Wholecrop and Maize Silage - MaizePlus - FS22

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back to another maze plus video and today we're going to be having a look at silage specifically whole crop silage and may silage we're going to cover grass silage in a separate video which will cover all things to do with grass work and if i remember i will put a card for that in the corner now okay so there are a couple of ways you can make whole crop silage you can mow crops and so you can make whole popsicles traditionally you would make it from wheat barley or oats but anything that you could silage except maize in base game you can make whole crop silage from um and now with maze plus you can mow and get crop swath and whereas in base game if you mow something like wheat barley or oats you would get straw and or you can use a forage harvester which you can see in the distance with either a foraging head or a direct disc head and you'll get a whole crop going into the trailer and with the crop swath you can either pick that up with a forage wagon or you can bail it so uh let's get to work and give you some examples of that so got the big m here um and we are just going to pull in to this field of i have forgotten obviously it's a field of wheat so let's uh put those down i've got it on swath mode so that we get a nice easy to bail swath and we're just going to do a couple of rows so that we have got something to wrap with the baler and pick up with the forage wagon come on there we go the that feature of the big emmett does frustrate me just a little bit but it takes a while to pick up the uh the back mowers so kind of just doing a headland at the moment organized me may have done this in advance but you know showing you how you create the swaths is also important and we've got a couple of empty bunkers there because we are going to be putting some of the silage into the clamps so we're going to be making some crop silage and may silage this may be quite a long video to get both of those in but seems sensible because they use the same or similar methods the maze you are going to want to do with a forage harvester not with mowers now actually this heading will probably give us enough to uh i'll show you quickly some bailing or some loading let's just do one more row do one more row come on pick the mirrors up here we go thank you very much big m it's not the biggest field in the world um just basically just to show you the uh the techniques available that should do gets folded up and out of the way right so we'll start off with some veiling so just have the base game pottinger impress and uh make sure i have it on a should we do 125 just so we get a bale quick up turn that on and drop it down and off we go so you can see the icon in the bottom right there for crop source we may need to move some more so i can show you with the forage wagon all right let me get bail that's okay that's all we need is one bail come on there we go okay if we back up and uh just drop that on the grass here and then we'll have a quick look at it all right there we go one bale of fermenting crops once it's fermented that will turn in to whole crop silage which you can then use for feeding your cows or selling to the pga or any of the other cell points that take silence that's switch over to the orange wagon and you will see here i have some silage additive in here i didn't pick a baler that had silage additive um because i wanted to buy a baylor rapper that was base game but uh off we go so you will see here that we are not using the signage additive um signage additive is kind of a function that's locked into the base game and so it only works with certain features in maze plus and as i go through each type i will mention when it will or won't work or demonstrate that to you yeah you can see here side adjacent is not working with the pickup wagon and we'll uh we'll just tip this in the bunker come on there we go and then we'll do something with the forage harvester and so what you will see um whether you do it with a forage wagon or a forest harvester you can tip them in to the same bunker and you can see that that turns into whole crop from cropswath so that's mowing for whole crop silage let's now jump in the forage harvester uh this you can do either in the green uh forage harvesting state or in the fully ready to harvest state and what i'm going to do is attempt to put follow me on for our carter so that i can drive the forage wagon and you can see what happens there we go if i jump back in the new holland and unfold pipe and off we go and you'll see that now we are using signage additives so we are getting the bonus and the benefit of the silage additive so there is a bonus to using a forage harvester you can also use a direct disc on the forage harvester if you want rather than the foraging header and uh yeah you'll get yourself some whole crop in the trailer we're only going to do the one row down here because we don't need to collect loads and then we'll dismiss and you can see we have got a whole crop in the back of the trailer now and we're just going to tip that in to the pit as well and i'll quickly compact it and we'll cover it up that's pretty much whole crop silage and if you are i'll cover in more detail in the cow feeding video if you're going to be using the base game feed mixture still with maze plus then you are going to want whole crop silage because whole crop silage replaces the base game silage so you are going to need to be a hog dropping some of your fields see that has added to our pit so i'll save compacting actually until we've done the maze as well i think so we want to jump back in the new holland so i will see you in one moment for may silage okay so we've now got a field of maze in front of us it is ready to be foraged you could leave it until it was in the full highway state if you really wanted and got the class next to me on follow me and we're going to show you a couple of options for maze silage and i forgot to put silent charity in so yeah we're going to show you a couple of options for maze we are going to show you i am going to show you come on catch up how to bail the maze of silage and putting it in a pit which is kind of standard i think i have my follow me driver set up no he's not the right way come on catch up come on follow me don't let us down there we go come on come on okay hopefully we are good now let's just try and nudge it bit further forwards there we go actually not as compliant as the deutsch driver what we'll do is stick that on a worker and i will jump in here and cut there we go so we are getting fresh maze in the trailer um that can then be used for silage so different to if you harvest with a combine and if you want to make ccm you need to use a combine and there is a separate video on that and again if i remember there will be a card in the corner so you're getting quite a good yield off here and again we'll just run in fact that that will do that will do so yes we haven't used signage additive because signage additive does not work with maize silage so it's just the part of the way that the uh the game implements stuff so to make a bale you need a swath obviously you can't make a sloth from a forage harvester can't mow maze for silence you do need to forage harvest it um so what we have here is a trailer with a grain door and some empty space you can do this in the field as you're harvesting it but just to demonstrate i'm going to do it this way so we uh get our cruise control going fairly slowly and then if we hit ctrl i to dump on the ground we are basically making a swath we'll tip some on the ground and then we do want to save some for putting in the pit you can use pretty much any bailout to bail up the maze silage round bales square bales the mini baler and even most of 4d modding's balers in fact we've ended up emptying the whole trailer i would use a baler wrapper if you can just because it's easier but up to you so we'll just head over and jump in the bailout step back in the mccormick to uh bail up some of this maze i will say that i have found that the fast bale does not do brilliantly with this because of the volume that's in the swath it ends up being quite slow but um let's get ourselves a bale of maize slightly as you can see we're filling up very quickly and there we go we have our first bale of fresh maize that will get wrapped up and then ferment in to may silage may silage again is a big component of your cow feed um if you're using the more realistic tmr mixes that are available with maze plus so if we drop that off the back you can see that we have fresh maize which is fermenting same fermenting time as base game crops so let's get a bit more maize in fresh maze in the trailer and we can make some silence in the pit so just getting a little bit more fresh maze in the back of the trailer and then we'll go tip it in the pit we've got two pits to compact then and that will be it for this video um if you're finding these videos about maze plus useful and you aren't already please consider subscribing to the channel and click that like button and leave me a comment if you've got questions uh leave a comment below or consider joining the maze plus discord which has an english channel where you will find me fairly often if you're wondering who i am and you haven't seen any of the other videos i am the uk ambassador or english ambassador i guess not uk i am the english ambassador for the farming agency and uh help out have helped out with testing maze plus and doing the uh english translation of the pdf um the pdf uh link for that is below and has has lots of in detailed information about maze plus all right let's bring up the f1 menu again and so back in to this nice empty bunker here the random trigger is the trigger from the manure pit for my little cow pasture there so you can see we have brush maze as the fill type now actually we want to change that to the proper tip rather than just the grain door because otherwise we'll be here a while so let's get these two compacted and then we'll close them up and i'll show you what the fermented products look like so just the same as compact and chaff in the base game use a leveler a roller heavy tractor and uh you can compact your silage and if we jump out we can uh as with race game just uh hit the um r key to blanket the silo and then we'll skip ahead sometime and we'll show you what the two fermented products look like so we are one month later pretty much and just about fermented just waiting for the last few percent to tick over and one thing that i should mention probably in most of these videos is i am playing with three day months because that is what is recommended for how maze plus is set up with the animal feeding so there we go some maize silage now and over here we have some whole crop silage so it may slightly light texture um and that's pretty much it for silage and see there is a separate video for grass silage so if you're interested in that go check that video out and uh any questions check the pdf link for that is below uh ask in the comment section or head over to the maze plus discord and i will catch you next time on bottom
Channel: Disturbed Simulations
Views: 10,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farming, simulator, 22, farm, sim, fs, fsnews, maizeplus, maize, plus, silage, grass, hay, feeding, cows, forage, tmr, subsoiler, roller, mulcher, precision, agency, wholecrop, oats, wheat, barley
Id: xxlqa9R-B1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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