Who v. Whom

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in this segment we're going to talk about the correct way to use who and whom the basic explanation is that we use who when the pronoun is functioning is the subject of a clause and we use home when the pronoun is functioning as the object of a clause let me give you a couple of sentences okay so I have two sentences up here and we're going to figure out if we use who or whom and remember that I mentioned the first thing that we want to identify is is the pronoun functioning as the subject or the object of the position now something that helps a little bit in in determining if the pronoun is in the subject or the object position is to actually replace the word the indefinite article with with a pronoun so we're gonna do this he or him replacement that will simply help our ear be able to hear better if we're in the subjective case or the objective case so in our first sentence blank is coming to the meeting is it who is coming to the meeting or whom is coming to meeting this one's pretty easy let's put in here him he is coming to the meeting or him is coming to the meeting well our ear can very clearly hear that because we've got this is coming to the meeting with our verb we need to have our pronoun be in the subjective case in other words who is coming to the meeting next sentence to who should we deliver the book or to whom should we deliver the book now when I have a to who or to whom question here's how I analyze and reframe the questions so that I can hear what case I'm dealing with I simply answer the question so if I'm sink to who or whom should we deliver the book I answer the question so I say we should deliver the book too and then I can easily put in my pronoun test to him we of course wouldn't say - he because in fact if we put in that pronoun test this word is actually the object of this preposition - it's the object of this preposition - so I know that this sentence that requires that indefinite pronoun I'm going to put in to whom should we deliver the book again to test that I've restructured to answer the question and then try to replace it with that personal pronoun here him so let's now look at another Verster form of whomever of whom and who okay now we're gonna change our basic pronoun format to whoever or whomever and sometimes it seems to get a little bit trickier but really it's not and here's the trick here's what you need to do to test out if I use whomever in my sentence or I use whoever in my sentence where previously we tested out he or him in this case we're when we when we're talking about testing out for whoever or whomever we want to use what I call the hee hoo test ok hee hoo we're gonna test out our sentence using the hee hoo or the hin test just specifically when we're analyzing whoever and whomever let me give you a couple of examples you you okay so first of all we've got our question which I have appropriately used the objective case of home to whom will you give the report and an answer you see potentially these two sentences let's figure out if we should use the subjective case of whoever or the objective case of whomever I will give the report to whomever or whoever well let's do our he who test and him I will give the report to he who or I will give the report to him so the ear can clearly hear that it would be I would give the report to him so in other words I am in the this is an object I'm in the objective case and I'm going to use the word to whomever okay now let's go to the next sentence that's very similar but we've made an important change I will give the report to whomever needs it or whoever needs it well here's the trick when you see words that come after the spot where we're analyzing if we should use a who or a home or a whoever or a whomever let me repeat this when you see words that come after that spot we're in using one of those pronouns I need to test and see if in fact that pronoun is functioning as the subject of an embedded clause now in most cases if I do this he who test it's going to take care of giving me the answer to that question so I will give the report to him needs it or I will give the report to he who needs it he who clearly helps my ear hear that this is this word is actually in the subject position now you might be going subject object how can this be the subject it's still coming after the two here's the answer over here one word coming after the two functioning as this one word is functioning as the object of that preposition in this sentence however this entire embedded clause this is still functioning as the object of this preposition but it's this entire embedded clause and the difference is that the word right here is functioning as the subject of this embedded clause so it's functioning of the subject of this I'm gonna make it dotted because it's secondary of this verb so in fact I here need to use whoever so where is in this sentence I would say I will give the report to whomever period in my second sentence because the word is in the subject position of the sentence within this entire objective clause I'm going to say I will give the report to whoever needs it suddenly I hope I demystified how to use whoever and whomever my goal is to make it boring you make it boring and you demystify it by simply recognizing that I have to test out if words come after it I'm gonna test out to see if it's functioning as the subject of an embedded clause
Channel: English Language 101
Views: 43,590
Rating: 4.9268494 out of 5
Keywords: Who v. Whom, Mcom320, Marriott School Of Management (Organization), Marriott School Writing
Id: XRFy23ObiRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu May 29 2014
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