Why 75,000 Foreign Retirees Chose the Netherlands - Pros, Cons, and Cost of Living for Expats

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there are 75 000 expatriate retirees and over 20 000 digital nomits live in the Netherlands right now so many people don't choose a Faraway country with a foreign language for no reason Americans are a huge part of this community and in this video you will discover why get ready for the pros counts and costs of living and retiring in the Netherlands offering its planted cities and towns a high standard of living high quality Healthcare and an impressive infrastructure there are so many reasons why thousands of people choose the Netherlands to live in here are some of them starting by the high standard of living the Netherlands is consistently voted one of the best place to live in the world and the Dutch people are some of the happiest too the word happiness report released every year check several factors like income life expectancy social care environment and others the Netherlands are among the top five for a decade in another measurement of development the well-known human development index the Dutch have a higher score than the US UK or even Canada in terms of human development it's one of the 10 best countries in the world impressive but now let's talk about the Dutch Healthcare System the healthcare system in the Netherlands is world class and it's considered a second best among all countries just below Norway however it's not free and you need to purchase Private health care insurance but if you are from the US you'll find that health insurance there is way more affordable while the average Dutch we spend around 100 Euros or 110 dollars for Private health insurance the average American spends more than four times that value meaning 456 dollars and then there is a lifestyle with Museums Art Galleries architectural landmarks and thousands of amazing cases and outdoor space to enjoy you definitely won't get bored in the Netherlands as the country is small it's very easy to explore it by train bus or bicycle there's a huge emphasis on the active way of life cycling is a massive part of the culture and cities such as Amsterdam encourage people to go around on bikes or even on foot it's a great way to stay healthy keep transport costs down and enjoy the authentic Dutch style of living but not everything is flowers in the Netherlands there are also some negative points however before we begin I would like to ask for a small favor if you enjoyed this episode please hit the like And subscribe buttons so the cause of retiring the Netherlands the first is the High Cost of Living and taxes the Netherlands is one of Europe's most expensive places to live with a significantly High Cost of Living than other European countries taxes in particular are notoriously high and it may be difficult to purchase a house due to these high taxes High property rates and a lack of housing compared to demand bureaucracy is also a problem if you are no uc10 an element of your application to the Dutch immigration agency is to explain why you want to relocate to there but retirement isn't one of the choices presented and has a result you may want to consult with the Dutch Consulate in our current country to learn the precise requirements before making a move you also need to present events to the Dutch immigration service that your income either patient dividends from retirement savings or Etc is above the Dutch minimum wage if you are assistant from a European Union country then the bureaucracy is much smaller there is also the language barrier although English is widely recognized and most Dutch people can speak it it will be essential to learn some Dutch to get by many essential tasks such have formed filling grocery shopping and announcements when using public transport will be in Dutch and to make far like far easier if you can understand it read it and speak some of the local language this may be something to consider as language learning takes time and you might not feel completely at home until you understand some level of Dutch language then there is a climate the Netherlands has a moderate climate with warm enjoyable Summers and cold Winters and there can be a lot of rainfall during the winter months this may be something to consider if you're not a huge fan of cold and rainy days there's no running in generally great days are part of the package there so do bear this in mind as the weather can have a huge impact on the mood and general well-being of a person and now it's time for a comparison of the cost of living I will not compare the living costs with those of New York or London because nearly anywhere in the world is cheaper than those two cities let's compare the cost of living a mid-sized Dutch City The Hague with the best city for retirement in Europe watch our video where explain that which is Valencia in Spain and one of the favorite cities for pensioners in the USA Tampa Florida Transportation costs are similar in the Hagen Valencia but scene is currently cheaper than in Tampa for example a monthly path for public transport costs 75 Euros in The Hague and 65 Euros in Valencia compared to 110 Euro dollars or 100 Euros in Tampa even mention the fact that the public transportation in the US is well everyone knows housing costs are the most variable between the three cities a studio in the center of the hay costs an average of 1 200 Euros per month a bit more than the 800 Euros per month in Valencia but way less than the cost of 2 000 Euros two thousand two hundred dollars per month in Tampa so if you need a short visit to a private doctor well in The Hague you pay the equivalent of 39 on average in Valencia 73 and in Tampa around 100. overall the Hague is 34 percent cheaper than Tampa Florida when you consider all the costs including rent what are the best places to retire in the Netherlands here are top three if you would like to suggest or ask about any other City tell us in the comments section the first Hague which already spoke about there is a big International Community there with many English-speaking expats so be sure to find friends it's also close to many beaches so those salt water lovers at heart will enjoy living proximity to the Sea two other reasons why the Hig is a great place to retire first it's a safe city to live in and it has very low crime levels and it also has a high standard of living with lots of outdoor space to enjoy rent can be higher there than in other parts of the country though so this may be unaffordable for those on a budget the next is harleen a small city with a quainty country fill this is country living at its best and there are three reasons why harling is a great place to retire it also saves City with very low crime levels it has this small country fuel living and there are a lot of threatening options not the cheapest but they are there the next is grinding again the biggest of the northern Dutch cities gruntingen has lots to offer and is one of the cheapest places to live in the Netherlands the city has a big student population so things there tend to be a little more affordable I hope you enjoyed this episode check our other videos which are equally interesting and remember to subscribe to our channel for the next ones
Channel: The Expat
Views: 4,012
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Keywords: Retirement in the Netherlands, Expatriate Netherlands, Retire in Amsterdam, Netherlands retirement age, Moving to the Netherlands, Living in Amsterdam vs The Hague, Expats in The Hague, Amsterdam for expats, High cost of living Netherlands, Taxes in the Netherlands, Living in The Hague, Amsterdam expat guide, The Hague expat guide, Pros and cons of living in Amsterdam, Pros and cons of living in The Hague, Netherlands expat community, Netherlands retirement visa.
Id: 4u2IVFzKy-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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