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first going in that direction I'm going that way mr. Lumm moment please mr. Pfister you're looking carried owns him this is the worst pac-man massacre I've ever seen yeah laugh all you want Sonny hilldrup too and you're my age this implant thing so do you say I'm on fire so I told her if she was going to talk like that about me next time get a smaller bottle of wine welcome to the gigantic tea restaurant I think we better get out of here before we find the animal that left that look I want to open the Giants next beer itsy bitsy spider my ass raise your three peanuts hey you look like you're troubled Tim tonight's winner Colin Mochrie ladies and gentlemen so I told the trail if you ever come the meteor hmm Teletubby droppings but you broke my heart well you're not Rapunzel I'm not sure I think it's the men's room I need a woman Oh they'd way too much money for these what is Wisconsin are you swinging here again 2/3 full trust me it takes some of the shock out of being a pirate stop complaining you brat we couldn't afford a Christmas tree this year just hang the star in my head and be done with it whoo Kemosabe this one big horse been through here if we were thinner we'd be dry let's open and drink this beer before the giant gets back my wife's always complaining shave your back well mr. Brady I warned you about my idea what is North Dakota damn you're the passing of the Olympic torch what I think I hit in that artery see this way I'll be able to run at 600 miles per hour the little people have landed faster I don't know what it is but it went right through me what is Norway so you come here often no I like women three-two-one you're not the first Madame we get squid stuck in vacuums every day the doctor said it will keep me from licking my stitches I guess yogi didn't hear you say timber the middle there well scarecrow it doesn't look like it's gonna take a long time to find the wizard please now I'm telling you it's like a totally way he comes look it's the elephant's restroom at the big parrot Karl you know we really should have told the Jester about the quicksand I'm extinct tink oh I broke a nail I would like to return my pasta maker clear I bought Madonna's bra on eBay while you were working on the railroad a train came along and cut that Smurf an ass Hey my new shoes are here get out of my yard it's to stop me from licking myself I'm not sure what bathroom this is guys are girls yeah another day and I think I'll pop it's the longest pee I've ever had money for Julie in the show now come on today we bury Pamela Anderson I don't pick this wine it doesn't go with chicken at all it's a blow dart four corners we need a smaller computer I said that I said oh I I can't believe the way she's drawn ROS frozen today we bury Madonna I'd like to report a missing wing of the grocery store well sir your campbell has anorexia so then I told us this ISA Titanic will never sink Titanic on every scene I really thought would help my career well where are you Leila with this town up he died now our people have cable when the play there's a monkey Evelyn look at the school of banana chunks and the old lady Smurf what are you doing it your mother won't be coming back Dumbo get clear
Channel: Jessica Palmgren
Views: 6,724,121
Rating: 4.8710628 out of 5
Keywords: Drew, Greg, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Colin, Funny, brad, Drew Carey, Ryan
Id: sSxc3bi6Gho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2011
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puts prop on hand

"Don't worry Mr. Johnson, it's a quick and nearly painless procedure. Now please bend over."

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