Why Asians Are Slimmer (9 Weight Loss Tips) | Joanna Soh

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you're Asian that's why you're skinny well it's so easy to simply generalize and assume that all agents are skinny but are we really the truth is not all Asians are skinny especially with our fast-paced life and also convenient diet nowadays however if you were to compare an average American to an average Asian we are still slimmer in size and no it is not 100% genetics it has a lot to do with your lifestyle and also your food intake so let's dive deeper and take a look at a typical Asian diet and why we are naturally slimmer the main focus of an Asian diet is to create wellness and to live healthier it is not a short term fat diet the whole point is to create balance and also moderation which is something I truly believe in so for the purpose of this video I'm going to take a look at the East Asian diet the first reason is we prefer tea or water over soft drinks if you were to go to a Chinese restaurant the first thing the waiter will ask you is what type of tea do you prefer and most restaurants will offer tea or water for free I remember when I was living in the UK and whenever I dine out I would ask for a warm cup of water and most of the time the waiter will give me a surprised look on two occasions the waiter told me that I was the first person to have ever asked for just plain warm water so Chinese typically prefer one tea or water over soft drinks drinking tea or water fills you up on zero calories and it helps to support your digestive system now if you were to drink soft drinks together with your meals you will be filling up on auntie and bad calories which can lead to weight gain over time reason number two our portions are smaller and we use chopsticks people tend to eat what they are served hence larger portions can lead to overeating even when you're not hungry if you have been to Asia I'm sure the first thing you would notice are the food portions generally portion servings are smaller in Asia compared to Western countries Asians are also accustomed to family-style dining which means we enjoy a huge variety of dishes shared by everyone instead of worrying about needing to finish that huge plate of food we're more concerned about finishing our bowl of rice while enjoying a little bit of everything in bite-size portions plus the practice of eating with chopsticks means you will eat less and feel full quicker that's because when you use chopsticks you will take smaller mouthfuls slowing down your speed of eating allowing your body to digest better and sending the signal to your brain to stop eating when you are full so you will avoid overeating stuffing yourself with so much food the next reason is we enjoy real food not processed food cooking and eating real food is still a very huge part of the Asian diet everywhere you go in Asia eating freshly cooked street food is easily accessible and it is very cheap on a daily basis we eat rice or noodles served with a huge variety of vegetables meat or fish instead of having processed junks such as burgers hot dogs fries or pizza I remember the first time I saw my friend warming up frozen ready meals in the UK I genuinely thought that he was preparing food for his dog without realising that was for our dinner I've never seen frozen ready meals prior to that and you can just simply put it into the microwave and it's ready within 5 minutes coming from Asia I was so used to eating freshly cooked warm food processed food and convenient ready meals are typically loaded with fat sodium sugar and they pack lot calories if you eat them on a regular basis you will feel hungry crave for more bad food and you will gain weight over time on the other hand eating real food that's freshly cooked will provide your body with good nutrients it will eat proper digestion keeping you full and you will stay slim for life the next point is we eat on time most agents typically have their breakfast between 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. there lunch between chopped 1 p.m. and their dinner between 6 to 8 p.m. now if they missed one of the three important meals they can feel cranky tired jig and feel like a huge part of their routine is missing and they can even feel really shitty about it that sounds like me now if you're someone who eats on a go chances are you will make poor food choices because you would just grab whatever that's available at that moment in time and you don't have control over your food you can't a snack a lot more on calories dense food as well just to give you the energy to keep going if you notice agents don't really snack in fact snacking is not really part of our culture we have a set meal routine and we enjoy eating three wholesome meals this can prevent hunger pangs or - snacking or overeating on your next meal next we agents take our meal time very seriously when it is Meal Time it is Meal Time and nothing else that means taking a break and going for lunch with your friends at a restaurant or having dinner with a family around the dining table not in front of the TV or your computer while watching your favorite TV show mealtime is Meal Time this practice helps us to eat more mindfully as we are fully present and fully engaged with our food and nothing else now when you eat with distractions you tend to eat a lot more when our brain is so focused on other things such as working on a laptop or watching that TV show your body can't register the feeling of satisfaction and you will eat at least 30% more now if you were to stay slim without even trying just be fully present with your food trust me you will feel satisfied quicker and your food would taste so much better reason number six we enjoy soups I recently came across this statement when eating fill your body with 50 percent food 25 percent liquid and keep the remaining 25% for digestion there is so much of truth in this statement in my previous video I shared ten reasons why soups can help great loss so if you want to know more about the benefits of adding soups into your diet do check it out soup or a soup based dish is present in almost every Asian meal for instance congee is a very common breakfast to have in Asia I personally love soup noodles soup fills you up very quick on very little calories and it is packed with nutrients and also vitamins so if you can start adding soups into your diet you can have it as a starter or as a main meal and you will notice that you will have less throughout the day or even for your other meals I'm talking about broth based or vegetable soups not those heavy cream loaded soups also we agents enjoy a lot more fermented foods fermented foods such as Mesa Tempe kombucha soy sauce and acid kimchi act as natural probiotics keeping your gut healthy and they will also help with proper digestion our gut is also known as our second brain if your gut isn't functioning at its optimum level no matter how well you eat your body will not be able to fully absorb all the nutrients hence it would just go to waste so adding fermented food into your diet can lead to weight loss especially visceral fat accumulated around the abdominal organs if you want to know more about your gut health and how it is linked to weight loss do watch my video right here next our desserts are nutritious let's face it most of us like it to end our meal with something sweet chocolate ice cream cakes perhaps well if you were to dine in a Chinese Japanese or Korean restaurants chances are at the end of the meal they will serve you with fruits fruits equal dessert those sugary Scaggs sweets or chocolates are treats and they are only served for special occasions the traditional Chinese soup desserts or also known as Tong sway are very nutritious and they have healing properties for instance sweet potato ginger soup barley soup or red bean soup in Asia these desserts are widely consumed after miel this leads on to my final point we use food as medicine if you're ill modern medical care will simply prescribe you with antibiotics without getting to the root of the problem but this pill and you should feel fine within the next few hours now traditional Chinese medicine will get down to the root of the problem and they will prescribe you with herbal medication to rebalance your body's system if you have visited a hobo shop before you will find hundreds of herbs that are used for healing purposes herbs and spices are also at the very heart of Asian cooking healthy spices such as cinnamon turmeric ginger coriander and chili are widely used in Asian dishes and they have tremendous healing properties such as increasing metabolism reducing blood pressure and also cholesterol levels you don't need to eat Asian food every day to be healthy you can still enjoy your cuisines and practice these principles so eat a lot of vegetables eat a huge variety of food eat more real food and less processed food drink more tea or water and reduce on your sugary drinks and eat mindfully okay it is all about moderation and creating balance too much or too little of any one thing is not good so I hope this video has given you some insight and also useful tips in regards to the Asian diet which you can start adopting what other tips do you press this to stay healthy do let me know in the comments below don't forget to give this video a thumbs up share this video and subscribe to my youtube channel for a lot of nutritional and also fitness tips do turn on your notification button so that you will get notified every time I upload a new video all the best
Channel: Joanna Soh Official
Views: 3,180,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how, to, do, exercise, library, joanna, soh, jsoh, fitness, fit, women, health, workout, routine, plan, beginner, guide, living, weight, loss, lose, home, nutrition, eat, clean, healthy, recipes, easy, homecooked, tips, joanna soh, asian, asian diet, chinese food, chinese, slimmer, japanese, korean, chinese takeaway, why are chinese skinny, skinny, slim, crash diet, dieting, white rice, home recipe, fitness motivation, fitness tips, flat belly, tummy fat
Id: WS6xX72aM5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2017
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