Who were the Sea People? Bronze Age Collapse

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[Music] the foreign countries made a conspiracy in their islands all at once the lands were removed and scattered in the fray no land could stand before their arms from haughty code karkemish Izawa ala shia and on being cut off one at a time a camp was set up in a marui they desolated its people in his land was like that which has never come into being they were coming forward toward Egypt while the flame was prepared before them their Confederation was a Pella set Ted Jack R shekel Esch de Noah and wesch mwesch lands United this apocalyptic Confederation of Marauders has become collectively known as the sea people the Late Bronze Age world they participated in setting ablaze was inhabited by a conglomeration of wealthy and powerful empires babylon Mitanni egypt haughty and the Mycenaean Greeks have ruled the region for many centuries and tandem with many smaller kingdoms and States a complex interdependent cultural economic and political order developed between these great states dynastic marriages lavish gifts and skillful diplomacy between the imperial houses allowed for longer and more frequent periods of peace over a larger geographical area that had previously existed at any point in the near East these empires clashed in massive battles and Wars however the goal was not to annihilate one's foes but to increase the taxable population and control lucrative trade routes it was not uncommon for the people of a newly conquered territory to receive a tax break in the build-up to the collapse of the Bronze Age the Mitanni Empire fell victim to internal infighting that allowed the Assyrians to obtain independence and along with the Hittites cannibalize the alien Empire setting up puppet states that they eventually absorbed while Libyan tribes began to opportunistically raid Egypt with some success a new people a piratical band of seafarers to Sheridan or shardana began to raid Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean the Sheridan are perhaps the first significant parada group to terrorize a large geographical region in history the earliest raids began in the late 14th and early 13th centuries BC and were small with around 5 ships in a couple hundred men soon rates composed of over 20 ships and a thousand men although these numbers may seem relatively small these exploited a Bronze Age world completely unprepared for defending against amphibious assaults ramses ii of egypt set of them the unruly Shedden whom no one had ever known how to combat they came boldly sailing in their warships from the midst of the sea none being able to withstand them Rameses claims to have been the first to defeat them it is significant to note that during his reign captured Sheridan were settled in the Nile Delta as well as Canaan Sheridan mercenaries were incorporated into the ranks of the Egyptian army and even his personal bodyguard was composed of Sheridan warriors reminiscent of the later Roman Empire employing Germanic barbarians within its ranks to defend the frontier the Egyptians increasingly did the same Libyan tribes as well as Nubian mercenaries were sailed within Egypt and they may have had a policy of if you can't beat them hire them the shardana have long ly been closely associated with the island of Sardinia first because the obvious linguistic similarity and then through the material culture of the island that has clearly demonstrated numerous times the nuragic cultures predilection for horned helmets as well as round studded shields which the ancient Egyptians depicted them wearing it is still debated whether the cherdon originated from western Anatolia and settled among the Sardinians after the Bronze Age collapse or is it as increasingly viewed they were the indigenous nuragic inhabitants of Sardinia taking advantage of the turbulent times both of these positions have compelling arguments to support their cases with a Sardinian connection be near certain the shardana were the first significant marauding people of the sea the Egyptians encountered the first of two invasions of Egypt by large coalition's of Sea Peoples occurred in the reign of Ramses the second son Merneptah they invaded the Nile Delta in alliance with Libyan tribes who had been longtime enemies of the Egyptians and several new groups of people the shekel Esch Luka Aquash and Parrish one of these groups of Sea Peoples we know exactly who they were DeLuca of southwestern Anatolia DeLuca were a collection of small states that were sporadically vassals of the Hittite Empire who campaigned against them frequently seeking to dominate this rebellious seafaring people considered pirates they had carried out yearly raids on the kingdom of voloshina and earlier times the shekel a charm or mysterious group some scholars have placed them in southern Sicily Italy or near the lucca in Anatolia based on the similarity of their name to transliterations of ancient Geographic and people names of those regions colorful armor a pointy beard and a medallion worn around the neck where some of the characteristics typical of them as well as an Aegean style kilt that may indicate close cultural contacts with them or in fact that was their place of origin the egg wash or Aquash have been generally accepted by scholars to be the Mycenaean Greeks the Kean's or a Kiowa as they were known to the Hittites as Mycenaean Greece was in the early stages of a rapid collapse more and more Mycenae in Greek pottery dating in this period has been found on Cyprus which Deluca regularly raided here it is likely the two formed an alliance it is also reasonable to assume that the Sheridan pirates had been using the Aegean islands for decades in their raids against Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean as it is the logical location to do so here the first great coalition of the sea people must have organized their plan to take on Egypt including the teresh or tur sure what been loosely associated with the city of Troy based off of the similarity to the name parousia which they ate dykes used for the city in one record this small group may have been refugees from the city that was most likely destroyed by the Mycenaeans it is interesting to note that in Homer's Odyssey Odysseus tells a fictitious story of himself where years of successful maritime raiding culminated in an ill-fated attempt on the Nile Delta where he then lived for seven years afterwards becoming wealthy working for the Egyptians Odysseus is tell may be a confused Fulco memory of the Sea Peoples assault on the Nile Delta which also ended in failure and asmath the Sheridan many of these defeated warlike seafarers may have found lucrative careers in Egyptian service many brought their families and livestock along with them in the attack on the Delta and in the end many did likely find a new home there 30 years later the ancient and mighty Hittite Empire was no more as was most of the states of Anatolia and now Asia the great palace Citadel's of Mycenae and Greece that had not already been destroyed or either BIRT are abandoned Assyria and Kassite Babylon contracted and were most likely dealing with a crashing economy internal feuding and displaced populations Egypt alone was still undertaking large building projects and maintained a relatively unscathed Empire when a second wave of new sea peoples arrived with a couple familiar faces the most mysterious of this second group of sea people are the wish with really nothing more to go off besides the name and again have been connected to the Trojans or Aleutians as well as a variety of other wild speculation the den Oona or den yin and the Pella set as well as the two jacker are all depicted by the ancient Egyptians is wearing arms and armor extremely typical to the Mycenaean Greeks it is generally accepted that the denon are the Mycenae in greek denoise their exact point of origin in the Mycenaean world is still debated and several less accepted theories identify them with the biblical tribe of Dan the Mycenae an identity of the Pella set and tej occurs even more certain after Rameses the third defeated the second Sea Peoples coalition both of these peoples were settled in the Levant and large amounts of Mycenae and style pottery has been found at their sites Ramses 1/3 asserted to have settled vanquished people among them the Pella set in strongholds bound in his name this has led some to believe the settlement of the Philistines in Canaan took place under Egyptian supervision later in the reign of Ramses the third a motley assortment of sea people are depicted following a line of native Egyptian soldiers in the battle wearing the feathered or horsehair headdresses along with the Aegean style kilts it was perhaps Egypt's ability to assimilate different groups of people into their army and properly motivate them to fight for them often against their brethren that allowed them to survive the bra age apocalypse which saw the collapse of Kassite Babylon 20 years after the defeat of the sea peoples in 1177 Egypt would lose its empire in the Levant and its survival would be in a much diminished form as a shadow of its former self while the Philistines would become a significant independent power in the region for many centuries and are immortalized in the biblical account as a frequent nemesis of the Hebrew tribes the Dark Age that engulfed the Near East is perhaps the darkest in history massive depopulation combined with literate societies becoming illiterate had severe repercussions there were many causes to this Dark Age besides the sea people but they definitely played their part these were people's familiar to the ancient Egyptians the majority most likely centered in western Anatolia the gian Islands Sardinia and Sicily as Ramses the third said they made a conspiracy in their islands this video is part of Operation Odysseus a collaboration between seventeen fantastic YouTube channels all making nautical themed videos please check out the link in the description for the entire playlist videos also focused on the ancient world had been created by history March Stephan Milo and archaea historia and is always huge thanks to my patrons
Channel: Epimetheus
Views: 861,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bronze Age collapse, Sea People, Who were the Sea People?, sea people bronze age, bronze age documentary, sea people documentary, documentary, history, sea people origin, Sherden, mycenaean greece, ancient egypt, sea people mystery, sea people egypt, ancient seafaring, ancient history, ancient history documentary, peleset, philistines, philistines documentary, bronze age collapse sea peoples, Who were the Sea People? Bronze Age Collapse, ancient mysteries
Id: 3ycOut4qkFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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