Who Was The Real King Arthur? | Awaking Arthur | Timeline

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hi everybody and welcome to this documentary on timeline my name is dan snow and i want to tell you about history hit tv it's like the netflix for history hundreds of exclusive documentaries and interviews with the world's best historians we've got an exclusive offer available to fans of timeline if you go to history hit tv you can either follow the information below this video or just google history hit tv and use the code timeline you get a special introductory offer go and check it out in the meantime enjoy this video treasured in folklore as the glorious ruler of a fairy tale kingdom king arthur is perhaps britain's most famous regent in fabled camelot king arthur is said to have summoned a great fellowship of heroes to sit at a magical round table today king arthur enjoys more popularity than ever not since the middle ages has his legend been more acclaimed or emulated it seems we still yearn for the lost glory of knightly deeds and the charms of courtly love that existed in king arthur's golden era but the source of king arthur's enduring power lies in a realm far deeper than that portrayed in medieval romance the mythology of king arthur is immeasurably old and emanates from the ancient customs of a prehistoric dream time so who was king arthur was he a historical king of the britons did he ever exist or was he as some believe an ancient solar deity who has lived many times those who believe in king arthur romances claim that there still exists today many places that are still haunted by king arthur so come join us now as we go and search for the once and future king located in southeast wales is the mysterious arthur's cave welsh folklore maintains that deep within this cave king arthur is slumbering peacefully in a concealed chamber the origin of this welsh legend is perhaps many thousands of years old for the cave was once occupied by neolithic people who venerated the great cave bear early man would have witnessed the bear's death-like hibernation during the winter and its remarkable awakening months later in the spring it may have been from these primitive observations of the natural world that resurrecting heroes such as king arthur gradually evolved throughout the ages caves have come to be regarded as the shadowy domain of not only bears but also fiery dragons the ancients were ored by these fabulous beasts images of the bear and the dragon were even recognized in the stars which formed the constellations at the center of the northern sky the age-old combination of these two creatures is all the more fascinating when we realize that together the bear and the dragon form king arthur's original welsh title arth pendragon other similar sounding garlic words such as if it excuse my garlic pronunciation mean respectively giant ethereal and ancestor while giant ethereal ancestor accurately describes king arthur his abbreviated name art is an old irish word meaning simply a rock the ancient association of king arthur's name with rocks supernatural beings and ancestral giants may explain why so many of britain's oldest landmarks have been named in his honor persisting from time immemorial is the belief that primeval giants had shaped various landforms and had erected huge megalithic monuments throughout the british isles ancient mythologies suggest that these legendary giants were the offspring of celestial beings who had descended from the starry realms the massive standing stones circles and tombs which these giants are said to have built are not only numerous but extremely widespread it is now generally accepted by scholars that the original purpose of these monuments probably involved some sort of astrological function but a grand circular temple which measured the movements of the sun and stars had long been known in folklore as the giants dance the most famous of these circles is stonehenge on the salisbury plain an arthurian legend tells of how merlin discovered the secret of the giants dance in ireland using his supernatural powers he is said to have spirited this magical ring of stones across to england where it became the focus of ancient regeneration rituals less than 20 miles to the north of stonehenge lies a larger and far older megalithic site the enormous avery sun temple silvery hill and west kenneth barrow are all located within walking distance of each other five thousand years ago the giants dance at avery was indeed an elaborate affair little of its former glory remains today most of the massive standing stones were smashed in the 17th and 18th centuries to construct the village of avery and many of its buildings actually lie within the original outer circle there were once four entrances to the inner temple and from the southern one a great avenue of stones led to a tomb known as west kennett barrow huge sauce and stones obscure its entrance of the thousands of burial mounds in britain this is the longest and dating to 3500 years before christ it is also the oldest there are stories that when barrows like this were opened the excavators were astonished to find the skeletons of giant men eight feet tall or more the tomb of west kennett barrow overlooks yet another grand enigma that of silvery hill covering over five acres silvery hill is the largest artificial mound in europe according to local tradition it is the resting place of an ancient sun king although excavations have shown that the hill is filled with huge layers of chalk blocks and rubble the legend persists that deep within the center of this mound an undead king sits astride a great war horse clad in golden armor he like king arthur awaits his call to battle the image of a solar king on horseback was central to the religions of europe's earliest metal civilizations the eastwood spread of the indo-europeans saw the equestrian sun god revered across a landscape which stretched from scandinavia to india often the sun was represented as a golden disk which was mounted upon a fiery chariot it was escorted in its arc across the sky and into the underworld of night by a solar hero a closer inspection of this three thousand year old statue from denmark reveals that such a sun king once sat upon the horse the image of king arthur as a mounted solar warrior is integral to the legend of his expected return the equestrian concept of arthur is linked with two of scotland's oldest hilltop fortresses utilized in the bronze age these strongholds were built high upon hilltops that held a commanding view of the veils below according to scottish tradition the fortresses were built near subterranean caverns wherein king arthur is said to lie sleeping it's a time-honored belief that when king arthur awakens he will descend from this high peak mounted upon a magical steed called dun stallion scholars now agree that over the centuries two separate artists have been unintentionally co-mingled to form the king arthur character that we are familiar with today one of these arthurs was a mythical king who was venerated from the earliest of prehistoric times the other an historical war leader lived in the 5th century a.d ten years after the death of christ britain was absorbed into the mighty roman empire although conquered the tribal brits were now able to witness the marvels of roman engineering as well as the undreamed of luxuries that civilization provides for almost 400 years britain experienced the benefits of a strong centralized government and the protection of rome's efficient armies however with the death of constantine iii britain's last roman ruler and the sudden withdrawal of all troops to defend rome itself the british isles were once again plunged into an age of darkness it was a time of massive upheaval for the abandoned romano brits as wave after wave of marauding picks scots and anglo-saxons descended upon their shores the disorganized brits were powerless to halt this savage onslaught and for fifteen years the mayhem continued in 425 the welsh leader vortigan managed to assume an absolute power over the quarrelsome british tribes in an effort to stop incursions into northern wales vortigan decided to build a fortress high in the mountains of snowdonia the site he chose was close to an abandoned roman copper mine but despite all efforts the great tower of the fortress kept falling down in desperation vortigan called in his druid priests the druids suggested that the foundations of the tower should be sealed with the blood of a fatherless child the intended victim was an unusual boy who was to grow into manhood as the famous wizard merlin merlin's early prophetic powers revealed that the tower kept collapsing because in a cavern far below it two ancient dragons were constantly at war according to merlin the white dragon represented the invading saxons and the red symbolized the welsh people he predicted that the red dragon would eventually overcome the white and to this day the red dragon flies proudly as the national flag of wales when vortigan was killed the mantle of the welsh dragon fell upon a powerful war leader called uttar pendragon recalled from his exile in the french province of brittany uttar became the high king of britain the focus of the pendragon saga now shifts to the rugged coast of cornwall throughout its long history the kingdom of cornwall had maintained a proud cultural independence from the rest of england this was partly due to its formidable cliffs which provided a natural protection from seaborne invasions from the vantage point of these high cliffs the people of cornwall were able to keep a constant surveillance of their rugged coastline although their coastal citadels were vulnerable to atlantic squalls and pounding seas it was these very elements together with the wild beauty of the landscape that inspired the otherworldly magic of cornish folklore it's easy to understand how here in cornwall history became infused with romance for it was amidst this enchanted setting that legend places the curious circumstances of king arthur's birth to celebrate the coronation of utah as high king a lavish feast was held in londinium from even the remote areas such as cornwall the great lords and chieftains came to swear their allegiance to the new king it was during these festivities that uttar pendragon fell in love with a beautiful woman named de grain unfortunately a grain was already married and to a loyal supporter galwaz the duke of cornwall undaunted by this fact uttar pendragon promptly ordered the duke off to a distant war fully aware of the king's desire for his wife the duke had made arrangements for a grain's immediate return to his castle at tintagel almost an island the tintagel headland is itself a natural fortress today it's connected to the mainland by this modern bridge the original causeway that existed at the time of arthur has long since crumbled into the sea given the rugged isolation goroys must have believed that igrain and their three daughters would be safe here utah remained utterly infatuated and so he sought from merlin a magical intervention the wizard consented to help but on the condition that utah must surrender to him the child that would be born of this illicit union having agreed utah swallowed a magical person and was transfigured into a perfect semblance of the lady's husband in this disguise utter pendragon hastened to cornwall there he crossed the causeway and climbed the long stairway to the castle's gatehouse unchallenged by the guards utter made his way to a grain's private quarters that night the duke of cornwall mysteriously died in battle and king arthur was conceived the following spring a strange apparition appeared upon the sea it seemed a ship the shape thereof a dragon winged and all from stern to stern bright with shining people on the decks and gone as soon was seen and down the waves in flame was born a naked babe and rode to merlin's feet who stooped and caught the babe and cried the king uttar's secret contract with merlin had been fulfilled tennyson's account of king arthur's birth was inspired by merlin's cave it's located in a cove far below the towering cliffs of the tintagel headland stretching clear through the headlands base the cave is accessible only at low tide and it's here that a young arthur is said to have been schooled by merlin but these lessons held deep within a cave couldn't have been ordinary for caves were timeless otherworldly spaces and as such merlin's cave may once have been an ancient place of initiation it's also possible that a boy like arthur may have received a christian education from the monks who built a small monastery here during the fifth century although these legends of arthur's birth and upbringing are usually considered to be pure fantasy claims of his actual presence at tintagel were given an unexpected boost in 1998 archaeologists excavating the headlands many ruins unearthed a stone slab which appropriately dated to the 5th century and inscribed upon it was the name arthur such is the power of arthur's myth that this find not only made headlines locally but was reported all around the world from antiquity stones have been regarded as symbols of permanence and other worldly powers they were thought to be receptacles of energy which could be transmitted to certain individuals who came into contact with them because of this special stones became an essential feature of coronation ceremonies even today the practice continues the present british queen elizabeth ii was crowned upon the illustrious stone of destiny which lay beneath the seat of the coronation throne in westminster abbey this stone had previously been used by the scottish and irish kings and before them the biblical kings of judea a similar stone of destiny is central to the story of king arthur's enthronement it concerns a mighty sword embedded deeply within an enchanted megalith other proved himself to be the true born king when he was able to free this sword from its ancient encasement hidden within this colorful imagery are the vestiges of an extremely old tradition as arthur was barely 15 years old when he withdrew the sword this feat may represent an ancient rite of passage which marked the attainment of manhood across the irish sea another great stone stands upon the hill of tara since neolithic times the hill of tara was regarded as the most sacred site in ireland and it was here that her celtic high kings were crowned the ancient monolith was said to have come from the mythical city of phallus and so was endowed with magical powers the stone would resonate when touched by the rightful king who would then perform a symbolic mating with the goddess of the land it was believed that this age-old ritual would ensure that the earth remained fertile the countrysides of northwestern europe once abounded in great standing stones and fertility rings but with the advent of christianity they came to be reviled as pagan symbols and most of them were destroyed a few of the huge fertility monuments survived especially in france they'd been engraved with christian symbols or surmounted with the christian cross the ancient celts also believed that magical powers flowed through springs and lakes but these had a feminine aspect and were mostly concerned with healing it was from the lady of the lake that arthur received yet another sword the legendary excalibur woven into its scabbard were charms that could heal the wounds of battle armed with his magical regalia arthur pendragon was inaugurated as the high king of britain his might was proclaimed and his destiny sealed having received the mantle of rulership king arthur is said to have undertaken a series of adventures each brimming with supernatural marvels one of his most famous exploits begins aboard a magical ship called predwin upon which he ventures into the celtic underworld the other world was a dark and untamed realm guarded by monstrous serpents and hostile demons king arthur's quest was to bring back the miraculous cauldron of immortality despite the terrifying forces arrayed against him and the last of all but seven of his crew king arthur was eventually able to win the mystical vessel this cauldron reputedly had the power to resurrect the dead arthur continued to explore the depths of his ancient celtic heritage and strange were the contests he faced in that unearthly place as king arthur was being taught the age-old traditions of solar kingship a new way to life everlasting was taking hold in britain in other's time hermit monks were spreading the message that the true son of light had arrived and that this christ was the king of all kings as sovereign of his land it would have been arthur's duty to consider these claims and so he also made journeys to newly christianized sites located in cornwall the remains of saint maddon's cell are now surrounded by the overgrown ruins of a later medieval enclosure at one end of the hermit's tiny retreat is an ancient granite slab which served as his altar at the other end is a baptismal font into which water from an old sacred spring still bubbles the old texts record that arthur once visited such a monk and apparently he abode in this very area it was during his stay with a hermit that king arthur is said to have been inspired to have the image of the madonna and child emblazoned upon his shield medieval writers believed it was this conversion that empowered king arthur to win his twelve decisive victories against the saxon invaders when peace had returned to the war-torn land arthur decided he needed a queen and he chose the fair guinevere with her dazzling beauty she seemed the very essence of spring light and new life and so guinevere became arthur's flower bride as her dowry guinevere brought a magnificent round table it had long ago been fashioned by merlin and held in safe keeping by her father it was on the day of the king's wedding that the fellowship of the round table met for the very first time at fabled camelot one hundred knights swore an oath to honor a code of chivalry that was to inspire the royal courts of europe for centuries to come most scholars now agree that the site of camelot was probably an ancient hill fort which is now called cadbury utilized as a stronghold since 3000 bc a substantial fortress was constructed here in the 5th century although this fortress was never the glittering castle that poets imagined camelot to be it nevertheless contained a royal hall wherein large banquets were celebrated looking out over the little village of camel today it is indeed difficult to understand how this grassy hilltop has for centuries been known as arthur's palace nevertheless archaeological excavations that were undertaken in the 1960s confirmed that cadbury may well be the place where an historical king arthur held court made of unmorted stone this 16 foot thick wall still surrounds the top rampart at cadbury now this is quite a sophisticated defence system and it would have required a vast amount of labour to construct it it certainly was a secure place from which a king could launch his campaigns into britain and even further afield into gaul and welcome to france we're standing on the borders of the french provinces of normandy and brittany now brittany is so named because of the britons that came across here in the 5th and 6th centuries a.d this is the time of the historical king arthur a french monk writing in the 11th century probably within these very walls recorded the events of these 6th century migrations the monk tells of a king of the britons named arthur who crossed the channel and landed in this area with 12 000 ship born troops this other waged war against the germanic and slavonic barbarians who were decimating the countryside of gore many of the britons who had accompanied king arthur in his campaigns remained in brittany these settlers cherished the legends of king arthur's historic feats and in some instances wove them into the older traditions of local folklore one of these stories concerns king arthur's battle with a fearsome giant the giant had kidnapped the king of britain's niece and had imprisoned her on this island which is known today as monsan michel although the damsel didn't survive the ordeal king arthur succeeded in killing the giant it's a tale which probably symbolizes christianity's expulsion of pagan cults from the region but long before anything was built on this island monster michelle was known as montume or tomb on the hill island hill tombs were usually the domain of dagda dagda was the most ancient celtic lord of life and death it was believed that the great dagdah could even control the changing of the seasons certain christian sources had thus alleged that in times of famine the druid priests would attempt to appease this agricultural giant with mass human sacrifices if others crusades in brittany had brought an end to such practices then perhaps this might explain why the title rigothamus meaning supreme king was bestowed upon arthur at that time an historical british war leader had come to be regarded as more than a mere mortal he was now a great solar king triumphant over the powers of darkness this arthurian ideal has since been transferred to the archangel michael whose image crowns the monastery's soaring cathedral spire the island of mont michel is but one of many ancient pre-christian sites that have been consecrated in the name of this mighty solar warrior back across the channel in england is another hilltop imbued with ancient law rising steeply from the fields of somerset it is the atmospheric glastonbury tour as the geographical center of all arthurian tradition the tour is still a mecca for those who believe in a mystical king although the tour looks artificially shaped it is a natural formation two thousand years ago it was surrounded by watery marshes and so the celtic britons called it inish veteran the isle of glass the old high place was once the focal point of a great celtic sanctuary at the tour's base is a secluded veil it is the popular setting for perhaps the most famous of all the arthurian legends the quest for the holy grail king arthur's knights had believed that just a glimpse of the holy vessel could heal the incurable and restore fertility to a blighted land since medieval times an old druidic font in this garden grove has been known as the chalice well the early glastonbury chronicles suggest that the holy grail had at one time been hidden at the bottom of this ancient well shaft fed from the tour's sacred spring chalice well has allegedly never run dry grail magic still lingers here for even today its red tinge waters are believed to have healing powers overlooking the site the empty tower of a ruined church stands at the torres summit the monks who built the church had dedicated it to st michael so that this whole area might be cleansed of its long pagan history the shadows of the old religion continually surface throughout the arthurian legends and in this sense merlin was never a mere court magician he was the guardian of the most ancient of ways using his deep arcane knowledge merlin had created a mystical round table for king arthur and his illustrious company of knights the table was to represent the age-old relationship between the starry realms the king and the land it symbolized an ideal of the perfect earthly kingdom the circular shape meant that no knight was more exalted than his fellow when seated around it the unity of the whole was paramount during the middle ages entertainments called round tables were very popular with the nobility ancient circular earthworks such as this one below sterling castle in scotland were the center of such gatherings dressed in arthurian costume the participants feasted and paraded about the mound in imitation of the stories they were reading however the christian monks who had transformed the ancient traditions into medieval romance also felt bound to teach that earthly life has been tainted with innate or original sin and that even the brightest and best could fall with the exception of galahad every character in the arthurian stories was thus blemished but it was in lancelot du lac the king's favorite and most trusted night that the point was made most clearly lancelot's overwhelming love for the beautiful guinevere had set in motion the division of the round table's unity the incessant rumors of the queen's infidelity with lancelot created a crisis in loyalty his acts were not only humiliating for the king they were considered treason a conspiracy was hatched to surprise lancelot and guinevere during one of their secret meetings exposure of the adulterous affair resulted in the death of many former companions at the round table and guinevere was condemned to burn at the stake lancelot rode in to free her and together they escaped to a castle on the northumbrian coast but in the fury of the rescue several innocents had also been slaughtered the kingdom was irretrievably divided as civil war raged throughout britain having delivered guinevere to a nunnery lancelot retreated back to his native france pursued by an enraged arthur the round table had been rent asunder and merlin's dream of the perfect earthly realm had vanished but from the start king arthur had been chosen to play the role of the sacrificial sun king he was the mythic hero who must activate the great primal wheel of life death and rebirth with the news that his illegitimate son mordred had claimed his kingdom arthur left off his feud with lancelot and hastened back to britain on a missed and shrouded plane the forces of light met those of darkness as arthur and his army faced mordred's vast host an uneasy truce was formed but fate could not be avoided from its hiding place a serpent slithered towards the tents warriors glimpsing the snake a startled knight raised his sword as the serpent struck the sun flashed briefly upon the unsheathed weapon seemingly the truce had been broken and the bloody mayhem of the final battle began the war horns had sounded son against father brother against brother the battle raged till near on nightfall by then all but a few lay dead upon the moor a gory stillness wreathed the battlefield it was shattered by a thunderous cry as arthur saw that mordred still lived as men possessed they charged in the crimson fury of hatred and revenge and in the end arthur and mordred fell to each other's water in celtic mythology death usually took place near running water it was a portal that swirled down into the other world some believe this final battle occurred on cornwall's eerie bodmin moor near the shores of the tear-shaped dozemory pool others favor an icy pass high in the rugged welsh mountains of snowdonia whereabouts of camelon the site of arthur's last battle remains as obscure as the mists in which it happened the name cameron means crooked bank and cornish tradition steadfastly pinpoints the site as here by the river camel a dense canopy veils the tiny river from the battlefield of camelon a mortally wounded arthur sought refuge amidst the thick undergrowth through these tangled branches the dying king is said to have stumbled his way down to the water's edge today an ancient moss-covered stone lies by the bank of the river camel faint inscriptions in latin and druidic ogum were once thought to commemorate the place where arthur eventually fell of his knights only siberia had survived the slaughter when he came upon the dying arthur he was commanded to return excalibur back to the waters from whence it came on his third reluctant attempt sebedeviere hurled the sword far out over the leg and there came a glistening arm and hand above the water to meet it thrice excalibur was brandished in the air before submerging back into the deep as returned he saw across the waters a gilded barge silhouetted against the setting sun on board were nine sorrowing queens in the lap of one of them arthur had laid his head and so morgan le fay ferried the dying king to the island of avalon it was a golden land concealed by enchantment from the grasp of mortal beings in jeffrey of monmouth's 12th century poem morgan lafaye is described as high priestess of avalon the apple isle on this magical island she and her eight maidens tended arthur's wounds and healed him of his earthly pain according to the myths king arthur still rests beneath avalon's fragrant apple blossoms cared for by the priestesses he waits until the world has need of him again to the poets avalon was a wondrous isle of joyous immortality but it was not just poetic symbolism that saw king arthur ferried to an island which lay in the direction of the setting sun the practice of ferrying the dead to a blessed isle in the west was virtually universal throughout the western world and as a result a vast number of islands along the european atlantic seaboard had at some time been utilized as sacred burial places island tombs such as this one in brittany were constructed about six thousand years ago and are of major importance to archaeologists perhaps the most famous isle of the dead is that of iono the tiny island is situated off the western coast of scotland and until the middle ages it was the place to which all scottish kings were ferried for burial given iona's rugged isolation it must have been a formidable voyage on this island there is an ancient mound around it there extends a remarkable cemetery which came to be known as the royal burial ground it is recorded that 48 scottish kings including macbeth and many highland and hebridean chiefs are buried here so revered was iona that even irish norwegian and french kings chose this remote and windswept isle as their final resting place arthurian romance emulated the ancient custom of island burial in depicting king arthur's final resting place as the mystical island of avalon since medieval times the glastonbury area has been traditionally accepted as the most likely site for this isle of apples it was once surrounded by water and avalon's mythic white flowers still blossom in a well-tended orchard which overlooks the old monastery in 1190 the monks at glastonbury announced that they had exhumed the skeletons of arthur and guinevere their bones were placed in a marble tomb in front of the high altar of the main abbey church and here they remained for 300 years however these relics disappeared during the 16th century when king henry viii ordered the dissolution of all british monasteries but cornish welsh and scottish folklores insist that king arthur did not die and therefore he had no grave they preserve a belief that king arthur resides upon an enchanted isle or sleeps within an ancient cavern awaiting the appointed time for his return from the 6th century through to modern times writers have proclaimed that the return of king arthur will occur when the world is in its darkest hour awakened to a land that has been ravished by insatiable greed arthur is expected to begin a ruthless campaign of purification the elden hills of scotland are but one of a number of sites which lay claim to this legend of an avenging arthur an ancient tale made famous by sir walter scott asserts that under the highest of the three hills is an immense cavern it is said that at the sounding of a great horn king arthur shall arise from his stony chamber fully armored and mounted upon a mighty battle steed arthur is to appear over the elden hills this account of arthur's mythical resurrection is also associated with another of scotland's bronze age hill forts a hollow between two high points of this extinct volcano provides its name arthur's saddle it has long been a local tradition that it will be from here high above the city of edinburgh that a giant arthur will one day commence his avenging ride the mythology of a mounted solar king who defeats the powers of darkness is immensely old and widespread its imagery has permeated the religions of the medians of persia the assyrians and the ancient greeks the concept of an equestrian avenger is also central to saint john's vision of a biblical apocalypse but at its core the legend of king arthur is like all glorious heroic sagas it's concerned with man's attempt to understand the mysterious cycle of life death and regeneration from the dawning of time the great megaliths had symbolized an imperishable anchor against the transients of the material world the massive standing stones were of fundamental importance in the life-sustaining rituals of prehistoric peoples writing at the time of the historical king arthur the welsh bard taliasin described the celebrations at one of these ancient ceremonies in spring the giant triathlons which formed the inner circle of stonehenge were covered with veils and upon these the history of the dragon king was delineated this resurrecting sun king was variously known as hugh lou bellai and much later arthur pendragon on may day morn the song of a cuckoo bird would herald the awakening of the dragon king from his long winter sleep at the precise moment of the sun's rising the king would emerge from what was known as his stone cell of tranquility the moment was welcomed with a great din shots of joy were accompanied by chants pawn blowing and the beating of drums each year huge crowds still gather at stonehenge to celebrate the summer solstice sensitive to an ever-increasing threat to the natural world some attempt to restore a balance with ancient druidic practices but this modern-day druid and his followers are denied access to the temple of stonehenge and so their dawn ceremony takes place in an adjacent field forming their own circle the group calls forth the spirit of the land and that of king arthur spirit of nature [Music] one two three whilst the nature loving druids believe that they are participating in the dawning of a new age camelot other more eccentric devotees are convinced that king arthur's mysterious return from the other world will be by way of a flying saucer very few of us expect king arthur to alight from a shiny ufo or to emerge from an ancient standing stone however as we enter the 21st century there's a growing expectation especially amongst new ages the return of king arthur is imminent written a thousand years before nostradamus the sixth century book of merlin's prophecies predicts that king arthur's return will coincide with the awakening of the primordial dragon the dragons rising is to trigger massive upheavals throughout the world the same manuscript proclaims that just before these apocalyptic events occur king arthur and merlin will be reunited their predestined meeting is to take place at this ancient table of stones in cornwall once again our search for arthur has led us back to the great megaliths ultimately king arthur represents the same giant ethereal ancestor who is evoked by the earliest of men in their times of need and uncertainty in this sense the heroic deeds of a megalithic solar king have been able to span the vast passages of time even in our present day world the legend of king arthur survives it offers us far more than just a glimpse into the customs of medieval life or the simple enjoyment of a mere fairy tale
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 352,754
Rating: 4.7279778 out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history
Id: 1ywMge_E1ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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