Why Americans are FLEEING to Mexico!

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Americans are moving to Mexico at record Pace 1.6 million now live in the country of tacos and tequila and how can you blame them Mexico has it all and at a fraction of the cost I mean what would you choose a huge Mexican home like this or Shack in California if you can work remotely or already have the money it really is a no-brainer and more people are starting to realize this welcome to San Miguel de Allende the world's best City ranked this city has the highest density of American expats in Mexico with more than 10 000 living here and although San Miguel has a population of 160 000 only 60 000 live in the city and since most of the expats also live in the city one in six is American after seeing what Cancun has become we were skeptical about coming to this place but close friends insisted we go after a week of epicness in Mexico City we booked two bus tickets to San Miguel de Allende generally we don't like taking the bus but we were pleasantly surprised the Intercity bus system here is amazing it's basically like flying premium economy and after four comfortable hours and 275 kilometers we arrived in San Miguel de Allende we had three days to solve our quest of finding out why all these expats are moving here what makes this place so special and immediately upon arrival we were given a clue welcome guys to beautiful San Miguel de Allende this is the place in Mexico where all American expats wants to come when you see our home you will understand why people are flocking to this place we have stayed in hundreds of amazing homes around the world but this one Takes the Cake I mean this is the street we live on all these houses are actual dream homes and don't worry we'll show it but let's go get some first impressions of this so far very Charming expat Hub everywhere you turn and look you're met with vibrant colors and tasteful architecture we already felt inspired you know that special feeling of excitement only traveling can give you I may immediately went into her usual unrealistic shopping mode can we fit this in the suitcase we barely entered the city center and already now we understand why people want to live here this is the Highlight so far in terms of moving to Mexico like immediately me and Amelia we're just getting out like our mind is just wandering like we need to buy something here let's enjoy these tacos Amelia the vibe of San Miguel de Allende is so happy and chill sure there are a lot of tourists but this was also a busy Sunday and yes Corporate America has found its way to this town but it appeared limited to a few Starbucks and when they looked like this we honestly don't mind in other words Cancun was light years away [Music] this is probably the most beautiful city we've been to In all of Mexico so far and for good reason this was also voted last year the most beautiful city in the world every time you walk past an open door you'll find a little fairy tale Magic World in the back here the architecture is made in such a way that you actually have all these Courtyards and it literally looks like an Instagram setup but let's talk about this city for obvious reasons this is a UNESCO world heritage site I mean look at it interestingly after World War II San Miguel began to establish itself as a travel destination and home to expats particularly artists many former usgis discovered that their education grants stretch further in Mexico at U.S accredited art schools like the privately owned Institute Allende and the Escuela universitario de pelasartes by the end of 1947 Life Magazine assigned a reporter and photographer to do an article on this post-war phenomenon a three-page spread appeared in the January 5 1948 Edition under the headline GI Paradise eyes veterans go to Mexico to study art live cheaply and have a good time as a result of the publicity more than 6 000 American veterans immediately applied to study at these schools many of the American veterans who came to study in San Miguel returned to retire and often have been credited with saving San Miguel so in a way this Mexican city does have U.S DNA and perhaps that's why Americans feel this attraction anyway let us show you our home foreign [Music] as you can imagine it's easy to romanticize about creating a home like this and that's why many do it if you have the money why wouldn't you foreign AKA living area kitchen living room dining room I really feel like I am in a super old Mexican home but this house is only 16 years old I don't believe it but we talked with the owner who is our host and who also built the house 16 years ago yeah the amount of details here the amount of epicness and personality and Charisma it's really cool it's like an homage to San Miguel de Allende and the fun thing is that I thought that we only had a room here yeah we thought we booked like one room but we had have an entire apartment less than a hundred dollars for one night with a peaceful evening Thunder in the background it was time to really test like astronomy our research led us to Aquila Brasa so since it's our first day here in San Miguel de Allende we're taking it slow just like the restaurant here it's hard to believe that a place like this so beautiful can be empty on a Sunday night but that says a lot about just how big of a selection of restaurants you have here just to understand how epic the food scene is here we had bookmarked more than 15 restaurants we really wanted to visit this is the the best guacamole I've had on this trip and that says a lot because we have had quite a lot of guacamole but honestly that's what San Miguel de Allende is all about this is one of the best places in Mexico to eat and it's not only National Mexican food you get here this is like an international known place to eat and this restaurant already has delivered it reminds me a little bit about Bali we also have this like density of amazing restaurants creative Cuisine from all over the world and I think that's what brings people here to San Miguel de Allende I mean I I understand why you would want to live here and we have not even scratched the surface this is this is amazing Joan and I were almost fighting on who should be on camera because none of us want to wait eating it smells so good oh my God I did not expect to get one of the best pastas ever in Mexico such incredible food it makes you giggle taste wise this was the best meal we've had in Mexico so far not even the best Mexico City Taco could compete and then we come home to this looking back on all our beautiful experiences right from Isla Mujeres and masalan to Puebla and Mexico City this was without doubt the Highlight we were in love [Applause] [Music] good morning from Paradise guys I don't have to leave this house to understand what San Miguel de Allende is all about no I actually think that this house is the essence of the place yeah for sure foreign you have the coolest Airbnb we have ever stayed in oh thank you I really mean that I really appreciate that are you born in Britain San Miguel yes how was it as a child here uh I've been always been a happy town has it always been safe here oh yeah that's even it's still safe but you know that we have there are some a little problems but we use I say it's still better safe you know why is it that everybody comes here uh first I think is for them cultural stops we one we are one of the most uh small towns with a more culture in Mexico and even we call the heart of Mexico and I think is because here everybody comes to be an artist so people they come here and they respect the the local culture or do they try to jam down their own ideas there are both ways so the people who move here the is it only Americans or is it no even is one of the most cosmopolitan's uh cities because we have uh I'm not sure how many nationalities that we have but that we have mostly summer U.S Americans and we have Canadians I've heard that it was mainly old Americans or old people coming to retire uh then when they started they started to come to all Americans but uh now is more people are coming the different age because um and San Miguel is very easy to get the loan has has there been any negative changes with all the expats coming to this city yeah there have been a negative things of the town because like you say maybe some people they want to kind of change the town it's getting very expensive San Miguel in the center you cannot find a cheap house and now the thing that we are doing the Mexicans the local is selling their house around the central for a you know kind of money we know a lot of money and they can build two or three houses for the family outside of town so basically the local people have been pushed out yes after our incredible dinner last night we were eager to find out if it was just a one-hit wonder or the food really is that good there is a number of beautiful rooftops here so we wanted to see if it was possible to combine the view like this with food of same caliber so we found this rooftop called Kinsey and the food here is like a lot of places here a fusion kitchen but one thing you and I was just talking about is that there is so much creative food in the city but we don't see a lot of the small Taco stands and and stuff like that but for me I'm all okay with it because this food we have had so far is crazy good one thing Rafa said that was so interesting and funny at the same time was that you retire in Florida to die but you come to San Miguel de Allende to retire to live it's such a fountain of creativity here and it reminds me again of Bali so much but in a more charming and European way and I've never seen that before so so I'm ready to move here Amelia somehow the food was able to maintain the same high level as last night we were honestly shocked suddenly going out to eat was no longer about just satisfying a mild hunger with somewhat average food here it was truly an experience our mind a balloon of the quality of food here and it's fresh it's creative it's like the quality is so high I can't get over how good it tastes it's like this city is really trying to lure you in everywhere I go I'm dying over how beautiful it is you find these shops everywhere here and they all have different levels of creativity and variety so it's not just the same shops my family inside is blown away you know it's time to purchase a house or at least look what money can buy Here although prices have exploded in recent years we were surprised that it's still somewhat affordable to buy a house here Rafa told us that his Hacienda would sell for around 700 to 800 000 which seemed weirdly low for such an incredible house three million dollars are a lot of money but a mansion like this would be 10 times more if it was in California even if you go low budget 200 000 can buy you this probably out of budget for most locals but compared to prices in the US it's very affordable and that also explains this massive influx of foreigners looking for a higher quality of life and lower cost of living you will never get it I married you married a poor man as a mainly went for her third latte we ran into one of the local expats unfortunately for you guys he preferred to not be on camera because we had the most wonderful and Rich conversation that we completely forgot time and place after a four hour long almost entrancing conversation we went for tacos and live La Bamba music without a new friend if our friend is any indication of the type of people who moved to San Miguel the idea of living here is even more appealing [Music] [Applause] so as you can imagine we had a wonderful morning here this morning and now it's time to explore the art scene of San Miguel villente we're here at the Fabrica Aurora which Rafa calls the Soho of San Miguel de Allende here you have 30 different shops filled with arts and crafts and we are going to take a look at it we can't blame people for moving here we cannot the beauty there is to be found found in this place is crazy there's so much beautiful to look at and as a former interior design I'm very intrigued because I could easily if I had money buy all these paintings just to decorate Something Beautiful with them if we wanted to move here we would go the local way it takes the charm away when you just go pay premium one thing you can take away from a place like this is the inspiration wow this is so beautiful I love it [Laughter] Amelia you fit that bubble because I'm round two yeah so we've been looking for Americans expats people who live here and it's not been easy to interview them but luckily Rafa is taking us to a ranch now and along is an American coming who lives here we were truly grateful that Rafi gave us this experience we were about to have he wanted to show us the true Mexico so he took us to a ranch an hour outside of San Miguel de Allende the kind of ranch where they have a pyramid in their backyard the kind of ranch where you have real cowboys this is hello and this is respect Cowboys that told Antonio Banderas how it's actually done welcome how are you good graph is close friends with these people and spend a lot of time here growing up we are always fascinated by people who are so connected with nature this Ranch is one of few left where life is as it always was almost everything is homegrown and made from scratch thank you for bringing us here Mexico there was a spider in the head yeah now he's on the floor now you look like someone who's going to Coachella it was so delicious and another Testament to the tasty food of San Miguel and wouldn't you know it we were blessed with having Felix join the table oh and the thing about Antonio Banderas that's real he was with Antonio Banderas in the movies because Antonio Banderas yeah Antonio Banderas was playing to be a Pancho Villa you know and they were looking people that they can be with a horse and he's really good the only thing he say they liked is because before film there were a lot of cookies and coffee when the real Mexicans drink tequila do do how do they get drunk like Russians get drunk on vodka or is it oh yes yeah in Mexico we have a lot of people they get alcoholic because the tequila is not many people they can hold it it's very pop popular now the government they give to them to the people land to work but now the law changed and after 20 years that you own the land you can sell it now everybody's getting alcoholic because they send the land to get alcohol is he able to handle it immediately he's a true no-nons and guy who has obviously worked hard his entire life we asked him about San Miguel and how it has changed over the years [Music] do this to take away all the stuff you know let's sustainable life that Gallery is making this time you can eating it although we are fascinated with this way of life and in a way even envious reality is that we're living in Changing Times where modern technology slowly but surely kills of these Traditions nobody wants to want to work on the farms everybody want to work in a fancy hotel and a nice restaurant to make a lot of tips you know so this is this whole Farm is rare yeah yeah nobody wants to work in the farm what are your names so we'll just introduce you to I'm Lisa I'm Claire I'm Claire and you live in San Miguel de Allende no no she's not moving you're moving there yes but two full months of visiting and I'll be there in January to live so why why San Miguel well at first it was because of the dry air um yes so where I live is very humid and it's hard on your joints and where are you from in the states I live in Atlanta and you're sick of Atlanta no I'm not sick of Atlanta I like Atlanta but I love San Miguel I love how easy it is to make friends I love how easy it is to walk places I like that there are people from all over the whole world everybody's friendly and what what will life be when you come here like are you just gonna work online or continue to do some Consulting work to personal train hopefully I'll pick up my painting again it's been a dream of mine my whole life cosmopolitan [Music] [Music] no company is one problem is foreign [Laughter] Temple Jesus in me de Mayo um it makes you wonder how much you're living your life wrong right because these people are much more in contact with nature on a daily basis they probably know how we're supposed to live and yet there we are on Starbucks craving our Poison every morning you know and my love [Music] tequila you sure about this Amanda you're trying to kill us Jesus wow this is very cool wow this is where Felix Felix and his and his and his parents they lived here while they were building the ranch yes you know Felix told me next time you visit a ranch you'll know to wear jeans and boots what is that honeymoon oh you had the honeymoon that's a organic honeymoon organic honey baby you like a neanderthal and you put it like this and there were people stopping out and then you go so it smells wonderful yes you can smell it guys don't grab this one Felix gave me this he says it's a natural sedative like Xanax but without the side effects nature is amazing Coastal this had truly been a bucket list experience for us few people are lucky to get an insight into the real way of life in Mexico Felix is so real so genuine and seemingly so happy he's living proof that lots of money and the convenience of our modern way of life aren't necessary for a happy life but then again we did appreciate coming back to our Hacienda not gonna lie our last dinner in San Miguel de Allende we're meeting a friend actually in less than three days we had already made a handful of wonderful new friends it really does seem like there is something special in the air here San Miguel seems like the antidote to Cancun people don't come here to get wasted and Escape life they come here to find it unfortunately though this comes at a cost so where do you see San Miguel going like in five years ten years uh San Miguel is gloomy now as uh unfortunately the main problem that we have is water I don't know it's more than a thousand projects now building houses fortunately that each government they they say they're going to stop it and never stop it they are coming more and even are not local people they are coming really rich people to have companies to build houses and are they're taking our town over you know and yeah so so you don't like where it's going I know because I mean if I have think and future for my kids they're gonna have a our problems with water and everything's gonna be more expensive so you say water is a problem why problem it hasn't been rained like I used to be and the other thing is um they are not designed any good things for keeping water so where do you get the water from uh most Wells but the wells there are started now the water that are getting until about 300 meters down so at what point will this escalate to a real problem where not even the rich people can get water is that gonna happen I think it's gonna happen because we already see a cities in the north that are fighting for water you know it's time to wrap up our San Miguel de Allende Adventure yes moving on to the next place and I am not ready to leave I understand the expats coming here because this is honestly a slice of Heaven it's almost like San Miguel de Allende is the frontier of the new American Dream yeah no longer is it about you know a big car a big house it's about moving to a place where you find authenticity goodbye it's our journey through Mexico continues Rafe offered to drive us to the next destination Guanajuato it's an hour away from San Miguel de Allende where you find the similar striking Beauty however still Untouched by the American expats [Applause] so much here welcome to guanajax [Music] Guanajuato welcome to guanajuaca Guanajuato Guanajuato welcome to Moana yay [Music]
Views: 224,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moving to mexico, mexico, expats in mexico, americans in mexico, living in mexico, moving to mexico from us, living in mexico as an american, where to retire in mexico, foreigners in mexico, best places to retire in mexico, san miguel de allende, living in mexico as a canadian, retirees in mexico, mexico real estate, where to live in mexico, living in mexico working in us, san miguel de allende real estate, moving abroad, best places to retire, retire cheap in mexico
Id: gZwcM0BkPYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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