Who wants to be a Millionaire - Major Fraud 2

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absolutely not good right you got a thousand pounds you solo you lifelines you got fifty-fifty trained friend and ask this audience have a look at number six it's worth two thousand pounds Inc I bet you know this one in Coronation Street who is I bet you don't who is he what have you like seen coronations I've never watched it I mean I've seen it sort of in the telly in 40 years I know sorry okay I don't work out what you want to do in Coronation Street who is Audrey's daughter Janice Gayle Linda Sally I really haven't got their skivvies now you've got the audience you can ask the audience you can find a friend you can go 50-50 sure fifty-fifty probably if you've got two left and you still never heard of either autumn or want to be my shoes you've got a friend a friend you can ask the audience I'm Chris I'd like to run past the audience okay audience let's see if you're up on tips we had Coronation Street here only a couple of weeks ago who raised well over a hundred thousand pounds for charity let's see if you know all about them in Coronation Street this is the question in Coronation Street who is Audrey's daughter now eight on your keypad is Janice B is Gail C is Linda D is Sally a B C or D all vote now he's using a lifeline far too early in the game thank you 89% saying go through percent Linda said Sally 4% Janice my Highlanders your call it's a tricky one firstly there's rot on that guy word yeah but it wouldn't be my fault at home and work so I'll go for I'll follow the audience please I comment what they said I think it was Gayle it's a sick day I'm Gayle okay you tell them so go I'll run with Gayle here if they never never heard of it we'll see that no right no we're sorry Gail but I'm okay fine I'll go with Gayle yeah we got there mm pass and the next question is also a struggle have a look at number 7 we're getting up there this is the 4,000 pounds you're 9 away from a million have a look the River Foyle is found in which part of the United Kingdom England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales we're thinking thinking I've never heard of it with just two thousand pounds in the pot Charles Ingram's having to use his second lifeline well the lifelines are there to help I think I think I'll phone a friend okay bring a phone gerald don't tell him question four possible answers see what he comes up with you stupid 50/50 if you knew late was Gerald he wasn't the finest contestant we've ever had he was struggling quite a bit actually so he got up to 4,000 pounds by the end of the first night and used two lifelines so we knew he was coming back the following evening but expected him to last just a couple of questions or so and then be gone final answer final answer it's the right house you got both out the back as the rollover contestant Charles Ingram has a few precious hours to come up with a plan clearly struggle on his own if you lose two lifelines one lifeline left you've struggled to that point you know you might be going over 16,000 maybe 32 there's no way that you'd expect him to stay there for very much more than two or three questions unless you know an incredibly lucky round of questions but you know having sat through many hundreds of programs that wouldn't be what you'd expect to happen really he'd floundered through but I think he had one lifeline left and I remember her saying got that poor bloody major you know he's got as much chance to get in the 30 mm you know it was going to the moon in a rocket I mean there was just no way this guy could could possibly go much further and I could see his wife sort of sitting up there behind him sort of frowning at mother oh god he's got his little girls and he's promised some ponies and all this okay fingers crossed for next time earlier on tonight but there's an unlikely Savior on the way I'll be major Charles Ingram here at the Murray's on 4,000 pounds of the good news he still has one lifeline remaining we're back Tuesday night let's see he'll be joining us then Morris Braun John Lotter that night the engrams call techwin Witek another millionaire regular and it's at this point he joins their scam the major fraud is about to begin as the show begins again the next day Charles Ingram and his co-conspirators have got a new plan to cheat but it's going to work better than any of them dared imagine hello welcome to Tuesday's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire we kickoff tonight with a contestant returning from Saturday Charles Ingram is here in the hot seat a position he may well have been in before because you're a military man indeed morning wake up Monty have you got have you got a strategy well I have actually I have got a strategy I was a bit defensive on the last show you know I sort of started talking myself out of out of answers that frankly I should have known and did no so this time I'm going on the counter-attack and I'm going to be positive and well basically it means I'm gonna be a bit more sort of show a bit more self commitment you know I'm going to if I feel I know the answer I'm gonna go for it you'll blow the lot then Joel's well you're gonna get in the chair once Denny so remember the players I'll make a mystery in court Diana Ingram claimed she'd never met tech when we took or even knew what he looked like yet throughout the night she's caught on camera apparently looking straight at him sat right behind the major with the other fastest finger first contestants wit expen strangely quiet during the day well I think he'd been on three times at least before and he was he was an old millionaire hand and we were we were new did he strike you as a determined contestant he struck me as being very focused so he wasn't in a chatty mood I have to say perfectly polite and pleasant but I think he was he was focused on the evening in front of him Charles Ingram major Charles you see in the studio playing for real now right now he's got eight questions to go until the million he's still got one lifeline intact he's got that 50 Pittman Charles what's a luck tonight let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire first question of the night and they're cheating from the off right this is where we put the strategy to the test then you got 4,000 pounds okay you can obviously walk away with that at the top of the show and duel runner but and it seemed to get up a bit further have a look at question number eight you've got a 50/50 this would bring you eight thousand pounds if you gave me the right answer here it is who was the second husband of Jacqueline Kennedy who was the second husband of Jacqueline Kennedy Adnan Khashoggi Ronald Reagan Aristotle Onassis Rupert Murdoch right okay I'm not certain it's the first chance to test out their secret weapon I would have thought I would have thought that it would be Aristotle Onassis that coughs from techwin Witek you're hearing it in isolation as the jury did much clearer than it would sound in any broadcast and that's the plan took off after Ingram reads out the right answers on him and Jacqueline Kennedy wasn't mentioned so Adnan casiraghi doesn't ring any bells at all aristotle onassis rings a bell or two the major seeks further confirmation from his accomplice one of my son strategies is to take my time you gotta lose out substracting okay so I just rethink this one for a moment I mean I'm pretty confident in aristotle onassis and after that engrams completely confident yeah I'm gonna go for us aristotle announces you're a wild and crazy man made fun of secure any difference yeah final answer still very happy with the strategy and nobody's too late it's all right answer my attention was first granted to two major Ingram at around the 8000 pound question when our floor assistant said to me there's something strange going on and that was really the first time that I'd focused at what was going on on the set you got a thousand pounds yeah you still kept that life like 50/50 you're two away from an important milestone a thirty two thousand and it's actually important in more ways than one let's have a look though at question number nine for
Channel: RomeijnLand
Views: 5,247,566
Rating: 4.5556026 out of 5
Keywords: who, wants, to, be, millionaire
Id: 7XpDMxyFakY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 10 2008
Reddit Comments

They just needed to be more subtle, like these guys...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/fastjeff 📅︎︎ Oct 05 2013 🗫︎ replies

Note that this whole story is a 1:13:00 special on tv in the UK so if this story interests you, understand it will be an hour endevour.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ASonicAssault 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2013 🗫︎ replies
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