that there is he can react and fight without even thinking and is trained to be able to predict an opponent's move to the point where he knows his opponent's next move before even they do he's an expert in every single fighting style known to man a lot of other alien fighting styles too and so he can quickly and effortlessly switch between fighting styles on the fly in order to perfectly counter and take down an opponent he's been able to regularly fight against some of the best martial artists in the world like so Lady Shiva Bronze Tiger Owlman even Karate Kid you know what he often times wins these fights like he's regularly been tested by the best assassins and martial artist in the world Raa ghoul and Shiva are constantly trying to test Batman with the best of the best they usually take the most inopportune times like when Batman is off his game were recovering from Grievous injuries but Batman still tends to come out on top every single time there's a reason why he's known as the best of the best but here's the thing Daredevil is also one of the best and most skilled fighters in Marvel 2 and you can say that Matt is able to do a lot of the same stuff that Bruce has done like he too has fought against some of the most skilled martial artists in Marvel Bullseye Electra carac and he's beaten all of them and just like Batman has regularly been tested by the League of Assassins Daredevils regularly been tested by the hand and other gangs of assassins in fact there's the infamous feet of Matt Murdoch not Daredevil beating a 100 armed Yakuza members half of whom were hopped up on MGH and strong enough to punch through a human Matt won that fight and while Batman is experienced with nerve strikes and pressure points I don't think anyone is better than Daredevil Matt is one of the few fighters who consistently uses nerve strikes pretty much every fight and some of them are seriously painful and dangerous they're able to completely bypass durability leave some pretty powerful and tough opponents just lying crippled on the floor so those nerve strikes definitely give Daredevil an edge over Batman Matt uses them much more frequently and is arguably better with them too but I think in terms of overall fighting skill and ability you have to get the edge to Batman there are very few people who can claim to have mastered every single fighting style known to man for as good as Daredevil is Batman still holds that edge he also comes equipped with pretty much every weapon and Gadget you could possibly imagine outside of guns and stuff of course he's got batang his signature weapon is probably one of the world's best shots when it comes to throwing them he's got some pretty serious explosives some of which can stagger and knock back kryptonians he's got electrical weapons powerful enough to send out tens of thousands volts Sonic grenades even knockout gas or TRS that can put down superhumans now Daredevil does have his baton and the man is basically a god with that thing cuz he can defy physics like no other but it can't compare to Batman's Arsenal and for as good as Daredevil is with that baton it's not like this is going to catch Batman off guard where it's nothing that Batman hasn't seen before then there's Daredevil's radar sense and this is simultaneously one of Daredevil's greatest Assets in the fight and also his Achilles heal cuz with that radar sense it completely negates Batman's stealth and any element of surprise cuz suddenly Batman won't be able to sneak away into the Shadows or use any kind of snake attack it just won't work Daredevil has a consistent 360 view of his surroundings they'll always have bruis in his sights no matter what Batman tries to do it is not just that either Daredevil's senses are so highly tuned that he'll know everything that's in Batman's Arsenal so Batman can't catch him off guard with that either like Matt will know which battle rangs are normal battle rangs and which ones are explosive or shock or something like that so he'll be able to react and Dodge accordingly completely taking away the surprise element that Batman usually has with those types of attacks but it's also zilles heel cuz obviously Daredevil is blind he relies on that radar in those senses to fight and he's fighting against the world's greatest detective here it won't take Batman long to look at how Daredevil fights and figure out that he's blind now it is kind of up in the air just how many people in comics know that Daredevil is blind it leads to some pretty funny moments but it's also not necessarily like Daredevil hides it you just have to know what you're looking for and if Sabertooth is able to figure out that Daredevil is blind in their first fight well then obviously Batman can too again world's greatest detective and from there well its flashbangs and Sonic attacks Galore Batman is going to do everything he can to throw off Daredevil senses and give him the edge in the fight and yes Matt isn't usually koed by these attacks anymore in fact he's able to recover surprisingly quickly to most of them he's even been able to win fights before with no radar sense whatsoever but he's not just fighting against anyone here he's fighting against Batman even just a few seconds with Daredevil being slightly thrown off his game that's all Batman needs I mean Batman is already an arguably better and more skilled fighter than Daredevil you give Batman an edge like this on top of that well there might be no coming back from that so Daredevil's biggest advantage is probably his slightly better Speed and Agility than he's better nerve strikes and pressure points but Batman is basically just as skilled with nerve strikes he just doesn't use them as often and he knows counters do pretty much every single one then on top of that he's stronger and tougher and a much more versatile and seasoned fighter he knows every fighting style he know counters to every fighting style meaning he knows the perfect fighting style to counter Daredevil's Irish boxing you throw on top of that that Batman can mess with Daredevil's radar sense at will that's a lot stacked up in his corner right there and really Batman just has too many advantages to lose you know who agrees here both Marvel and DC in a crossover comic one time Batman fought against Bullseye Daredevil's arch nemesis and Bullseye admitted that Batman was better and a more dangerous fighter than Daredevil ever was Daredevil definitely deserves his props but he's not beating Batman here it's not even close Batman wins but what do y'all think sound off in the comments down below I know you're going to have thoughts and feelings on this one for sure you stuck around this long and made it to the end of the video that's amazing thank you so much for watching and for supporting us and if you want to go subscribe well go subscribe you get to see more videos like this one every single week I'll see y'all then I'll see yall next time
Channel: DanCo
Views: 140,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, spiderman, suicide squad kill the justice league, suicide squad, superman, joker, the batman, superhero, gotham knights, harley quinn, spider man, marvel, venom, iron man, aquaman 2, avengers, spider-man, spider man 2, ps5, spider man 2 gameplay, black cat, spiderman 3, deadpool 3, death battle, one piece, anime, netflix, sonic, the boys, daredevil, punisher, captain america, vs, bullseye, the punisher, mcu, danco, demon slayer, world of warcraft, deadpool, doctor who
Id: 5dYDsm0C0Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2024
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