Whole Universe May Be Evaporating According To New Study

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how wonderful person this is Anton and today we're going to be discussing a relatively new paper that discusses something really interesting when it comes to the future of the universe specifically focusing on the idea of evaporation or the gradual loss of mass through the process involving quantum physics or in other words not really evaporation involving actual Vapor but more like evaporation involving Quantum effects something that's directly connected to another famous concept known as Hawken radiation the eventual evaporation of black holes originally proposed by the famous Stephen Hawking but in this case the scientists behind this recent study now suggests that it might actually happen even outside of black holes in very certain conditions and so in this video Let's actually talk a little bit more about this discuss what the scientists propose and what they discovered and of course talk about what this might mean for the universe but I guess here a brief reminder so what exactly is hawking radiation and how exactly does all of this work well most of this is based on various principles from quantum physics and the main principle here is that you cannot really have nothing nothing doesn't seem to exist even in complete vacuum we have what's known as Quantum fluctuations these minute energy fields that will always be produced no matter what and usually produced as a result of various virtual particles popping into existence existing for just a fraction of a second and then disappearing because they essentially annihilate each other and that's because this particles are produced as a virtual pair a particle anti-particle pair and though it might seem somewhat out there and possibly something that we can never prove the reality is that this has been proven many times with several different experiments and though we've discussed some in the past and you can find some of these videos in the description the biggest discovery that actually did lead to the Nobel Prize in 1955 is the discovery of what's known as the lamp shift which essentially is the result of these particle anti-particle fairs or these than usual virtual particles having a very tiny effect on various energy levels inside atoms of hydrogen something that the scientists could not really explain at first until these explanations using quantum physics and of course the idea of virtual particles and Quantum fluctuations of vacuum and so at least for now this is something that's kind of taken for granted it seems to exist and nothing does not seem to exist but why exactly does any of this matter well Stephen Hawking a few decades ago realized that this can actually affect black holes as well black holes obviously form extreme environments in Space by bending the actual space time so much that nothing can escape them anymore and that of course includes these virtual particles if any of these Quantum fluctuations happen right at the border of a black hole or right at the Event Horizon sometimes one of these virtual particles might accidentally fall into the black hole this means that the other one will escape and so if one particle Falls in and the anti-particle escapes it essentially means that now you have a real particle somewhere out there but you can just create something out of nothing which means that the energy or the mass for these particles has to come from somewhere and it of course comes from black holes themselves which is basically how Hawking proposed the black holes would evaporate over time because of the particle antiparticle interaction and because of the occasional falling of one of these antiparticles into the black hole itself they would slowly drain the black hole of all of the energy and all of the mass and with time the black hole might even evaporate completely today we refer to this as Hawking radiation and there are even some really cool formulas online that allow you to calculate exactly how long it would take for a black hole to evaporate or how much energy would produce as a result of a sudden evaporation right at the end of its lifetime we've discussed some of his Concepts and videos in the description but in a nutshell this is also more or less taken for granted today especially because this has been simulated in various analog black holes for example using various water waves or even sound waves or in some cases smaller atoms in pretty much every single case in certain conditions it's possible to form a black hole-like structure which would then start emitting these unusual Hawking radiation particles and thus producing a kind of evaporation but obviously the actual black hole evaporation has never really been physically seen that would be not very easy to do because the radiation produced is very small but up to this point it's always been assumed that you do need to have a black hole and specifically The Event Horizon in order for these virtual particles to start producing these effects but the scientists behind this recent paper that you can find in the description think otherwise and they do make a pretty good point the scientists here believe that you don't need to have the event horizon or the black hole to start seeing these effects and to start seeing evaporation but what's required is steep enough curvature of space-time that can generally produce very similar effects once in a while here they refer to this as Escape cone and this Escape cone does not happen right at the Event Horizon but does have the highest likelihood of happening extremely close to a massive dense object nevertheless the scientists behind the study do imply that these effects are possible even farther away and so here the scientists proposed that these Quantum waves that normally are supposed to cancel out destroying the virtual particles May sometimes have certain conditions in space-time curvature where there is an imbalance that dramatically increases the probability of one of the particles escaping somewhere else and since the energy has to come from somewhere that particular mass or this energy is stolen from that object that produces the curvature although intriguinely their preposition or their main ideas do not even come from black holes they actually come from similar observations involving electronic magnetic fields and not gravity there's a very intriguing effect known as the schwinger effect that's sort of kind of does something really similar with electromagnetism especially when it's really really high and so in essence in very strong electric Fields the vacuum itself will also start producing electron positron pairs or something equivalent to the virtual particles around black holes and in certain conditions one of these particles can also Escape intriguing not so long ago the scientists have even observed these unusual effects around extremely distant magnetars where these effects seem to actually happen physically producing matter through electromagnetism around these very powerful magnetic stars and so in this paper the scientists argued that since these electric Fields produce virtual particles no matter what even without the presence of extreme electric Fields something similar should be happening with gravity as well we should be seeing virtual particles being produced in certain locations where the curvature is just right it doesn't have to be a black hole curvature but it has to be high enough or steep enough and this would include objects like neutron stars potentially even white dwarfs and most likely a lot of massive Galactic clusters clusters containing hundreds and even thousands of galaxies very often producing very powerful gravitational effects and doing this paper this effect was only a reproduced mathematically with further studies it might even be possible to work out some kind of a physical observation that can be conducted in the future in order to see if any of the previous observations might actually match the predictions from this paper and assuming that the scientists in this paper are correct and assuming that everything does evaporate if there's enough gravity around it it of course means that over time the universe is going to lose more and more mass literally evaporating in the process furthermore implying that eventually this is maybe the fate of the entire universe assuming that it's able to exist long enough and so the implication from this paper is that because of the degradation of builds the actual chance for evaporation increases quite dramatically the steeper the curve the more evaporation you expect and so anything that possesses mass and thus produces the curvature in space-time would result in the somewhat similar Hawking radiation although this effect or this radiation does not have a name just yet and if all this is correct this essentially leads us to another outcome for the entire universe maybe everything will evaporate after all turning all of the massive objects into nothing but tiny particles and eventually Pure Energy but even that would probably take a really really long time trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion years if not longer and so at least for now definitely a really exciting preposition and a really exciting theoretical study but if one day we have some physical observations or proof of any of this I'll make sure to follow this up with the next video Until then thank you for watching subscribe share this with someone's learning about space and Sciences come back tomorrow to learn something else and maybe support this channel on patreon by Julian China membership or buying the wonderful percent t-shirt you can find any description stay wonderful I'll see you tomorrow and as always bye [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Anton Petrov
Views: 59,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anton petrov, science, technology, astrophysics, astronomy, universe, whatdamath, what da math, steven universe, space engine, universe sandbox 2, information paradox, black hole, black holes, black hole hair, stephen hawking, stephen hawking theory, stephen hawking proven wrong, stephen hawking was wrong, stephen hawking black hole, event horizon, hawking radiation, no hair theorem, black hole hawking debate, black hole collision, ligo, black hole overtone, GW190412, GW150914
Id: vEAKbL04bxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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