Why Abhi and Niyu are HURTING India | Pseudoscience Police

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hi Abhi and Niyu i'm sure you're watching  my name is pranav and in this series of   pseudoscience police i like to look at channels  propelling pseudoscience and misinformation   you've been making questionable content all this  while but with this one you've gone into that   conspiracy theorist territory and all  scientific temper has been thrown right   out the window so i'm gonna analyze every  claim you make in this video and talk about   what's wrong with the thought process behind  each conclusion because there's a lot wrong   before we begin though i just want to say that i  respect you as content creators your work ethic   your consistency your understanding of what  the audience wants is something every creator   will wish they had and i like some of your older  content your channel used to be something i've   watched regularly and so i get the general theme  of your channel you guys want to highlight the   greatness of india and i applaud that that's a  great thing to do in fact i try to do the same   thing with my channel the only difference is i  don't sacrifice my reason and rationality in order   to do that and if there are people doing that they  need to be called out your intentions may be in   the right place in making this video but i think  it does more harm than good and i'm going to show   you why by the end of this video and i wanna  do this video without getting a copyright strike   so i'm not going to use any your clips i'm going  to use a transcript of your exact words uh in the   video so if if anyone feels i'm misrepresenting  you or taking your words out of context i'll   leave a link to your video down below so people  can go check it out and confirm for themselves   with that said let's begin right at the start of the  video abhi says this a section of society will not   like this video because it's about indian history  my criticism of the video has nothing to do with   the fact that it's about india and everything  to do with the video being completely irrational   i like india just as much as you do but i'm not  blind enough to believe things that are devoid of   any logic i think they said this in the beginning  of the video so that they can disregard anything   anyone says against the video as being the  opinion of an india hater and that it has   nothing to do with the fact that someone  is trying to point out the irrationality   okay sure anticipatory bail check and they  said indian history we'll talk about what's   wrong with that as the video goes on next  abhi and niyu introduce what the video is about   advanced ancient indian technology they ask  us to share and subscribe but i was surprised   they didn't ask the viewers to watch till the  end i thought that was an important part of   every abhi and niyu video i guess they're not looking  for maximum watch time from their audience anymore   the video begins with this claim openheimer's  quote on witnessing the blast of the atomic bomb   has a connection with the brahmastra and other  such destructive weapons i've said this before   oppenheimer was an admirer of hindu scripture and  his quote on witnessing the first testing of an   atomic bomb was a quote from the bhagavad-gita  i found two variations of this quote and in both   he's merely comparing the awe he felt on watching  the the blast to arjuna seeing the vishwaroopa   of lord vishnu which was like the brightness of a  thousand suns cast upon the sky at once these are   lines from the bhagavad-gita which is part of the  mahabharata that is the only connection any other   connection you draw is in your own head and not  out there in reality they also commit a logical   fallacy of false equivalence here in comparing  astras to nuclear weapons they say only specific   people can have access to these astras just  like only nine countries have access to nuclear   weapons and you need secret mantras to unlock  these astras just like you need secret codes   to unlock these nuclear weapons so what astras  must be the same as nuclear weapons they haven't   substantiated why other than carefully phrasing  their sentences so as to make them appear similar   from here on out much of the basis for the  claims in the video are from the history   channel documentary ancient aliens which  has been widely regarded as the number one   conspiracy theory show the show has  been criticized multiple times for   going after sensational stories at the  expense of factual reporting and since   they haven't done so i'll provide exact  links below to the history channel videos   the the ancient aliens videos the clips of which  have been cut and used in their video by abhi and niyu to make their claims you can go check this out or  you can watch the entire episode for free on this   uh website you might need a vpn me i watched  the entire episode and oh boy there are some wild claims! where did the ancestors receive this information? Aliens. People from other planets. just so i know why they're saying it let's look at  the actual evidence presented in the documentary   based on which abhi and niyu reached their conclusions  first the mohenjo daro claim they say that   a stone found at the site shows evidence of a  nuclear blast let's see what the documentary says   on the site they found vitrified and fused  material which they analyzed and found that   it could only have formed in four thousand to five  thousand degree heat which is not achievable   by an ancient civilization normally that is the  evidence they interpret from this evidence that   this is the result of a nuclear blast i mean i  agree that we don't know what is the cause of   this heat but isn't it jumping to conclusions to  assume that it's because of a nuclear blast or   something supernatural we don't know exactly what  happened we are filling that gap in our knowledge   with this this assumption why not something else  that produces extreme heat like a meteor impact   after a brief introduction of the pushpak vimaan from ramayana they say how a scientist   from california read the ramayana, extracted  these designs, and determined that the aircraft   could fly now i had access to the entire  episode and i wanted to watch it and   figure out exactly how these designs were  extracted and this is what i learned one   they're not talking about the pushpak viman  from ramayana they're talking about a vimana   from the Vymaanika Shastra which is a book written in the 1900s claiming  that its origins are from the vedic period two   the scientist did not extract these designs  himself they were done by a lady named Kavya Vaddadi   and sent to him. that's what the documentary  says i wanted to learn exactly how these   designs were extracted by her i found this video  where she explains this in detail unfortunately   it's in telugu so i got a friend who speaks telugu to translate it for me arjun nidigallu has   studied aeronautical engineering and has read the  Vymaanika shastra and this is what he had to say   so there's no cause they don't talk about any  cause and effect they just talk about effect um   which which i thought was more literary it was  more um storytelling and fiction rather than   technical so um yeah i think this particular video  though what she's trying to do is try to align or   fill the gap so as to fill the gaps that are  in the vymaanika shastra with whatever she learned   in engineering which is problematic we discussed  the video in detail and he told me how the designs   are mostly her own creative interpretations and  can't be fully credited as being from the text   i'll link that telugu video down below anyone who  understands telugu can watch the video and confirm   what i'm saying here by the way arjun has his own  channel here on youtube it's called vulture watch   where he does topics combating pseudoscience and  exposing scammers it's really good you guys should   go check it out i'll leave a link to it down below  i'd just like to add for anyone who still takes to   vymanika shastra seriously that its claims have  been debunked way back in the 70s by this paper   by scientists at the iisc now this experiment by  the california scientist where he found that the   model was capable of uh generating lift means  nothing after everything that i've just said   next the claim about shivkar talpade he is said to have  flown and aircraft based on these designs eight   years before the wright brothers but no source  can confirm this actually happened there are   accounts of eyewitnesses but none have actually  been confirmed also it's unlikely if his designs   were based on the vimana but can you deny this  actually happened no but do you want to believe   this based on this possibility i'll say this  believing something on the basis of possibility   shows wishful thinking a kind of desperation  even to believe something even if it's unlikely   and to believe something on the basis of evidence  shows a rational mind so on what basis do you want   to believe at this point i found myself asking  the question why did abhi and niyu not mention their   source i mean if they got their information  from this documentary why not say it why use   vague words like a scientist from california did  this experiment i mean i declare all my sources   so that my audience can go check it out themselves  and not take my word for it so why would abhi and niyu   not do the same is it because ancient aliens has  a terrible reputation because of the information   it presents as facts without actually confirming  it and so using that as a source undermines every   idea that they're presenting in this video is it  because even if you haven't heard it before the   name ancient aliens itself has conspiracy theory  written all over it that they'd rather not say uh   for fearing that they might not be taken seriously  this tells me that they are very aware that   the show makes wildly irrational claims um that  aren't backed up very well so why don't they   use that same logic and not make this video  there's a very simple rule that i always use   if i want to put forward an extraordinary claim  i want to make sure it stands on solid ground i   want to make sure that i can back it up with  strong robust evidence and not weak flimsy   evidence like they've done with this with  this ill-reputed documentary as a source   something that is known to exaggerate what it  says i hope they know that people will think twice   before taking them seriously in the future they've  kind of ruined their credibility with this video   they talk about how there's a device the  artificial womb which can grow a fetus outside   mother's womb and the the first mention of this  was in mahabharata where the kauravas were born   outside their mother's womb using this technique  this device is still in research it's not in regular   use everywhere i feel like they're finding the  slightest similarity and equating the two what   about the dissimilarities what about the fact  that in the story of the mahabharata it's a lump   of flesh that gets cut into a hundred pieces and  put in these pots and grown to a full human being   they also seem to have figured out how to divide  like earthworms what about the fact that these   pieces were kept in pots of ghee and they  somehow magically got all the oxygen and   nourishment that they needed it takes a lot of  creative interpretation to think these mentions   are anything other than fiction there are a lot  of people like abhi and niyu that have seen seriously   endorsing a claim that ramayana and mahabharata  should be treated as history and not mythology   i've seen jaggi say it i've seen sri sri say it  so let's answer this question does the ramayana   and the mahabharata have historical elements yes  of course these characters and the stories were   probably based on real people that actually  existed there are actual geographical locations   uh in the story and are there  mythological elements in the story   yes of course a flying monkey that can carry  a mountain uh gods incarnating in human form   stones that can float on water giants pots of  ghee that can grow human babies you name it so   what do you call something that's a mix of history  and mythology a legend the legend of ram the   legend of krishna the legend of the mahabharata  history has to be factual these are all legends   abhi and niyu concerned with the image of india  right cool let's talk about it there are people   watching this video who completely trust abhi and niyu they're gonna believe what is said here   they're gonna think that they're hearing great  things about india because that's what they're   used to getting from abhi and niyu - well-researched stuff . they won't know how baseless this is let's say   one of these people talks to someone outside  india they're gonna proudly talk about how   their ancestors have these advanced technologies  uh citing things said in videos like these when   they're not able to back up any of what they've  said how ridiculous is that gonna make them look   now imagine hundreds of thousands of people  in the whole country doing this how stupid is   that gonna make india look if we don't criticize  this ourselves who else will other countries are   not going to say anything they don't want to be  outsiders uh disrespecting our nation and culture   they're just going to silently ignore us and not  take us seriously from now on is that what you   want this country has a lot of science and  math and astronomy that came from it there   are genuinely great people that hail from this  nation who made incredible achievements in their   fields but those genuine accomplishments that have  evidence backing them up uh are gonna get mixed up   with these uh ridiculous claims and not get taken  seriously is that what you want this is just one   scenario i've given about the image of india you  can think of a thousand other scenarios where   misinformation is harmful my previous video talks  about how making people prone to pseudoscience   like this video does is harmful. Article 51 h of the  constitution says it's the duty of every citizen   to develop a scientific temper and these videos do  the opposite i'm sure everyone knows someone who   makes absurd claims about their ancestors like  abhi and niyu please share this video with them because   they probably don't know why they should stop they  probably don't know that they're hurting india not   helping it i think what india needs is more people  that call out ridiculous stuff like this people   get away with seeing stuff like this way too often  and they go unquestioned i hope you understand the   need for criticizing ideas like this and if people  respond by saying hey isn't it possible that   things could have happened this way just tell them  believing something on the basis of possibility   shows wishful thinking believing something on the  basis of evidence shows a rational mind i hope you   enjoyed watching i'll see you in the next  one till then remember science is dope  
Channel: Science is Dope
Views: 425,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abhi and Niyu Exposed, Abhi and Niyu Criticism, Ancient Indian Technology, Ancient Aliens, Ancient Spaceships, Ancient Spaceships Exposed, Ancient Aircrafts Exposed
Id: cotnH3wTtJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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