Whose Line Is It Anyway - Infomercial - Nail Bitting

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put the kids to bed get out the credit cards it's time to shop chop chop do you bite your nails who doesn't sometimes that you half my fingers off well if you're starting to chew on the old toenails it's time to get help hey it happens that's right you know nail biting can be cured with simple techniques that you can get in the drugstore but why go that way when you can buy our complicated product and it only seems complicated but in fact it's as easy as falling off a horse underwater hey Coll yes let's see there nail this is the nail we're talking about right here take a look at that no the other nail the other nail Chrisman off before you start to take meek you can do nothing with a stiff finger you must relax the finger give the finger a massage make it feel which is getting all droopin now we're ready now the blood has reached the cuticle it is time to start the process cuticle that's a funny word depending on how big the nail is you may want to do it over this it's really up to you that's right Colin and not just cutting your nails isn't just for Lux it's for sanitary reasons as as well you know evil things lurk under the nails that's right here's something magnified 1,000 times in your mouth don't doubt your stomach and expands and then comes out of you and then your dog eats it do you want that this product will not help you play basketball hey Coll what's that I don't know hello what was that well : ok go on a lot of people don't want to see what's going to happen with their nails if it's being professionally got my stomach hips remind you of anyone you know that's why this is important Colin cannot see what's going on now sorry that's kind of sticky and it removes the unsightly few hairs you have left on your forehead when you're done with it what would this possibly have to do with cutting your cuticles good question Ryan it doesn't actually have to do with the cutting process : it has to do with the buffing process after the nails are cut they get them looking shapely simply put your nail into the polishing oh oh oh oh that feels good we're ready to hook you in that was just a little sight gag relax you snap Collin we have to get those nails dry after their buff how do you suppose we're going to do that with the EZ blow tube that's right turns your fingers into the easy blow tube get a friend a very special friend to come and help that was a thousand points everybody graduations on such a fine job Bryan Callen
Channel: WhoseLineNation
Views: 196,297
Rating: 4.9352908 out of 5
Keywords: Whose, Line, Is, It, Anyway, Bloopers, Ryan, Stiles, Colin, Mochrie, Wayne, Brady, Brad, Sherwood, Chip, Esten, Jeff, Davis, Drew, Carey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 12sec (252 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2010
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