Who Really is Orie Chef?

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Across the internet strange and obscure social media accounts can pop up that leave us completely dumbfounded Typically many of these have a simple explanation They're an Arg are part of an immersive web series and are actively tying in these mediums for their story Other times though, they're much more enigmatic while at face value these could be some sort of act something about a strange account just might seem off As if it's being taken completely Seriously Tonight we're going to explore one such Facebook account that I previously touched on in episode 4 of disturbing things from around the internet If you haven't yet seen it. Don't worry. I'll catch you up so you don't have to click off this video anyway, ladies and gentlemen, it's time to dive back into the mystery of Orie Chef As I said before a few months ago I included Orie as an entry in disturbing things from around the internet To catch you guys up. Let's take a look at a snippet of what I started you off with Last year a post was made on the /x/ board of 4chan Claiming that there was a user on Facebook that discovered a strange profile by the name of Orie chef Apparently Orie had commented on a news article clamoring on about nonsense after they attempted to translate it things got strange The 4chan user went forth to say this So I was just on Facebook like a Normie that I am and I came across a comment in a post. That's a bit unnerving It's from a posted article from a page that has a few comments. So I saw it The comment was obviously not entirely in English but she Explains how she wants to be cremated before her husband or some type of thing and she kept talking about her friend Susie or something So I got weirded out by this and tried to click on the Facebook account to know what the fuck is up with this lady This is where it gets weirder This was her profile. I Immediately saw that she had no posts or even uploads of pictures. So I assumed that she was a dummy account by some dude Who's doing god-knows-what. Then I saw her friends list Now I just realized after skimming through all these accounts and every bio that she has adds Something weird or cryptic like cheese bread from an almond milkshake and pita bread from a seasoned beef kind of shit like that it seems to be so many that I can't imagine the reason why some person would do some kind of shit like this and what purpose So it seems that after visiting her profile They found that every single one of orie friends was simply another version of her profile picture with photoshopped facial features and hair Posts on their profiles get even stranger than this There are multiple images depicting animal gore with captions that hint at the murder of her own children As We just saw orie chef is a strange Facebook account that posts obscure things These things could include images text posts external links and videos back, then the 4chan poster that I previously referenced got in contact with her and asked about all of her other profiles to which she Responded saying that she made them for Facebook games now while that seems like bullshit at first Let's take a look into ories account now and see how this theory holds up in relation to the posts that have been gaining traction again lately So Orie seems to be back as some people have put it my recommendations Let's head over and take a look at her facebook profile to see what we can dig up this time So straight off the bat We have some strange wall posts that people have shared some ordinary Selfies of her in the Philippines and some eerily edited photos of herself as shown in the sidebar and intermixed within her family pictures Going into one of her posts from December 9th. We can see a portrait of a man This initially might seem odd until we head over to the next. Oh Ok, Orie, very positive Alright, anyway the picture that I'm trying to find is this one Here, we have a family tree and it seems that this man is actually named Ross and using simple logic here is most likely her husband One more thing to note here is her last name Marjorie qua. Keha So if this is her last name, where does the chef come from? Pressing forward in this post presents us with more ordinary family photos of Orie out and about in her daily life Really nothing more out of the ordinary Convenient that she would put the two most outlandish photos front and center, huh? She does this a lot and it's honestly genius Hook the visitors in with ominous photos at the start and allow them to mask the normal ones. They are actually sharing interesting Let's move on So one of the creepier things that she's recently shared seems to be what's getting orie this newfound attention Here, we have a very foreboding picture of a woman in another post she also includes very disturbing edits of this same person in a story that she includes with this she claims this Hello, my name is Marjorie, I'm going to tell you what happened to Daphne She was a very close friend of my father and I saw her very often I'm 26 now, but I'm going to tell you what I remember when I was 8 years old The 3rd week of the month. She told my dad that she wanted to have surgery to look more beautiful However, my dad told her that it was not necessary. She didn't care Anyway, my father went to Daphne's house and when he came back, he said Daphne is dead It surprised me because I was not expecting it How did she die she cut her throat with a piece of broken mirror shaking her head depressively. Now she goes on in her story and claims that this woman haunts her dreams and stays in the head of her victims However after doing some digging on the name I found a personal Facebook page for her in a thread on 4chan from 2013 that has users attempting to match Daphne's face to that of Jeff the killer Apparently ories story holds no substance at all as it's not only written like a creepypasta But most likely someone that she doesn't know at all Going into ories Facebook videos we can see that she has quite a bit of intermixed content Reuploaded as her own Straight off the bat we can see so from Carrie Johnson the ring Momo and some that Aren't exactly safe for work per se So with the intermixed videos the fabricated story in the family photos with disturbingly edited ones sprinkled in there Is Orie chef actually being serious here? Is she really some deranged mother out there making some disturbing Facebook profiles to stir up some conspiracy? Is she, like I previously mentioned in disturbing things four, abusing her children. Is she a dark web lurker? well not quite You see what I'm honestly gathering here is first and foremost the belief that Orie is absolutely doing this for the attention The animal gore that she shares on her page could very well be nothing more than a simple photo that she had snapped to share With the world what it's like being in her profession in the Philippines people still kill animals at home for special occasions and I believe she's doing none other than sharing exactly that Going back to her other stuff. So we see a multitude of disturbing videos and images that come from Orie however, one thing is evident in the commets of these she'll often reference herself as the one who is featured on dross and who is popular in creepypastas So let's back up once more Years ago she started her Facebook page. She most likely and harmlessly made other accounts to actually help herself out in games Since it started happening, she was discovered by someone on 4chan in mid 2017. And in December of that same year was recommended to dross after watching his video it's become clear to me that his coverage of her account was very surface level with him barely diving into the why and Focusing more on the what? Basically the premise of his coverage on her could be summed up like this What is Orie chef, a creepy Facebook account all respect to him? But you really gain nothing from that other than curiosity anyway, this video gained over 4.7 million views and Understandably. His viewers went to check her out With this newfound fame due to the coverage of her situation I believe that she's decided to run with it and Continually posts outlandish and very disturbing videos pulled from all over the net in hopes of keeping this supposed mystery alive Not only that but fake accounts could be popping up as the possibility of other people jumping in on the joke is a very obvious repercussion as well That honestly seems to be the reason that she still shares ordinary things about her daily life including pictures videos and even a youtube channel that seems to show ordinary videos of what looks like barista training from two years ago All masked with disturbingly edited and intermixed creepy posts to keep the viewers guessing and it's working. Out of nowhere. She somehow amassed newfound fame due to people rediscovering her and becoming reinvested in this "mystery" However, there really isn't much there to dissect She's most likely a middle-aged stay at home chef who made multiple Accounts to help herself out in facebook games was discovered by 4chan before being sent to a very very large Youtuber who sent her back an extremely large audience and is still to this day running with the fame because it entertains her That's it While I am being harsh in my Criticisms of the fame that Orie Chef has garnered I can seriously respect the dedication that she has to this mystery Typically when things like this happen they die out pretty quickly However with Orie she knows exactly what she's doing and is leveraging it to keep this admittedly very fun internet mystery alive. I tip my hat to you, Orie The things you drum up and share on your page Honestly are disturbing and hey as long as you're having fun doing it then more power to you Anyway guys that wraps up this update on Orie chef I wanted to make this quick video to set the record straight on her since my initial coverage left it pretty open-ended if You don't agree with me then I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter in the comments below To close. I hope you enjoyed this. I'll see you in the next one. I love you all and good night. (love you too nexpo)
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,998,055
Rating: 4.874948 out of 5
Keywords: orie chef, who is orie chef, orie chef explained, orie chef new, orie chef 2018, orie chef facebook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
Reddit Comments

Watched as soon as it was put out. Always love your work!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jessicarae28382 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 19 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Amazing video. I really enjoy your take on the subject. I like how you don’t fuel crazy conspiracies, and give a logical explanation for these types of things.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xxyy123123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 20 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don't worry about reignbot. Your video is much more entertaining and informative. First day on Reddit long-time subscriber to your YouTube channel. you probably have gone over this numerous times but why the name change?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/themagicwhiteboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When i was 8 a man walked up to me when my mom in the bathroom he said that he would be in my closet, i wasn't scared but when i told my mom she moved from the state...after that a few weeks later we were in Tennessee the same man found were we were and followed us! A few weeks later a man was murderd in the neighbours yard he was stabbed 90 times..the man was never found my friend told me a man walked up to him and said im watching you i immediately knew what was happening 4 years later (i was 13) the man was found and shot a cop and got away he's still on the loose we call him the stalker

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Creeepypastarifle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
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