Who Made the Scottish People... The Scotch Irish (Ulster Scots)

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Ulster Scots, Scotch Irish, planters, improvers, oppressors:   different folks have different  names for the people forged by   their arrival along this coastline but how did it really start?   That s a story of intrigue and  opportunism that s easily forgotten.   If you re interested in the people,   places and events in Scottish  history then click the subscribe   button on the bottom left of the screen. In the meantime, let me tell you a story.   Here in the 17th century a people were fashioned  through tempest and fire, bible and sword.   Depending on whether you re a descendant one  of those people living here, or abroad,   a modern Irish republican, or  for that matter a modern Scot,   you might have very different views  of the people forged in that fire.   The well-rehearsed story is of James  VI becoming James I of England   and his strategy of confiscating  land and planting people   after the flight of the Ulster Earls in 1607, but today I want to dig a little deeper   into a story probably little  known outside this province.   A story of private ambition a story of greed, intrigue prison break,   opportunity and one man s ambition. I found the details in a book The Scottish   Migration to Ulster by Percival Maxwell. I ll leave a link in the description   Two months after being crowned king of England James I, as he was to them, granted lands in   Ulster to the Scotsman, Sir Randall MacDonnell but that was really only rubber stamping   a reality on the ground created  during the reign of Elizabeth.   But this official grant said that  MacDonnell had to break the land into   manours and put a strong house onto each Given that England s nine-year war against   indigenous Irish had only ended  six days after Elizabeth s death,   strong houses probably weren t a bad idea depending who s side you were on   Don t make that mistake over here   Anyway our story really starts  here with another Scot.   He was an Ayrshire laird called Hugh Montgomery. or Wee Shug tae his pals   He was an ex-military man, and a crafty lad. His brother had emigrated to England in 1584   and he d been in Elizabeth s good  graces during her lifetime.   Wee Shug s southern brother would  send information back north to Shug,   who would send it on to James VI, and before long   Shuggie Montgomery had earned  his brownie badge for spying.   What s more, when James made his way down to  London to try his buttocks on the big seat   who was one of the Scottish gentlemen that  went with, but Wee Shug fae Ayrshire.   He took the opportunity to catch  up with his ever-alert brother   and they decided between them that  now that the nine-year war was over,   and a Scottish king was on the English throne Ireland was the place of opportunity.   Now by a stroke of luck the Gaelic  chief of County Down, Big Conn O Neil   had been languishing here in Carrickfergus  Castle with little to look forward to   but a head chopping. England s Lord Deputy of Ireland had locked Big   Con up for rebellion against Elizabeth, although Conn himself   described it as a fight in the pub don t you just love the Irish.   Back over the water in Ayrshire,  we Shug Montgomery saw this   as his opportunity to get  hold of some Irish land.   He would help Big Conn escape  in return for half his estate.   So, depending on who you believe, Wee Shug  engineered Big Conn O Neill s escape   by arranging to bribe the jailer  and seduce the jailer s daughter   Why you d need to seduce the daughter  when you ve already bribed the gaoler   I haven t quite worked out, so maybe it was Big Conn s wife who smuggled   rope into his cell inside a piece of meat... and then she seduced the gaoler s daughter   Either way Big Conn escaped and hid in the  steeple of Bangor s church for a few days   before Wee Shuggie had him ferried the  short distance to the Ayrshire coast   and confirmed the deal. Somehow when Shug was down   at court in London trying to negotiate Conn O  Neil s pardon from James VI.. sorry first....   another Scotsman gets wind of it. What can I say about James Hamilton?   St Andrews educated lecturer and  Fellow at Trinity College Dublin,   Dublin Agent for James in  Elizabeth s later reign?   The man who had awaited Elizabeth s  death in London, with fresh horses   strategically placed at points north, so that he could race to Edinburgh and   be the first person to inform  James that his kingdom had come   Sleekit. That s what I d say.   Sleekit If you were in a high stakes poker game and   you laid down your cards to show a fox of clubs, a  snake of spades and jack, Queen, King of Thistles   He d convince the king of thistles  that we might as well split the pot   Sleekit is my point. In August 1604 he wangled   his way into the card game. He managed to convince the king   that Big Conn O Neil s lands should  be divided in a three-way split   O Neil would get a third of  what was originally his,   Shug Montgomery gets a third and Sleekit Foxy Hamilton gets a third   And the king duly agreed Now if you were a sleekit ambitious   fox on the make, what would you do next? Well, on 6 December 1604 the king issued a   letter in favour of a London merchant, who in a quirk of coincidence was   conveniently named Thomas Ireland. In return for a payment of 1,678. 6s. 8d.,   Thomas Ireland was to be given enough  Irish land for an annual income of 100.   How much land is that? The letter said:   so muche of the landes in the twoe Ardes, in  the province of Ulster, he or his nominee shall   thinke fitt, to be parcel . That s like a blank cheque.   It was a blank cheque that two months later Thomas  Ireland signed over to James Foxy Hamilton.   Noooooooooooo The Fox is going  tae stich ye up like a kipper   So Foxy Hamilton became the first Scot to  get a legal title to land in County Down   on Ireland s north east coastline two months before the king s letter   authorising the three-way deal with Big  Conn, Wee Shug and Foxy himself was signed   on 16 April 1605. Even in that letter, all of O Neill   s estate was to be given to The Fox first and he would split it amongst the three later.   Now part of the deal was that they  had to promise to inhabit the said   territory and lands with English or Scotchmen . Foxy Hamilton and Shug Montgomery were knighted   and the previously rebellious  Conn O Neil was granted some of   his own lands back from the crown. The Reason this rebellious type was   allowed lands confiscated by the crown, was they weren t deemed confiscated as a   result of Con O Neill s pub brawl rebellion , but  because of the attainder of one of his kinsman   based here at Eden duff Carrick, also known as  Shane s Castle on the banks of Lough Neagh   Now that I m on the subject of Big Conn, remember that Lord Deputy of Ireland who d had   him imprisoned in Carrickfergus  at the start of all this?   Well it seems that he and Foxy Hamilton  started co-operating to their mutual benefit   and remember that letter from King James the blank  cheque granting however much land was needed   It turns out that sleekit and sleekiter   used it to get their hands on way  more property than intended.   Once a property had been acquired by the  crown, they just added it to the territory   covered by the letter and Bingo! The Fox was in the hen coop   Between July 1605 and May 1608 Hamilton  received more than five separate grants.   Once he had got hold of a title, he would  sell it, or pass it on to deserving people.   ..a bit like if you clicked the link in  the description below and bought me a   coffee as a wee tip for making these videos Now I m only a visitor here, and this may be   old hat to folk who live in Ulster, but the reason this story interested me   was that you tend to read that the  plantations of Scots and English   started when James confiscated  lands here following what s known   as the flight of the Earls . I ll make a video about that whilst I m here,   but the point is that these events tell us  that Scots were flooding over the Irish sea,   on a three-hour boat ride before the  flight of the earls even took place.   This was an opportunistic private plantation  of Scots before the Crown even realised there   was going to be the prospect for state  sponsored colonisation a few years later.   What had been O Neil lands were  now being settled by some English,   but predominantly Scots taking the trip  over that narrow stretch of Irish sea.   County Down and Antrim were  occupied by the gentleman farmers,   retinues and tradesmen who followed, providing a bridgehead for further trade,   transport and lets be honest a bit  of suppression of the local people.   Hamilton and Montgomery just wanted  to make money , but for the crown   suppression of the locals  was always part of the plan.   Grants were given with conditions  that the landholders build a castle   or strong house within eight years. The crown knew that trouble would come   and of course it did The English Civil War s bloody clash between   King and parliament was conceived in Edinburgh  s St Giles Cathedral on 23rd July 1637,   but the head crowned here in  Ulster four years later   It was a long pregnancy The Scots who endured evolved a   unique identity and their own form of the  Scots language and Presbyterian faith,   but close enough to pop back and  watch The Rangers at the weekend.   Of course, you don t need me to tell you that  the division between the indigenous Irish and the   newcomers has continued for hundreds of years. Those watching in the USA don t need me to   tell you that the first huge  influx of Scots to America   didn t come from the Highlands  during the clearances,   but Lowland Ulster Scots making that  leap across a much larger ocean   from here a few generations after arriving. Over the years they provided numerous presidents,   generals and men of eminence but now you know how it began.   If you want to understand more about James  VI and his relationship with the Gael   there s another video coming up on screen now. In the meantime Tha mi an d chas gum bi lath  math leibh. Tiorridh an drasda
Channel: Scotland History Tours
Views: 149,854
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Keywords: Scotland history tours, Scottish history tour guides, scottish history for dummies, Scotch Irish, Scots Irish, Ulster Scots, Scottish history, Scottish people, Northern Ireland, Irish pantations, Ulster, James VI, James I
Id: Zrr5k3ZWH5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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