Who was responsible for this devastating Hit and Run? | Forensic Investigators | #crimestories

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[Music] police around the country are warning drivers to take care on our roads this Easter long weekend police say they'll be ready for those drivers who fail to obey the law mother and his three children head off for their yearly camping holiday that's my wife she decides she wanted to do other things so I packed the van checked it all out afternoon traffic was already building up there'll be more police officers and Radars on the roads this Easter to make sure we arrive alive once we've done that we headed off and uh yeah we're just cruising up the highway [Music] [Applause] [Music] many of us have been caught in traffic and been frustrated as a result of an accident up ahead but when a person dies as a result of a hit and run the area becomes a crime scene in it are vital Clues and evidence that must be found in order to track down the guilty driver [Music] it's reasonably lighted [Music] late at getting low and got to the Vault Town signed and saw that you know it was the next turn off so I was looking out for the Turning Bay and um yeah suddenly there was a allowed noise the car started quite dramatically virtually lost control of the steering I didn't know what had happened I I couldn't work out whether it was a blowout or it could have been any number of things that I thought of but it was I just thought well I just could try and maintain control but the car seemed to have a will of its own and took off across the towards the median strip the next thing you know we're in a roll we just seem to be rolling forever [Music] the first police members at the same had initially believed that it was a single vehicle car and Caravan roll over and one person was dead and it wasn't until an hour later that one of the policemen spoke to a female witness who had helped the people in the car and been told that that a truck had actually hit the Caravan that completely changes the the nature of the Collision Of course and the investigation that's required we're already an hour behind the the eight ball as far as Stein sign is concerned because every second that occurs after that evidence is lost traffic traveling through in the right northbound lane directly through what was to be our crime scene so I instructed the local members up there to close the scene off completely not to move anything to make sure they get the details from all the people over at the Collision Zone before they left we had three vehicles traveling along the freeway around the time of the Collision one vehicle was about 100 meters behind at the time of those three vehicles all they were able to tell us was seeing the truck diverge hard to the right into the median strip in a large cloud of dust and that was the last they saw and then of course they immediately came across the Collision scene itself I didn't find out it was a truck until I'd got out of the car and asked one of the people that stopped to help I just said oh what happened what hit me and they said I was a truck [Music] and in the police not sure what order that came I know I was more concerned about the children really [Music] the collision had taken the life of Ian's 12 year old son Nikki find out to I was in the ambulance that yeah that he'd gone around investigations takes fairly high priority we would treat it the same as like the homicide Squad with a murder investigation obviously when there's a murder involved they're trying to ascertain the identity the offender involved because they're no longer at the same and that's the same with the hit run investigation is that a motor vehicle is used as a weapon to cause the death track that down two things happened with it runs over the the driver dumps the vehicle nearby and lives on foot or he drives the vehicle to somewhere where he feels he can safely hide it away it's important for us to find that vehicle at the first possible opportunity each minute that goes by this person gets further and further away an hour's gone by if they're from Interstate traveling at 100 kilometers an hour they're 100 kilometers away to have a roadblock set up on the Hume Highway up at the border to wadonga and ask the police up there to pull over all trucks and examine them for damage as the roads were closed the major Collision Investigation Unit arrived at the scene and began looking for Clues as to what had happened we had the Caravan and the four-wheel drive but the Dynamics of what actually occurred is not immediately known what was quite obvious was that there was a great amount of force that it shared the piece directly off the Caravan and deposited somewhere the four-wheel drive was upside down we noticed that we had two impressions in the right quarter panel of that car [Music] that looked pretty clear that that may have been from a bull bar from a reasonably big truck there was also a quantity of paint transfer on the back of the Caravan and the Mazda whenever you get contact between two vehicles and it doesn't matter what two vehicles they are there is a transfer of material in this case we had some red paint smears on the back of the Caravan we had a red paint smear on the Mazda does that tell us that we're dealing with a red truck not necessarily but it tells us that we're dealing with a truck that's got red somewhere on the front of it um it's not the be-all on end all but it's a starting point we've got a situation of a family that's lost one of their children and we as they do want to know why why is their son being killed and the only person that can tell us that is the driver of that vehicle that's left the same a 12 year old boy deserves more than to be left by the side of the human freeway for dead [Music] it wasn't until daylight that the extent of the scene became obvious it extended over probably 400 meters and took into account the median strip in the two Northbound Lanes we're dealing with the crime scene on this road there's been a person killed and there's a driver that's left the sane and it's imperative that we collect all that evidence so that we can analyze what's going on and if somebody's coming into the fence we can have a successful prosecution down the track this was Good Friday on the Easter holidays we closed the hube highway Northbound that was necessary if you've got a collision turned on a major road you can't put crime scene tape around it put someone on guard and say we'll be back tomorrow to have another look at this you've got one shot so we need to keep the road closed and do the work we need to do that day and that's what we did so a lot of promoters get upset but we can't do anything about that until we actually collect all the evidence we need to especially at the same we go through what's commonly called a seven point crime scene search it's effectively photographing what we see evidence on the roadway evidence on the vehicles we then measure the location of all those items using a geometer total survey station that particular device has the ability to measure horizontal angles vertical angles and the distance from where our surveying instrument was set up we took Tire friction measurements to determine that there was sufficient friction material on the road surface the road surface was of good quality there was good weather conditions there was no fog it was a clear night it was a dry night so there was no real environmental factors present with respect to this event the vehicle had left skid marks on the road surface prior to impacts so the brakes on the vehicle are operating so it comes back that there was human factors present here as to why this has occurred the tire marks on the road told a further story along with complicated mathematical equations Peter Bellion Could reconstruct what happened before during and after the Collision as well as the speed of each vehicle [Music] essentially is throwing main types of tire marks we might find at a solution scene and we had effectively those three at this scene at Violet town the first tire marks that we had were the Dual tire skid marks from the heavy vehicle then they became what we call Skip skids where the heavy Vehicles trailers essentially bouncing a little bit the other type of tire marks we found were Tire scuff marks and they're typically associated with like a loss of control type of event and my conclusions were that the truck had skidded around about 26 meters prior to the impact at the size skid marks I've calculated it was traveling at approximately 106 kilometers per hour the passenger side front of the heavy truck involved had struck the drive side rear of the Caravan and that sent those Vehicles out of control and they went into a clockwise rotation around towards the right hand side of the traffic lines and towards the center median strip then that time Arc evidence indicated that there was a secondary collision between the passenger side front again of the heavy truck and the driver's side front guard of the Mazda Bravo and subsequent to that the tarmac evidence then curved back to an anti-clockwise rotation around towards the left shortly after that the coupling between the Caravan and four-wheel drive had come off and the Caravan ended up sliding through its first position on the center median strip with the four-wheel drive continuing to occur back towards the roadway and that's when all the time like evidence in stopped all of a sudden indicating that the four-wheel drive had tripped up on its wheels and gone into a rollover phase of the Collision [Music] after those tire marks finished we observed a number of gouge marks and scrape marks on the roadway leading through to the ultimate rest position of the vehicle just prior to the volatile exit [Music] we walked further south along the side of the freeway and there was the piece of Caravan that had been sheared off we noticed certain impressions which looked like a partial letter A or an inverted V we weren't sure what it was but there was a distinctive shape in there they look very similar to perhaps a number plate when we had a look at the road surface one of the things we were looking for was material that may lead us to the vehicle that is left the same and I came across what I would consider in the type of work we do as the Holy Grail of evidence and that's a fragment that's intact enough that we can take a lead from it after all the traffic that had gone through the scene the night before potentially destroying evidence a glass indicator lens was left behind and in this particular case that fragment had a complete set of numbers was probably from the truck hopefully we could identify what sort of indicator lens material it was and it might even tell us what sort of vehicle it came off the problem was there's approximately 160 000 trucks registered in Australia we were hoping this was going to be one of those situations where the driver would give himself up because often in hit run collisions a driver having made a decision to leave the same will have second thoughts about what he's done [Music] it's going to happen usually it happens within the first 24 to 48 hours a distraught father has made an emotional appeal to find a hit-run driver after a tragic smash on the Hume freeway the man's 12 year old son was killed when a truck ran their Caravan Ian Fleming choked back tears as he spoke of his 12 year old son Nikki killed when their car was struck by a runaway driver suddenly we just got this terrific impact in the back of the van at um swerved the car around I thought it was a night night my oldest son talking to me thought it was a dream couldn't believe it police say the Truckee knew exactly what he'd done I'd like him now to think about what he's done and honor himself and step forward please [Music] to 12 hours of inspecting the scene the road where Nikki Fleming had died was reopened police hoped among the evidence they had collected were Clues to help them identify which one of the 160 000 trucks in Australia was involved the lens material found at the Collision Zone was examined down at the forensic science laboratory inquiries were made regarding that and it turned out that it was a lens manufactured by Heller and we confirmed it was a side Direction indicator lamp it had been something that was in production for the last 40 years and could be used in any application whether it be marine or Automotive and could be fitted to any position on a truck that really didn't take us very far except that we were able to to gain a whole section now to give us an idea of what we're actually looking at the panel from the back of the Caravan had considerable damage both from the impact and from being ripped off the Caravan and having moved along the roadway so there was a lot of indentations from gravel and roadway but there are also clearly some sharp lines on it in the shape of an inverted V foreign [Music] that indentation this strange shape that looked like an eye or you know part of an A or semi it had to be something low down probably on the bull bar itself off the truck whether it was a diamond-shaped sign as a hazard marker or something else that was an add-on to the bumper perhaps next to the number plate or so it just wasn't obvious as to what it was there was too much missing to give a full picture but there also seemed to be a weave pattern in there from some sort of fabric it was something that wasn't metallic necessarily but something that involved a bit of cloth material it was also a large amount of damage which came from something being thrust into the metal of the Caravan and then pulling outwards again like a large Bolt [Music] looking at the side of the Caravan there was some very heavy deposition of red paint that looked very fresh these are triple layer paint samples that were stuck to the side of the Caravan and I was convinced that we were dealing with a bright red truck but smears of paint multiple layers of paint are of limited value until you've got something to compare them to and that was the general feeling that day that uh yes what we've got is nice it's good to have evidence from the same but we've got nothing to compare it to by this stage two or three days have passed by driver hadn't given himself up the roadblock didn't yield any relevant information we knew this was going to be a long timestaking inquiry the semi driver didn't stop and Victorian police have mounted a massive three-state search for the vehicle and soft-sided semi-trailer and it has a bull bar the semi-trailer should have either red paint damage on it on either the prime mover or the trailer police say there's no way the driver would not have known he was involved in an accident Witnesses have told them it was almost a miracle that he was able to get his vehicle back onto the road after the smash a 12 year old boy deserves more than to be left by the side of the Hume freeway for dead usually you get a phone call from somebody either anonymously or a tip through Crime Stoppers saying this is the bike involved in the Collision or these trucks at this location we didn't get any of that in this case so we use the trucking industry as best we could to try and gain more information [Music] flyers and had them put at truck stops most of them told us that if they knew anything they wouldn't be trying to cover up for this bloke because it was a low act to run into the back of a caravan causing the death of a 12 year old boy at Easter time and just simply drive off and disappear and and not come forward to explain how it had happened [Music] ever involved in this collision had gone to ground but in these sort of Investigations that can't be the end of the matter you just have to keep pushing on bit by bit hoping to get a little more information this day or the next day and slowly just piece things together and so the next step was to try to determine what Bull Bar might have been involved by measuring the impression on the Caravan and the Mazda bearing in mind that it was only one section of the bull bar um it would be possibly a quarter to a third of the overall width of the bull bar so then it became part of the job of trying to find out what model or brand of bull bar could have caused those indentations the office brought in another police member from outside we asked him at that stage to take on the honorous task of opening up the Yellow Pages and going through as many Bull Bar manufacturers as he could [Music] through the yellow pet State at the same time castan Schultz who is now working on the case full-time continued to stare at the strange a-shaped impression on the Caravan hoping that its origin would suddenly be revealed and I left the office that day and I think to some extent I must have been feeling a bit guilty about dedicating so much time to this job rather than my family that I said to my wife that look we're just going here I'll just explain to you where we're at in this investigation we saw a couple of trucks that I talked about the bull bar I looked further down the road and the truck was facing me on the opposite side of the road and it just hit me because I'd been pouring over an enlargement of a photograph showing that strange letter A marking and it was just something that was in printed in my mind on the face of the bull bar were a set of covers the excitement in carsten's voice was palpable Ted yes um what can you tell me Carson he said I can tell you what brand of truck it is major Collision investigation officer carsten Schultz believed he had found the brand of the truck involved in the Collision that had taken the life of Nikki Fleming he was convinced that the W on the vinyl cover was what had made the impression on the back of the Caravan I contacted the truck driver we had a look at his truck to see if we could eliminate that from the inquiry which we did and he lent us one of the road train covers for comparison to the marks that we had on the back of the Caravan the covers were a rectangular vinyl shape and had a large W applicator over the top the bottom part of the W was the inverted V that we looked at in the impressions and the first stroke of the W was the piece of an opposing angle that we'd also found in the Impressions so I was fairly certain that that was what had caused the impression even though I was quite surprised at something so fine had been able to leave that kind of sharp impression so that the impact must have been quite great and it was a revelation it was the next major step in the investigation because we now weren't looking for 160 000 trucks we were now breaking it down to a particular type of truck the Western Star covers are part of the bull bar and attached to it when the prime mover is not carrying a long haul the bull bar on the truck Carson had seen was manufactured by a company in Queensland the search through the Yellow Pages was potentially over King bars I'm in Queensland was able to identify that the bull bar we were looking for was a heavy duty Road train bull bar which he'd manufactured for the last four or five years and was fitted to the model 4964f Western Star truck [Music] the investigation crew then went about confirming their belief that this type of bull bar was involved in the Fatal Collision the area of the bull bar that was of interest to us was reconstructed from the measurements from King bars it fitted perfectly against the Bravo panel and bull bar for the areas of indentation but of most interest of course was the back of the Caravan where we had a lot more of that indentation it fitted into the area with all of the uprights and the cross struts and also the eye bolt slotted perfectly into the area where the back of the Caravan had been pierced and had it then ripped back out again it was marvelous to see how everything fitted together and left us in no doubt that we were looking at a king bar of this particular time so yes we've built part of the mystery truck [Applause] the indicator lens that had been found at the crime scene was now of great assistance it had only been fitted to Western Star Trucks since 1993. police were now able to narrow down the possible number of trucks involved in the Collision from 160 000 to just 1700. given that we knew it was a 4964f model from the 1700 that we had on that list from Western Star we took that down to about 680. we then looked at King Barr's records identified all the trucks on that list that had been supplied with a heavy duty Road train bull bar and crossed off any truck that wasn't supplied with vinyl covers and at the end of the day that left us with a list of 206 and I was confident that within those 206 Vehicles was the one we were looking for the strange thing about trucks they're all over the place but you don't take a lot of notice of them when we were just looking for a truck we had nothing specific to go boy but when we'd identified this as a Western Star 4964f truck fitted with a heavy duty Road train Bull Bar they're all over the place every time you pull over to set the traffic lights and looked next to you you saw a Western Star truck I became hyper aware of Western Star Trucks as soon as we'd made that link and was going on holidays with my mother and father-in-law and after a long stint of driving we pull in for petrol and I look across and I see a reddish-colored truck in the distance so I asked Don to take over the petrol and I get to the front and I go straight to the bull bar I squatted down and looked at the Bottom Rung of the bull bar and it's cracked right through I looked down at the emblem and I see there's some damage to the red star in the middle of the envelope so I started walking down the side of the truck I see the side lamp and I look next to that light and I see some damage and there's been an attempt made to cover it up to put some reddish paint over the top so it's not visible so I've now seen three things on this truck that say to me this guy is a good candidate and unexpectedly the good candidate was right next to Ted so I say g'day nice truck um how big is the engine thinking of what a truck Enthusiast would say so do you own the truck and he said yeah the bank owns it and I thought good in terms of the investigation our perpetrator was always more likely to have been an owner driver because the fleet driver would have been asked you know you know what's this damage on your truck because we had the registration number of that truck we were able to confirm that it was owned and driven by a man who lived in Queensland by the name of Brett Kilmore police now needed to see whether Kilmore was even in the area at the time and by checking his mobile phone records on the night of the Collision they got their answer [Music] the phone records were a telling tale as to where he was at that time and it was too close to the scene to be anybody else but him [Music] kilmore's truck had been number 25 on the list of 206 trucks that the police were looking at he was now number one so we approached National transport Insurance again and made specific inquiries in relation to him they didn't have a claim from him in relation to an accident or any damage to his truck caused at Easter time but they certainly had claims from him from a number of collisions that had occurred after Easter time that truck currently was being repaired we noted to move fairly quickly if we were going to be able to examine his truck before any more work was done on it six months after the hit and run Collision police had a prime suspect the problem was his truck had been in two other accidents following the one they believed he caused at Easter and that truck was now under repair thought well this is going to be very challenging but we are going to scour this truck and we are going to try to find anything that might give us a Nexus back to the Caravan and the car the tracks pulled back by that stage had been so badly damaged in the last Collision that forensically it didn't appear that it was going to offer us very much at all however the fuel tank on the passenger side of the truck had been rotated and that was done because there was an area of impact damage to what was the outside of the fuel tank it was in my mind evidence that Kilmore had tried to disguise the damage to his truck so that nobody would put two and two together but it was circumstantial at this stage there wasn't any physical evidence that clearly linked the truck and kill more to the collision near vallartown so the end of two days um pretty pretty heartbroken that I hadn't got a definitive forensic link but I've got lots of bits and pieces including paint samples from the truck and we took the emblem the white W emblem from the truck in the hope that further examination you might reveal something more useful down the track [Music] it was now time to interview their Prime Suspect Brett Kilmore had agreed to come into a Brisbane police station on the rules of answering questions about the recent accident he had in New South Wales we then told him that we were excellent investigation members from Victoria and wanted to speak to him about a collision on Good Friday in Victoria his initial reaction to that was to say what Collision Victoria I don't know what you're talking about but just before the tape interview began things changed he became very salon started to shake and eventually made the comment I've been waiting six months for you blokes to come around and as soon as he said that the realization was this is him this is the bloke I've been looking for for six months what can you tell me about that collusion I was accidentally involved in the collection I'll just have to ask you to speak up a little bit that's always involved with the Collision how are you involved with the Collision oh it touched the back of his cat Caravan and can you recall when the first time you saw the Caravan was when it was too late the middle of my spotted him with not much distance that's having difficulty with bright lights behind me like mine was occupied on the idiot behind me not blaming him he wasn't a cause of accident whoa he wasn't involved in excellence he said that he'd been distracted for five or ten minutes prior to the impact by the very broad headlights of a car traveling behind him I'd spoken to the people that were in the car traveling behind him and they told me that no such thing had happened I didn't attempt to just work I thought that I would have had time to break square but obviously not how long do you think then that you were looking in the rear Vision mirror for what period of time were you doing that before you actually look back to the road ahead of you and then found the Caravan there well this days I was trying to find me a switch and in my mind Kilmore seemed to be searching for an explanation that would account for the Collision occurring without it really being his fault there's a caravan traveling in front of you in the left-hand line you don't see it until you're within about 20 meters of it so there was this Gap a huge gap was it concentration on supposedly the lights behind him but for some reason um fail to keep a proper look out of what's ahead of him this huge white Caravan it's inexplicable how he couldn't have seen it do you know whether the lights on the Caravan were working but when I got up close enough to see him with my bright life I could not see any black lights glowing all I can see is bright white Caravan the things we do particularly in the same direction collision at night time is to examine the tail light assemblies and the light Glide filaments of the vehicle that's been struck from behind if the tail lights are on when the impact occurred we find that the tungsten filaments of the Globes become very hot and when the vehicle subjected to an impact that coiled filament will stretch out of shape to get irregular Distortion so We examined those filaments and that indicated that the lights on the back of the Caravan were operating so it should have been able to be seen did you go back and make any attempt at all to find out exactly what had happened back there whether anybody noted help whether anybody was hurt I didn't think there's anybody left back there but I didn't think that there was no I didn't think that there was anyone hurt and you made a decision not to go back and find out yes why did you do that didn't want to see what may have been there did you realize that if somebody was injured or killed in that Collision that you probably were in serious trouble yes and did that go through your mind yes [Music] Kilmore had admitted to the Collision but police needed to find further evidence of his culpability the interview wasn't over nor was the forensic team's vital examination [Music] police had Tracked Down the truck driver they believed was involved in the fatal crash at Easter while he admitted to being involved Brett Kilmore thought that the lights from a car behind him had caused him to collide into the Caravan he just seemed to be looking for something to hang his hat on that could account for why it happened nearly four hours into the interview the real story emerged do you use any drugs or other prescription medications or other medications of any sort by nodos now NoDoz is supposed to to some extent help you stay awake for a bit longer Cafe yes why do you use those of course you can't get enough sleep you try to take what is you know available do you say that you find it hard to drive and earn a living driving legally hours wise yeah it's nearly impossible to to make a living without excessive hours I've been sacked because everyone likes kind of afford to run away so could that have been a reason why this Collision happened but because of your physical and mental state you just you didn't have the capacity to see what was on the road of it your head of your property and understand what it was until the last moment if that could have a 90 and like nine percent I suppose and just Kilmore started off defensively denying any involvement in a collision in Victoria but in the end admitted that he was tired wasn't able to concentrate properly hadn't seen the Caravan until he was 15 or 20 meters behind by that time even with hard braking and swerving it was too late to avoid a collision that action in itself was grossly negligent to the point that it's involuntary manslaughter it was the evidence from his own mouth that resulted in us believing that we had enough evidence to charge him with culpable driving but our job wasn't finished because we still had to find the physical evidence testimony is something that can often prove to be unreliable or it doesn't necessarily make it through to court as far as we're concerned the physical evidence is something that can't change it never Alters its interpretation should always come back the same way so it's the unalterable fact and once you've got that you know that you're okay to go forward into court when you look at the white W of the emblem from a distance it just looks as though it's just pockmarked with flies until you get really close up and have a look you realize that not all of the black spots are actually flies one of the spots was in fact a hole it was very small only a few millimeters across but it had this peculiar shape I look on the back of the van and on the edge there's a Phillips head screw and see not only is there white plastic inside the head of the screw but sticking out from the side of that white plastic highly lustrous fibers not only did the piece from the screw fit perfectly into the hole but fibers were an exact match to the cover from kilmore's truck so at this stage for me this is the final Eureka type moment and I could say this truck hit this Caravan and of course for me that was the ultimate that was the defining moment of the case from a forensic standpoint I regret not stopping at the sand because things would have been a hell of a easier but that initial little time whether it's been five ten five minutes or ten minutes from that time onwards it's it's the hardest thing ever the second hardest thing I had done my life was read my finance company up and say I can't make a payment um you know what's going past that stage it's hard to to own up I've put my whole life so far into the truck the last thing that I want to lose but you know Jim White so my actions have made of course the life of a little kid so I don't know if you can I could blame someone else I could no point the finger or what I [ __ ] up so I was going to take the same extensions I would take the consequences a hit run truck driver who ran a four-wheel drive on the Hume freeway killing a 12 year old boy has been found guilty of culpable driving six months after the Easter tragedy Brett Kilmore was tracked down by a holidaying forensic scientist who recognized the damaged prime mover it took six months of intensive extensive australia-wide search to find this bloke the jury decision brings an end to a two-year investigation that deeply affected them it's to lose a child has got to be and I have kids of my own who has got to be one of the most tragic things that can happen to you in life This truly amazing that I'd just put their whole heart and soul into it and it to me it seemed like it wasn't a nine to five job for them it did they virtually dreamed and slept and had it 24 hours a day they just put so much resources and effort into finding this guy I mean even though I'd lost a big thing out of my life in terms of other tragedies I I it was probably not a big thing but the police were willing to put so much time and effort into it on a staggered to find one person out of the 160 000 that we started with to come down to that final point and actually present somebody before the courts um is very satisfying as far as a job is concerned and that's what we do a hit-run truck driver who rammed a four-wheel drive on the Hume freeway killing a 12 year old boy has been sentenced to five years in jail no sentence will ever replace Beth Fleming's young song Nikki every day I don't have my son every day I have that loss the court heard how the 33 year old Truckee was under financial and deadline pressure by his company police say it's a sad indictment on the transport industry trucking companies push their drivers to unreasonable expectations judge Francis diet said nothing could excuse kilmore's criminal conduct and no penalty could alleviate the Fleming's pain I hope that every day that he's in jail he thinks about driving carefully when he comes out if was advertised more widely that they do catch these guys I don't think you'd get any more hit and runs because the investigation they go through is so thorough the police aren't going to give up looking for you whether it be six months or a year or two years later that knock may come on your door so you might as well stop and be a good person then think you can get away running and get away with taking responsibility because they're going to get you in the end oh [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 220,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, podcasts, police, renae marsden, revelle balmain, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, children, killer, mystery, whodunnit, killers, hit and run, devastating, crime stories
Id: p03WsaAwNFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 46sec (2746 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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