Who Murdered JJ in Minecraft? (Maizen)

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criminals broke into JJ's house today a terrible thing is happening they are now trying to get inside and commit the most terrible crime therefore the moment has come now to see what really happens next criminals are very dangerous and you need to act very carefully with them a terrible thing has just happened well let's get started and find out what happens next I slept well now I need to run to my friend and find out how he's doing we made an appointment I hope that he is ready to take a walk with me now I've been sleeping too long and I've lost a lot of time so I'm a little late it's time to find out how my friend is doing now I have already run out into the street and I need to go to the JJ house I keep calling and he doesn't answer it's very strange now I will try to knock on the door because he always came out and met me there's some kind of horror going on right now I won't wait any longer I'm opening the door oh no no what a horror there's blood all over the place right now and we need to quickly inspect the house my friend is not here and something terrible has happened here I'm very scared right now and I don't understand what to do about it I need to investigate as soon as possible and find out where he went I have absolutely no thoughts and I am very worried now we need to run urgently to the Village to the locals and ask them maybe they saw my friend I hope that everything will go well and no problems will arise I am very upset right now that such a situation has developed now I went up to a local resident and unfortunately no one saw anything oh I do not know why but now I have a very bad feeling if I don't find out some information I will never be able to help my friend I'm running all over the village now and I've been interviewing the locals but no one can give me a clear answer this is some kind of horror I hope that at least someone will help me now I hear someone calling me and I don't understand what's going on here at all one of the locals said that his neighbor saw something at night so now it's time to investigate we need to find out what the local really saw here I hope that everything will go well for me and in the near future I will find out where my friend may be now there are a lot of blood stains in the house it was apparently a terrible crime huray now a local resident has said that he knows where my friend may be therefore now we will investigate together and he will tell us all the details he knows about I will be incredibly surprised if I manag to find him in the near future apparently the criminals came here at night we fired a very large number of shots the footprints speak to this so I have to take all possible chances and solve these problems as soon as possible I still want to come to my senses a little bit and relax mentally it's very hard because my friend is in danger but I can't waste time so I'll definitely hurry up a local resident said that I would have to go on a very difficult Adventure I need to find these criminals he will give me hints so now is the time to get some food the locals will cook for me and hit the road I hope that everything will work out for me and I will do as planned it will be very difficult to do this but I have to try I have no other choice now the locals are showing me very strange gestures apparently he's calling me to show me the tracks I will be very glad if I still find evidence and solve all the necessary questions regarding my friend in the near future now I know that the tracks are in the forest and they lead somewhere deeper therefore you need to prepare very well a local resident said that he knows a local seller who will give me a weapon soon we will go to him and find out which weapon is better to take I think the sword will suit me better wow I can't waste much time therefore I must now run in search of a friend I am extremely grateful to the local resident and I will definitely tell him this when we meet and now I'm running through the woods and checking out what kind of criminals really took my friend I'm very worried right now because it's a terrible sight I need to act very carefully at any moment I can run into Bandits and then I won't be able to help my friend I'm going to study the whole area very quietly now I hope that I will be able to get to their Lair I'm starting to follow the tracks now I am sure that I will be able to find my friend soon there is a huge amount of evidence and traces of blood here that's why I have to go deep into the forest now and see what happened there the good thing is that a local resident told me about these tracks now I can find out without any problems what really happened there I hear some strange strange sounds and Footprints have now led me to the house oh no criminals are coming out here now that's why I need to be very quiet in no case should I let them notice me so now I'm going to try to get inside the house and do my best to find my friend I'm sure they're keeping him here therefore I will do everything possible to save him I wonder how many criminals are here I see that another one is coming out now and he has bathed in the lake oh no criminals are coming out here now that's why I need to be very quiet in no case should I let them notice me so now I'm going to try to get inside the house and do my best to find my friend I'm sure they're keeping him here therefore I will do everything possible to save him I wonder how many criminals are here I see that another one is coming out now and he has bathed in the lake super the good thing is that they run away on their own business therefore I will be able to explore the house in which they live in the near future and check what they are doing there I'm really worried right now I hope that I will succeed in everything that I have planned there is so much blood here that it really amazes me at the moment I need to find out where the secret place is I'm sure they're keeping my friend in a dungeon he is in a very difficult situation right now he needs help urgently and I can't leave him alone without it great now I'm running around their house and I think I understand about where my friend might be now I'm exploring their secret place and it's under the stove it's incredible so now I'm going to try my best to get inside there's a dungeon there and it's probably huge I don't understand why the criminals did all this because my friend never did anything wrong everything seems to be going according to plan now I have to concentrate on this the main thing is that the criminals do not return at this moment oh no the criminals are here I need to fight them urgently right now because my friend is in complete danger he has absolutely no strength I won't let them hurt him anymore the moment has come now to find out what they want and why they are doing it all I understand they want to fight me now that's why they Point their weapons at me but they still don't understand that I have a legendary sword great I'm beating them now you can't beat me I seem to be doing pretty well right now to act according to my plan the bandits are really losing to me I want a legendary victory in this confrontation I won't let that happen again therefore you urgently need to take your friend in your arms and escape from this place I am sure that we will be able to withstand any attacks that await us therefore it will be very difficult to carry him back home now the main thing is that everything goes according to plan I got everything I wanted in the near near future I need to get my friend out of this building and run to our village as soon as possible to be honest I have some strange feelings as if it was planned and for a reason I'm sure someone tipped him off and that's why he ended up in such a terrible situation great now I'm already running out of the house and it makes me very happy but it feels very strange I see someone in the distance now and I can't figure out if it's a local this is some kind of hor apparently he set us up so now I won't even waste time on him and I'm going to the doctor as soon as possible I need to save my friend because he is in great danger I hope that we can still save him because he needs medicine and surgery he lost a lot of blood and the bandits bullied him for a very long time the main thing is that my friend survives and I don't really care about the other thing yet great now I am very close to describing to the doctor everything that happened to my my friend I hope that he will help me soon now he asks to be taken to the hospital as soon as possible I think that he is in a very difficult situation right now we need to help him urgently please tell me what is required of me he is currently looking at what medications can be used but he cannot give an accurate assessment of how and what to do next I think we will have a lot of problems in the near future but we must definitely save him now the doctor is is trying to resuscitate him but nothing is working he says that he will need very rare substances so I'll have to take his card and go on a trip I have to find them as soon as possible and bring them because my friend is in a very poor condition right now and he needs help in no case will I allow him to have problems with medicines and now I will do my best the doctor explains to me where I can find them and what they look like that's why I'm taking the map now and going there as soon as as possible I am sure that I will succeed the main thing is just to concentrate now and in no case Panic the doctor is now saying that I should speed up therefore I will not waste time and I will leave as soon as possible I've just looked at part of the map and realized that I need to go very far the main thing is that I find everything I need and in no case let my friend down I would never have thought that these plants contain a very large amount of use ful substances that will help my friend hooray I have to do my best and I will definitely find these plants we need to hurry up very much I feel that there is insanely little time left I need to find a bee that will give me special honey thanks to this we will be able to cure my friend we have a huge number of problems I never thought I'd run into them I see a bee now to be honest I am very very surprised that she now agrees to give honey but I have to collect a huge number of flowers so that she can produce honey it will be incredibly difficult to do this but I'm sure that I will succeed now I'm running all over the lawn and trying to find as many flowers as possible I will plant them near her Hive and I think that in the near future she will give me a very large amount of honey I have an incredible amount of work ahead of me right now but I already feel that I will succeed because I can already see where I can get a plant and flowers for this bee I never would have thought that I would have to look for something like this it's really amazing but there's nowhere to go now my big friend is in danger I must do everything possible to get him out of this terrible situation the bee is very happy now because she won't have to fly a lot and collect nectar that's why I'm already finishing picking flowers and going to her I think that she will like the flowers that I have collected and she will be able to extract pollen from there without any problems I want to end these problems as soon as possible and go to the hospital because there is very little time left my friend is in critical condition I have to hurry up the doctor is expecting me and a lot will depend on it I can't waste a minute therefore now is the time to pick up the honey the bee gave it to me without any problems and I am very happy about it soon we will finally be able to save my friend and I will be the happiest super I think that all this is not just like that and there will be quite a bit of work left I am incredibly happy that I have honey now the bee has flown somewhere at the moment I'm running to the hospital now to save my friend it remains to be patient a little bit and he will be completely safe I want to find out from the doctor as soon as possible how his condition is and how effective his treatment is I think that no one has collected honey so quickly in such a short period of time everything is going well for us I am constantly being asked by the locals how my friend's condition is but I'm not going to waste time right now I have already run to the hospital and give the long awaited honey to the doctor he is incredibly glad now that I managed to bring something like this that's why I think we'll be able to cure him soon it remains to wait quite a bit I think everything will go well the main thing is that my friend recovers and I try not to think about the other I will be very disappointed if the long awaited operation does not happen on time and my friend does not recover I have a strange feeling right now I don't understand what it's related to it feels like there is some kind of deception and they are not going to help my friend at all most likely the doctor is deceiving me me and I'm already beginning to have no doubt about it he kicked me out on the street but now I see that he is trying to pretend that he is helping him but this is absolutely not the case I'm starting to get angry now because I don't see any result I'd better go to my friend now and check on his condition can you explain to me why he feels so bad even though I brought everything I needed oh no I was deceived after all this is not a doctor but a local resident who is absolutely not going to help me I need to urgently run back to the room where my friend is and try to help him I hope that I will still find the long awaited potion and Medicine there thanks to which my friend will still be able to recover the main thing is that everything was not in vain I have to use as many medicines as possible to save him I'm very worried right now but I'm not going to get upset ahead of time I am sure that everything will go well now the main thing is to concentrate and in no case panic I think I know where this potion can be stored therefore I do not waste time and act exactly according to this plan I am already very happy with the result thank you very much you can't imagine how grateful I am to you for saving me I felt like I was in a terrible state but now everything has ended well for us let's get out of this hospital as soon as possible I just want to have some fun with myself yes of course I am incredibly glad that I was able to save you you have no idea how much I was worried about you and now it's finally happened now I see that you are going to give me a huge amount of emeralds I am very pleased that you appreciated my work so much let's just spend time together and have some fun now that's how our incredible story ended Mikey was able to save me and punish the bandits I'm all right now thank you all so much for watching subscribe to the 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Channel: Paper
Views: 279,915
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Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen lava securuty base, maizen nether base, maizen volcano, volcano house minecraft, jj and mikey, mizen, Maizen art, mikey turtle, maizen fnaf, maizen security house, hypercow, hyper cow, maizen challenge, jj is dead, mikey and jj died, who killed mikey and jj, who killed jj, who murdered mikey, who murdered jj
Id: P3FPO4m0JrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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